Touch of Fire

By Minnamouse33

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Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... More

The Bastard of Ketterdam
A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
A New Start
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
New Friends and Enemies
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you


349 6 0
By Minnamouse33

My head throbbed. I knew that my cheek and eye socket were badly bruised. Thankfully nothing had been broken. My left eye was swollen but I was still able to see from both eyes, I was glad to realize my vision hadn't been impaired.

I remained quiet as I looked around. I wasn't sure if I had been left alone in the room and I didn't want to alert anyone that I was conscious now.

It was in a small room. There wasn't any other furniture in the room aside from a small table. On the table was a pitcher of water.

I breathed a sigh of relief to realize I was alone. I rolled to my side and then slowly started to sit up, riding through the wave of nausea that crashed through me.

"Fuck." I groaned shutting my eyes and taking deep breathes to settle my stomach.

I reached for the pitcher and poured myself a glass of water. I sipped it slowly. Waiting for the pounding in my head to lessen so I could think.

Where had they taken Nina? Was she being attended to? She had hit her head when she had been thrown against the wall. I was worried for her but I needed to focus on getting myself out of here too and staying alive.

I didn't have any of my weapons so it would be more difficult to defend myself now. I would need to rely on my wit and my knowledge of Carlson's weaknesses.

When I felt I could stand without falling over I moved silently over to the door, testing the knob. Unsurprisingly it was locked.

I went over to the small window and tested the latch, the window was fused shut.

I was dismayed to realize I was trapped until they decided to let me out.

I decided to test my luck and pound on the door. The noise made my head ache but I endured it as incessantly knocked until someone responded.

It didn't take too long before I heard grumbling from the other side of the door.

" Knock that off bitch. Or you're going to be knocked out again." The voice was familiar. It was the man I'd kicked in his groin in the alley. The one who Carlson had ordered to grab Nina.

" I've already put you on your knees don't try me asshole." I seethed as I waited for him to open the door.

I took a few steps back ready to attack him if he tried anything.

The man wasn't as foolish as I thought, because he opened the door and stood still glaring hatred at me.

" What do you want cunt? You are not going to leave here so why are you wasting both of our time?" He seethed.

" Where is the other woman? Is she okay? Where is Carlson?" I fired questions at him hoping he'd answer my questions despite his hostility towards me.

" Why do you even care? Shouldn't you be worried about your own ass. I'm not Carlson's keeper,he just pays me to do a job. That's the only reason I'm still here. Trust me there are a million places I'd rather be than guarding you."

I decided to switch tactics. I ran my hands down his chest hiding my revoltion as his eyes sparked with lust at me. " You're a strong man, I'm sure you have lots of females vying for your attention, maybe you would like to keep me company?"

I knew the moment he decided he would try to simply take what wasn't being offered. He grabbed at me and I shifted myself out of his reach and I swung hard at his temple. He wasn't fast enough to dodge the blow and he stumbled. I continued my assault viciously striking him in the soft tissue of his ribs and when I kicked out his right knee, I watched in satisfaction as his knee popped out of it's socket and he crumpled screaming in pain.

" I'm going to kill you." He yelled and tried to get up. I kneed him hard in his face, his head snapped back and he collapsed back to the ground.

I stepped over him to deliver two quick jabs to his face again and I watched as he went limp. I smirked as I patted him down for keys . When I found the keyring I smiled and tugged it from his belt along with a mean looking knife.

I tucked the blade into my own belt and went in search of Nina.

I was surprised that no one had come running from the noise I made as I had assaulted my guard.

It was eerily quiet as I ran room to room looking for Nina.

The majority of the rooms were empty but I found one other locked door at the end of a hallway on the far left of where I had been temporarily confined.I fumbled through the keys testing each in the lock until I heard the locking mechanism click.

I carefully opened the door and gasped seeing Nina laying on a small cot in the corner. Her head had been bandaged but I could see the clothe was already soaked through with her blood.

