Inazuma Eleven Orion X Reader...

By Isadora_12_oyira

9K 317 13

Following the tragic event that happened to her in her home country, Maya moves to Japan and ends up taking u... More



182 8 1
By Isadora_12_oyira

After dinner, you had cleaned the dishes with a little help from Shirou and made sure that everyone had retired to bed.

It was only when you had finally shut the door to your room did tiredness hit you full force and in under ten minutes, you were out like a light.

The next morning, the first thing you did when you woke up was realize that you had long overslept. You groaned before getting off your bed and headed downstairs to see everyone already eating and Mizukamia and Nishikage helping Gouenji prepare the last part of the meal and clear the kitchen.

"Oh, you're awake, Manager" Nosaka's calm voice just made you stare at him in confusion.

"What time is it?" You asked

"A little past ten. Why?" Matteo answered and you sighed before shrugging your shoulders and plopping yourself on the couch beside an obviously still sleepy Olivia. Haru immediately jumping on you to find a comfortable spot between your arms.

"I don't know why I feel so tired" you grumbled trying to not let your eyes close.


"If that was the case then I would have stopped sleeping a long time ago" you mumbled an answer.

"Are you sure-"

"Yes I can still attend the game" you replied cutting off Tatsuya's worried voice already knowing what he was about to ask.

"Come have breakfast, manager. You might feel better" Nishikage said handing you a plate full of food and a spoon.

You tasted it and hummed in approval. "You guys are getting pretty good at this" you praised. "Thanks" Mizukamia smiled in return.

"If you guys keep this up then I just might end up quitting because you obviously don't seem to need me anymore," you joked with a sigh and almost laughed when everyone stopped what they were doing and gave you a slight frown. Almost.

"You're quitting?" Asuto looked like you had just given him a tight slap on his face.

"I'm not. I was just kidding" you replied trying hard not to laugh when his frown deepened drastically.

"Don't joke with things like that! I thought you were actually serious," Kidou gave you a light flick on your forehead making you wince in pain.

"Ow!" you mumbled under your breath and ate the rest of your food in silence.

The match doesn't start until around 1pm so you had made sure you had taken a long bubble bath to relax and wake yourself up a bit.

A couple more splashes of water on your face seemed to have done the trick as you felt a lot more awake now.

After your long awaited dip, you had wrapped yourself in one of your fluffy towels and went to pick out an outfit.

After getting ready you were walking back to the living room when you saw Matteo standing in the hallway.

Matteo seemed to be on the phone with someone.

You wanted to give him some privacy and not interfere but what Matteo said next made you stop in your tracks and furrow his brows.

"No I haven't told her yet. I'm just waiting for the right time,"

"Waiting for the right time to tell who what?" You suddenly asked making the green haired boy jump back in fright.

"Gosh Maya, don't sneak up on he like that" you noticed how he had quickly ended the call as he turned to look at you.

"Who were you talking to?" You asked


"Don't like to me Matt, I'll know" you gave him a deadpan stare and he sighed. "I was talking to your brother" he said and your frowned.

"Nii-san? Why? Is something wrong with him?" You started getting worried.

You hadn't talk to your brother in a while mainly because he had just had a major surgery and needed time to recover so you couldn't reach him for a while.

"Elias is fine. You have nothing to worry about" he placed a hand on your shoulder but you weren't completely convinced. But you had to get ready to leave for the guys' match.

"Alright. Are you coming to the game also?" You asked deciding to change the topic.

"Uh...yeah, sure" he replied giving you a light smile making you smile back instantly.

"Cool. We live in forty five minutes!" you said before jugging off to the living room.

You kept going but didn't see the bag on the floor as you tripped on it but thankfully Haizaki caught you just in time.

"What's your problem now? How did you even fall?" He rolled his eyes at you as he steadied you on your feet.

"I didn't see the bag on the ground" you huffed back.

