Touch of Fire

By Minnamouse33

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Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... More

The Bastard of Ketterdam
A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
A New Start
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you

New Friends and Enemies

615 11 0
By Minnamouse33

I smiled when Kaz conceded and leaned down to kiss me again.

When his lips brushed against mine I sighed contently letting him set our pace.

He was sweet with his kiss but he seemed just as starved for my attention as I was with him. He added pressure and sought entrance with his tongue. I conceded to his demand easily savoring the feel of his tongue dancing with mine.

He was a quick learner he seemed to remember just how I liked my kisses, the amount of pressure I craved and the technique.

He had us both panting again when he ended the kiss.

"Damn Kaz you're getting very good at this." I sighed as I winked at him.

" I plan to excel at this and I want you to crave my kiss. " He rasped watching me closely.

" You're a perfectionist Kaz it's in everything you do. You try to fit the pieces together like its a puzzle that needs solving. This isn't something that needs to be perfect. It should be chaotic and messy, it should be near desperate with desire." I said affectionately as I reached up to tuck an errant strand of dark hair back from his gorgeous face," You don't need to fight so hard to keep control. If you trust me, if you want this, just feel it Kaz."

Kaz's eyes narrowed slightly, that adorable furrow back between his dark brows again. It made me grin at him which only made his frown deepen.

"I won't mess this up Amira, I want you to enjoy being with me." Kaz said softly," I don't know how to be less controlled."

I gave him another small smile and kissed his cheek," You just need to let yourself be in the moment. Don't think about every single step. Your body knows what it needs and you can do this only if you let yourself fully trust me. Can you let me take charge for a while? Can you trust me?"

Kaz settled himself back against his headboard and took a rallying breathe before he responded " I can only promise to try."

" That is all I ask of you Kaz. Now may I move on top? " I asked him softly.

His eyes flashed and I knew his mind was racing with all the erotic possibilities in having me straddling him from above.

" Please." Kaz growled and I moved slowly giving him time to still change his mind. I hovered above him holding the headboard not letting my weight press into him just yet. I kept his gaze as I slowly sank down on him to settle myself and I stilled letting him adjust.

He had gritted his teeth, but his arms slid around my waist, his hands resting on my bottom. I still didn't move just watched him.

I felt him knead my ass and I grinned down at him.

"You okay Kaz?" I asked him needing to know.

His response was to grind me against him. I shivered as jolts of intense pleasure shot straight to my core. I felt myself growing more wet, my body readying for him.

He was hard again, his erection pulsed as he slid me up on his length.
He growled beneath me and I knew he felt my arousal pooling between my thighs. My slickness letting him easily glide between my folds. When he lifted his hips involuntarily up against me I moaned.

I had to close my eyes as the sensation coursing through me nearly had me climaxing.

" No look at me Amira." Kaz hissed and I had to force my eyes open again.

" You feel incredible Kaz, I honestly cannot wait to feel you inside of me, stretching me, filling me completely but that will come later. Besides we need proper protection." I said near breathless

Kaz groaned at my words and his voice deepened with his arousal as he said to me," I am not sure if I can last too long. I want... fuck I want everything from you. "

I nearly came undone with just those words. I had to grip the headboard for balance as my thighs quivered.

" Kaz...touch me please." I moaned shuddering above him trying to stay still.

" Tell me what you need and I'll do it. Kaz kept one hand at the small of my back. His other hand moved up to brush my left hip. His elegant fingers dancing lightly over the sensitive skin.

I moved one of my hands to close over the hand at my hip and I guided his hand down to cup my sex. I was panting hard as he watched our hands slide down my body to touch where I needed him most.

" Here Kaz, I need you right fucking here. " I groaned and rocked into him.

I knew when his instinct started to kick in because he parted me with his fingers and pressed the heel of his palm against my clitoris. I bucked above him from the pressure and sensation.

Kaz growled as he slid his long fingers through the slickness of my arousal. He watched me intensely as he inserted his index finger inside of me. I groaned as he began moving his finger in and out of my sex slowly mimicking penetration. I was fighting not to move on him to slide him even deeper inside of me.

"Like this?" Kaz rasped

"Yes Kaz fuck!." I panted as he worked a second finger inside me stretching me even more.

"You're so warm and wet for me Amira, you're driving me insane woman." Kaz growled out as he rocked himself up into me as he continued to fuck me with his fingers.

