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By bonnies__bitxh

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Started: September 9th 2022 Finished: Morrigan Brooks had been called a witch many times in her life. Whether... More

authors note pls read !!


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By bonnies__bitxh

a/n: i forgot to do this earlier but my fc for Henry Dennings is Tyler James Williams

(I've been watching a lot of Abbott Elementary and it's all I could see)

Morrigan Brooks

Flashback to 1758

"MORNING, baby," I mumble when I feel the bed shift as Elijah gets up.

"Good morning, my love," he says, leaning down to kiss me on my cheek, which I only felt because my eyes were still closed.

"What are we doing today?" I ask. "Mardi Gras is next week so the quarter's flooded. You know what that means?"

"A feast?" He asks only half-jokingly and I lightly shove his shoulder away.

"Yes, but not the answer I was looking for."

"Your favourite time of year," he says and I smile.

"Correct, Mr Mikaelson. I love Mardi Gras," I say, emphasising each word of the last bit.

"Really? I couldn't tell because you never bring it up," he says and I roll my eyes.

"So, reiterating, what are we doing today?" I ask but he sucks air through his teeth and sits next to where I was lying.

"I have an errand to run, but we can find some poor tourists afterwards?" He says and I raise a brow.

"This close to Mardi Gras?" I ask and he just shrugs. "And this secret errand wouldn't have anything to do with our anniversary tomorrow, would it?" I say. Our anniversary, in reality, wasn't for another nine months, but it was a harmless prank, except for the fact that he didn't even pause a beat to second-guess himself.

"Nice try, angel, but what kind of man would I be if I didn't even know our anniversary?" He asks and I giggle a bit before pressing my lips to his.

I EVENTUALLY got out of bed and went to find another Mikaelson to hang out with, when I saw Elijah come out of Klaus' office turned art studio.

"Hey, baby. I thought you had errands to run," I say lightheartedly but his face goes rigid as if I caught him sleeping with another woman or something.

"Just the one errand. I'm just about to leave." He said, though it bordered on muttering. "Speaking of, I do have to go. Love you," he says before walking out and I give him a look, though he couldn't see it since his back was turned.

I walk along the interior balcony to Rebekah's room and knock on the door before pushing it open.

"Come in," she says, even though I had already opened it. She was sitting at her vanity and smiled at me through the mirror. "Hey, didn't think I'd see you up yet," she says and I shrug.

"Elijah woke me up, something about an errand," I explained and she nods.

"What errand this close to Mardi Gras?" She asked and I was happy I wasn't being too overbearing or too suspicious.

"That's exactly what I said," I say, but sit on her bed and exhale a shaky breath. "Has he said anything to you? He's acting really strangely."

"No, I don't think-" she starts, turning around to face me but cuts herself off with a giddy smile. "Oh, he's such an idiot."

"What? What is he doing?" I exclaim but she just laughs, turning back to the mirror.

"Can't say. Sorry."

"Bekah!" I whine but she waves me off. "Fine, if you can't say, I guess I have no choice but to follow him and figure it out for myself."

"No, Mor. You can't because if you did, Elijah would have no choice but to dagger me and leave me like that for thousands of years," she shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"Please?" I ask but she just laughs.

"I can promise you, you'll know soon enough." She says, still laughing and I roll my eyes again, lying back on her bed again.

REBEKAH and I spent the morning together, talking about Mardi Gras while we walked through the French Quarter, and we were back home, so I was in our room, working on some new spells.

"Ad altum... celeritate dilatare," I say slowly but that messes everything up, so I scribble out that incantation. "Ad expundum ad celeritatem," I say and it works, making me smile to myself as I write that down and put that page into my grimoire.

The door opens and through it, Elijah walks with a smile that was almost nervous on his face.

"Hey, hon, how was the errand?" I ask and he forces a smile.

"I got everything done," he says, sitting on the edge of our bed and I move to kneel behind him and start to massage his shoulders.

"Are you alright? You're being weird," I say with a hint of mirth, though genuine concern behind my words.

"Yes, thank you, my love, just... a lot on my mind." He says and I hum in agreement.

