Kingdom Fall : Aegon II Targa...

By Sweetophelia1

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It's Strange What Desire Will Make Foolish People Do. He catches a droplet of wine running from her lips to... More

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The One Who Gave You Life.
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The Next Best Thing.
Girls Night.
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Trials and Tribulations.
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Authors Note - Please Read Though
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Authors Note

Kicking and Screaming.

4.9K 141 66
By Sweetophelia1

Annerys rises at an ungodly hour to pray to the seven.

She wears her hair in the braided fashion that her mother favours and wears an all black dress that she knows the Queen won't enjoy especially not in a Sept since it's designed for the summer heat it once again shows more skin than is usually deemed appropriate but Anne would rather be named a harlot than be uncomfortable in the summers heat. They say dragons like warmth which is fair enough for Anne when it comes to bathing but Annerys would rather feel the sun warming her skin that the claustrophobic heat caused by dresses the Queen would deem 'proper'.

When Annerys arrives the Queen is already outside the doors of the steps as punctual as she is pious and pompous Anne thinks to herself as she curtsies to Alicent.

"Your family is leaving today." Alicent says without any further details.

"Yes." Anne says simply unable to figure out if the Queen was asking a question or just pointing out the obvious out of spite or triumph perhaps.

"I'm sure you'll miss them dearly. I remember when my father returned to Oldtown."

Hardly the same thing Annerys thinks to herself the Hand was returned to his brother disgraced but she was still the Queen. Anne has no power amongst these people, her families enemies. Which enemies did the Queen have? Who was plotting her downfall? "I have always wondered what the King's own good-father could have done to have lost his position." Annerys says. 

Alicent bristles at this comment and then replies "Order is restored now by the blessing of the father."

"Well the Stranger, Lord Lyonel had to die for Otto to be renamed hand."

Alicent doesn't respond, just sits there with that pout that Anne detests.

"We should pray that the mother soon blesses you with a son. That's what your focus should be on bearing your husband an heir. It's not our place to fret over the politics of men." Alicent then says.

Anne has to subdue the urge to ask the Queen if she ever actually hears herself speak if she actually gives any thought to the words that she spews out of her mouth. Politics don't belong to the men it's not only the men of the realm that they affect and Anne will be damned if she is to spend her life as a broodmare whose only purpose in life is to be bred.

"Aegon is in no need of an heir. My mother is healthy and hale, as is my brother, as am I. Aegon won't inherit a thing and neither will any children's daughter or son." Anne says calmly.

"Hmm." Alicent says.

The two then continue their morning rites in silence.

Jacaerys is waiting for her at the end of the hallway and says to Anne "Mother said that you were praying."

So Daemon told her that he'd been to see her. Anne thinks and wonders what else he told her mother and what he'd left out. 

"Walk with me?" Jace asks her.

Anne nods in response, they're not walking for long before Anne figures out where he's taking her.

They eventually reach the small alcove that they would play marbles in when they were children.
There's no trace of them there anymore but Anne can still picture how it was when they were children and declared it their secret place. Anne can remember how she would lay her head in Jace's lap and he would read to her, he's always been the more studious of the two he'd always wanted to read and to learn whereas Anne has always just been happy to be read to.

Anne can tell Jace has something to say but has no idea how to actually form the words so she reaches out and takes his hand in hers and he in response does the same with her other hand. 

"I love you." Jace tells her.

"I love you too." Anne says in response.

"And I'm sorry." Jace apologises.

"I know." Anne responds softly.

"Do you forgive me?" Jacaerys asks.

"Nothing to forgive." Anne tells him.

"Are you mad at me?" Jace questions. 

And she tells him "no" but maybe she is mad. That he was born the boy and she the girl. If she had been a man she wouldn't have been bartered between men. Sold off to stave of strife by an ailing man. But none of that is Jacaerys's fault and there's nothing he can do about any of it. She knows he's apologising for his anger the way that he's acted but she likes that he cares enough to be indignant on her behalf and enjoys that he's jealous of her husband.

Perhaps that's as sinful as jealousy itself.

Consoling yourself with another's pain especially when  you love that person dearly.
Is it wrong to like that somebody loves you so much you can see the torment it causes them not just on their face but leaking of every inch of their body.

Anne doesn't want Jace to suffer but perhaps it makes her glad that he's suffering for losing her.
Jace leans down and Anne stands on the tips of her toes to meet him in the middle and the two press their foreheads together they stand like that breathing in each others air.