I felt my climax nearing and I needed more. I started moving on him as I set a steady pace. I was shuddering and my thighs quivered uncontrollably above him. His beautiful eyes were half lidded, his cheeks flushed, his heart racing as he panted. I reached around our bodies to brush over the length of him as he let me fuck his fingers more throughly. He moaned under my touch. I knew he was close again too.

I found a pace and angle that had him brushing up against my G spot over and over and I felt my body nearing release. In just a few more glides I came hard on him.

I cried out his name as I rode the wave of my climax. I felt his release and felt hot trails of his arousal hit my ass and lower back.

I had to grip the headboard to keep from collapsing onto him. He removed his fingers from my body.

My eyes widened as I watched him bring his hand up to his mouth. I groaned as I watched him lick my arousal from his fingers. His eyes had closed, he seemed to savour my taste. It was incredibly erotic and it made the muscles in my lower stomach clench.

" You taste devine and I want more." Kaz growled and tightened his grip at my lower back pressing me more firmly against his hard body.

" In time Kaz. We should get ourselves cleaned up and meet up with the others before they demand to know why we're holed up in your room. Jesper isn't going to stay quiet for long you know that. Besides I plan to take my time with you so we should deal with the consequences of me changing my loyalties and deal with the bounty on my head. I don't enjoy being hunted like an animal."

Kaz's eyes narrowed and I knew the Kaz that made seasoned killers whisper in his presence and avoid his direct attention was back. I nearly got whiplash from the instant change in him. Gone was my sweet, shy Kaz. This was dirty hands and he wasn't going to let anyone take me from him.

I got out of his arms and off the bed. I went to his washroom to relieve myself. The aftershocks of my intense climax still riding me.

After I finished, I stepped quickly into the shower and washed the result of our session from my body.

When I stepped out of the stall Kaz was waiting for me. He had a towel and a pile of clothes. He didn't speak but he let his eyes glide over my body from my nipples down the smooth plain of my stomach, over my rounded hips to the patch of curls at the apex of my thighs.

" Kaz if you keep looking at me like that we're not going to leave this room and we have pressing matters to attend to. While a woman certainly appreciates when her man admires her body like that it doesn't help matters."

Kaz's breathe hitched and I met his startled expression. He swallowed before he grit out " Am I your man?"

I shivered at the intensity of his stare and the craving I heard in his words. I don't know when it had happened but I knew it in my heart that he was mine now. I didn't think I was brave enough to voice my claim on him so I just smiled warmly letting him see my affection for him shining in my eyes.

It seemed to satisfy him and he didn't push for me to say more. He set the clothing he'd gathered for me on the chair we'd left in his bathroom earlier and held the towel out for me to wrap myself into.

When he was satisfied I was properly bundled he went to wash himself again.

I grabbed the pile of clothing and left him to shower in privacy.

Out in his room again I dried and slide into the silk pants Kaz lent me. I was beginning to really enjoy being in his clothes even though I had to roll up the legs so I didn't trip.

I was stuffing the ends of my borrowed shirt into the pants as I felt Kaz's presence again at my back. He had been watching me dress and he certainly was enjoying seeing me in his clothes again because his eyes moved slowly down my body until I saw him smirk at the cuffed pants.

" It isn't my fault you're a literal giant Kaz. It will be better once I have clothing tailored for my own body." I huffed at him.

Kaz smiled as he replied, " I love seeing you in my things. I will be disappointed when you're no longer wearing them. You look incredible in the dark fabrics. It makes your skin glow. You are like a siren. I imagine that you will sink many men's ships and lure them unto death with your siren's song."

I smiled wickedly at him then, finding that I greatly enjoyed his praise.If he needed me to bring men to their knees before him that is exactly what'd I'd do. I would become like the legends, be what sailors feared and whispered about in taverns over pints of ale. I would fight to stay by his side against all of our enemies.

" If you keep boosting my ego like that it's going to get to my head, and then you'll be in a world of trouble." I smirked as I moved to sit on the edge of his bed to pull my boots on.

After I was dressed I moved to his vanity and worked the silver brush he'd left for me before through the tangles in my hair.

I glanced at the perfume bottles briefly and started trying to guess what Kaz's favorite scent on a woman was. I started popping the tops and sniffing the fragrances he'd left for me to pick from.

The fact he hadn't bothered to clear any of it away even after I had been moved out of his rooms made my heart skip. Did he know where we'd end up again or had he just been too distracted to deal with it all.

Kaz was adding a tie pin when I glanced over my shoulder at him. He looked handsome as ever in his well tailored clothes.The fabrics clinging to his fit body showcasing the width of his shoulders and his lean waist.

