Lucio (Genshin OC Story)

נכתב על ידי X____K

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This story is about my electro oc about his backstory and how he will live now. some of you might know him fr... עוד

Season 2 Prologue
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Random Art
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
The End
Christmas special
Lucio art improvement
AI generated art of Lucio

Chapter 1

43 2 10
נכתב על ידי X____K

Early in the morning when it still is dark and the fog still lingers close to the ground outside Lucio would make his way trough the hallway always walking alone in thise large house with no lights on like he always has. It upsets him yet he finds comfort in these old sad memories which leads him to walk and stand infront of the family portrait of him, Valerius and his parents he had remade by a incredible painter as he just looks at it. Not much later he would get flashbacks to that night, when he saw his parents dead, when he got pushed into their blood and beaten before his own troath got slit. Getting uncomfortable he would gently touch his neck brushing his fingers over his scar.

Turning on his heels he goes to walk away yet he is face to face with The Harbinger that has stayed over tonight...well he still is wearing his mask and is all geared up again. Concerned Lucio grabs his arm and takes the man back to the guest bedroom sitting him on the bed "You need more rest. Don't even think about going outside-..."

"You looked adorable as a child..."

Lucio falls silent hearing that as a dark blush comes on his face. He was about to scold the other for not resting properly yet now he is a flustered mess which makes him cover his face with his hands to hide the blush. "I am trying to scold you ...don't say something like that" Lucio mumbled out.

"You still are adorable-..."

The brunette goes tense at that and he gets more flustered if that is even possible which causes him to grow a little annoyed since he forgot what he had wanted to say "I am not-..." he protested yet once he calmed himself down he uncovers his face and looks at the other "Why are you saying all of this out of the blue? If others heard you utter such things they would be shocked you can be like this"

"Like what?" He asks playing dumb yet seeing Lucio his reaction he chuckles and takes the other his hands into his gently carressing over his knuckles "I am sorry for not contacting you and I am sorry I visited so abrubtly. I was in Natlan and-..."

"You came all the way from there to here bleeding?! You didn't get yourself patched up on the way here?!" Lucio spoke and yes he knows the captain can perfectly take care of himself yet that does not mean Lucio will not grow concerned.

"I wanted to see you..." Capitano smiles beneath his mask yet that smile slowly seems to fade as his grip tightens around the other his arms "sit down please..."
Seeing Lucio do as told he would stand up and close the curtains so no light would enter as the room once more is pitch black. The Captain returns to the other, kneels infront of him and once more takes his mask off, takes Lucio his hands and places them onto his face.

The brunette trusts the other entirely so he is not scared to be in the dark with him as he even takes his vision off, putting it in the drawer of the bedside table for complete darkness yet once he feels his hands being guided and he can feel they have skin to skin contact again after a long time he would smile very softly carressing The Captain his cheeks while he would feel kisses being pressed against the palm of his hand "you don't have to say it back but I lo-..."

"No-..." Il Capitano speaks lowering his head as he cannot hear those words anymore; not again "...please do not say those words."

Lucio is not offended or upset by it as he more so is understanding so he nods and continues to hold the other his face in his hands slowly moving some hair out of the other his face "Okay... then I will wait with saying those words until you are ready to hear them" he whispers and feels the other pulling him closer to the edge of the bed so The Captain could hug Lucio while remaining in this position.  Feeling the other hug him...with anybody else he would go tense yet even though it is dark and he did not expect it he remains calm and continues to smile, playing with the other his hair. They would sit like this for a long while but soon enough Lucio bends down to wrap his arms around the other, closing his eyes and enjoy the hug they share.

Sometimes the silence can speak a thousand of words just like now. They have not seen eachother in a while and the both of them just wanted to hold eachother for a long while yet it ended up in them laying on bed together cuddling together in the complete darkness. Due to The Captain his mask being off Lucio can feel his chin properly rest ontop of his head, he can hear his voice more clearly and this soothed Lucio so much, this soothed his inner child who never got held like this so he falls asleep in the other his arms yet it is only fair since he couldn't sleep the night before because he was so worried for The Captain.

Capitano seems to notice Lucio has fallen asleep in his arms yet he lets him sleep as he would not move one inch thinking just the smallest of movements can wake the other up so he does not even bother to grab his mask to put it on. The man keeos thinking how to tell Lucio this story yet it is best he tells him sooner then later...


A week has passed and once more Lucio has not seen The Captain for the last few days yet he does not mind that at alle since he understands he, The Captain needs space and he cannot be with him all the time so for now he is in the large living area with Leon just talking about the fun things of the past as they truely like they are father and son. The Captain who entered the home to visit Lucio hears the laughter so upon entering the living area he watches Leon swiftly stand up growing allert thinking this was a assassination. The captain calmly walks over and sits down besides Lucio just staring at the man before him.

Right...the brunette has not told Leon about him and The Captain yet but how could he? Both he and Capitano are confused at what they are.
Seeing Lucio remain so calm and even smile at the other Leon slowly sits down and looks at Lucio yet inspecting more and more how the brunette looks at the other quickly things ckick in his mind and he takes out a knife tossing it up in the air and catches it as he would do this repeatedly. "First of all. I know you two are smitten for eachothee yet you both are too awkward to admit it. Second of all- " Leon spoke glaring at The Captain before continueing his sentence catching the knife and points it at Lucio in a subtle way "If you hurt him physixally, mentally....or in any other way...if I hear or see him get hurt because of you I do not care you are some war lord...I will kill you in the most brutal way possible and make you suffer. Break his heart and I will break all your bones. When he was younger I hated it when he accidentally would call me father yet he does feel like a son to me so if I -..."