Have sits down in the corner of the red brick alcove and pulls Anne down to sit in his lap.

"tell me something new." Anne asks of her brother once she's comfortable, she's been playing the game with her brother since they were children.

Jace smiles against the skin of her neck and says "did you know that legend says before Old Valyria became a republic they had seven Kings."

"Why did they become a republic then?"

"Who knows."

"Any theories?"  Anne says knowing he will have many he always does.

"A couple."

"Go on then." Annerys smirks at the predictability of her older brother.

"There was probably a coup and they couldn't decide on a leader."


"It's a fairer way to rule." Jacaerys suggests again.

"Boring and you probably shouldn't say that so loudly."

Which Jace snorts at. "I don't know what to tell you most things in life are boring, Anne." He shifts in the spot that he's sitting in uncrossing his legs and lifting his knees up jostling Anne about in his lap.

Anne moves a little in his lap to get comfortable again and Jace quickly grabs hold of her waist and holds her still.

Anne is confused for a moment until she feels him press against her slightly as she notices that he's halfway to being hard.

"Are you alright?" Anne asks.

"Mhhm, just don't move." Jace tells her through a small smile.

Anne smirks at him and Jace warns "don't" which only encourages Anne as she begins to giggle.

"Anne don't laugh," Jace complains through a laugh of his own.

"Your turn." Jace prompts once they begin to stop laughing.

Anne considers her answer for a moment before without any preamble she tells him "Daemon wants me to kill Aegon."

"Shit, Anne." Jace exclaims. "Have you told mother?"

"No and you can't either." Anne tells him.

"Is that what he told you?"

"Yes. But he's not wrong though is he. I could." Anne argues.

"Don't." Jacaerys tells her.

And moves her hands so that they're cupping Jace's cheeks and tells him "His life for mothers, for yours and Luke's and Joffreys and little Aegon it's a fair trade. One that I'm willing to make."
"Well I'm not Anne. You're worth more than a crown. To me. To everyone. Do you understand me Anne?"

"Jacaerys..." Anne begins before Jace cuts her off
"No. Nothing is more important to me than you Anne. Don't let Daemon convince you to become somebody you're not."

"But I could do it, Jace." Anne says, argumentatively suddenly angry that Jace thinks she's incapable of accomplishing something even if that something is murder.

Jace doesn't respond to this, just sighs and rubs her back and Anne ungracefully collapses against his chest resting her head against his shoulder.
The two sit like that until they can hear the Lords and Ladies that inhabit the court beginning their day. So the two stand and make their way to the courtyard where their mother will be waiting on them so that they all bar Anne can make their departure.

Anne's assumptions are proven as besides Jace she descends the steps in the courtyard to find her mother, step father and siblings waiting at the bottom.

She says goodbye to little Aegon first, who's being held in his wet nurse's arms. She lifts him into her own and says "you're going to be so big the next time I see you." She bounces him on her hip for a moment making faces at him as he babbles at her before she kisses each of his cheeks and hands him back to his nurse.

She then moves to Rhaena and says "promise me you'll write to me."

"Every week." Rhaena swears and the two girls fall into an embrace.

"I wouldn't dare expect the same from you." Anne jokes to Baela.

"Rhaena will keep me updated on you and you updated on me." Baela says in response.

Luke is the next person she says her farewells to the two embrace and she feels Luke's tear stained cheeks against her chest he's always been a rather sensitive boy who feels everything so deeply so Anne attempts to cheer him up so she says "the next time I see you, you'll be too grown up to embrace me, you'll tell me it's embarrassing."

"I'm going to miss you so much." Luke cries.

"I'll miss you more." Anne tells him they hold onto each other until Daemon puts a hand on Luke's shoulder and gently tells him to find his seat inside the carriage.

She then moves to Jace and she's already said her goodbyes to him there's nothing left to say, no more final sentiments left to give so she kisses him on the cheek and moves away from him to speak to Joffrey.

When she suddenly hears Aemond shout "you whore!" From the top of the stairs and begins to storm down them.

Anne looks to Baela who shrugs at her and then to Rhaena who does the same. The girls then turn to Rhaenyra who looks just as confused and as offended as them.

Once Aemond reaches the group he points at the trio and shouts "What have you three said to Helaena."

Both Rhaena and Annerys gasp in recognition of what they had told Helaena to try during their drunken stupor as Baela begins to chuckle. As this happens from the corner of Anne's eye she can see Jace whisper something into Daemon's ear and quickly realise Baela must have told him.

