Stranger Connections

By _eyes_wideshut

1.7K 187 28

A new phenomenon is sweeping the globe. Strangers who have a need deep inside rarely can meet the eye of some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 12

62 7 0
By _eyes_wideshut

A/N Hello my lovelies! Here is the next part. I have received several requests for an update (honestly on all of my stories). I am truly sorry my work schedule is so hectic right now, It's really cutting into my writing time, bah humbug lol. This story is complete fiction, I do not know or own the characters written here except those I have previously named. Any resemblance to reality is a complete coincidence. Feedback is incredibly important to me so if you like what I write please let me know. Mariposaofasia this chapter is dedicated to you. I promise I am working on Love Is A Sneaky Bitch as well. Thank you again for your message. It meant a lot, write me anytime. Seriously. To my beloved twins and to my fellow authors lolwhyamidoingthis (I don't even know if you read my work but either way) and Makirasan; you four inspire me. Your words and your stories always make me excited to write. I adore you. Lastly if you want to be alerted when I update, you can follow me at _eyes_wideshut on twitter. Now enjoy. 

Felix and Hyunjin spent the rest of the weekend in the apartment. They alternated between making love and just relaxing together. Felix had texted a picture of Hyunjin to Chan each day, letting the leader know he was safe. The pictures never showed Felix, just a very happy and relaxed Hyunjin. It was a side Chan had hoped Hyunjin would find. The duo tested their connection seeing how to use it to pleasure each other even when they couldn't physically touch. Neither of them commented on why but there were many thoughts of how this would help after.

Through trial and error they realized they could see the fantasy and feel a ghost touch when one thought about touching the other. It wasn't the same as a physical touch but it could be pleasurable and erotic. They could draw each other's attention to anything the other could feel. One would close their eyes and the other would feel random sensations everyone learned to ignore, like the slight crease of a shirt on the elbow or the feel of a pillowcase creased below the neck. They could almost push those feelings to the front allowing the person who actually had the sensation to pay attention to things they hadn't noticed themselves.

Physical touch however was different. If Felix touched himself for example, Hyunjin could feel it. They touched their own lips and arms. They gently stroked legs and bellies. They touched themselves and paid attention to how the other reacted, felt and thought. They learned how to calm and how to arouse each other. They knew it would come in handy to know exactly how to touch themselves to make the other feel like they were being touched. It was an exercise of pleasure, compassion and patience.

By the time Hyunjin was packing to leave, Felix was lost in tears at losing him, perched cross legged on the bed. Hyunjin stopped packing and took a seat on the bed next to him. He ran his fingers through Felix's hair. Lix, baby, this isn't goodbye. You aren't losing me. I'm still in here. He tapped Felix's head. You are still going to be closer to me than anyone else. I'm still going to feel that gorgeous body of yours. I promise this isn't goodbye. I don't want to lose you. I'm not going anywhere baby. We will figure out how to make us work at a distance. You promise you aren't just gonna leave me behind? Lix, baby, sunshine, look at me. Felix looked into his eyes.

You know how I feel about you. You know how important you are to me. Felix sniffed and nodded solemnly. Then trust me and trust in us. Felix took a shuddering breath. Ok. Hyunjin kissed him tenderly and then kissed his forehead. "I love you, Sunshine."

Felix smiled. "I love you too, Hyunie." Hyunjin stood and went back to packing. Felix folded his pants and handed them to the other man. When he finished they snuggled back up onto the couch as they waited for the uber to arrive.

"Maybe we can find time for you to come visit me." Hyunjin suggested. "Our schedule is a beast but we will make it work." He kissed the top of Felix's head which was quickly becoming Felix's favorite thing..

"Sure you don't want me to take you to the airport?"

"No. If I have you looking at me with those beautiful eyes, I won't be able to get out of the car." Felix nodded knowing it was true. They heard the horn honk and with a sigh they stood.

"I would say call me when you get there safely but..."

"But you'll already know." Hyunjin said with a grin and kissed Felix softly. "That is until next time. I miss you already. Be safe and keep an eye out for the asshole."

"I will." One last quick hug and kiss and Hyunjin was gone. Not gone. Just headed home.

Felix picked up his phone and texted Chan. ~he's on his way to the airport heading back to you. Please take good care of him.~

A reply came quickly. ~I always do. I promise he will be good. Thanks for taking care of him while he was there.~

~my pleasure~

Felix wandered around the house as Hyunjin made his way to the airport and then through it. He only breathed easier when he was safely through security and beyond the reach of any paparazzi. He had been unnoticed thankfully. Around dinnertime, when Hyunjin was I'm the air, there was a knock at Felix's door.

Vanessa and Arny stood on the doorstep holding up a couple pizzas. She peeked behind him. "Is your friend gone?" She bounced nervously. "We aren't trying to interrupt if he is still here."

"Yeah." Felix said sadly. He's on the plane going home." He stepped back wordlessly inviting them to enter.

"We thought so and figured you might need some company." Arny said with a smile. "Flutter picked out some movies and drinks and I grabbed some pizza. Unless you want to be alone..." He hesitated. That's so kind of them. Yes. It really is.

Vanessa bounced over and hugged Felix. "Want and need are two separate things, Arny." She chirped and headed into the kitchen to put the drinks in the fridge and get the plates.

"I don't know if I will be good company." Felix hedged.

"Felix," Vanessa said coming back into the living room, "you don't have to be good company. We are here to keep you from being alone. If you just want to sit and stare at the tv that's ok. If you want to watch movies and laugh with us that's ok. If you want to talk about your friend and cry, we are here for that as well. I just wanted to make sure you weren't alone."

Felix smiled at her as Arny took a seat. "You two are the best thing that Jacob brought into my life." They are the only good things.

