
By charisomer

22.3K 1K 313

Jenna Coleman discovers something about Richard Madden and Lily James which leads to a series of different ev... More

2-Operation smile... Or not.
3- Regret
4- I need you...
6-Loki's Calling
7-I'm here for you
8-I'm sure it's fine...
10-Not okay
12-Out of control
13-To take your mind off it
14-My favourite Scot
15-Girly night
17-I'll survive
19-Not okay-again
20-My girlfriend?
21-Haven't you heard
23-Third wheel
24-The perfect date
25-You'll never know
26- What?
27- #ThoseSmolemanFeels
28- I want to forget
29- You look hot in the morning
30- Just about you
31- We can Skype?
32-Dodgy takeaway
33-I'm Sorry
34-Karen and the Babes
37-Lets play a game...
40-Avacadoes, Avalanches and Revenge
42-Water fight
43-Who says I'm sober?
44-Folie Douce
45-Shut up Jen.
46-What kind of person?
47-The Next Step-Jiley
48-You are so my OTP
50-Leave me alone
52-The truth
53-I CARE!
58-Let's talk about sex
59-The Return of the Sexy Chef
60-Change of plan and Lots of Kisses
61-Hot Water & Guess Who
62-Perciatelli and the Capaldster
63-Out of sync
64-I what?
65-Hello Old life
66-Madden madness
Proposal yaaaasssss

49-Eyes front soldier!

187 12 11
By charisomer

Ok before I start, I am so sorry for not updating in ages. I know I said I was over my block well evidently I wasn't. I have made this chapter longer as a sorry. You also have to go read chapter 35 if you haven't already, because I missed it out and have now published it. So if you haven't seen that go and read it it's quite important and explains the whole skiing part. Also Thank you so much for 5k reads. That's crazy! Anyway you don't want to hear about me. In true David Tennant style: ALLONSY!

*Jenna's POV*
After being stuck on a slope for two hours, we finally made it down. That guy Monty was pursuing better be worth it. Being stuck on the slope was kind of fun though. I mean Matt teasing me is slightly annoying but mostly funny and I can't help but love him for it.

Karen and I got a chairlift together because the boys were messing around so we just went ahead and got on.
"You guys are literally the cutest!" Karen turns to me with a huge smile on her face.
"Have you seen you and Darvill?" I return, raising my eyebrows. Even though my heart is beating rapidly just at the thought of Matt, I try and persuade Kaz differently.
"But seriously though. I mean, if we had a competition for cutest couple you would definitely win!"
"Naeiou!" I imitate Zac's impression of Yvonne. Karen giggles at this.
"NAEIOU!!" She shouts back, earning a look from the people on the chair in front of us. We wave at them enthusiastically and they soon turn away embarrassed.
"Oooh, talking of Zac and Yvonne..." I raise my eyebrows mysteriously.
"Oh yes..." She raises hers along with me.
"Mmmmm..." I speculate.
"We have to set them up!" She states what both of us were thinking.
"There's no alternative!" We share a grin.
"Operation...." She pauses as she tries to think of a name, "Operation ZacYvonne begins!"
"Operation ZacYvonne!? Really Karen? Is that the best you can come up with?"
"Well..." She looks down.
"It's very obvious and not very creative... What about a code name, like..."
"Like...." She tries to think of something with me.
"Mountain!" I shout.
"Okay... Why?"
"Because we are setting them up on a mountain? Quite simple." I smirk at her.
"Operation mountain begins!" She says out loud just as we reach the end of the chairlift and lift the bar up.