Daemon lets out a loud laugh before he says "Lower your voice lest the entire keep finds out you can't satisfy your wife, nephew."

At this the trio of girls all begin to giggle. As Rhaenyra watches the scene unfold in front of bewildered as the only one other than Joffrey who has no context.

The girl's giggles and Daemons taunt certainly doesn't help to subdue Aemond's anger but nevertheless he turns around and makes his way back up the stairs.

"What was that about?" Rhaenyra asks her husband.

Daemon leans down and says into her ear "I'll tell you in the carriage."

Once the girls have finished giggling Anne finishes off her final farewells she moves onto Joffrey who is standing looking confused as to why all of his siblings have become so emotional and why that tall man was shouting. Once she's stood in front of him Anne kneels down to hold eye contact with her youngest brother "I love you so much Joff."

"You love me the most." Joffrey whispers conspiratorially to her.

"That's right." Anne tells him and he smiles at her.

Not wanting to upset him by pushing any further since he seems happy enough Anne moves on to her mother.

"You're going to be so brave." Rhaenyra tells Annerys.

"I will." Anne says and they both hear the doubt in her voice as she says it. 

Rhaenyra attempts to assure her daughter by saying "No one will hurt you whilst Viserys lives. You have nothing to fear." It's so reminiscent of the words Rhaenyra would tell Anne as a child when she would crawl into her mothers bed after a nightmare "I'm here and you have nothing to fear." 

But she won't be here.

Anne will be all alone and there's so much to fear.

Anne feels herself begin to cry in her mothers arms and she feels her mothers arms pull her closer. Anne so desperately want to ask her mother to not go but she knows she can't so she pushes the thought down as her mother says "please don't cry." As she presses kisses into the crown of Anne's head and tells her  "I love you my darling girl." 

Daemon places a comforting hand on her shoulder before he ushers Rhaena and Baela into the carriage he then tells Joffrey to follow them which Joffrey responds to by saying "I want to sit next to Anne today."

Which causes everyone to pause. No one had noticed Joffrey hadn't realised Anne would be staying.

"Joff I'm not going I'm staying here." Anne tells him softly.

"No." He tells her.

"Joff. I have to."

"No. No. No."Joffrey says petulantly.

"Oh. Joffrey please don't be like this," Anne beseeches her younger brother finding her goodbyes to be difficult enough Joffrey's refusal to let her go would be unbearable.

"Joff say goodbye to Anne, please." Rhaenyra says gently.

"No! If Anne is staying then I'm not going!" Joffrey exclaims.

"You have to." Anne argues.


"What about Tyraxes?" Anne asks. 

"He will stay too." Joffrey argues. 

"Tyraxes' home is on the dragonmot. It wouldn't be nice to keep him from it.

"But it's your home too." He implored pulling at his doublet.

"It is which is why I'll always come back. But this is Aegons home so I have to stay here for just a little bit. But I'll write to you" and she looks up at her mother remembering her words to herself and Jace when ser Harwin returned to Harrenhal "won't that be fun"

"But I can't write or read." Joffrey sobs.

"Then you'll ask for help until you learn."

"But I'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you more but you must go and I must stay."

"Please don't leave me!" Joffrey wails distraught at the thought of being separated from his sister, he clings onto her skirts and wraps his little arms tightly around her legs.

Daemon has to lean down and pry his arms from her and Joffrey has begun literally kicking and screaming as Daemon carries him into the carriage Rhaenyra attempts to take him from Daemons arms but it's perhaps not the best idea for a pregnant woman to hold a child that's currently kicking and punching his tiny little fists against Daemon. so Daemon shakes his head and takes a step away from Rhaenyra as a silent refusal.

Rhaenyra looks equally as distraught as Joffrey is at the thought of abandoning her daughter but she presses one last kiss to Anne's wet cheeks then enters the carriage.

Anne hears Daemon ask Joffrey if he'd like to ride with him on horseback something which would usually delight the young boy but has no affect on him and does nothing to quieten his screams. So Daemon carries him into the Carriage.

Anne can still hear Joffrey's crying as the carriage rolls out of the keep.

She notices the onlookers and quickly decides to make her way back to her chambers where she might morn the loss of her family in private.

Once she arrives in her chambers she orders Zella to remove her dress and undo her hair then orders her to leave. Before she crawls back into bed.

Anne refuses entrance to the servants that bring her food and water at lunch and dinner that day and breakfast and lunch the next day.