"Is it anything I can help with?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Unfortunately not, sweetheart," he says and I nod, leaning around to kiss his cheek. "Do you want to get lunch now?" He asks, turning to face me better and I nod, a tentative smile on my face.

"I'd love to," I say and his mood seems to turn around because he picked me up bridal style and spun me around. "And I love you. You can tell me if something is bothering you," I say and smiles genuinely.

"I promise I'll tell you in due time," he says and I roll my eyes, even though I trusted him to do exactly that.

End of flashback

"So did he give any indicators he knew you? Like at all?" Emilie asks.

It was the next day now, but after the shock of finding out she was not only alive but dating Eliza's brother, we decided to reconnect properly.

A hungover brunch after drinking last night.

"I mean... when we first met sort of, but he was a smooth liar. He looked at me kind of shocked, but we ran away from him because, you know, he was being a bit murderous-"

"And you're not? It's a match made in heaven," Eliza quips and I flip her off before continuing.

"He left me a letter asking why I left and such, and when I confronted him about it, he claimed to have thought I was some other girl, aka, his fiancee, which I was, but... ugh, he's just so infuriating." I groan but Eliza gives me a disbelieving look.

"I mean, before you found out everything, you sounded kind of in love," she says and I shoot her a glare but she persists. "I could hear it in your voice, I mean... you rarely sound like it but I can always tell."

"You're full of shit," I say half-heartedly but even Emilie steps in.

"I mean, obviously I don't know much, but even the way you've talked about him in the past day. You don't sound vengeful or hateful."

"How on earth do I sound then?" I ask, becoming defensive because I know where she was going with this.

"You sound hurt."

Flashback to 1758

Mardi Gras had come and gone, and the city was mourning and had been for two months.

Or, maybe hungover was a better word.

Rebekah and I were excitedly waiting for the next event, the Annual Casket Girls Festival.

While we were the ones who made the legend what it was: a legendary story of women empowerment and such, it was turned into a party.

Not that we were complaining.

"We need to get out there!" I say, rolling to lie on my back on Rebekah's bed. "We are the reason for all of this!"

"Yes, we are but we just celebrated Mardi Gras!" She says, groaning.

"Yeah, in February," I groan, but then an idea pops into my head. "If we can't go out and party, which, may I remind you is basically in our honour, can you tell me why Elijah's being so skittish? I know you know," I say, remembering my boyfriend's recent behaviour. My face quickly falls as my mind goes down the rabbit hole. "Is he going to break up with me?"

"No!" Rebekah says quickly. "If he did, I'd leave him and go elsewhere with you."

"Great, so you can tell me what's going on with him," I say and she shakes her head, turning her back to me.

"I can't tell you, sorry, hon," she says and I groan.

"Why? What's so horrible that he can't tell his own girlfriend of like a hundred and seventy years?" I ask, exasperated and Rebekah shrugs. "And, on top of that, friends for another hundred and fifty years."

"It's not so much a horrible thing as it is just a secret that you will know soon," she says and I sit up straight.

"That's almost word for word what Elijah said when he went on his 'errand' right before Mardi Gras, and coincidentally, right when he started acting like this. Two whole months" I exclaim and her eyes go wide. "Please tell me, Bex, please? I'm honestly becoming concerned about him," I say and it almost looked as if she were going to break, but she doesn't.

"I'm sorry, Mor, I can't tell you. I promised Elijah, I mean gave him my word and everything, and you know how much that means to him," she confessed, and while being right made me feel accredited, it was also infuriating that they wouldn't tell me what this secret was.

It couldn't be that bad, could it?

End of flashback

Emilie, while she made a good and valid point, I wasn't hurt. I was angry. I was angry with the Mikaelsons for lying, I was angry at my father for... well, being himself, but most of all- and I would never admit this to anyone, but I was angry at myself.

Angry at myself for getting so attached to the Mikaelsons. Attached enough for it to hurt this much when it all got stripped away after only knowing them for this long.

For letting my guard down.

But most of all, for not wearing that goddamned early warning necklace I made.

Granted, it was ugly, but if I had just put it on and put it under my hemline or something, I wouldn't be in this situation.