I watched him debate the leather gloves he had set on his dresser. He ended up sliding into them again and it made me frown. I still didn't fully understand the reasoning for the barrier but it seemed like it was too difficult for him to break away from the comfort of his routine. He was shielding himself from the world and I knew he would never let anyone know how much of a struggle it had been for him to decide to trust me.

It wasn't a courtesy he would give to anyone else I knew and it made my heart skip understanding that he had given me such a precious gift. I got to actually feel his warm skin against mine and I shivered in pleasure at the memory of what we'd just done in that bed earlier. It hadn't even been full on sex but each intimate moment he shared with me was precious to me.

He felt me watching him so he returned my scrutiny. He quirked a dark brow as he assessed me. He glanced down to the assorted bottles and he nodded at one near the back. " That one is my favorite." He said

I startled at the way his voice deepened as he spoke to me. He was very intuitive and he knew what I had been silently wondering without me even needing to voice it.

" I see." I made a show of unstoppering the top of the bottle he'd mentioned.I wasn't at all surprised that this was his favorite. The man had exquisite taste.

It smelled delicious. A mix of sandalwood and spices, there was an underlying sweetness which I concluded was a type of citrus fruit, like a grapefruit or orange. It was certainly an enticing combination. I smiled up at Kaz and watched Kaz's eyes widen slightly as I applied some fragrance onto my wrists and then took the dropper to apply some just behind my ears on the both sides of my throat at the pulse points. I even dabbed some between my breasts.

The heat of my body warmed the fragrance and it was incredible.

I decided to tease Kaz a little. I set the perfume bottle back down and I moved slowly and seductively past where Kaz stayed frozen watching me. His eyes narrowed as I stepped closer to him. I put extra sway in my step and I watched him swallow.

I smiled at him as I flipped my hair over my shoulder and sauntered past him not waiting for him to follow.

His answering growl had me smirking.

I knew he was at my back but I didn't slow or turn to face him. I kept walking at a casual pace. I felt his gaze on me and knew his eyes had fallen to stare at my ass in his silk dress slacks as we moved down the hall out into the main parlor.

I ignored the stares of the men gambling and drinking. Keeping my gaze straight ahead as I moved over to where I noticed Nina,Jesper and Wylan sitting in a booth.

As I approached they looked up at me. Wylan gave me a friendly smile. I answered with one of my own. Nina frowned at my outfit but smirked as she glanced behind me to where I knew Kaz was standing.

She grinned at him and I heard his sigh. "You look well Amira, feeling better? I still need to get your measurements so we can get you into your own clothes, im sure Kaz would appreciate you not stretching out his shirts. We all know how meticulous he is about his possessions." She glared at Kaz as she finished.

"Nina you should be happy that im letting you go shop. I know how you love spending my money." Kaz muttered as he slid into the booth opposite of Nina.

I smirked as I slid into the open spot beside Nina.

I didn't miss the way Kaz's eyes narrowed slightly. Had he wanted me at his side then? I hadn't been sure how he wanted me to be in front of the others. I figured he didn't want me that close and perhaps I had been wrong. It was a discussion we'd be sure to have later on in private.

I tried to catch his gaze but he was refusing to look at me now. He instead focused his attention on Jesper who was grinning like an idiot watching us both. Had he caught the way Kaz seemed upset that I hadn't chosen to sit beside him too.

When Jesper winked over at me I knew.

Kaz growled at him which had Jesper looking back at Kaz again.

" Jesper shouldn't you be out getting information about this bounty. Why are you still lounging here?" Kaz questioned him.

Jesper frowned at him, " I'm not the one who has been staying up in my rooms..."

"Jesper!" The warning in Kaz's voice was enough to silence the other man.

I watched Wylan put a reassuring hand on Jesper's arm.

I turned to Nina and tried to lighten the mood," I want to thank you for saving my life. You have done incredible work. I owe you. "

Nina flushed under my praise. I knew Kaz had finally looked over at me as I spoke but I wasn't going to look at him. If he wanted to pretend I could play the game and I'd do it better.

" I wasn't about to let you bleed out. Besides Kaz wouldn't let me. If you weren't already aware he is a frustratingly persistent man who gets what he wants. Even from his friends. " Nina smirked over at Kaz as he frowned at her. " Yes Kaz we're friends and we love you even when you're well you. "

Kaz sighed and got up from the booth. When I went to get up aswell Nina placed a hand over mine and shook her head," No let him go."

