Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

15K 303 113

Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Dinner With the Captain

43 0 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

When we were released from house arrest the next day, the first thing I did was hurtle up to the kennels and get Rigel out. He was ecstatic to see me, and almost knocked me over when the steward let me into the kennel. Will, coming in behind me, managed to catch me before I hit the floor. "That damn dog, I swear he just keeps getting bigger." I was unable to reply due to said damn dog refusing to stop licking me for a moment. Which meant Will had to hook his leash up with a grumble, "I don't know why you're insisting that he join us all day."

"Because I don't like him being cooped up in here." I muttered, straightening my coat and dress as I stood. "Besides, Rigel seems to improve everything." I could see Will roll his eyes as I stood, and with his tail wagging happily, Rigel followed us down to breakfast. The dining saloon was already serving the passengers that hadn't visited the kennels. If the steward thought my request of an extra plate of eggs for Rigel was odd, he didn't say anything.

Will, however, did. "You know he ate last night."

"And look at him," I leaned over and ruffled the hair on Rigel's head. Not that I had to lean very far, he was tall enough to grab food off the table if I hadn't trained that out of him. "Skin and bones, my poor boy." Rigel lolled his tongue out at that, tail thumping and he leaned into my hand when I brought it up to cradle his head. In al honesty, Rigel was large, strong and completely covered in a thick coat of hair so I couldn't tell his condition just from a simple look. Will chuckled though, and didn't mention anything when I placed the eggs for Rigel on the floor and let him eat.

Afterwards, we had just risen when a steward approached with a card. Will accepted it, flipped it open, and nodded. "Please let Captain Haddock know we'll be there." I could see a few other passengers stir at that, looking over with a very obvious curiosity. Will waited until we had left the saloon to inform me, "Haddock wants us to have dinner with him tonight."

"Ah, at his table?" I checked to make sure Rigel kept up as we took some stairs up to the boat deck.

"Hardly, he wants us to join him in the officer's mess." Will smiled, "He knows we won't consider than an insult."

"If anything, it's a blessing." I snorted, knowing that it would be far less stressful to spend the meal away from the other passengers. Fortunately we hadn't been confronted by any curious passengers, but sometimes I felt like the other passengers were eyeing Will with something beyond curiosity. So it was going to be much easier for us to spend the day up on the boat deck, cold as it was. The cold could easily be dealt with by a couple of steamer rugs, and by the fact that Rigel made a very good heater.

I had quite forgotten how strange it felt to be on the boat deck all alone, for the other passengers were keeping down below where it was warm. So it was only Will and I, trailed by Rigel, that made our way down past the row of lifeboats until we managed to find a pair of deck chairs with the steamer rugs we had rented. For a moment I was scared that the cold and the sight of the lifeboats hanging in their neat rows would send me back to the boat deck on Titanic, but I simply shoved my hand into my coat pocket. True to his word, Will had come back from a trip to the offices with Charles with a whistle for me. I rolled it around in my hand as I settled down into the chair, throwing the rug over my shoulders.

Everything was fine, the seas and skies were clear, Will had forgone his own chair to join me in mine and double up our blankets and Rigel was happily panting next to us. I had no doubt my fingers had the imprint of the whistle on them when I finally let it go though. Instead of worrying further, I tried to distract myself by huddling closer to Will. I glanced up, "I don't know how long I'll last, even with the blankets."

He rolled his eyes, "Just call Rigel up and have him lay on you, he'll keep you warm."

"I have no doubt he would." I muttered, petting that big black head. "You don't think your family will mind him, do you?"

"I'm not sure," Will joined me in petting Rigel. "We had dogs before, but nothing quite like him."

"I'll find someone to watch him during the funeral, but I think it would be good to bring him along for everything else." I leaned into Will's shoulder, trying not to think about what it would be like when we got there. Jeanie had been the heart of her family, and without her things would be quite difficult. I wondered briefly how they were going to explain it to Little Jeanie, she was so small it was unlikely she'd even understand.

Will's hand paused on Rigel's head. "He does have a habit of making people smile."

"He's much like Charles in that." I chuckled, "At least we can see them again."

"Yes," Will paused for a moment, smiling widely. "Did I ever tell you about the time he infiltrated a fort in Australia and made everyone think the Boers were invading?"

I started upright. "No!"

"Well, he will have to give you the whole story, but he put the fear of God into the entire town of Sydney." He laughed, and settled into relating a few other tales about Charles and his pranks. It seemed to do him good to think on those, and it did me good as well. When I was thinking about how Charles had let an entire beef roast fly off a table and into the chief officer's bed I wasn't thinking on the cold or the weak light as it faded into afternoon. Eventually it grew too cold even for us to stay out, and we made our way through the ship to the cafe.