We wait for two more chairlifts for Zac, Arthur and Matt to get off. They ski over to us and we all push off really quickly and head straight to moon park.
"Okay, let's have a race." Zac says. We line up and start the countdown.
"3...2...1...GO!" We shout all together. I push off and quickly overtake Matt and Arthur. Karen's about a meter in front of me and Zac a meter in front of her. I see Karen bend her knees on the slope of a bump to try and speed up and I do the same. Quickly I look back and see Matt and Arthur trying to trip each other up. They're now about five meters behind me. Eurgh. I shouldn't have looked back Karen's now gained two meters on me. Zac's just finished and Karen is quick after that I slide down to the finish slightly slower because I know there's no chance I'll be overtaken. We have to wait another minute before Matt and Arthur come down.
"We fell over..." They both look quite embarrassed.
"Yeah we saw that." Kaz replies with a smirk.
"Oh..." Matt looks up, failing to keep a grin off his face.
"Right. Homeward bound!" Zac says, pushing off and starting down the slope. Within seconds I'm going too and I see Zac already past the Rhodos Bubble. He's so fast! Saying that, you should see Ben and Tom ski. They're like rockets or something they're so quick. Emma and Sophie too. They're 'the dream team'! I remember Zac telling me that they met Ben and Sophie for lunch and Yvonne decided to ski with them in the afternoon. Mainly because Karen and Zac wanted to do the children's animal run in Altiport.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize how close we were to the chalet. It was only about a hundred meters away now. Push push push. This part is basically flat and I always end up coming to a stop here. Just then Matt rushes past me, obviously forgetting to slow down on the slope down. I reach out and grab his out sticking pole and with his momentum we manage to both get to the chalet without stopping.
"Thank you," I say with a genuine smile at my lips.
"Anything for you," he smiles back and plants a kiss on my helmet.
"Wow that really worked." I raise my eyebrows at him.
"It was the action. And don't ruin the moment."
"I was part of the moment, so I can do what I like with the moment. Personally I think I improved the moment."
"Alright! I get the point!" He says loudly.
"Alright!" I smile at him as we pick our skis up and head into the boot room.

We put our boots on the boot warmer and our skis in their correct cubby hole. We also put our helmets, gloves and goggles in their own compartment and hang out coats up by the exit. I look over at Matt and his helmet hair and smile at the fluffiness of it. He seems to be doing the same for me. Together we walk into the massive living room. Yvonne, Tom, Emma, Ben and Sophie are all sitting on the sofas, drinking tea (which is not at all surprising) and chatting.
"We got stuck on a black run." I state as they all turn their heads in our direction. They all indicate their acknowledgement of my statement (A/N omg what long words)

It's about an hour later and Karen and I are sitting in her room discussing plan ideas.
"So we've got Yvonne covered, but what about Zac. It's not right for us to tell him to go out with Yvonne. We need a man!" Karen says.
"Wow! I never thought I'd here you say that you needed a man's help!" I grin sarcastically at her.
"Oh shut your face!" She starts laughing at the truth in my input.
"Anyway, yeah you're right."
"How about Tom?" She suggests.
"Mmmmm... He's had a lot to deal with lately, maybe not." I decide with Karen nodding along
"Okay then... Definitely not Arthur!" We start laughing at her thought.
"Agreed!" I say between giggles.
"Not Ben because it's not his kinda thing. He's way too posh!" Karen says the last part in a posh accent which makes me laugh again. She continues,"So that leaves us with your dear boyfriend. Matthew Smith."
"I suppose so," I say agreeing that it's the best choice,"How about I take him with me to the shops tonight to go shopping for food and then tackle him there?" I suggest.
"Tackle him?!" Karen bursts out laughing.
"Yeah?!" I say questioningly
"Alright! You 'tackle' Matt." She says between giggles.
"You are so weird!?" I start laughing with her.
"Oh like I haven't heard that before... Anyway go 'tackle' Matt now." She air quotes tackle earning a sigh from me.

"Maaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt?" I lean over him.
"Jennnnnnnaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr?" He turns round to look at me.
"Will you come with me to the shops?"
"Yeah." He jumps up from the sofa and goes to grab his wallet. I have my bag hanging off my shoulder. We decide to not wear coats as it's only a short walk and not too cold right now. Plus huit a huit (the supermarket) is so hot. We go out into the snow and start to walk round to the shops.

