Servant of the Serpent

By RowanLaneStories

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When Eben decides to rob the isolated town nestled deep in the woods, he could never have predicted that he w... More

BOOK ONE - Servant of the Serpent
Author's note
Snakes for Friends
Coiled Up in a Dark Place
Into the Snake's Den
Snake Charmer
Yellow Bellied
Stitched Scales
Serpent's Tongue
The Statue of Helia
Cold Scales
Forbidden Fruit
Snake in the Grass
Vipers that Cannot be Charmed
Once Bitten
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Venomous Words
Winter's Eve
Celebrating Death
Melting Frost
Warmed Stone
BOOK TWO - Family of Monsters
Flights of Fancy
Blue Sky Thinking
Birds of Prey
Early Bird
Downy Feathers
Water Off a Duck's Back
Two Turtle Doves
Merry as a Lark
Chickadee's Song
First Flights
Mourning Dove
Bird Flu
Flying South
Walking on Eggshells
One Winged Dove
Flew Too Close to the Sun
Feather Plucking
Flight Risk
Flew the Coop


216 12 0
By RowanLaneStories

Though autumn has yet to officially end, winter's icy grip is creeping ever closer. Frigid gusts of wind pass over the forest, sending animals scurrying to line their dens.

Both Adder and Eben heal as the month progresses, helped in part by Daisy's assistance. However, despite the gorgon's improved condition, he seems to slow down more and more.

Today, as the first fat snowflakes drift down from the sky, the gorgon is extremely subdued. Eben studies his friend, concerned at the pallid hue of his skin and the dull sheen of his scales.

"Are you okay, Adder?" Eben asks, worry lacing his voice.

Adder yawns, lifting his head off the table. "I'm fine. It's normal for me to be sluggish as long as it's cold out."

The half-elf frowns at the comment. Adder is still expected to protect the village during the winter, will he be safe if his reflexes are so slowed?

Daisy bites into her apple, finishing her breakfast. "So you'll be asleep all winter, right?"

Adder shakes his head. "No, I will awaken periodically to eat and drink. But for the cold months, I will be asleep for most of it. Unless I'm awoken, that is."

"I'm gonna miss you, buddy. How often will you wake up naturally?" Eben asks.

Adder smiles, the tip of his tail swishing slightly. "About every two weeks I will awaken for a day. I'm glad you'll be here... it's a little frightening to enter brumation alone."

Eben scoots closer to his friend, giving a tight side hug. "Don't worry, I'll keep watch over you."

The nun seems to closely study the interaction, as always. "Do you have the necessary supplies for winter yet?"

"We might need more firewood since winter seems to be coming early this year. Also, It might be a good idea to make sure the chicken coop is well insulated," Adder replies.

Eben turns to the nun. "I'll check the coop. Daisy, are you good with the firewood? It's a lot of work..."

Daisy rolls her eyes. "I can handle it. I'm a little stronger than your average maiden."

Eben smirks, stretching as he stands. "I could get used to you doing all the hard labor. It's too bad you're going back to the nunnery tomorrow."

Daisy huffs as she stands, crossing her arms. "And here I thought you just enjoyed my wonderful company."

"I've enjoyed your stay here, Daisy," Adder adds, missing the sarcasm. "I wish you could visit...Oh! That reminds me. I have something for you both."

Adder slithers away into his room, returning with something in his hands. The gorgon gives an item each to both Daisy and Eben.

The half-elf turns the burlap-wrapped object in his hands, curious. He unties the twine and opens the gift, revealing the contents inside; it's a forest-green, hand-knitted scarf. He marvels at the intricate pattern on the item, holding it out to look at it fully.

Woven carefully into the fabric is what appears to be a snake slithering through ornate orange roses. The half-elf grins in delight, putting the scarf on immediately. "Adder, this is amazing!"

Daisy looks at her present with wide eyes as she pulls out a pair of finely crafted kidskin gloves. "What's the occasion?"

Adder smiles. "A going-away gift, I suppose. Oh, also, they're presents for Mortfall since I will be asleep during the festival."

Daisy slips the gloves on, admiring their high quality. "Thank you, Adder..."

Adder grins, wringing his hands. "Of course. Don't work too hard today. I've been wanting to break into our apple cider, so if you need to take a breather, feel free to come inside and have some with me."

Daisy eyes the man suspiciously. "Okay...I'll keep that in mind."

Eben rolls his eyes at the nun's consistent hesitation. Is it not clear by now that Adder is harmless?

The half-elf turns to the gorgon as he starts to head for the entrance. "I'll be taking you up on that offer, Adder. I haven't had cider in ages."

Adder just grins at Eben and Daisy, cheerful despite his lethargy. "I'll be waiting!"

Daisy is silent as the two of them exit the cave. Eben wonders what the werewolf is thinking.

"Do you believe me yet that Adder isn't to be feared? He's a gentle giant! You have to see that Father Sheppard lied to you by now."

Daisy grits her teeth, looking away. "It doesn't matter how he acts now. He killed scores of people and his last servant. Father Sheppard keeps him isolated because of that."

