Touch of Fire

By Minnamouse33

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Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... More

The Bastard of Ketterdam
A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
A New Start
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
New Friends and Enemies
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you


695 18 5
By Minnamouse33

Kaz's breathe hitched as soon as he saw Amira. She looked incredible in his dark clothes. It was nearing being cruel just how well she moved around his office in his clothing. He was starting to regret offering his clothes to her. He needed to get himself in check. Why was this slip of a woman rattling him so badly. She was beautiful of course but he'd been around plenty of beautiful women. Even in this room Inej and Nina were with them too. He wanted to look at Inej but he knew whatever expression she had on her face would flay him deeply. He knew he was making an absolute spectacle of himself watching Amira move around and he was ready to admit to himself that this was going to be a real problem for him.

Jesper did make a good point earlier, Amira would certainly be useful to garner information from poor unsuspecting men. 

Kaz couldn't believe that any hot blooded male was safe from her.

Fuck Kaz cursed under his breathe. Kaz knew he was being silently judged and he knew that Nina noticed the change in his heart rate the second that vixen had entered the room.

He also didn't fail to catch Nina's curious glances in his direction. He growled and settled himself in his chair refusing to look at Amira any longer so he could attempt to get his thoughts in order.

" So I'm sure you are all aware I caught Amira trying to steal from my office last night." Kaz muttered to the room

Nina gasped," You didn't kill her outright? Wow Kaz going soft on us?"

Kaz growled glaring at Nina with narrowed eyes," Never that heartrender, you know better."

" She isn't a crow Kaz and you are a fool to think overwise." Inej muttered

Kaz frowned looking towards Jesper and Wylan ," Any other useful commentary to add about my decision ?"

Wylan simply shook his head and looked over to Jesper. Smart man, Kaz mused. Jesper looked briefly at Amira who was now smirking at them all.

" Kaz you aren't going to listen to anything we say about this anyway so I'll keep my opinions on it to myself." Jesper muttered.

Kaz slammed his fist on his desk, " Am I not the leader here?  You don't get to question my decisions. I haven't given you any reason to doubt me have I?I have my reasons for keeping her alive."

He felt Amira's eyes on him again and he fought to not look in her direction, but as she spoke up from her spot against the wall,it ruined his resolve.

" Kaz, I think you owe it to your crew to explain why you decided to spare me don't you think?"

Kaz narrowed his eyes on her. She smirked back at him. She was enjoying this too much for his liking.

Jesper glanced between Amira and Kaz,seemingly agreeing with what she had said. Now he waited for Kaz to speak up in response.

" I..I had my reasons," Kaz growled, " We have more pressing matters, namely your bounty Amira."

"My what!?" Amira startled.

Kaz smirked at her then which made her frown back at him. He said solemnly," You didn't think your boss would just let you go did you? You know his cruelty first-hand and the man seems to want to fight for you."

" I... I'll handle it." Amira straightened from her spot against the wall and Kaz watched her pull out her dagger from her boot. She clutched it in her small fist seemingly finding comfort with the weapon in hand.

Nina spoke up from her seat," While that is admirable, you aren't expected to fight the man alone." She turned to Kaz," You have a plan I presume."

Kaz nodded but didn't elaborate on it.

Amira stepped towards his desk and Inej leapt up from her seat to intervene. " No closer." She snarled.

Kaz watched Amira's eyes narrow but she stopped moving any closer. She looked at him from around Inej's lithe body, silently assessing him. " This isn't your problem and if that asshole wants me back so badly he's going to soon realize I am done being ordered around." Amira snarled

Amira met Inej's eyes as she continued," I owe Kaz a life debt so I will make sure no harm comes to him, wraith. You don't have a reason to trust me yet I understand that but I'll prove myself to you all."

Kaz growled at her," I don't need you to protect me and besides it's your ass on the chopping block not mine. I will protect what's mine."

Kaz realized his mistake as Amira startled and Inej flinched.

Inej left the office without making another sound.

Kaz let her leave without comment his heart heavy. This was becoming nearly unbearable.

Nina glared at him and started to go after Inej but he held up a hand towards her.

" Leave her, I need you here." Kaz sighed running a hand through his hair

Nina's frown deepened but she settled herself back in her seat.

Amira sighed, " Listen I owe you for sparing me but this doesn't mean I'm yours anymore than I was his Kaz. I am not property and you are going to respect that I am my own person, capable of making my own decisions or you will live to regret it."