I tell him our plans and his role in it before letting him say anything.
"Errrr of course!" He replies with a smile on his face.
"Yay! I knew you'd do it!" I stopped and hugged him out of happiness. He doesn't do anything at first but soon wraps his arms around me and our hug continued for quite a while. It's something neither of us are able to pull away from and I have no idea why. It's just like any other hug that we've shared before. I don't know... Maybe it's just that now we are alone and no one here really knows us. Well that's what I thought before some kid throws a bunch of snow down at us from their balcony.
"Ahhhhh!" I squeal as it hits the back of my neck. Matt laughs at this and then pulls out of the hug, grabs my hand and drags me to the supermarket before we get distracted again. His hand is warm even though he isn't wearing gloves. How's he so warm? It's actually really cold now I'm out here. He's wearing a long sleeved black ski top. I glance down at my own white top. Oh yeah, I forgot... This top isn't as warm. It's a different fabric to my others and I only had this one to wear today.

We reach huit a huit quickly and dash inside quickly to get in the warm. I hate the smell here. It smells like sweet bread like a brioche and then also heat. It may sound nice but it's not.
"I hate this smell," I lean into Matt and pinch my nose.
"Why?!" He turns to me, looking shocked.
"What! Do you like it?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"So what if I do?"
"Well it's horrible." I fold my arms.
"Chill out," he murmurs,"and I think it's just you who hates the smell."
"Fine..." I moan, continuing to hold my nose. I ignore Matt for a while as we make our way round the packed shop and pick up certain foods. Even if this place stinks, it does still do amazing food.
"Oooohhh! Can we get rotisserie chicken??!" I jump around Matt.
"Yeah!" He laughs,"You look like you're about five." He smirks at me.
"Hey!" I hit his arm and in return get more laughter.
"Come on then." He says moving over to the counter.

Just as we step out the shop, it starts to rain. Typical. I realize I'm wearing a white tshirt and internally moan. I stay under the shelter for a bit as Matt walks out into the rain.
"Jenna! Come on." He smiles mockingly at me.
"Nooooo! I'll ruin the chicken!"
"Oh dear!" He says sarcastically.
"Seriously," I start to laugh.
"Give it here." He reaches out an arm, causing me to walk out of the rain and give him the bags.
"Hey! You tricked me out here."
"Not my fault you were being stupid." He grins.
"Don't hmmmph me!"
"Hummmnmmphhh!" I exaggerate the word.
"Oh come on,"
"I'm getting so wet!" I step back to show him, lifting my arms in the air. That's when I realize that he can see my bra through my tshirt. I glance over at him and see where his eyes are fixed... Typical man. I can't help but laugh.
"Eyes front soldier!"
He looks up shocked, blushing a bit. This causes me to laugh even more.
"My eyes are always front..." He mutters his line reluctantly. Evidently that's not true.
"Mine aren't." I finish the scene for the sake of it and then start to walk back to the chalet with Matt following.

When we get back we are completely soaked and I look like I drowned. Miraculously Matt managed to protect the bags of food. Tom ad Emma meet us at the door and take the food into the kitchen.
"Ohhhhhhh..." We both moan trying to get out of it.
"No!" Emma comes out the kitchen hands on her hips. Tom is just behind her. They look like angry parents... I giggle at this thought and then wander off into the kitchen followed by Matt.

Between us we manage to serve the chicken and boil some pasta and arrange vegetables. I glance out into the living room and see Karen, Zac and Yvonne talking.
"KAREN!" I shout.
"YEAH?" She shouts back.
"IM JUST TALKI-" she starts.
I interrupt,"NO I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!" She finally gets the hint and comes galloping into the kitchen.
"Do you think it will work?" She whispers.
"Fingers crossed!" I say crossing my fingers,"Even if this doesn't it doesn't matter. This is only our first minor plan to see what it will take to get them together."
That's when the murmur of Zac and Yvonne's voices stop and Karen, Matt and I all stand still. We creep over to the doorway and poke our heads out the door. The site we are is one we've been waiting for forever. ZAC AND YVONNE ARE KISSING!!!! We didn't even need to put any of our amazing plans into action. We just had to leave them alone.
"YAY!" We all shout, hugging and high-fiving.
Both Zac and Yvonne turn to look at us, Yvonne's got a pink tint to her cheeks.
"You guys..." Zac mutters. We give him thumbs up and then walk back into the kitchen.
"DINNER'S READY!" I shout as I pick up the plate with the chicken on. Karen and Matt pick up the other stuff and we all bring it to the large dining room.