Word had quickly made its way around the castle that the Princess was refusing any and all sustenance or communication.

Both her maid and Princess Rhaenys had been declined to enter her chambers by her guards, servant and princess alike sent away.

However no guard in the realm has the power to refuse a husband entry into his wife's chambers so when Aegon arrives on the second night the guards stationed outside of her rooms have no choice but to permit him entry.

He makes his way into her room stopping by the side of her bed

"Annie." Aegon says as he stands awkwardly on the other side of her bed to where she lays.

Annerys is in no mood to talk though so she ignores his presence.

"Annie, I know you can hear me." Aegon says yet she continues to ignore him so he crawls onto her bed, his leather boots still on his feet and lines up beside her.

He knows she's sad.

Knows why she's sad.

But there's nothing he can do about that.

He can't just send her back to her family.

So he does what he knows she'll like.

He runs his hand up along her thigh bunching up her thin nightgown as he goes. The cloth is soft against his skin but not as soft as the skin of her thighs or as soft as the inside of her cunt once the tips of his fingers reach their destination.

"What are you doing?" Anne asks. Although it's fairly obvious.

"I'm making you feel better." He tells her.

Anne likes the sound of feeling better of feeling anything other than grief so she spreads her legs slightly, inviting him to continue.

He runs the tips of his fingers up and down maddenly slowly. Anne suddenly thinks how ludicrous this is; he's playing with her most intimate parts and she hasn't even looked upon his face yet.

But as she has this thought Aegon suddenly speeds up his motion and Anne squeezes her eyes shut and her thighs together.

Aegon harshly grips hold of her thigh and forces her legs open before he pushes his knee between her legs and begins rubbing his knee against her core in time with his fingers.

Anne thinks she should care that his legs are still clothed in black leather trousers but she feels too good to complain about anything.

"Is this nice?" Aegon asks her searching for approval.

"When have you ever been nice?" Anne pants.

"I'm nice to you." Aegon says.

"Is that what you want? To be nice?" Anne moans.

"Isn't that what you want me to be?" Aegon asks.

"Not right now." Anne tells him and Aegon whimpers at her response. She can feel his hardness pressing against her back; she can't imagine it's comfortable for him.

Anne is sure that the friction caused by his leather trousers and his firm touch will leave her sore tomorrow. But she doesn't care or perhaps she wants to feel the product of what he's done to her days after.

She'd liked staring at the bruises across her neck for the days they had lasted after Driftmark even if she'd had to cover them with her dresses and hair, every morning and every evening she had inspected them in her looking glass and lamented as they began to fade.

"What do you want then?" Aegon asks.

"I want whatever you're willing to give." Anne moans as she feels her finish point is nearing.

Aegon feels that he's been blessed to have a wife such as Anne; perhaps he will rise with his mother at dawn and thank the seven for giving her to him.

Perhaps he'll send a raven to his nephew and thank the boy for removing the eye from his brother that has given him her.

Perhaps he will pay the weak man they call his father a visit and tell him how grateful he is that he gets to be the one that Anne shares her most base desires with.

She's his and no one can undo that. And she wants him too.

Aegon roughly pulls her nightgown up Anne's back baring her perk arse to him he pulls at it intending to rip it apart it takes more effort than he'd expected perhaps because it's expensive, even delicate things are durable if they cost enough. But once he begins to tear it rips easily enough.

Annerys gasps as she hears the sound.

Once he's ripped all the way up her back he places bruising kisses against her skin that are so harsh they might as well be bites. Before he moves on and rips down the front. Anne is left with thin straps on her arms and little else.

Anne's sulks at the loss of her pretty nightgown before her attentions are redirected as he roughly fondles her tits.

He begins to toy with her nipples before he thinks twice and inserts two of his fingers into his mouth coating them with saliva before he then pushes them past Annes own lips and  she sucks in them. He groans and pulls his fingers out before he moves his wet fingers back to her nipples. Slick with both of their saliva there's no friction and all that remains is pleasure.

He removes his fingers and Anne mourns the loss but she's distracted once more as she feels his hard member line up against her and push into her. It still stings but the pain is significantly less than last time. And she quickly finds herself not caring about the slight sting as Aegon begins rocking into her.

Once he's figured out a pleasurable rhythm he reaches his hand out against her bedside table and leverages himself against her as he gets faster and harder. Anne can hear her own loud moans and the sound of creaking wood; she knows that the guards posted outside her doors will be able to as well or any servant or noble walking past.