Rage is bubbling beneath the surface in Eben, but he tries to suppress it. If he could get the woman on his side, she could be a powerful asset.

"Does Father Sheppard keep him isolated because he's a threat? Or does he just fear anything he can't control? After all, there's a reason why he's locking up Fern."

Daisy turns to Eben with a snarl. "Keep her name out of your mouth!"

Eben meets her feral gaze evenly. "Or what?"

The nun growls at Eben bestially. "Or I'll teach you why he deems it necessary to suppress our true natures."

The half-elf pauses on the trail, turning to face the woman. "You're angry at the wrong person, Daisy. We can help each other."

Daisy narrows her eyes, untrusting. "What do you mean?"

"We both have people we want to protect. I'm suggesting you help me protect Adder, and in return, I'll help you with Fern," Eben explains.

The nun's eyes widen. "You're suggesting I betray Father Sheppard?"

Eben shakes his head. "No, I'm not. All I'm suggesting is that you help Adder this winter and in return, I will provide you with some insurance if Fern's sentencing is as severe as we fear."

"That sounds like a betrayal to me," Daisy growls.

The half-elf stands his ground. "Is it a betrayal to save Fern from execution?"

Daisy flinches at the word execution, eyes drifting down.

Eben takes a step forward, forcing the woman to look him in the face.

"Unlike Father Sheppard, I don't have the power to force you to do anything you disagree with, Daisy." He pauses, looking for the right words. "I just want to do something good for once in my life. Please think about it."

A flash of vulnerability flashes on the nun's face before she slips on a hardened mask, turning away from Eben. "Go do your tasks. We need to get this done today."

The half-elf sighs as he watches her storm down the path. At least he tried.

Trying to put his anxieties out of his mind, Eben makes his way to the chicken coop. As always, the girls are happy to see him, clucking cheerfully.

The roosters are a different matter though, eyeing him warily as they plan their attack. Eben rolls his eyes at the dumb birds. He'd roast them if Adder didn't need them.

After gathering the eggs and spreading some grain for the plucky hens, Eben gets to work on the coop.

He carefully observes the structure, looking for gaps, holes, or other issues. After finding what he's looking for, he gets to work hammering in planks of wood over the openings and cracks.

Repairs done, the half-elf starts adding insulation. He gathers straw, hay, and some worn blankets, stuffing them into any crevices and gaps he can find. The birds watch him quizzically, clucking as Eben carefully ensures the coop is warm and cozy for winter.

As he works, the chill in the air and gentle snowfall make him reflect on his time with Adder. It seemed like only yesterday that the sun had blazed down on him as he planned his betrayal. Now Eben was here trying to imagine ways to save the gorgon.

Could he really be blamed though? Eben smiles, hand brushing over the intricate scarf. Adder had more than proved himself worthy of saving. It was no wonder Helia had come to love the man as her son.

Abruptly, Eben's train of thought shifted to the petrified woman. She was still an enigma to him, one he wanted to understand.

It just didn't make sense, why would Helia choose such a gruesome way to die? Why would she purposely scar Adder in the process?

Sheppard claimed she had chosen to die because she couldn't accept Adder's true nature, but obviously, that viper would say anything if it meant manipulating Eben. He knew there had to be more to the story—would the gorgon be willing to discuss her death?

He sighs, adding the last of the insulation to the coop and dusting off his hands. The half-elf would keep his questions to himself for now. His friend seemed stressed by his impending brumation already, Eben didn't want to add to it by digging up old wounds.

Standing, he looks one more time over the flock and the coop. Finding everything in order, he heads back to the cave, spirits rising as he anticipates meeting Adder once more.

As he enters, he's hit with the tantalizing aroma of spices. Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger blend into an intoxicating symphony, wafting through the air.

He glances toward the kitchen, spotting Adder stirring a pot on the stove. "Adder, I'm back. That smells amazing!"

Adder grins, pouring a ladle of the golden liquid into a clay mug. "Welcome back! Did the roosters give you any trouble?"

Eben accepts the mug from Adder's claws, mouth watering as he inhales the comforting scent. As he sits at the table, he spots a bowl filled with freshly baked bread and a plate of butter. Helping himself to a small loaf of crusty bread, he tears off a soft chunk and dips it generously in the butter. He takes a big bite, washing it down with the spiced cider.

"They know better than to mess with me by now. Or maybe they're worried I'll set you on them."

Adder laughs, curling beside Eben with his drink. "I don't think they're afraid of me at all. Even after I petrified Scratchy they still attack me!"

Eben coughs, cider going up his nose. "You named the rooster you petrified?"

The gorgon rubs Eben's back soothingly as the half-elf tries to not hack up the meal. "I thought naming them would make them seem less scary... and it was in self-defense, I swear!"

The half-elf sniffs, taking another sip. "I believe you, Adder. I would probably be using your power much less wisely if I had it. All those rude birds would be decorating my garden."

He grins maliciously, leaving out the detail that he'd probably be decorating the compost pile with a lovely statue of Sheppard, as well.

Adder chortles. "Oh, that reminds me, I found a book with a section about elves!"