But the strangest thing was, while I was still mad- and when I say mad, I mean fuming- at Elijah, the only thing for him I could remember was this... unconditional and uncontrollable love.

It was all-consuming and fiery and honestly, I wanted to get on a plane right now and go to Mystic Falls or wherever he was and kiss him.

But that was the delusion and sleep deprivation talking. I was mad at him.

"I made martinis!" Eliza says, waltzing back into the room. "Where's Em?" She asks and I look up at her, my reaction to the drinks quite delayed.

"Um, she went to the bathroom, or maybe to sext Henry, I don't know," I say with a shrug. "Drink please," I say, my voice perking up and she passes it to me.

"What was the mental rabbit hole this time?" She asks and I sigh.

"We hadn't gotten to the 'I love you' part before I broke up with him, but that's all I can think about."

"Saying I love you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Not even saying it. It's just... I don't know, getting all this back... it's like I've woken up from a long ass sleep and I can go back to Elijah because I honestly love him so much it's scary."

"It's just new... ish," Eliza says, sitting opposite me. "You had this new relationship that was still in the honeymoon stage and you get slammed with these old feelings. It's natural to feel scared."

Jeez, someone had been going to therapy school.

It was working though.

"It's not the feelings that scare me. It's what I think I'll do with them. I have never felt this way with anyone else. I thought I would spend my whole life with him and I was excited to do that," I say with a shaky breath. I had never been a touchy-feely kind of person, but apparently, before I lost my memories, I was, which really weirded me out.

"I don't know much about him, but from our limited interactions and from what I saw, he loves you too." She says and I huff, burying my face in my hands.

"I mean, I'd hope so after a hundred and seventy- yes, I did work that out, years together. I... I don't know, it's... I don't know." I say, unable to find the right words. 

"I think Em's right," Eliza says and at that moment, Emilie comes back in the room, putting her phone in her pocket, making me suspect I was right about her calling Henry.

"How am I right?" She asks as she sits back down, taking a martini from the tray.

"Rory's hurt that Elijah didn't share the secret, but she's masking it as anger so she doesn't have to admit that she cares that much, because contrary to popular belief, she's not a stone cold bitch," Eliza says and aside from the fact that she was talking as if I weren't there, she was seriously starting to sound like a therapist.

"I feel like we haven't talked about you guys at all," I say, sitting forward. "Like it's all about my drama, but what about your drama? How's life with Eliza's long-lost brother, Em? Please, don't leave any detail out." I crossed my hands in my lap, and they got the memo that I was done talking about my shit.

"Please, leave some detail out," Eliza groans and Emilie starts on a kind of in-depth description of how her life has been since she got out of the tomb.

"So, um, Damon was there- I mean. When I got out, I didn't follow the others because I didn't really know them well except for Anna, but she was doting on her mother, so I basically ran into Damon and after he gave me modern clothing because I was in a blue dress that apparently went out before the war, whichever one that is."

"World war one," I mutter and her eyes bulge.

"There's been a world war since I've been out? Wait- who won the civil war?" She questions.

"The north and a few more than one, but we can catch you up on modern history later," Eliza says.

"Wait, how are Stefan and Damon?" She asks. "I only really talked to Damon for an hour."

"Um... they're repeating history," I say and Emilie furrows her brows. "They're both in love with Elena, who you know, is Katherine's doppelganger."

"They'll both be the death of her and themselves," Eliza says and I remember Elena's new state.

"She's a vampire now," I say, and both their eyes widen.

"No," Eliza says, shocked, though seeming to love the fresh gossip. "How did they take it?"

"Damon's sulking and I haven't talked to Stefan but no doubt he's putting her on the bunny diet."

"That's crazy," Eliza breathes, but we move on quickly. 

Of course, I felt bad for Elena, but, contrary to the Salvatores' view, it wasn't the biggest thing to happen ever in history.

"Do you guys want to go out tonight?" Emilie asks and we both immediately nod. "I know this great place that Hnery once took me to. It's super secluded."

"Bring Henry along," I cheered. "Girls plus boyfriend night!"

Flashback to 1758

I practically begged Elijah to come to the field with wild horses and wildflowers in it. For some reason, he didn't like it too much.