They spent the evening just keeping Felix company and letting him control the flow. There was some laughter and a couple tears but through all that, Felix didn't really talk about Hyunjin. He honestly didn't know how to. How do you say that famous kpop guy is in my head and we fell in love before we even really met? He would sound crazy if he even tried.

Late that night Hyunjin got home and tried to be quiet knowing Felix had cried himself to sleep already. Chan greeted him with a hug. "How was the trip?"

"Good." Hyunjin answered quietly.

Chan raised an eyebrow. "You good brah?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It was a great weekend. My friend and I were very happy I went."

"You don't have to worry. Jisung is with Min and Binnie is at the gym." Chan said thinking that was why Hyunjin was being quiet.

"Oh...uh...I was just trying not to be too loud." He blushed.

"So tell me about your friend. They were very nice and sent me daily pictures so I knew you hadn't run off to join a cult." He teased but his tone was very curious about the mystery friend.

"I know. They told me." Hyunjin said with a little smile, knowing Chan was trying to find out more.

"Do I know them?"

"Nope." Hyunjin's grin grew.

"Bin said he talked to them."

"Yep." At this point Hyunjin was just having fun with it, knowing how badly Chan wanted to know.

"So he told me all about them." Chan said. "You don't have to hide it from me."

"No I did not." Changbin said as he came into the room. His shirt clinging to his muscular frame, wet with sweat. "I didn't tell you anything." He turned and grinned at Hyunjin. "Glad you are home though." He said with a smile. "We missed you." He headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. "And don't think I don't know how much hyung is dying to know the details." He shot back over his shoulder.

Hyunjin laughed. "Exactly why I'm not telling him anything."

Chan gave him an exasperated look. "I can't protect you if I don't know anything." He said trying a different approach.

Hyunjin looked at the door as Minho and Jisung arrived and joined them, the couple holding hands. To stave off his sudden longing for Felix, Hyunjin continued quickly."Face it hyung. I know you are just dying of curiosity and it is killing you to not be at the center of this." He grinned, having a blast picking on his hyung. Minho started laughing.

"My web of corruption continues to expand." Minho said with a smirk. "Now what are we talking about?" Hyunjin grinned at him.

"Thank you, hyung! Chan hyung is trying to figure out who I went to visit."

"Ahh." Minho made that sound he always made when he was understanding the unspoken. "It's healthy to not know every little detail, hyung." He grinned.

Chan pouted and looked over at Minho and Jisung before looking back at Hyunjin. "You've been hanging around Min-ah too much." He muttered and the others all laughed and Chan finally joined in.

Later while Hyunjin was unpacking Binnie knocked on his door and came in. "You look awfully tense for someone who spent the weekend relaxing." Binnie stated as he took a seat on the bed and watched. Hyunjin shrugged.

"It was hard to leave him." He finally said softly.

Changbin looked at him in surprise. "You didn't want to come back? Usually you can't wait to get home."

"More like I wanted him to come with me." He sat too and looked at his hands. "I love him, hyung." He admitted, his voice was soft and vulnerable.

Changbin reached over and pulled Hyunjin against him, hugging him with one arm. Hyunjin could smell the clean scent of shower on him and the faint scent of his cologne and let the smell comfort him. "I know." Changbin said softly. "You wouldn't have gone otherwise. Chan knows too that's why it's freaking him out that you won't tell him anything about Felix." Then he grinned. "It's good for him to not always know everything. Keeps him on his toes."

Hyunjin sniffed and laughed. "Tell me about him. Only what you want to." Changbin offered.

"He's beautiful, kind and gentle. I've never met anyone like him." He took a deep breath. "When we met he was dating this horrible guy who treated him like absolute shit. The guy blamed Lix for making him gay and it made Felix blame himself too so he let this guy just humiliate him."

Hyunjin rubbed his cheek against his hyung's shoulder seeking comfort. Binnie understood without a word and rubbed his back. "He finally broke up with him and then I made the plan to visit."

"So he just got out of a relationship?" Changbin asked worriedly.

"Yes. But trust me, he isn't thinking about Jacob. He hasn't for a while. Jacob just made life miserable."

"I know you trust him Jin-ah but how can you be sure this isn't a rebound?" Changbin asked carefully and when Hyunjin immediately went to pull away he tightened his grip. "I'm not doubting you. Don't take it that way; I just want to be sure you are protecting yourself."

Hyunjin looked into his eyes. "I can't explain how I am so sure..."

"Can't or won't?" Changbin asked.

Hyunjin shrugged. "Does it matter? Either way I wouldn't tell you without talking to him about it. You know how I am about trust, especially new people." Changbin nodded. "What I will tell you is that he knows me better than anyone ever has. I know him the same way." His gaze turned pleading. "Bin, I swear he is the most pure soul I have ever met. He is a ray of happiness, joy and honesty. He is completely open with me. He shares everything he feels and thinks. We tell each other everything. I swear to you, he is not using me. Trust me."

"Jin-ah, I do trust you. I just want so badly to see you happy. I want someone to appreciate you the way you should be."

"Bin, he does. He is everything I could ever want and more."

"Then I'm happy for you." Changbin kissed his temple and finally stood. "I'm happy you are home though. It's not the same without you." Hyunjin smiled at him.

"Missed you too, hyung." He grinned.

Changbin left and Hyunjin settled onto his bed to paint. He started with a sketch of Felix, looking out the window with sun streaming onto his face and his fingers gently on his lips. He made a good start on it before finally putting the painting down and settling to get some sleep. It was early in the morning and he wouldn't get much sleep but Hyunjin had felt comforted by painting Felix. His thoughts were of his sunshine as he drifted off to sleep.

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