Our Love Story • Luka Couffai...

By alazyass_

60.9K 2.3K 413

"Wow Your Sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?" "Yeah! I've written every nice thing that a... More

|Author's Note|
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 13|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
|Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Final Author's Note|

|Chapter 6|

2.2K 84 31
By alazyass_


"Fufufu~ This is interesting."

"It is, isn't it?" A voice replied to her, catching her off guard.

(Y/N)'s eyes grew wide in surprise, mouth agape as she follows the origin of the voice she just heard.

She was sure that no one else was hiding in that particular bush, and she wasn't talking to anybody else but herself.

So to have someone reply to her craziness, (Y/N) was surely taken aback.

The voice was close, very close. Like The voice is literally right beside me kind of close.

When (Y/N) turned around, she turned into concrete at the sight to behold.

Enchanting teal hues directed at Marinette and Adrien's direction, lips pursed into anticipation.

His highlighted hair was messy and frazzled, yet it was a good look on him.

"...Oh mother of all that is holy-" (Y/N) breathes out.

She wasn't sure if it was just the hot weather, or the hot person that sat beside her, that was making her hyperventilate.

But before she could come up with a conclusion, the anonymous person suddenly spoke again.

"So. What brings you here, stranger?" He asked, turning his gaze to look at her (E/C) eyes. If she wasn't careful, (Y/N) might've drowned in those mesmerising pools.

To push away her concupiscent thoughts, (Y/N) quickly snaps back at him. "It's none of your business, but I'll tell you anyways. I'm just spying for inspiration."

The stranger couldn't help but chuckle, taking her off guard at the melodic sound that came out of his lips.

"You could say it is also my business, since I know the two of them. Also, I don't get your reasoning."

"It's a writer thing- Ack! I don't know how to explain it. You need to shoo, right now." The heat on (Y/N)'s cheeks were slowly starting to form, and she was fully aware of that.

She made a shoo-ing gesture with her hands, half expecting for the person to move and leave her alone.

Saying that (Y/N) was surprised when he didn't move an inch, was a bit of an understatement.

"Why don't you move? I need to be close to hear their conversation." The stranger explained, brows furrowed in confusion as he looks at (Y/N)'s baffled gaze.

"But this is the perfect angle!" (Y/N) argued. "I can practically see the hearts surrounding them in this position. This'll be great inspiration for my book!"

The stranger sat there silent for a few seconds, trying to comprehend her words.

"Your writing a book? I've never seen authors be this nosy of other people's relationships."

(Y/N) felt her heart being tugged at his words. Sure, she was being irrational and more than crazy.

But the only people she allows to call her out on her crazy shenanigans were Zoé and her bodyguard.

While she may be delulu and spoiled, (Y/N) has never even considered snapping at him, nor at anyone else for that matter.

Her kind and caring nature forbids her from doing something damaging to another, it was both her strength and her weakness.

With a sigh escaping het, (Y/N)'s lips formed into a small pout.

"Yeah, maybe your right. But that's hypocritical of you, too. No normal person would snub their nose into someone's relationship. Why are you here, then?" She asked him.

Surprised at her words, the stranger merely smiles at her direction and properly sat down on the grassy area. "I wanted to help them." He merely answered.

With her brows furrowed, (Y/N) urges for the stranger to continue.

He obliged to her wishes, a small sigh escaping his lips as he spoke, "They've been acting like total buffon's since they first met. While I believe in letting love grow by itself, these two really need a big push."

"Woah that's what Zoé said-! She's my bestie, by the way." (Y/N) nodded her head to the beat.

At the mention of Zoé's name, the strangers head perked up.

He then questions her, "Zoé? As in, Zoé Lee?"

"Yepperdo, kiddo." The strangers question was answered by another voice.

The two looks up to see Fernando, standing behind them like an old, ancient pillar.

(Y/N) smiles at her bodyguard, then her gaze went back to the stranger. "Don't worry! He doesn't bite." (Y/N) waves a hand at him dismissively.

The stranger swore that her bodyguard whispered something in the lines of "I do." in his low and menacing voice.

But he wasn't about to risk it by asking him questions.

"Is he bothering you, Miss (L/N)?" Fernando asked, his gaze going down to the strangers shuddering form.

He knows he has that effect on people, and he's very proud of it.

(Y/N) immediately shook her head and answered, "Oh, not at all! We were just having a small squabble."

"It's because your being nosy." The stranger added.

(Y/N) quickly shot back a retort, "You were being nosy, too!"

They sat in a wave of semi awkward silence for a few moments, not even caring of the surroundings that they were in.

Fernando broke the silence by pointing something out, leaving both (Y/N) and the stranger amused at their antics.

"The two already left." He stated as a matter of fact. And when the two looked, Marinette and Adrien were indeed gone.

(Y/N) grumbled under her breath, "Drats."

Slowly, they could hear footsteps from behind them.

It was then followed by Zoé's familiar voice, "(Y/N)? You done being a stalker, bestie? I already finished two cones of ice cream and your still not back."

Zoé's brows knitted in confusion, her gaze going to switch at (Y/N) and the strangers direction.

Then a small smile flashes up her lips, "So, you've already met Luka? That saves me the trouble of introducing him to you."

Mouth agape and eyes wide with twinkling bemusement, (Y/N) stares at her friend sharply. "WHAAAAT- You know him?"

The stranger, who we now know as Luka, goes to stand up and greets Zoé with a small smile.

He turns to (Y/N)'s direction, then reaches his hand out for (Y/N) to grab."

"Hello there, aspiring author. My name's Luka Couffaine."


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