"Why do you always trip on random things? It's like you're begging for a head injury. Plus, see how much time I've wasted even bothering to catch you," he said making you frown.

"You know I didn't ask you catch me right?" You folded your arms and the grey hairs boy threw you a mischievous smirk.

"Sure you didn't"

"You are very annoying, you know that, Ryou" you said and he was about to respond when Mizukamia suddenly appeared out of nowhere giving Haizaki an unimpressed look.

"Stop bothering Manager, Haizaki." You smiled widely as you stood behind the tall boy's back, smiling cruelly at Haizaki before turning to Mizukamia and frowning.

"Are you okay, Manager? You seem sad," he turned to you and you hugged the blue haired boy. You saw Haizaki roll his eyes at your antics, already knowing where you were taking this to.

"He's being so mean, and he almost mad me fall" you whimpered, intentionally being as overdramatic as possible.

"You tripped her?" Mizukamia threw a bewildered look at Haizaki making the striker look at you in disbelief.

"She fell on her own!" Haizaki couldn't believe that he was actually taking your side. Well, he could but it still kinda hurt.

"We have a game to play in the next hour and the half and you're here pestering her. C'mon Haizaki, grow up" Mizukamia said as he shook his head.

"I-I should grow up?! She's literally throwing a- how could you even.....nevermind!" He said throwing his arms up exasperatedly before walking away muttering colourful words to himself making you smile as you and Mizukamia watched him walk away.

"That was quite petty of you, manager" Mizukamia smiled down at you and you smiled back brightly.

"I know. It's fun to mess with him" you replied. He ruffled your hair before throwing his arm over your shoulder as you both headed outside.

Unknown to you, a green haired boy watched you from the corner of the room. A sad smile on his face before sighing and walking away.


It was towards the end of the second half of the match between Japan and Uzbekistan. The score was currently 1-1.

The Uzbekistan team had a really tight defense and the only time they scored was thanks to Asuto's dribbling and Akio's Maximum Circus.

But since Asuto had a sprain after the whistle for the start of the second half, they were having a hard time breathing through their defense.

Nosaka and Kidou almost had it a few times but they were always shut down before they could even get through it. And now Uzbekistan had started keeping an eye on both of them and always keeping them marked.

Uzbekistan tried to score again but Nishikage's Artemis Ring stopped it cold.

"With only fifteen minutes left in the second half, there's no telling who'll come out of this match on top! Neither side is willing to give in!" The commentator yelled through the mic.

"This is so exciting!" Olivia could barely contain herself as they all watched the match play out on the bench.

"C'mon coach, let me play! I'm sure I'll be able to break through their defense!" Asuto suddenly said, determination clear in his eyes which even brought some of the people playing on the field attentions back to the bench.

Immediately he tried to stand up and after putting a little weight on his leg, he winced.

"Sit down, Asuto. You can't play" you said as you pushed his shoulders down a bit making him sit.

"But I can still be of some help" he frowned but you shook your head making his shoulders sag in defeat.

"HOHOHOHO! Get ready Asuto-kun, I'm switching you in!"

You head snapped to the side as you jumped back a little, startled when you saw Inazuma Japan's coach, Zhao Jinyun, suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


"Where did he even come from?"

"I feel like we should already be used to him appearing out of nowhere by now but it still freaks me out."

"What are you saying, Coach?! Can't you see he's injured?" You asked but the man just had an evil smile on his face which made you shudder.

"Sorry but if we want to win this match then we'll have to let him play."  He replied

You frowned.

You tried to convince yourself to just let him play but you just can't see your cinnamon roll get hurt more than he already is.

But after Asuto gave you the cutest puppy eyes he could muster and a few reassuring words, you finally caved.

"Fine. I give you ten minutes. Finish whatever plan you have, if it's not completed by then, then you'll have to take him off, you get that?" You said and he instantly nodded before switching Asuto in with Haizaki.

"Ten minutes is all I'll need."

The match resumed. After Asuto was switched in, the Uzbekistan members immediate changed tactics.