"Please, baby?" I ask and he sighs, his shoulders slumping.

"Fine," he says. "I'm not your keeper. You can go without me." His words were slightly harsh but his tone was endearing and I knew how he meant it.

"I know, but I like going with you. I know you claim to dislike it, but I saw you smiling when the herd of horses didn't leave when we went over."

He doesn't reply, but I saw the smile sneak across his face when he thought I wasn't looking.

The fields hadn't changed much, though I loved it every time, Elijah was acting strange still.

Don't get me wrong, he was being super caring and affectionate outwardly, though that was never his usual style. To an onlooker, they would never see any difference, but it was the little things.

Usually, it's tiny things that he does, like holding my hand, but recently, he had been more public with his devotion. Not in a weird way, though. 

Like for example, on Monday morning, he got me fresh peonies, which are my favourite flower. He never even took credit for them. He kept looking over at me, watching to see if I had seen them and when I thanked him for them, he just shrugged it off.

It was now Friday and there were fresh flowers every day. He did often get me flowers, as I would get him something, but it was usually only once a week or fortnight.

"Are you alright, 'Lijah?" I ask after studying his face for about a minute and he looks up from whatever document he was reading over.

We were situated in his office, him in his chair and me sitting on the desk on the opposite side, though I was just keeping him company.

"Of course, I am, love," he says, reaching across the wood to clasp my hand. "You've been worried a lot lately. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I... it doesn't matter," I say and he gives me a look, giving my arm a slight tug so I hop off the desk and stand in front of him, holding both his hands in my separate ones. "I don't know. Everything's been going so well, there's no conflict of any sort," I pause to lightly rap my knuckles on the desk to un-jinx us. "And it's been going amazingly, so I just... I hope that it lasts."

Elijah gives me a sincere smile, locking my eyes before pressing a kiss to both my hands.

"Darling, I promise to you, I will do everything in my power to make sure we have the life together we deserve. I'll take you travelling all over. We can go to Africa. Kol says there are witches there that are like nothing else."

"We've been to Africa," I say with a shy smile, even though I did really want to go back.

"Yes, but Mikael chased us from there. If we go there again, we leave when we please," he says confidently. "Darling, I promise, I will find a way."

"You'd do that for me?" I ask, my voice cracking from trying to keep my tears at bay.

"That doesn't even scratch the surface of what I would do for you," he says, pulling me down to sit on his lap. I lean down and lightly kiss the tip of his nose, then his lips.

"No one makes me happy like you do," I whisper and a wide grin blooms on his face as he pulls my face to his.

End of flashback

I HAD decided, that despite my temporary lack of judgement, I was mad at Elijah, and not hurt.

Please, I was Morrigan Brooks, he couldn't hurt me. Sure, I loved him once, but that went out the window when he lied. As I said to him before, I never wanted to see him again, and as I had recently learned, along with prior knowledge, that keeping his word was like his whole thing, so it's not my fault if I want to keep my word.

"Are you guys ready?" Emilie asks, Henry's arm loosely hanging on her waist.

I definitely didn't miss that.

The Gilbert girl was wearing a tiny red dress. It was cute and not too open, but it was more than suitable to go clubbing.

I silently commended her on her transition from a time when it was scandalous to show anywhere above your ankles to a time when it was, a lot of the time, expected if you were wearing a dress or a skirt.

"Yep," I reply, fixing my lipstick. I wore a black dress that was shimmery if you looked at it in the right light, the same length as Emilie's, though the fabric at the top was gathered, making a deep neckline.

Eliza replied the same way as I did, walking out of the bathroom, wearing a similar dress to both of us, except it was a midnight blue.

Henry, on the other hand, was wearing jeans and a button-down shirt, which, to be honest, I wasn't surprised by.

"Let's go," I say excitedly bouncing out the door.

I was happy to go back to my usual routine from before I ever went to Mystic Falls. I wonder what would have happened if Eliza and I chose to leave the country when we left Manhattan? Or if I left the small Virginia town at the same time as Eliza, or if I never made that deal with Klaus?

Those were all what-ifs. It had happened, and I had gone through it, but it was all in the past.