Aegon's other hand is still pressed underneath her although it has stilled and now rests against her cunt.

"Aegon!" She moans loudly. "Gods! Aegon don't stop."

"Obviously." Aegon says harshly against her shoulder blades as he continues to roughly pound into her.

Everything Anne knows about intimacy suggests that she shouldn't like how rough he's being. It's jarring to think how gentle he had been their first night and how painful it had been compared to the pleasure she feels now at what she imagines looks like a fight that she's losing.

Unable to hold herself upright against the pressure of him she eventually falls  on to her front. Aegon seamlessly continues his rhythmic rocking into her. As he follows her downward motion so he's pressed flat against her back. Anne feels as though she can't breathe so she turns her head to the side, her face now resting against the goose feather pillows rather than suffocating her.

She feels as though Aegon is consuming her mind, body and soul. She knows she likes it and wants to feel this way at all times. She can't imagine why people ever do anything else.

She suddenly finds the existence of whores and pillow houses significantly less confusing.

She hears Aegon groaning loudly into her ears and it only spurs her on. So she pushes back against him as she accustomes herself to the steady rhythm of back and forth Aegon has created.

Aegon's hand had remained against her hot wet centre but once he'd truly began to feel his own pleasure once he was inside he'd become distracted and stopped but pressed against his wife's back as she moaned and whined his name he remembers where his hand is placed and puts it back to work. He finds her cunt drenched with proof of his success as he toys with her folds before her forcefully plays with her nub. Anne all but screams with delight once he begins.

"Should I stop?" he taunts.

"" Anne sighs her words lacking the bite she had intended them to.

"Tell me to stop." Aegon groans.

"I'd sooner..." Anne stops mid sentence as she moans loudly " Merax."

Anne feels that familiar peek of pleasure and groans into her pillow as she rides it out.

Anne has no objection to allowing Aegon to find his own pleasure inside of her but to find some respite she reaches down and attempts to push his hand away.

In response Aegon groans out a "No."

"It's too much." Anne whines as her hips involuntary grind against his hand as he continues to rut into her.

"I know," he says almost soothingly as he continues.

Anne reaches her peak once more that evening and Aegon slows down his hand but doesn't stop completely until he finally reaches his own peak.

He slackens on top of her and without the distraction of pleasure Annerys can feel all his weight pressing her into her mattress.

She enjoys knowing that someone is that close to her regardless of how stifling it feels to bare his weight, she reaches one of her hands behind her and the angle is uncomfortable but she doesn't care and places it against the bottom of his back. As he nestles his nose into her hair at the bottom of her neck as he places kisses on her neck.

As Anne drifts off to sleep, Aegon inhales the familiar scent of Clementines and Dragons that clings to Anne's skin.

Find Me On Twitter @SweetOphelia13

I think to a certain point Alicent does intend on being cordial with Anne since she's now Aegons wife but Anne has no reason to extend this because firstly Alicent and her family at some point are obviously going to try and usurp her mother. But also through our Anne's childhood Alicents been calling them illegitimate which is really something that endangers Anne and her siblings lives. Plus the last time she had seen Alicent she tried to cut out Lukes eye and cut her mother in the process so Anne's not Alicents biggest fan 😂

I think that as a concept especially in things like asoiaf the investors nature of the Targaryens isn't really considered as people either just argue that's it's unnatural and disgusting or they refuse to hear anything negative about it because it's their favourite 'ship'. But I think the way that incest shapes the Targaryens and the way they view themselves their relationships and the world around them is so interesting. Whilst obviously incest is sordid and illegal for a reason it does make for an interesting dynamic 😂
So with Jace and Anne I've come at with the idea that if they were in any normal none incestpus family they would have just been really close but because they are so close and in a family where it's expected that you'll marry a sibling it's impacted their relationship dynamic. So whilst they're not actually engaging in any sexual activities with each other there's still a sensuality to their relationship that shouldn't be there and it's difficult for them to accept/comprehend the fact that they have to let each other go. Especially for  Jace because Anne doesn't actually have to deal with those emotions because it's not Jace who's getting married and if it was the other way around Anne would probably react the same way.

I've attempted to write something that I feel is quite complex and I'm not sure that Anne comes of great but that's not really what I'm going for. Anyway I just hope that I've been at least somewhat successful at conveying all of this in the text.

Anyway let me know your thoughts on the dynamic between Alicent and Anne and Jace and Anne ❤️

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