[TAENYFic] Accidental Love (c...

By moonlight_kim

309K 7.5K 1.9K

Description Dr Hwang met the bike racer Kim Taeyeon. Love start from an accident? Will it be good start? Will... More

1> 1st Encounter
2> Whose fault?
3> First Day
4> 2nd Encounter
5> Lie
6> The Final Race
7> Alive
8> Teaser
9> Revelation
10> Wait for me
11> Lost
12> Friends
13> Goodbye
14> Girlfriend
15> Love
16> Trouble
17> Jealous
18> Just Another Normal Days
19> Someone
20> Bad Day
21> Save Me
22> Oppa
23> Revelation (END)
24> Emergency Love(Sequel)Accidental Love
25> We meet again
26> Jessica
27> Lips
28> Friends
29> You saved me
31> Lets just forget all this
32> I still love you
33> The carnival
34> Crash
35> Chance (END)

30> Even just one day

7K 181 5
By moonlight_kim

-Even just one day-

When Tiffany woke up the next day, Taeyeon was no longer in the room. Her bag was not there as well. The clock showed 6 am. Taeyeon probably had some emergency or maybe she wanted to avoid being seen by other staff. Thought Tiffany. She pick up her clothes on the floor and headed to the bathroom.

Bora who was running out of nowhere, saw Kahi in the cafeteria, quickly grabbed her friend's hand to one of the table at the end most corner.

"What's wrong with you?" Kahi grunted, feeling too early to be dragged that way.

Bora checking her right and left before turning to the angry older woman in front of her. She whispered, "Did you hear last night? Someone had sex in the on call room!"

"Oh, well... that's nothing new. Doctors are busy but we need to get laid once in a while too," Kahi answered casually while sipping her coffee.

"One of the nurse on duty last night heard someone's moaning when she passed by the on call room." Bora continued, "The thing is, the sounds came from the surgical side."

"You mean, it's one of our colleague?"

"It's Tiffany. She was on call last night."

Kahi almost choked on her coffee. "How did you know?"

"The nurse told me."

Kahi didn't believe her friend, "Well, Erika was on call last night too."

"Erika-sshi was on call in the OT not in ED."

Kahi paused to think. She shook her head, "No, it can't be. Maybe it's one of our interns or residents. Besides, the room is not all exclusive for surgeons. Anyone can use that room."

"Maybe... But Taecyeon was on call last night too. And they were seen together there after Taecyeon save her from PSY patient."

"So Tiffany and Taecyeon..." Kahi gasped. "I thought she didn't-"

"I know right. Maybe Tiff finally took my advice last time."

"What advice?" Tiffany suddenly came and sit down.

"Tiff I know what you did last night," Bora said with a grin.

"What did I do last night?" Tiffany asked back, confused.

"You have sex with Taecyeon!"

Her jaw dropped, "Where is that come from?" she asked.

"Er... they told me."


"I don't know, the nurse on duty last night." Bora eyes shifted to someone behind Tiffany. "Oh, talking about him..." she signaled with her eyes about the man who was heading to their table.

"Hi, Taecyeon." Bora greeted with a wide smile on her face.

"Hi girls!"

"You look happy today." said Kahi.

"Is there any reason why I should look sad?" he asked confused.

Tiffany glared at Bora and that shut up her friend from saying anything more.

The man turned to her, "Em... Tiffany, are you free for lunch later?"

"Er... I might be busy."

"How about dinner?"

"Maybe not today, Taec. Sorry..."

"It's ok then. But tell me if you change your mind."

"Yeah sure."

They watched Taecyeon leaving the table.

"Awww. Poor Taecyeon. You reject him after what you two did last night. You don't need to be shy in front of us Tiff." Bora commented.

"We didn't do anything. Yes, Taecyeon was on call last night but he was not with me." Tiffany explained.

"Then who were you with last night?" Kahi suddenly asked.

The question caught Tiffany off guard, "I-I'm alone."

"You are alone? Did you masturb-"

"YAH!!! Whatever things you heard it's not coming from me ok? Not coming from my room! I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I don't want Taec to misunderstand later." She sighed, "And how many people know about this?"