It was a short drive to the club, and it must have been relatively new because it wasn't here the last time I was in London in I think 1999, maybe '98.

I'm pretty sure 1999.

Henry opened the door for Emilie, since they were both in the front, the former driving, and Eliza and I get out our respective sides, to get walk straight into the club.

"I'm a friend of the owner, you can let us in," I mutter, compelling the bouncer and he immediately unclips the flimsy barrier, allowing us to walk through without a fuss.

The music was blaring, all the lights were multicoloured, and I couldn't smell anything except for alcohol and sex, which I didn't know how I felt about, but it was back to routine.

Flashback to 1758

There was music coming from every direction but all I was focusing on was Elijah, who I was dancing with.

"You look stunning tonight, my love," he whispers into my ear before spinning me away from him and snatching me back.

"You already told me that an hour ago," I mumbled, a dull pink hue stained my cheeks, and I tried to look down in an effort to hide it but Elijah lifted my face, looking me in my eyes, and I couldn't help my admire his.

They were dusty, but a rich, deep brown. An earthly beige that I couldn't help but compare to burnt honey.

"Then I haven't told you enough," he mutters.

End of flashback

Elijah was the bane of my existence at the moment. He just couldn't leave me alone. My mind was bombarding me with all this anamnesis and I could do nothing about it.

How much longer would I be subjected to this shit?

Emilie walked back over with the first round of drinks, and all of us (except for Henry, who got whiskey) got a Cosmo, that for some reason that I wasn't complaining about, had edible glitter in it.

I took a sip and could taste the alcohol immediately, and I raised my hands skywards in celebration.

"I've seriously missed this," I laughed.

"Same," Eliza agrees. "I think the last time I think was in the summer."

"Twins," I groan, remembering last summer with Klaus and Stefan and how I had to literally sneak away- not that it was very hard- to have five minutes without either of them bothering me.

The night went really well for the rest of it. Emilie and Henry danced together, and Eliza and I found random men to dance with, though it didn't last.

At about three in the morning, I was sitting with Henry, talking about magic for some odd reason.

"Wait, so if a normal witch dies, they lose their powers, so how come you kept yours?" He asks and I shrug, taking another sip.

"Uh, I never did too much research, but it's something about my connection to nature," I shrug. "It'll be in my family bible, so I can take a look if you like."

"Family bible?" He marvelled. "Are you guys like... saints?" I start to laugh, remembering those weren't common anymore.

"No, it's just like... family tree, history, you know. They were super popular back when I was human. Probably to prevent inbreeding or something."

He starts to laugh and I start to get bored.

"You wanna go get ice cream?" I ask. "We'll bring it back to the house and eat it with the others and eat it with She's The Man or something."

"I love that movie!" He exclaims and I jump up, excited that Eliza's brother was now officially my friend, whether or not he knew that.

We got in the car and only when we got there, did I realise we stranded both Eliza and Emilie.

"Oh shit," I say when I look at my phone and saw Emilie was calling me. "Hey girl," I say slowly when I pick up.

"Where are you?"

"I kind of commandeered your boyfriend. We're coming back, don't worry and we have ice cream!" I say the last bit quite fast and she laughs.

"How far are you?" She asks and I think for a second.

"Far enough for you to get one more drink," I assured and we said goodbye before Henry and I drive back.

WHEN we got back home, we did exactly what we said we would, but there was a dull throb in my head that had been there since we picked up Eliza and Emilie.

I started to get suspicious and stood up. "Liza, do you have herbs, spices, and salt?" I ask and she nods, shifting her body to look at me from her place on the couch.

"Which ones?" She asks.

"Thyme, mint, bay, lemongrass and cinnamon," I say and she nods.

"The mint is dried and in teabag form, I assume that's alright?" She asks and I nod. "It's the same layout as always," she says, turning back to the screen. I collected everything I needed and made my way out onto the balcony, where I wouldn't burn any surfaces, plus I liked it quiet when I did spells.

I created a circle with the salt, thyme, mint, bay, lemongrass and cinnamon and then lit it all on fire with a simple incantation.