"No lucio! I will warn him! What kind of father figure would I be if I didn't threaten the person my *son* has a crush on"

"Leon!" Lucio spoke covering his face again growing more embarrassed and yes...Lucio is a grown man who still gets flustered because of the smallest of things.
The Captain is just sitting there awkwardly while Leon is just glaring at the Harbinger.

Quickly it grows awkward so to cut up that tension Leon would put the knife away and lean back in the couch "did you two kiss yet?"

Lucio was beyond flustered and embarressed as a whine comes from him "stop-..."

"Why should I? I just am curious! That is all..." Leon shrugs and looks at The Captain before he stands up "If you ever beter ask for permission..." he spoke patting Lucio his shoulder and walks out of the home.

Once he left it takes the brunette a long while to calm himself down before he uncovers his face and looks down fiddling with his hands "I am sorry about Leonídas...he-"

"I understand...he is protective over you" The Captain calmly spoke and looks down having to say something "Can we go to your bedroom? I have to speak privately with you"

Lucio nods and stands up. They would make their way to his bedroom as they go to sit on the couch infront of the fire place. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asks not overly curious, not seeming anxious.

"Why I cannot love easily-..."

"You don't have to-..." Lucio quickly tries to add respecting if Capitano never wants to say it to him since he does not want the other to force himself to twll that story.

"I want to" he quickly adds after Lucio and just looks at him before he turns his gaze to look at the fire. "As a Harbinger I am older then I look, sound or am with my body. I am only a little younger then Dottore for comparison... Back then.... Before I became a Harbinger I was young and foolish. I fooled around with a lot of woman and men yet one day I accually fell in love with a woman. It was lovely in the beginning but when I came home from training one night to become a soldier I caught her with another man. I was naive and did not know what to do, I loved her so I remained with her. She kept sleeping with other people when I would be gone as she would laugh about it behind my back and even in my face she would laugh about it because I was so naive. I never had fallen in love before so I fell hard...and just like I said before I stayed with her. From a fantasy any boy dreams of when he is young it turns to a nightmare. War broke out and it lasted for a year which means I was gone for a year. First month our captain came to pass...then the next captain passed...then the next and by that point nobody wanted to be the next knowing they will die yet I took that part and let the army into victory. After my return home my wife , the woman I loved was crying her eyes out, she ran to me and started hitting me, shouting at me. She was angry at me...not because I left without saying a word...but because I killed her secret lover in war...The Captain of the other army" he spoke and continues to look in the fire. "War thought me a lot of things so I slept on the couch that night because I did not want to sleep in the same bed as her and I thought. Finally I had decided to leave since hearing the stories of other men in the army made me realise how toxic she was for me. I went to sleep yet I woke up with a knife in my chest as she tried to murder me and she did so calling me all kinds of names... smiling... laughing like she always had. Previously I used to love her smile yet so far in the relationship it broke my heart seeing how much joy she got out of her wanting to kill me. I pulled the knife from my chest and I stabbed her multiple times because of the traumatic memories from war came back which made me act without my control (PTSD) and I murdered her. I held her in my arms and even though I wanted to leave, end things with her I still cried....I always wondered why I cried that day since I knew she never loved me....I wonder why I cried after all the things she has said to me...what she had done...
Point is, is that I never thought I would love again...yet what I suddenly felt for you it scared me. All I want is to be loved back...just this once...I know your feelings are true for me but my mind is telling me it is not. I know it may seem ridiculous a man like me being so traumatized for love because of one toxic e-..." turning to look at Lucio he sees the other has tears streaming down his face.
"What is wrong?" All this time The Captain had a hard time telling this to anybody yet saying this now it came out so easily like it is the last time he will ever talk about this.

Lucio started to cry half way trough the story as he just swiftly wipes his tears now yet they just keep coming and in the end he bursts out crying and hugs the other tightly "I am sorry that happened to you...that is horrible. Because of her you are so insecure about your body? " feeling the caprain nod he feels like the other could not word everything properly or manage to find the right words to describe things yet what he gathered from it is that with calling him names she also bodyshamed The Captain and perhaps has called him unattractive, he gathered from it that she cheated on the man multiple times and that she was happy he would be gone...maybe even hoping he would die in war. 
"I would have killed her for you"

The Captain weakly smiles beneath his mask and hugs Lucio back gently rubbing his back knowing he is a sensitive person so the story must have hit him hard "yes, you would  my hero" he jokingly says to lighten the mood yet after his joke he remains silent and rests his chin on Lucio his head "you do not have to cry for me or my story...I suppose it was selfish of me to hold back this information. It was selfish of me to not tell you my struggles. I just wanted you to know that I have feelings for you yet I am scared of how things will go ... if it seems I do not express it enough th-..."

Before he can finish Lucio would press a kiss ontop of the Harbinger his head and cup his face in his looking down at Capitano his mask "I am not like her. "

"I know..."

"I will tell you how handsome you are every single second of the day if that is what it takes for you to be happy" Lucio spoke yet The Captain laughs at that.

"There is no need" he whispers before he lets out a soft sigh smiling beneath his mask "lets just...take it slow for now okay? We can do small things...gradually build up from there? How about I stay with you for a little while hm? Would you like that?" Seeing the other nod he smiles and gives a nod back "okay then I will stay with you for a while. Maybe days, maybe weeks...maybe months...we will see how long it takes for you to grow tired of me"

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