Knowing that only Asuto was the only one to actually break through their defense, about four players surrounded him.

"I hope he'll be alright" you mused as you watched the match play out.

But as you continued watching, you noticed something as the players surrounded Asuto. You gasped in realization as you sat up instantly.

"So that's why you switched him in" you said but the coach only gave a grin before turning back to the match.

"Just because you broke through our defense now doesn't mean we'll let you do it again" one of the players said as they all charged at him at the same time.

But Asuto only gave them a sweet smile before gently passing the ball to the side.

Then Kidou came out of nowhere and received it, shocking everyone as he quickly made his way towards the goal.

"What?! Where did he come from?!"

"Everyone fall back, It's a trap!"

"It's a little too late for that" Kidou said as he passed the ball to Gouenji who scored using Last Resort.

"By using Asuto as a decoy, they were able to pull most of their midfielders and defenders to one side, they left a huge hole on the other side making it easy for the rest to pass through and score" Coach Zhao Jinyun said.

Then the final whistle blew signalling the end of the match.

Everyone looked completely exhausted. They had used up a lot of energy in this match for sure.

"That was a great game. I expected nothing less from the world champions." The captain of the Uzbekistan team said as he bowed at Japan's team before both him and his teams walked away.

"That was awesome. You all did so well," Matteo complemented as the exhausted eleven also walked away from the field and towards the bench.

"This has to be the most exhausting game we've played in this championship so far."

"Tell me about it. I'm all worn out"

"Yeah, me too. I could definitely use a nap"

"Hey, Coach-" Asuto turned back to thank the coach again for letting him play but the player couldn't find his coach anywhere.

"Huh? Where did he go?" He mused as he looked around scratching his cheek as he wondered where his coach had disappeared to this time.

"Asuto c'mon. We're going home and plus we need to get that leg of yours checked out." You said, suddenly pulling the player out of his train of thought as you walked up to him.

"Uh, sure. Let's go" he finally said as you both walked back to the bus.

Well, you walked. He practically had to limp over with you supporting him.

After getting home, you had specifically asked Olivia to help you check Asuto's leg since she specializes in all those stuffs. 

"He's fine. It's not broken, just sprained. Keep him off his feet for a few days and he should be fine" she said. His ankle was all bandaged up as made it rest on a pillow.

"See, Manager. I told you I was fine" he said with a smile but you were still not convinced. "Just get some rest, okay? I'll bring up your dinner when it's ready" you said and he smiled.

After making sure he was asleep, you headed back downstairs.

"Manager!" Someone suddenly yelled your name. You sighed.

"I haven't even been down here for one minute yet..."

"Manger, thank goodness you're here. This is unacceptable, completely unacceptable"

"What is it, Terumi? What happened?" You asked as you plopped down on the couch watching the blonde as he continued his rant.

"H-He had the audacity to claim that his hair is better than mine!" He seemed like he was about to explode.

You, Olivia and Matteo blinked as you turned to yourselves before looking back at the striker who was pointing an accusing finger at Kazemaru who just looked bored.

"Ichirouta, why did you say that? You know how he gets when you say those things" you turned to the defender who just gave you an innocent shrug.

"He asked for the truth and I gave it to him" he sounded so calm, unlike the striker who's entire face was red in anger and his face in bewilderment.

"Calm down, okay. The both of you have nice hair alright so please stop yelling. You're giving me a headache." You groaned as you took one of the cushion pillows and covered your face with it.

"But mine is better, right?.....Right?!" You closed your eyes and sighed.

"Yes, Terumi. Yours is better" you finally said making the striker smile brightly at you. You were surprised at how quickly he had changed his mood.

"Thanks, manager. I knew I could count on you to tell me the truth," he said walking over to you and kissing your forehead before walking away like nothing had happened.

"What the-"

"Don't even ask"

"Are you okay, Maya? I think you need sleep"

"What I need is another vacation-"

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