Her hair was matted with her blood and she looked incredibly pale.

" Christ Nina can you hear me?" I asked her quietly glancing warily between her and the door.

I approached her side and knelt to check her pulse. It was weak and she was struggling to breathe. She needed help immediately. I had to get her out of here.

Her eyes cracked open as she felt me touching her and she weakly tried to fight me. I didn't want her to injure herself further so I tried to comfort her." Nina its okay its me, it's Amira. "

"Amira oh thank the saints. I thought he'd killed you. He had threatened me with that if I didn't cooperate." Nina rasped as she trembled.

I frowned, I'd kill that bastard if it was the last thing I did. I glanced worriedly down at Nina. "Do you think you can walk? I cannot fight and carry you."

Nina struggled to sit up. I helped her and we went slowly giving her broken body time to adjust. She was panting,these small movements were taxing her.

She was in no shape to fight or be moved. I hated where my mind went but her best chance was for me to go alone and get her help.

I knelt in front of her, taking her hands in mine. She met my expression and I knew she realized what I hadn't said yet.

I squeezed her hands lightly as I had her look at me," I promise you I'll come back for you. I'm getting you out of here but we need help. Please hang on for me."

She tried to give me a reassuring smile as I helped her lay back down.

I tucked the guard's knife into her hands,closing mine over hers as I said seriously," Take this.You fight Nina, kill anyone who tries to hurt you."

Nina nodded and I felt my heart breaking with each step I moved away from her. I hated the idea of leaving her alone in this room. If I didn't get out of here it was a death sentence for us both and it was what kept me moving.

I creeped up a set of stairs and heard the sound of several people.I steadied my breathing as I slipped down the hallway slowly keeping to the shadows.

I was near the main entrance when I heard commotion on the other side. I cursed as I moved back into another room off to the left of the main door.

The explosion that blew in the heavy wood door then sprayed shards of wood and hot metal down the hallway and knocked me on my ass.

My ears rang and I heard alarmed shouting and people moving in every direction.

A bunch of people in dark clothing rushed through the broken door.I caught the glint of a cane and I gasped.

" Kaz!" I yelled over the chaos and I watched him whirl towards the sound of my voice. When his eyes collided with mine my heart raced. I was so relieved he had come for me.

I felt my eyes fill with tears as he approached me. He fell to his knees in front of me and pulled me into his arms.

I broke then and sobbed as he held me. I breathed in his familiar scent and clung to him as my whole body shook.

" Amira love are you hurt?Where is Nina?" Kaz was trying to calm me down." Darling breathe it's over now, you're safe. I've got you."

His words were a balm to my soul. The deep cadence of his voice grounded me.

Fighting broke out down the hall from where we sat. Several loud bangs echoed through the room proceeded by pained wails.

I shivered trying to calm down, my friends were likely fighting for their lives right now. They needed me in this fight.

I took a deep breathe and wiped my eyes before looking up to Kaz's concerned expression. He took in my bruised face, my swollen eye, the cuts and scrapes on my arms and the blood crusting on my hands.

" Kaz,Nina is in bad shape, we need to get her out of here right now. She doesn't have long I fear." I fought to get out the words. Nina needed me and I would be strong for her. I could have my breakdown only after we all got through this mess.

" Where?" was all Kaz said as he pulled me up to me feet. He shoved a blade into my hands and pulled me from the room.

In the hall Kaz yelled for Jesper,who was trading shots with the Serpents from his position behind a desk he had knocked over."Jesper on me!"

Jesper tugged Wylan and the two men raced back over to us.

Wylan grabbed me into a hug immediately as Jesper gave me a big smile. " Amira glad to see that you're okay. You gave us a hell of a scare right Kaz?"

Kaz growled, " Enough we have to get Nina and get the fuck out of here. Amira show us the way."

I nodded as Wylan released me and I moved swiftly over the debris and back down the hall to the basement stairs. The men followed me swiftly and quietly.

We moved down the stairs and back to Nina's room.