I couldn't help but smile as I glimpsed the male passengers heading into the smoking room. "I don't suppose you could get me another matchbook."

"I might be able to." Will smiled, joining me at the iron table that I had occupied. "Although perhaps you could come in with me."

"And lose out on the company here?" I gestured, taking in the rather deserted cafe that was only occupied by a few other female passengers. "You must be joking." Will chuckled, taking a small sandwich from the tea tray that had been brought and slipping it down to Rigel. I couldn't help but smile at that, and found myself thinking back to a very similar cafe. "Did you know, this is the place where I first told my mother I fancied you?"

Will started for a moment, "You didn't, did you?"

"I did! Some other passengers had been bothering me about marrying, they even offered to try and arrange something with Zachary." I wrinkled my nose, shaking my head after a moment. "I put them off that quick enough, but Mother did ask me if there was anyone after they had left."

"Imagine if they had heard there," He reached across, taking my hand. "Although I can't imagine your mother was much pleased either when she heard."

I squeezed his fingers, "Actually, she thought it was rather like when she met Father. In fact, she guessed that I fancied you, I was too scared to say so."

"But not now," Will traced his thumb across the back of my glove, "Right?"

I slipped my hand out of his grip to pick up my cup of tea and take a sip. "Well, I did stand up in front of all New York society and marry you. I would think that would be enough of a sign for you."

"Of course," He smiled, although it didn't reach his eyes. "And I got to watch most of those eligible young bachelors be jealous of me." The rest of our tea passed happily enough, although at the end of it we did have to return Rigel to the kennels. Again, my poor boy felt that it was an unbearable torture and it took Will, the steward and I to drag him back into his kennel. Will, covered in hair by the end of it, groused as we made our way back to the cabin. "Why is he so stubborn about it? It's a perfectly fine place."

I brushed some hair from his shoulder, "Well, it's not often that he doesn't have at least one of us around."

"But there's even a few other dogs in there, surely he prefers the company of his own kind."

"I think Rigel hardly sees them as dogs," I chuckled, "More like cats than dogs. Now, let's get you cleaned up." I was quite glad to have booked a cabin with a private bathroom, for I did hate having to try and arrange for one of the communal ones to be available at just the right time. It was much better to run my own bath, although the tub was not quite large enough to fit Will in. I glanced over the side of the tub at him, "I'm sorry, we'll just have to make up for it back home."

Will, leaning back against the doorway, grinned. "I don't mind watching, although I will probably have to ask for some more towels to be brought up if you're going to wash your hair."

"I am, and you're more than welcome to help with it." I could hear him stand, and when I looked over my shoulder he was rolling up his sleeves. I sighed as I felt his fingers brush through my hair, gently lifting up water to rinse it. In fact, I hardly needed to do anything as he rubbed his soaped up hands through my hair. "You know, I think I can see why people used to have their servants wash them."

Will snorted, flicking a little water at me. "So now I'm your servant?"

"Hardly, my darling husband." I returned his splash. "You're far more than that and you know it. Now, if you wouldn't mind continuing?" He shook his head, but he was smiling and even helped wash the rest of me. He only left to find a steward to bring more towels, and I could hear the two of them in the bedroom before the door opened again. Will came back in, wrapping me in a towel and pulling the plug. I squeezed out my hair into the tub, "Are you washing too?"

"I could stand it." He shrugged, although he plucked at the edge of my towel. "That is, if you're willing to help?"

Moving back to the bedroom, I pulled a towel from the folded pile on the bed and set to rubbing my hair. "I suppose, I'll just work on drying my hair while you get in." The sound of the tub filling was quickly drowned out as I used towel after towel to get my hair dried. By the time I'd managed to run a comb through it, the tub was full and when I peeked around the door, Will was already soaking.

He didn't even open his eyes, "You can come in, love." I kept a towel with me, folding it up to kneel on by the tub. Washing Will was as much a joy as it had been yesterday, although I much preferred being able to run my hands over him instead of a washcloth. I let my hands trail through the warm water, although I veered off when I reached his waist. He cracked an eye open, "You don't have to stop."

"You said you didn't want me to before."

"Well that was with cold water, this water is nice and warm. It would be fine, Ana."

I let my hand dip below the water, trailing my fingertips across him. "Well, if you would like your servant to-"

"I'd like my wife to." Will interrupted, his voice hitching slightly when I took him in hand. He leaned his head back, his eyes shut as I gently began to stroke. He was still rather soft, although I could feel him growing harder. But when I glanced up through the porthole, I could see the light was already fading. I withdrew my hand, making him sit up. "Ana, why did you stop?"

"Will, it's getting late. If we're going to meet Captain Haddock we'll need to get moving."