After dinner we all sit down in the lounge. It's our second to last night in this chalet and tomorrow is our last day skiing before we have to stay in Val Thorens for filming. I'm so excited for filming at the moment. I don't know why... Maybe because I haven't been in a film for a while. Maybe because it's a film that Zac is directing. But I think the main reason is that I get to work with all my friends. I dread to think how Zac will manage with us all messing around on set... Oh well. I was talking to Yvonne at dinner about when Zac directed a couple of episodes of Chuck. She told me that he was really good. He also knew the relationships of the characters more than any director would. Apparently it was one of the best episodes simply because Zac directed. Hearing this made me even more excited for filming. Also, I get to work with Matt again!!! Yay! I missed working with him so much and we used to do the weirdest stuff on set. I read through the script and saw the part Moffat had planned for us and wow. It's definitely going to get a lot of love. (A/N I'm telling you again that you'll never know what this story is about if you don't read Seven Wonders of the World. My other book. It's not finished yet but I will keep updating) Oh yeah Moffat... I completely forgot Steven was coming out here for a bit. However much we moan about Steven, he really is a genius and without him Sherlock and Doctor Who really wouldn't be as good. My thoughts are cut off by Matt waving his hand in front of my face.
"Helllooooo? Jenna?"
I blink quickly,"Yes sorry I was just thinking.
"Okay well we're all heading up to bed since it's our last day tomorrow. You coming?"
I nod and then stand up, Emma goes and turns off the lights and we all make our way upstairs to our bedrooms.

I get ready for bed and then lay down on top of the covers.
"Aren't you getting in?" Matt says with a smile at his lips.
"Yes. I just didn't want to."
"Wow. You're being weird tonight!"
"I know... I've just been thinking a lot..." I murmur.
"About me?" He smirks.
I decide to get out of my weird mood,"Yeah absolutely loads about you." I match his smirk.
"All good things?"
"Brilliant. I wink and then shuffle under the covers. I turn off my light and a few seconds later, Matt does the same. Silence surrounds us for a bit but I can tell neither of us are sleeping. Our breathing is in sync and I realize I'm matching mine with Matt's subconsciously.
"Jenna?" Matt says breaking the silence. I pause for a bit.
"Yes?" I say after about a minutes wait.
"You do know I love you?"
I reply instantly,"Of course I do and I love you too."
"Okay..." He murmurs.
"I just needed to know."
"Okay..." I say convinced there's more to it than just that. But I can't figure it out now, I'm tired and my head has done too much thinking today.
I snuggle closer to Matt and rest my head on his chest. He relaxes into it and strokes my hair once before trying to sleep.

"Morning!" I say loudly as Matt wakes up.
"Ow!" He exclaims rubbing his ear.
"Sorry," I say and kiss his cheek in an attempt to make him feel better.
"Breakfast!" He jumps up out of bed.
"Come on! It's our last day quick!" He grabs my lower arm and practically drags me out of bed and down stairs. I stumble behind him as we get into the kitchen. Everyone's already down here even Arthur and they don't look too happy.
"Hey guys!" I say cheerily expecting them to be back to normal in a few seconds. They're probably just lost in thought.
"Guys...?" I say quietly.
"Guys...?" Matt repeats my question.
They're all staring at me with worried expressions but no one seems to be able to say what they're obviously all thinking.
"Guys... Please say something this is freaking me out." I say really quietly but everyone ward because the room is practically quiet.

"Jenna..." Ben finally says,"I think you should see this..."

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