Nina smirked at him, seemingly admiring Amira's attitude. Jesper foolishly chimed in saying," Kaz owns all of us Crows. Why do you think you're going to be any different?"

Amira sneered at him, "No one owns me and I dare any man to try to claim they do. I know how to make a man crawl. You want a demonstration?" Amira flipped her blade around to point at him.

Wylan moved to step in between Jesper and Amira. She narrowed her eyes on him as he moved slowly and kept his hands visible. Kaz smirked, Wylan was learning. He was really fitting in with us criminals now.

"Please Amira, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. Jesper doesn't mean any harm, he doesn't think before he speaks." He glared at Jesper before he continued," I respect that you're a fierce fighter and I imagine you've made many men bleed under your blade. I beg you not to harm Jesper."

Amira seemed to soften and she lowered her blade. She moved to sit in the only other empty chair in the room that was beside Nina. Once she sat, she glared at them all except for Wylan, who now seemingly was in her good books.

Kaz watched Wylan release a grateful sigh and smiled at Amira before he moved back over to Jesper's side.

Amira pointed at Wylan saying simply, " Him I like, the rest of you I guess we'll see."

Jesper smiled lovingly at Wylan ruffling his hair before nodding at Amira. " Yes he's truly the best of us."

We all watched as Wylan blushed under Jesper's praise.

Nina ruined the sweet moment by saying to Kaz, " Kaz what am I needed for? You're keeping me from the warmth of my bed and the man I left there.So if you have a reason I'd like to hear it."

Jesper laughed and smirked over  at her," Nina its nearly noon now and another man in your bed? What is that now three nights in a row?"

Nina gave him a icy glare," Shut up Jesper, You don't get to shame me for my bed partners especially when you yourself are a man slut. Besides not all of us have a Wylan in our life."

Nina seemed to drift and Kaz knew she was thinking about a particular Frejdan whom she had lost.

The sudden silence in the office had him on edge once again.

Wylan swatted at Jesper and Jesper had the grace to look ashamed. He said softly to Nina, " I'm sorry Nina. It isn't my place. Forgive me."

Nina sighed laying back in her seat staring at the ceiling as she muttered," You're lucky I love you Jesper, but don't ever comment on my love life again okay."

Jesper cleared his throat, " Right,got it."

Amira had watched their brief exchange without comment. She glanced to Kaz and he silently begged her not to press it. Amira raised a brow and settled herself  more in the seat beside Nina.

Kaz looked at Nina then," I wanted to ask you a favor actually." Kaz shifted in his seat a little under Nina's intense  stare, " Would you, would you mind helping Amira get some clothes."

Nina actually gawked at him, " You want me to go shopping?" Kaz was actually nervous as her smile grew. " Kaz I would be more than happy to spend your money."

Kaz growled," You are getting a budget."

Nina laughed and winked at Amira, who Kaz delighted in seeing genuinely smile back.

Nina replied," Whatever you want Kaz. Do you want me to find her more of the same thing she's wearing now?"

Kaz shifted again in his seat, not enjoying the way Nina was watching him now. She smirked knowingly at him, " Never mind you don't need to answer that, I already have my answer anyway." Nina went to grab Amira's hand but Kaz stopped her.

"No she stays, it's too dangerous for her to be out in the city right now." He said curtly

Nina frowned, " She needs to be measured Kaz, I don't know her sizes."

Amira smirked at Kaz's discomfort but he refused to let it rile him further." Amira can tell you her measurements, she and I need to have a private conversation first."

Nina threw her hands up, " Whatever you say boss, I'll get that from her after your meeting then. If there is nothing else I have someone else to do."

Jesper smirked as Kaz shook his head," No that's all for now. I'll have Amira meet up with you in an hour
Nina smirked," Make it two I'm going to be very busy."

Kaz growled," Yeah fine. Go on."

The others filed out of the office leaving Amira alone once again with Kaz.

He waited until he heard the other's move further down the hall before he spoke again.

" You and I need to reach an understanding." Kaz muttered to her

Amira frowned over at him," Kaz I understand you completely. You are used to getting your way and you don't like anyone telling you no."

Kaz leaned over his desk to snarl, " Your right that I get my way. I don't let anyone deter me from my task."

Amira chuckled," That is your issue Kaz. You are so set in your ways and you don't compromise. I get that this has served you well but do you know what happens to things that don't bend?"