"Oh, but surely-"

"Later, husband." I leaned over, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Now, will you lace me in tonight or will I need to ring for a stewardess?"

Will crossed his arms, clearly affecting a pout. "So I'm to be denied your company in here and have to pull that damned corset too tight?"

"You'll have my company all to yourself after dinner," I stood, shrugging off my towel and letting him look his fill. "And I suppose I could wear a brassiere, but I thought you'd want Haddock to see me in a fine dress."

"I'd rather he not see you covered in jewels."

"Well, how fortunate because I didn't bring any. But really Will, I just want to impress him. He seems to hold you in high regard." Will's face reddened a bit as I praised him, and he didn't seem to mind lacing my into my corset after he had gotten out. I hadn't brought my finest gowns, but I at least traveled with some that, while somber, were at least fine enough to not draw comment when I wore them for dinner.

Will watched as I curled my hair up, pinning it into place. "I don't suppose you brought a coat?"

"Yes, I have the one I wore when we boarded." I mumbled around a mouthful of pins, "It's in the trunk."

I heard the lid of the trunk raise, and Will drew back from it. "Ana, why did you pack my greatcoat from work?"

"What?" I looked over, seeing him hold up the navy coat with its gold buttons. "Oh damn it, Reggie must have tossed it in."

"Well, I suppose they may as well have a laugh at me." Will muttered while pulling it on.

He at least left it unbuttoned, which meant that after I buttoned mine on I could come up and gently pull the lapels into place. "Would it make it better if I told you how handsome I found you in it?"

Will caught my hands, a look of affection with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Ana, did you plan this?"

"No, Will." I stepped up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "But I'm quite happy with it." I wrapped my hand around his arm, and we set off for the officer's mess. It was rather funny to be going against the flow of the other first class passengers, not a few of whom took a second glance at Will's coat. The boat deck was deserted, which meant that Will could hold me closer as we made our way down to the third funnel. I was glad for it, it was getting even colder and thin wisps of clouds were beginning to appear and cover the stars above us.

Captain Haddock was waiting outside, puffing away on a pipe. He raised it in salute, "Ah, William, Anastasia! I didn't think you'd be coming in uniform."

"Yes, well," Will shrugged, "It was just in my trunk, so I figured I may as well throw it on and try and fit in."

"Still, it's good to see that you haven't forgotten your roots." Haddock held the door open, "After all, you're a man of means now."

I gave Will's arm a squeeze, "He still works, in fact he's chief officer on one of my ships."

"Your ships?" An officer, I recognized him as Ryland, goggled from the table. He immediately flushed, "My apologies, ma'am."

Will handed me down into my chair, "My wife owns a large shipping company. Ana was kind enough to hire me on after what happened, and the captain she assigned me to found me worthy of the rank."

"You're worthy of being a captain by now." Haddock grumbled as he sat, the officer's steward coming forward to put out glasses. He shook his head, taking a sip of water. "Well, regardless, I hope you've been enjoying your time onboard."

Will flushed slightly, "It's been pleasant."

"It must be quite different from when you served." One of the other officers spoke up, "I hope you haven't gotten too used to all those luxuries. After all, if one of us gets ill you could always fill in!"

"It is quite different," Will took a drink from his own glass, "Although to be honest, I prefer to be working onboard."

I smiled, "Yes, luxuriating is a trial for him. Why, when we were on a crossing for our honeymoon he went out to take star measurements one night!" That led to a laugh from the table, and a few remarks about Will needing to loosen up a bit, especially if he was doing that on his honeymoon. I could actually see him relaxing into the gruff, but genial, atmosphere. He seemed far more at ease discussing previous voyages with the other officers than he had the other night at dinner in the first class saloon. I had to admit that I was happier with the fare presented to us, the previous dinners had been rather light.

Tonight though, we had been presented with finely cooked steaks and mashed potatoes. I contented myself with the food, seeing as the conversation had moved far beyond what I could understand of sailing. As for anecdotes, I highly doubted everyone wanted to hear about how I had cried my way through a storm or shoveled coal. They had all done far grander things, or had heard of them. I couldn't help but gasp when they passed along a story about the Lusitania encountering such a tall wave that it pushed her bridge back and broke all the windows when it crashed over them.

"Don't be scaring her with that," Captain Haddock rolled his eyes. "It was ages ago anyway, and Mrs. Murdoch has had quite enough exciting encounters onboard ocean liners for a lifetime." Herbert had a small smile on his face as he turned his knife to his steak, "You know Mrs. Murdoch, I had a thought on something you and your husband might enjoy doing tomorrow."

"Oh?" I sipped at my water. "And what might that be?"