"Oh, only the gossipers." Bora answered.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, "Which means everyone. Great! Now everybody in this hospital will start talking about my sex life." Tiffany sighed exasperatedly. "No wonder they were looking at me with a weird smile. I thought I was wearing the shirt inside out. Hm..."


Taeyeon groaned, lightly punching on the wall. She was pacing back and forth at the steps, thinking about what had happened last night with Tiffany.


Tiffany was no longer talking, Taeyeon thought the woman must be sleeping. She stopped massaging and craned her neck over to look at Tiffany's face but the face was buried in the pillow.

While wiping her oily hands with a towel, her mind debated whether or not she should wake up the girl. And she chose the second. Looking at Tiffany's bare back, Taeyeon took the cover and pulled it over the woman. She slowly leaned down and planted a kiss at the back of Tiffany's neck.

When she heard a sound from the other woman, Taeyeon quickly pulled back. After waiting a few seconds, Tiffany still didn't move. Taeyeon felt relief knowing the girl was in a deep sleep. Again, she leaned down slowly and planted another kiss on the exposed skin. A kiss, became a several kisses. It became addicting to Taeyeon that she unable to stop herself. She didn't realize Tiffany was awake until she noticed the woman below her squirmed and her ears caught a faint of whimpers muffled by the pillow.

Taeyeon knew she should stop but the sound coming from Tiffany which became loud and louder felt like encouragement for her to continue what she was doing. Her hands became bolder when they moved to caress the woman's side and later wandering to touch other parts of Tiffany's body. Her lips had reached to the woman's lower back. Before she knew, her lips exploring and kissing other places that she wasn't imagining to touch and bringing the woman below into bliss and pleasure.

End of flashback


"Why do I have to suffer all this alone? Taeyeon should be dragged as well..." Tiffany rambled and she blushed at her thought. What happen last night was so intense, she almost passed out. She had to restrain herself from screaming out loud her orgasm after haven't been touched for a while. Just thinking about Taeyeon now made her face heated up.

"Maybe... maybe we should try again..." Tiffany reconsidered giving them another chance.

She skipped on her steps, wandering in the ward looking for that particular female doctor but she was nowhere in sight.

Thinking Taeyeon might be in another ward upstairs, she decided to use the stairs instead of the lift and how lucky she was when she found Taeyeon there. She couldn't help but to form a wide smile as her heart jumped looking at the girl.

"Taeyeon," she called in a cheerful voice.

Taeyeon turned around to see her.

"What are you doing here?" Tiffany asked as Taeyeon stand up, dusting her clothes.

"I-I just resting..." she said. Taeyeon looked nervous and anxious.

Tiffany didn't know how to start but she need to tell Taeyeon what she felt after what last night, "Em... Taeyeon, about last night-"

"It didn't supposed to happen," Taeyeon interrupted.

"I'm sorry?"

"I started it and I'm sorry. I mean... we are friends. I don't want to ruin what we have now." Taeyeon reasoned looking at Tiffany in the eyes.

Tiffany's heart clenched. She didn't expect Taeyeon to say that. She thought Taeyeon felt the same but she was wrong.

"I-I don't blame you. It happen in a spur of moment. It's ok..." Tiffany paused, "If that's what you want, I can pretend that it never happen." Tiffany took her leave but Taeyeon grabbed her arms.


"Don't touch me," she smacked Taeyeon's hand away and run back downstairs leaving Taeyeon there.


As she promised, Taeyeon had brought the 17 year-old boy his favorite food in order to let her talk to him.

"Do you like it?" Taeyeon asked the boy who was engrossed eating the fried chicken she bought for him.

The boy nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, it's good, thanks!" he smiled.

"Now that we are full, is it a good time to talk?"

The boy hesitated but then he nodded.

"You know what I'm gonna talk about right?" Taeyeon began.

"Em... I have the idea."

"So, tell me why you refuse for surgery."

"They said, there is a possibility for me to paralyze. I don't want to end up in a wheelchair," he said, looking down on his leg.

Taeyeon didn't blame the boy to think that way. He was still young to face all this. She herself had faced almost similar experience; the feelings of unable to walk, it was terrible.

"Let me ask you something, if you was given a chance to live a year longer but you need to sacrifice one part of your body, will you do it?"

The boy think for a while, "I-I don't know... If it's for the person I love, maybe I will."