"Ignis," I say, waving my hands over the circle, making it burn.

I dropped my emerald necklace- that I was supposed to wear to warn me about my father, though I didn't because I didn't like it- into the middle of the circle.

I had to slightly alter the spell I had already made, because these circumstances, I think, were different.

I'm pretty sure, not positive, but pretty sure his magic was around. Physically, he wasn't because I had decided to suck up the ugliness and wear the necklace as if my life depended on it, which it most likely did.

"Ostende si essentia paterna est in aere si intenti negatia es," I mutter, repeating it a few times before the smoke being produced from my herb mix that was previously grey, turned pitch black. "Fuck," I mutter. I pick up the necklace which was white hot, making my skin sizzle and making me swear again. The heat dies down after another incantation. What the fuck was his problem?

I wave my hand over the mess, making it scatter and walk back in.

"You alright, Ror?" Eliza asks and I nod, forcing a smile.

"Do you guys mind if I do a... little failsafe?" I ask and all of them give me incredulous looks. "Ok look, it won't do anything to you except protect you from invasive or negative magic from my bloodline."

"You think your dads gonna come after us?" Eliza asks and I shrug, not really wanting to talk about it, even though I would if they had any reservations. "If it'll make you sleep better." Eliza shrugs, and I beam, knowing she always had my back in the smallest ways.

"Uh, sure, I guess," Henry says and Emilie shrugs too.

"What harm could it do?"

"None. Promise." I say but sit back on the couch. "I'm also pretty sure there's not much he can do remotely, so we can finish the movie," I say, sitting back on the couch, putting on a brave face to cover my worries and doubts.

Flashback to 1758

I was sound asleep in a dreamless state when I felt someone shake me and I was considering frying their brain from the inside out before I realised it was Elijah. 

What on earth was he waking me for?

"Good morning, my love," he says softly, as if now counted as the morning. "What are your thoughts on a walk around the quarter?"

"Leave me be, 'Lijah," I say nestling further into what I thought was a pillow but turned out to be his chest. "Let me sleep," I mumble but he laughs very quietly.

"But I have a surprise for you," he says, making my sleep-ridden eye crack open, but I just as quickly close it, due to it being so early that the sun hadn't risen yet.

"It's not even bright out!" I grumble. "Why on earth would you attempt to bring me out at this hour?"

"Because I would never do anything that would negatively affect you?" He says and I internally roll my eyes at his words. "Please love?" He reiterates and I sigh, intending to roll off him and out of my soft, warm, comfy bed, but I just couldn't.

He quickly snakes an arm around my waist and picks me up, which is when I realised I was still not clothed from the night before, making me squeal.

"Elijah Sirius Mikaelson!" I shriek, making up a middle name for him. If you take me out there like this I will be reduced to nothing more than a common whore!" I joke.

"And why is that?" He asks, obviously checking me out. I roll out of his arms and back into bed, pulling the flimsy top sheet over my body. 

"Because what would people think?" I say, facetiously. "The mighty Elijah fraternising with people of that calibre?"

"If anyone thinks of you that way, I will end them like that," he snaps his fingers, making me roll my eyes while giggling. "Darling, do you trust me?" He asks and I nod. "Then please, do me a favour and dress so we can leave."

I groan and roll out of bed really slowly, but when I finally do get out, I walk over to our closet and look at my side, to find one of the dresses he had gifted me out of the blue about a month ago. 

Quickly putting it on, I step out and dramatically sigh. "I know how much you hate this number, but alas, it is all I have now," I say sarcastically, waiting for him to notice, and it is quite obvious when he does since he walks over and cups my cheeks, bringing our faces close together. 

"My love, if we keep messing around, we are going to be late," he says and I smile mischievously. 

"No, you will be late. I am ready for anything." I say confidently before I realise something, and so does he because he chuckles and points to my undone corset. "Elijah, lovely man, will you please tie my corset? You've got me all excited for this surprise."

He smiles and did as I asked without complaint. "Let's go," he says, offering me a hand.

"It must be very special if you're hurrying as much as you are," I say, walking down the steps to the compound with him. "Usually you act as if we have all the time in the world."