Kaz narrowed his eyes watching Amira as she got up from her seat and came over to sit on the edge of his desk. Much to his annoyance, he was actually glad to have her closer.

She grabbed his pen from his desk and twirled it between her fingers as she continued," It breaks Kaz. Are you telling me you would rather break than bend when needed."

Kaz snatched the pen from her hands setting it back in its place before he answered her," I was already broken, I leapt into the flames and forged myself stronger. You aren't going to win."

Amira's smile widened as she leaned even closer to him. He could smell her perfume and he had to fist his gloved hands in his lap to not reach out and tuck the errant strand of flaming hair that had come loose from her  braid. Her warm strawberry breath fanned along his neck, making him ache to taste her mouth. It was maddening just how much he wanted to shove his tongue inside her mouth and suck the sweetness from her tongue.

It would honestly be nothing for him to kiss her and it was a great effort for him not to act on the impulse.

When she whispered at his ear," Kaz I'm already winning and we both know that." something snapped within him.

He reached up and pulled her across his desk onto his lap, her long legs straddling his hips. He caged her face between his gloved hands. Her eyes had widened as she watched him. She didn't object to him grabbing her to him but she had become very still under his hands.

Her deep blue eyes watched his every movement. When he watched her tongue sweep across her lower lip he moaned.

"Kaz.." she rasped out his name waiting for his next move. He was panting. Struggling to keep any distance between them.

When she shifted herself on his lap it awakened a deep carnal need within him. His blood rushed in his veins,heart pounding, his skin felt like it was ablaze.

" Kiss me." Kaz gritted out as he watched her face.

" Yes." She panted out her agreement. She brushed her lips lightly against his own. His hands moved away from her face. He placed his left hand at the small of her back, his other one gripping her right thigh,holding her still on his lap.

She moved methodically against his mouth, flicking her tongue along his lower lip and nipping at his chin. She was watching him closely and observing his reactions to her attention on him.

'"Christ!" He groaned. He couldn't handle the reserve she was keeping so he took control and applied more pressure against her mouth with his own. His tongue teasing the seam of her lips,demanding entry.

She permitted him access as she parted her lips letting Kaz slide his tongue inside her mouth. He growled savoring the sweet taste of her. He decided he would to feed her strawberries every morning.

She was mewling against his mouth the sound making him half mad with lust.

The fact she was letting him continue was throwing him. She had adamantly informed him that she wasn't his and yet she let him kiss her so intimately.

His mind took him down a dark path. If she was this agreeable with him, just what had she done with her other boss. He shocked himself at the immediate fury that filled him at the thought of that bastard having her like this.

He broke their kiss suddenly leaving them both panting. Kaz was furious at her and himself.

" Did you fuck him too?" Kaz seethed. " Is that why he wants you back so badly?"

Amira's eyes flashed and she punched him in the mouth, splitting his lip. She leapt off his lap and put distance between them.

She looked every bit like the dangerous woman Kaz knew her to be in that moment as she faced him,fury flashing in her bright eyes," You really are a bastard. I haven't done anything of the sort. Just because I used to be a whore doesn't mean I sleep with any man who looks at me with the slightest bit of interest. I have more self respect. I'd also kill anyone who touched me when I didn't permit it."

Kaz wiped blood from his mouth with his sleeve.  He started to apologize, " Amira I'm sorry. I forgot myself. You don't deserve my anger. Please forgive me."

Amira growled at him," I don't forgive you. I don't even know why I decided you were even worth my attention. I know your type and you are nothing but trouble. You will not get another chance to make me a fool Brekker."

Shit Kaz thought we were back to formality now. He was unsure what else he could say. He was cursing himself and his stupidity. He had sense enough to not push her further. He really was the monster everyone believed he was. He wasn't even sure why he thought he could have something with someone like her.

He knew he regretted the pain he put in her eyes as she glared her hatred at him.

" You need to get over yourself Kaz Brekker and maybe eventually you will know what happiness can look like." Amira seethed, " I am going to go get a drink. I want to wash the taste of you off my tongue."

Kaz remained silent as he watched her walk from the office.He didn't have anything to say for himself or his shit behavior but it grated him that he still craved her even as she flayed him with her razor sharp tongue. He was disgusted with himself.

He hung his head in his hands as he sat in silence in his office.

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