Our Love Story • Luka Couffai...

By alazyass_

60.9K 2.2K 413

"Wow Your Sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?" "Yeah! I've written every nice thing that a... More

|Author's Note|
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
|Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Final Author's Note|

|Chapter 9|

1.9K 84 15
By alazyass_


"O-Okay- Wokayss- Okie Dokie. Time for me to find a pothole to live in and die. Thanks for saving my life- Okay, alright. See ya-!"

But before she could escape him, Viperion quickly grabbed a hold of her hand to stop her.

"Now, hold on!" Viperion called out to her. The warmth of his hand electrified (Y/N) to her very core, and she wasn't too fond of the feeling.

With her cheeks slowly reddening, and eyes shining with enticement, she turned to face him with a perplexed look plastered on her face.

Luckily, it was already getting dark and the lights around them were dim.

She wasn't too worried about being seen with a red face, (Y/N) was honestly more concerned about the snickering Zoé that stood in the sidelines.

She had already planned Zoé's funeral in her head, but lucky for her, (Y/N) loves her bestie too much to smite her.

"W-What is it?" (Y/N) cursed under her breath for shuddering like a complete imbecile.

Viperions lip curled into a small smile, which swiftly threw (Y/N) off balance. He had the appearance of a little carpet python, and (Y/N) found herself falling deeply infatuated with him.

'What a man, indeed.'

"I may have sounded a little bit harsh earlier, and I wanted to apologize to you." He nodded his head. This caught (Y/N) off guard at first, and she urged for him to continue.

"To apologize for my crass behaviour..." He started, his gaze leaving hers for a quick second as he spoke. "I would like to take you someplace interesting. I'm sure it'll help you with your inspiration hunt."

"Oh heck yeah I'm i-"

"Absolutely not."

(Y/N) turned to face her bodyguard, eyes glaring at his stoic face. Fernando simply looked back at her, his eyes telling her that he doesn't see Viperion as someone who is trustworthy.

"Fernando, it's fine if (Y/N) wants to go with him." Zoé nudged him. She turns to look at her best friend, and gave her a small wink.

The mischievous smile plastered on Zoé's lips already had (Y/N) red in the face, but the fact that she was all in on the idea had the (H/C) haired girl fuming with embarrassment.

That saves her the trouble of explaining her undying crush on Viperion, which was pretty good.

Fernando didn't look to convinced, as seen in the scowl on his face. And so, Zoé continued, "He's a superhero, the one's I told you about a while ago. She'll be safe with him, I promise."

It took a moment of thought for Fernando to answer, but he finally gave the two a curt nod. "Be back by ten, and be careful." He scuffed.

"Whatever you say, dad." (Y/N) rolled her eyes at her bodyguard, a smile playing on her lips.

"I'll bring her back on time, you have my word!" Viperion grinned at Zoé, Fernando and Jean.

In an unsuspected turn of events, Viperion goes to turn around and face (Y/N).

She looked nervous and antsy that he couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Viperion leans in close, and this sparked (Y/N)'s attention. Her face reddened, eyes wide in surprise and her lips parted in anticipation.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

(Y/N) looked at him confusedly, "R-Ready for what exactly?"

Viperion suddenly lowers himself to seize (Y/N) by the legs.

He took (Y/N) by surprise as he hauled her close to his chest and carried her as if she were nothing more than a jug of milk, hooking one hand on each of her knees and one on her back.

The flush on (Y/N)'s face didn't waver once as he effortlessly raised her, and it looks as if her face seemed to have taken on the color of a ripe tomato.

"W-W-What in the holy grail of macaroni and cheese-" She goes to protest, eyes wide and face red enough from all the Ara Ara scenarios happening to her all in one night.

But it seems to be a mistake when she locked her gaze with his.

The moment their eyes met, (Y/N) swore that Viperions gaze twinkled upon looking at her. His teal hues, matched with that heart-melting smile...

She didn't stand a chance against him.

"Hold on tight, (Y/N). And maybe close your eyes if you are afraid of heights."

"Okay hotti- Wait, what?"

A few minutes of screaming, wailing, and protesting later, Viperion and (Y/N) finally arrived at their destination.

As much as she loves having the wind under her hair, (Y/N) didn't stop to think that she'd be jumping atop of rooftops with one heck of a succulent man.

The feeling was intense, it felt scary at first, but gradually, she got the hang of it.

She could feel Viperions heart thumping and his heat radiated, seeping through her clothes and warming her soul.

'Did he feel the rush of adrenaline, too? Does it always feel like that when you do parkour stuff? I'm going to have to write this down.'

"You can open your eyes now, (Y/N)." Viperion carefully placed her down, and she was profusely thanking God that she's finally touched solid ground once more.

(Y/N) had her eyes covered. And she wouldn't admit it, but she may or may not have teared up a little.

Slowly but surely, she pulls her hands from over her eyes.

The soothing sounds of the atmosphere caused (Y/N)'s erratically pounding heart to quiet down as she felt the gentle breeze tickling her face.

she fluttered her eyes open and her mouth dropped open when she saw the magnificent sight that beholds her.

"Oh my goodness..."

Under the shimmering darkness, Paris looked like a gleaming paradise.

The streetlights and the beautiful scenery, and the all in all the calming environment had (Y/N) in awe.

Everything looked to small, and it felt calm and peaceful and... Then a thought came to mind.

"H-hold on a second. Where are we?" She turns to look at Viperion who's gaze was already on her.

He has a childish smile plastered on his face, and he cocked his head to the side as he spoke. "You don't know where we are? This is literally a landmark in Paris."

She shook her head at him. "My guy, I'm to preoccupied with the magnificent scene in front of me. Just tell me where we are."

"We're at the Eiffel Tower, silly."


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