Taeyeon nodded, "Let me be honest with you. You have tumor in your brain and it's getting bigger. If we don't remove it soon, you will die within 3 months."

The boy looked surprise at the revelation. He now looked at Taeyeon's face worried.

Taeyeon continued, "But if you did, there is a chance you will survive at least for 5 more years."

"5 years?"

"Yes. Your parents respect your choice if you don't want to operate but do you know how they feel when they know they will lose you in three months? You never see them cry but they actually feel very sad about it, knowing that they can't do anything to help you."

"So, what if you can't walk for the rest of your life? They are many people out there who can't walk but they can be successful. If they can, you can do it too. I believe you can." Taeyeon stated firmly.

The boy just looked down again.

"I didn't mean to force you. In the end, it's totally your choice. Choose the best thing for yourself. You should be grateful that you still have your family who stays with you when you face the hard time..." Taeyeon trailed off.

The boy noted Taeyeon's different expression. "Doctor, are you alright?"

"Oh, sorry, yes, I'm fine. I think that's all I need to say. Any other things you want to tell me?"

The boy shook his head.

"If you want to change your mind, you can inform Prof Shekar or you can just inform me. I'm just around here."

Taeyeon stand up to leave but the boy called her, "Er-Doctor."


"If you were given a chance to live just one day longer but you need to sacrifice one part of your body, will you do it?"

Taeyeon was taken aback at that question. She used to ask her patients but she never thought of her own answers. At that time, the first thing that came across her mind was Tiffany. She finally realize something. "Even just one day, I will."

When Taeyeon exited the ward, she saw Tiffany was heading towards the lift.

"Tiffany," she called.

Tiffany didn't stop walking so Taeyeon catch up with her, "Tiffany, wait!"

"Sorry, I have something else to do," That's all Tiffany said as she stepped into the elevator.


Taeyeon flopped on the sofa of her apartment. Her hand pressing the remote control, changing from a channel to another channel. Her mind was not on the screen television but was thinking about Tiffany. Her phone ringing and she picked up without bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Hey, Taeng why you haven't call me for a while? Are you alright?"

"Sorry, Yuri... I'm a bit busy."

"Oh, Yoona say hi to you."

"Hi Yoona..." Taeyeon hi back halfheartedly.

"What's up with the sad tone? Let me guess. Something is going on between you and Tiffany?"

"I think I screwed up, Yuri. I screwed up."

"If you screwed up then fix it."


"Thanks to you, Erika. The boy agreed for operation," Prof Shekar said to Taeyeon.

"Oh, that's great!"

"The parents want the surgery to be done in another hospital near their hometown. So, I handed the case to the specialist there, Prof Lim. I told her about you. And he said he wants you to assist her in the surgery."

"What?" Taeyeon surprised.

"So, you need to go there tomorrow to help prepare the patient."

"Ah... Yes, I will."

Taeyeon mentally sighed. The things with her and Tiffany haven't settle but now she need to attend this matter first before she could talk with Tiffany. She hoped that she won't be too late for that later.


"Tiffffffffff!!!!"Jessica yelled when she saw Tiffany in her sight. She ran towards the other woman.

"Jessie! Do you realize that this is hospital?"

"I know, but I miss you so much!" the blonde hugged her friend tightly.

Tiffany broke out a smile as well, "I miss you too. Where have you been? You said it's only a week not weeks!" she pouted.

"I'm sorry... I continue staying there with my sabbatical leave. So how are you? Do you miss me? Did you eat well while I'm not here?"

"I'm fine. I just miss you though..."

"Good. I bought you something from UK," Jessica handed her a medium sized wrapped box.

"Thanks." Tiffany could see there were other three presents in Jessica's paper bag. "Who are those for?" she asked.

"Em, one for Kahi-unnie, one for Bora...,"

"And another one?"

Jessica paused and looked at Tiffany who stared back at her, waiting for her answer. She swallowed a lump in her throat before continue, "Another one is for... Taeyeon."


"Yes, the Erika Kim Taeyeon." Jessica saw the confused look on Tiffany's face. "Tiff, I need to tell you something..."

"What is it about?"

"It's about Taeyeon..."

Tiffany felt her stomach churned. She didn't want to listen to whatever her friend wanted to say but she have to.

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