"My love, please berate me for this in the carriage," he says, making me chuckle to myself. 

It was a cold morning, and as I was shivering, he tucked a protective arm around my shoulders, holding me close.

"Will you tell me where we're going or is that a secret too?" I ask and he sighs in defeat, helping me up into the carriage before telling me. 

"We are going to that field you love," he says and my posture straightens up from leaning on him in excitement. 

"With the wild horses?" I ask and he nods. 

"Why do you think we are leaving at this hour?" He asks rhetorically.

"I thought you were possessed and trying to make my life hard," I mutter and he chuckles as I settle back into his chest, falling into a comfortable silence as he traces invisible patterns onto my skin. 

Half an hour of cobblestone later, we arrived. I clambered to get out of the carriage and smell the fresh air. 

"Come," Elijah says, extending his hand. I take it, letting him lead me to an already set-up picnic and I melted. 

"Baby, I love this," I say, pressing my lips to his. "It's so sweet. I love you."

"I love you too, darling. Look," he says, pointing eastward at the just arriving orange hues painting the sky. "We're just in time."

We watch the sunrise, basking in each other's presence until the sky was completely blue. 

"Thank you, Elijah," I say, turning to him. "This was perfect."

He gives me a half smile before taking a deep breath and turning to me. "I brought you here for a reason, actually," he says which made me nervous. 

"Oh?" I ask hesitantly and he nods, reaching into his pocket and bringing something out, though his hand was big enough to keep it covered. 

"Be my wife, Morrigan," he says and my brain stops for a second from the pure joy that exploded through my body. "This is long since overdue," he continues. "But I want you to be with me for the rest of our immortal lives, and we can grow old, figuratively, together."

He opens his hands, presenting a small box, and when he flips it open I see it contains a glistening diamond ring with an expertly cut band.

"Oh, Elijah," I say, trying to catch my breath. "I would love to be your bride! I would love nothing more!" I exclaim. He slides the ring onto my finger and I admire it for a split second before embracing him, making us both fall to the ground, before kissing him, both of us lost in the moment for a second.

I roll off him and start to giggle because I had no other way to express my happiness. 

"What's so funny?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"I'm getting married! Oh, Rebekah and I will have to go dress shopping!" I exclaim and he gives me an incredulous look.

"Why can't I take you dress shopping?" He huffs and I roll my eyes. Question of the century.

"Because you're the groom, therefore you can't see me in my wedding dress until the day of. You should know this, seeing as you're an old man," I chide and he rolls his eyes. 

"Whatever you desire, my love," he sighs and I lean into him when he pulls me closer, placing my hand on his chest before he straightens. "You know I have no middle name, and Sirius is a name you created?" I nod, giggling to myself that it took him this long to realise.

I start to think about the future. There were no words for how happy and excited I was. "Morrigan Mikaelson," I say to myself, seeing how it sounded. "Mor Mikaelson. Ha!" I shout, realising something. "You can't call me Brooky anymore!"

"I don't think that will stop Niklaus. You're stuck with that name," he chides and I roll my eyes. 

We stayed in that field for another three hours, before I started to feel bad for the human coachman, so we made our way back. 

"Is this why you've been acting weird since Mardi Gras?" I ask and he avoids the question by letting me into the carriage, giving me my answer. 

Back at the compound, I tried to contain my emotions, but I was practically skipping everywhere, not letting go of Elijah, and it just got worse when I saw Rebekah. 

"Bex!" I exclaim and she smiles coyly when she sees us, and then her face immediately lights up when I extend my hand, showing her my new ring. 

"What is all this noise?" Nik says, coming into the courtyard, where we were. I showed him my ring and he gives me an endearing smile. "I always knew you were a Mikaelson, Brooky," he says and I roll my eyes at the name. "That's going in my speech," he says, and I roll my eyes. 

"You think we're going you a speech?" I joke, but when he pretends to come at me, I relent. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

End of flashback

While I was still mad at Elijah for lying, there was no doubt that I missed him and loved him beyond words.

And... sure. Maybe Eliza and Emilie were slightly right when they said I was more hurt than mad, but a girl could be hurt and mad all at once, couldn't she be?

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