I stayed out of their way so Jesper could move over to Nina's side. Wylan gasped as he saw her and his wide eyes were fearful as he went to help Jesper.

Kaz growled but stood at my side letting the other men get Nina up off the mattress.

Jesper tossed Kaz and me each one of his pistols. He then gently lifted Nina into his arms with Wylan's help.

She moaned and Wylan said to her softly," Its going to be okay Nina we have you."

Kaz nodded at me and we moved in sync out of the room to be their shields if necessary.

Jesper moved carefully out of the room after us with Wylan bringing up the rear.

I raced up the stairs and scouted the area before I waved them back upstairs. The fighting had moved further down the hall in the other direction. It sounded brutal but I needed to stay focused on getting Jesper and Nina out of here.

Kaz stayed at my side as we moved back towards the main entrance. I shoved Kaz aside as a stray bullet pierced into the wood where Kaz had been standing a moment earlier. His eyes widened and he nodded his thanks at me. My heart was racing as I waved the others over. Jesper moved out of the shattered doorway careful not to snag Nina's skirts on the splintered frame.

" Jesper take Wylan and Nina and go back to the club. Get the healer and wait for us." Kaz ordered and Jesper nodded.

Kaz and I waited to make sure they were clear before we turned back towards the fighting.

Kaz frowned before he said to me softly," I don't want you in this fight you realize but I'm also glad you're here Amira. I love you."

I smiled at him squeezing his forearm," Love you more Kaz Brekker and I am seeing this through. We end this tonight."

Kaz nodded and we moved silently down the hall.

I grimaced as we passed several bodies. I didn't want to see their faces, but I glanced quickly to see if any of them were Carlson.

Kaz screamed my name and I instinctly ducked and rolled narrowly missing being stabbed.

Kaz growled and shot the man who had tried to stab me. The man grabbed at his throat,blood spilling through his fingers as he choked and collapsed. I kicked him in the face and watched as his eyes went blank.

I glanced over my shoulder to Kaz nodding before darting around a few more obstacles.

Someone tried to grab me and I swung the blade Kaz had given me at the man sticking him in the stomach. I yanked the blade free and the man screamed and tried to swing at me again.I ducked under the fist to plunge my blade upward into his throat.

Warm blood sprayed down my arm and I had to readjust my grip on the blade as my hands became slippery with blood.

Kaz shot another man in the forehead. The big body falling backwards knocking into a group of people scuffling. The dead weight of the man Kaz shot pinned a young boy beneath him. He screamed frantically trying to free himself.

I knew the boy. It was Saxton. He was only 13. He didn't need to be in this. He was new to this crew and I wanted the boy to have a chance.

I glanced to Kaz my eyes silently begging him to spare the poor boy.

Kaz sighed and came over to kick the man off of the boy. He growled down at Saxton," Get out of here kid. I won't give you another warning. Go to the Crow Club and wait for me there.We will have a chat about your future."

Saxton glanced at me with wide eyes. I nodded at him and he scrambled to get up. " Thanks mister." Saxton said softly to Kaz. I ruffled his blonde hair and ushered him to go.

I watched Saxton leave mouthing a thank you to Kaz who grunted. I laughed as we advanced.

A woman swung a chair leg at Kaz, he ducked and swept his cane to sweep her legs from under her. She crashed hard back into the wall denting the plaster. When he went to shoot her I threw my arm out and pushed his hand down. I shook my head at him.

I called out to the woman over the chaos." Diana stop he's with me. Come fight with us. Let's end Carlson's tyranny once and for all. I don't want you to be hurt."

Diana brushed the plaster from her curls as she meet my gaze. Her eyes were wide. She was terrified. I could see she was shivering.

She had a nasty gash on her right cheek and she was pale. It made her freckles stand out more.

" Amira you're back. What do you mean? Do you know who that is?" She pointed a trembling finger in Kaz's direction. Kaz glared at poor girl which wasn't helping.