"Well, given that you two met on a very similar ship," He glanced between Will and I, clearly waiting for a reaction to the thought of Titanic and relieved when we managed to keep it off our faces. "I thought you two might visit all the places you did before. We'll be arriving the day after tomorrow, it would be your last chance."

I reached for Will's hand under the table. "I think that's a wonderful idea Captain Haddock, we've already reminisced some but a bit more can't hurt." Will gave my hand a squeeze, and when I glanced to him he was smiling slightly. Dinner passed quickly, and soon enough a pot of coffee and a few fruit tarts had been presented for dessert.

Will chuckled as I wrinkled my nose at the coffee, "You don't have to drink it, you know."

"I know," I replied, snagging half a strawberry tart. "You all are more than welcome to it."

Herbert grinned at that, "Well, I wouldn't say no to sharing a cup of coffee and a cigar with you outside the bridge, William."

"That sounds pleasant." Will stood, and after wiping my fingers clean, I joined him. "Ana, would you mind going back to the cabin?"

"Not a bit, although I may be asleep when you come back." I stepped up, kissing his cheek and drawing my coat a bit tighter around myself when I stepped out onto the boat deck. I left Captain Haddock and Will with a wave, grateful that there was a door to the interior of the ship not too far away. It was the work of a moment to ask a steward to send someone to help me undress, and by the time I had pulled the pins out of my hair a stewardess had arrived.

She was quiet and quick about getting me out of my dress and unlacing my corset. Alone, I shrugged out of my chemise and into my nightgown. Given the cold, I threw a dressing gown on over it. I glanced at the clock, hoping that Will wouldn't be too long. I could always stay up to greet him, he'd no doubt be full and rather happy after spending some time with Haddock. So instead of sliding into bed I grabbed a book and settled down in the sitting room. About halfway through a chapter, a sudden knocking sounded on my door, almost panicked. Thinking that it was simply the stewardess coming back, I simply belted the dressing gown a little tighter and opened it. Captain Haddock stood there, his lips pursed and he quickly looked away from me in my relatively immodest state. "Mrs. Murdoch, I'm sorry, but can you please come with me?"

I clutched my dressing gown a little tighter around myself. "What is it?" I fought down a memory, of another flustered man in a naval uniform anxiously pounding on my cabin door in the middle of the night. I wanted my whistle, I wanted Rigel.

I wanted Will.

"William, I'm afraid something has struck him and I cannot get him to leave the bridge." He sounded desperate. "Please." I nodded, ducking back inside to throw on my coat before coming back out, slipping my hand into my pocket to wrap my fingers around the whistle. Captain Haddock kept talking as we walked. "I should have realized it would be too familiar up there, I just had no idea it would affect him so." With that statement, I had a feeling I knew what had happened with Will.

As we gained the boat deck, I tried to assuage him. "It's alright Captain Haddock, sometimes these things just happen. I've had my own moments." I didn't mention that one had almost happened not five minutes ago.

"Please, tell him how sorry I am, I never intended for it to happen." He opened the gate to the officer's promenade for me, and I could see Will at the railing. There was hardly any moonlight, but I could see the stiffness of his shoulders.

"Captain, could you all please wait in the bridge?" I could see a couple of other officers hanging out by the doors, clearly staring at Will. But Haddock quickly shooed them all inside, and I slowly approached my husband. "Will? Darling?" He didn't respond, but I wasn't expecting him to. I just wanted him to know I was here as I came around him, running my hand down his arm. His hands were tight around the railing, his arms almost shaking with the strength he was exerting.

I gently pried his gloved fingers away from the railing, slipping around to the front of him. His blue eyes were fixed on some point in the distance, his face pale. I brushed my hands over his jacket, feeling a hard item in his breast pocket. I pulled his whistle out, blowing on it softly. He looked down at that, briefly, and I used the moment to place my hands on his cheeks and pull his forehead down to rest on mine. "Will, it's time to go to bed."

"Ana," He breathed, my name barely audible, and he nodded briefly against me. I held him close as we slipped out of the bridge, back down to our cabin. He didn't speak again, but he let me help him undress and get his pajamas on. I had just turned to pull down the blankets when he suddenly reached over and tugged the skirt of my nightgown up. Well, perhaps he simply wanted to forget it all and bed me. I pulled it over my head, and slipped under the sheets.

I had expected him to be desperate, forceful, to want to lose himself in me, but he wasn't. He was slow, simply tracing his hands up and down my body as he lay next to me on his side. He'd let his hand drift up from my thighs to my breasts and then he would linger. Eventually he settled with his hand across my heart, his thumb in the hollow of my throat. I curled my arms around him, drawing his head down to my breast. He almost shivered as he settled against me, and I ran my hands down his back. "We're safe in bed Will, safe and warm. And I'll be here all night."

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