I frowned but stayed seated. Watching Kaz's retreat in the direction of his office. I'd catch up with him later on.

"Are you hungry? I can get us some waffles." Nina asked me cheerily

" She should be starving after all those extra curricular activities." Jesper laughed and I glared at him.

Nina glanced between Jesper and I and I groaned as her eyes widened with understanding. " Oh my god have you and Kaz? I know his heart rate changes around you and he did pass out in your arms. He must actually really like you. I had figured it was simply intrigue over you and the fact you had nearly managed to steal from him. Has he actually had sex with you? Oh my god you need to tell me everything. "

I growled at Jesper, who had the grace to seem ashamed of himself," Jesper firstly fuck you. You had no right to say any of that and sorry Nina but I'm not talking about what I have or haven't done with Kaz. It is our business. You better not mention this to Kaz as I'm certain he isn't going to be as nice about it."

Wylan made an attempt to try to calm everyone back down as he said," Guys let's not fight, Jesper apologize." Wylan shook Jesper's arm and frowned at him.

Jesper sighed giving Wylan a kiss on the forehead before he faced me again. " Listen I mean no harm. I'm sorry for bringing this up Amira. You have to see it from our side though. Kaz doesn't do relationships. He hasn't opened up to anyone and he has always lectured us about our sexual exploits so having Kaz actually show such an interest in you that way it is exciting. You're right though it wasn't my place to say anything. So can you forgive me?"

I frowned as I took in his words," Maybe in time Jesper but you promise me here and now you won't talk about Kaz and I to anyone else."

"I promise." Jesper made a gesture of crossing his hand over his heart," Cross my heart."

"Good. Now maybe you should do as Kaz said earlier and get out there and gather some info. It isn't going to benefit us going into this blind. The Serpent's leader isn't a very reasonable man. His name is Carlson Fordham and he can rival Kaz in his cruelty although Carlson excels in his creativity with torture." I shivered with the memory of the last time I had been punished." I won't survive it if he captures me. I'm ashamed to admit the man is obsessed with me. He has wanted to have me as his own for years and I have kept rejecting his propositions."

"Damn that is awful Amira don't worry you're a crow now and we protect our own. " Nina said giving me a reassuring smile," Speaking of which we need to get you a tattoo. Anyone who sees our mark will think twice about attacking."

"The crow and cup right. Why crows anyway?" I asked the group

" Crows are intelligent. They remember people and who ever wrongs them. They also look out for eachother. " Jesper said proudly.

" That has to be comforting to know you have people who will always have your back. " I admitted

" Family is important and the crows are my home." Nina said softly giving us all a sweet smile," I hope you'll come to think of us like family too Amira. It's nice to have another female in the group as it can be a bit much with all these men around. I wish Inej could be here too but I understand why she isn't. I just hope she's okay."

Nina blinked tears from her eyes. I felt awful for my part in Inej's absence. I glanced between the three crows and they all seemed to be struggling with Inej's departure.

I took a calming breathe as I asked them," So no one has seen her since that night?"

Wylan and Jesper shook their heads at me. Nina's eyes watered more and she trembled slightly trying to fight back the tears.

I frowned trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

" I'm very sorry. I never intended for any of this to happen. I wish it hadn't. " I admitted

Nina grabbed my hand gently and winced at the scarred palm where Inej's knife had pierced straight through it.

"We don't blame you Amira. Kaz and Inej have always been complicated. I believe you came at the right moment for Kaz to finally make a decision about how he really feels. As you know, he isn't good at communicating his feelings. I hurt for Inej but I believe she knew deep down that Kaz would never be able to truly reciprocate her feelings for him. While I know Kaz does love her, he isn't in love with her. You though, I think Kaz may actually love you." Nina met my wide eyes as she finished.

" I think I've fallen in love with him too if I'm being honest with myself and this wasn't my plan. I am a thief and I was a whore. Can't say I'm the ideal girlfriend for anyone from polite society. Perhaps everything I've done has led me here. " I told her seriously

Nina winked at me as she replied," Then I think you should go find Kaz and tell him as much. "

Jesper said from the other side of the booth, " We can deal with the rest later, go to him Amira ."

Wylan just grinned and I nodded at the group. Nina slipped something into my palm. I glanced at the object she'd passed me.It was a tonic to prevent pregnancy. I grinned at her as I shoved it into my pocket and I got up from the booth.

I waved at the others before I raced up to Kaz's office.

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