I frowned at him, he sighed and moved past us.

I went over to Diana and grabbed her in a tight embrace. " Diana he's my.." I wasn't sure what title to call him so I said " He's a friend. He came to rescue my other friend Nina and I. He won't hurt you if you promise to fight with us."

" Amira.Carlson has lost it entirely
After you didn't return he went and hired these brutes and threatened to kill us if we tried to help you. I didn't know it could get this bad. I don't want to die here Amira." Diana was weeping quietly and my heart cracked for the fear Carlson had instilled in her. She was a sweet girl and had been conned into joining our crew, given false promises.

Carlson had tricked alot of the younger ones into joining us promising them money and security. What he had asked in return had not been nearly fair.

I know Carlson had forced Diana to service the men in our crew.She was only sixteen and it made me sick to my stomach. I had been beaten badly when I had protested and Carlson had threatened to kill the girl. He told me that this was how Diana was earning her stay and if I wanted to keep her breathing id shut my mouth.

It was just one of many reasons I would see the bastard dead.

" Diana im ending this Carlson will pay for everything he's put us through. I promise you we'll get out of this but I need you to be brave. Can you do that for me hon?" I asked her.

" I'll try. " Diana was still trembling like a leaf. She wasn't a fighter she shouldn't be in this. I decided then it was better to send her after Saxton. " Diana do you know where the Crow Club is?"

" Yes why?" She asked me timidly.

" I want you to go there, Saxton will be there I want you to look after him for me, can you do that?" I asked her

" I can yes." Diana nodded solemnly.

I gave her a soft smile, " Good girl, Go on get out of here. I'll see you again soon okay."

She nodded hugging me again before she started back towards the door. I was watching her go.

Kaz came back to my side. He said softly, " There is no one left ahead. Carlson wasn't here Amira. He must of realized we'd attack to get our people back. Im sorry we'll have to finish this fight another day."

I faced him and he could see the hatred in my eyes.

" We will get him Amira I promise. For now let's get you back home." Kaz growled before he kissed me. He was totally unfazed that I was covered in blood and dirt.

I wrapped my arms around his big shoulders and kissed him back, not caring what anyone else saw.

I broke the kiss giving him a smile as a thought came to me. " Kaz how did you even know we were taken?"

"I told him." The soft feminine voice said from behind Kaz. I glanced over surprised to see Inej there.

She was covered in blood but thankfully none of it appeared to be hers.

" Thank you Inej, truly. You saved our lives. " I said softly holding a hand out to her.

Kaz was tense beside me but he remained quiet letting us talk.

Inej didn't take my hand instead she handed me back my blades. " These belong to you. Thank you for protecting Nina, Amira. She is very important to me. "

I gave her a small smile as I slide my weapons into their sheaths. I had felt so naked without them.

" Nina is wonderful and she is important to me too. Inej I'm..." I started to apologize but Inej shook her head

" No apologies, all is forgiven. I hope to get to know you better if you'll permit me. " Inej bowed and nodded at Kaz before she left us to help out the injured men who were limping there way back down the hallway.

I glanced to Kaz who was looking at me seriously. " That was unexpected. " I gave him a sweet smile which he returned.

" Come on woman I want to bathe you and take you to bed. I need you. " Kaz growled as he reached for my hand.

I shivered in anticipation and squeezed his hand as he led us back through the pile of bodies and debris.

" The Stadwatch are going to have their hands full with this. They had to have been informed about the explosion by now. Do you think they will be able to tie this to us?" I asked Kaz concerned

Kaz shook his head, " No I've got that covered."

I grinned, trust that Kaz had a plan for everything. The man was always thinking ahead.

I leaned into him with a grin on my face," I love you Kaz Brekker. Thank you for saving my life. "

Kaz's eyes softened as he replied," You are my life and I'll always come to you. If I cannot walk I'll crawl, but I'll never abandon you. I love you Amira Weston."

We walked the rest of the way back to the Crow Club in silence holding hands.

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