Adder pauses, hand nervously coming to rub the back of his neck. "Would you like to sit with me in my room while I read it to you?"

The half-elf smirks at Adder's shyness. He wonders if the gorgon is subtly trying to proposition him, or if he really is just innocently inviting Eben to his room. Either way, it sounded like a lovely way to spend the evening.

"That sounds great Adder, let's go."

Emptying their mugs, they head to Adder's room. It's a little colder here than in the living room, but as Eben cuddles up to the gorgon's warm coils, it's perfectly cozy.

He lets out a contented sigh as he closes his eyes. "You can start now Adder, they're closed."

Adder begins speaking, the deep timber of his voice echoing pleasantly through Eben. "This book is called The Many Beasts of Aaradivirsi, by Zarek Bestiarius."

There's a sound of shuffling paper as Adder turns to the page he's looking for.

"Elves are an elusive race that is little understood and rarely studied. They are known to many as powerful creatures, famous for their inhumanly beautiful appearance and mastery of magic."

Eben listens intently, thinking about his father. He wonders how he convinced an elven woman into his bed. He chuckles internally, imagining the humble farmer attempting to woo some amazingly beautiful red-headed elf.

Adder continues. "Their power is mysterious, but many believe Giakora's love for her creations is what fuels their magic. Their connection to the Goddess of springtime and nature is thought to be why the elves hate humanity so, defending their forested kingdoms with deadly force."

Eben hums thoughtfully. "So you suppose it was Giakora acting through me? It didn't really feel like...divine intervention."

"I'm not sure, magic is something I know little about... but ah-hah! There's a section on half-elves too!"

Adder flips to the section excitedly. "It says here... despite their hatred for humanity, it has been revealed that the elves sometimes intermingle with humans, producing half human half elf offspring. These creatures are known to mostly take on the traits of humanity, but..."

Adder trails off, voice halting.

"What? What is it?" Eben asks.

"Um, it's just— it's not very pleasant..."

Eben tenses. "I need to know. Please tell me."

Adder continues, voice serious now. "...But they're also known to occasionally wield incredible powers beyond the comprehension of humanity and elves alike. Because of their unpredictable and unknown nature, they are exceedingly rare; being persecuted heavily. It is reported that most do not make it past infancy, killed by their fathers or mothers..."

The room is silent, heavy with new knowledge.

Eben's heart thunders. He knew that he would never fit into the world of the elves or the humans, but somehow hearing it from an official source made it all the more painful.

He gives a pained laugh. "I guess they made a mistake, leaving me alive. I knew I never should've been born..."

Adder seems to tense under him. "Eben! Don't say such things!"

The half-elf jolts as Adder sets the book down, pulling him into a warm embrace. "I'm so glad you're here, Eben. Please tell me you don't truly believe that."

Eben returns the embrace, trying to fight off the swell of emotions rising in him. "It's true though. I'll never be able to live among humans or elves, so why was I born? There's nowhere for a creature like me."

Adder's arms squeeze harder around him, as if afraid Eben will escape. "You can stay here! You can be happy, I promise..."

The half-elf's breath hitches, cursing as he feels a tear escape.

He knows he can't stay, but hearing Adder ask makes him realize he wants to.

If he left Nǣdre Tor, what would he do? Return to a life of crime? Even if he was somehow able to free Adder, there was no way he could continue that life, especially with the soft-hearted gorgon in tow.

But he knows instinctively that Sheppard wouldn't allow them to live a peaceful life. The vile man would never release Adder from his indebtment to the village, and Eben doubted the gorgon could be convinced to act against the man.

He buries his face in Adder's chest, trying to stop the tears tracking down his face. The gorgon repositions them again, serpentine tail comfortingly cradling the half-elf as they lay together on the soft furs and blankets.

Gently, Adder wipes away Eben's tears. "Eben... I'm sorry. Please don't cry..."

The tender attention makes something strange stir in the half-elf. It's foreign and frightening, a mix of sorrow, yearning, and affection all seeming to swirl and intermix. In its grasp, he feels his composure vanish, leaving him vulnerable and foolish.

"Please kiss me," he sobs.

There's a sharp intake of breath before Adder fulfills the request.

He presses his lips against Eben's softly, clawed hands gently holding his face. The half-elf can't help but release more tears at the soft meeting of their mouths. It's not fierce, rushed, or demanding. It's tentative, kind, and loving.

It's like nothing he's ever felt before.

Adder holds Eben close as the half-elf rides out the overwhelming tide of emotions. He quietly lets himself fall apart, soothed by soft touches and whispered words.

When finally the tears have dried, the gorgon slips into sleep; winter's chill finally taking hold.

Eben glances at Adder's sleeping face in the dark, feeling almost jittery and nervous as he studies his friend. Impulsively, he reaches out to hold the gorgon's face, thumb sweeping across soft lips. The gorgon smiles at the gentle touch, nuzzling into it.

The action ignites yet another terrifying swirl of emotion in Eben. He pulls his hand away, holding it protectively against his body as his cheeks flush.

He closes his eyes, listening closely to the soft exhalations of Adder. His heart thuds as he realizes it's a sound he knows he will long for every night now.

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