Touch of Fire

By Minnamouse33

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Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... More

The Bastard of Ketterdam
A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
New Friends and Enemies
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you

A New Start

761 17 0
By Minnamouse33

I had gotten my wish. I finally had a night with pleasant dreams.  I sighed as I felt the morning light streaming into the room.

I rolled and stretched out my limbs and sensed the other presence in the room instantly.

I sat up abruptly clutching my dagger. I relaxed slightly noticing Kaz setting a tray on the table nestled between the two chairs in front of the hearth.

He glanced over to me on the bed, took notice of the blade clenched in my hand and I noticed as his eyes darted down briefly before he met my eyes once more. His cheeks had flushed and he turned his back to me.

I realized the reason for his reaction was that the sheets had moved down and my breasts had been on full display. I chuckled as I drew the sheets up to cover myself again. I set my blade beside me on the mattress as I said to Kaz," Serves you right for entering my room unannounced Kaz .Have you not seen a naked woman before? Surely a man your age.."  I started to tease him but he cut me off .

He said curtly." My apologies I just wanted to bring you breakfast.  Nina swears by these waffles. She says they can perform miracles." He sighed " You're right I should of announced myself. I am not used to anyone using my room..."

My mouth dropped open as I interrupted him, " Your room, you had me sleeping in your room?  The flowers and the lotions were for me specifically? No wonder Inej wanted to slit my throat last night."

Kaz's eyed widened as he limped over to me on the bed seemingly forgetting himself as he asked me urgently," What happened? Are you hurt? "

I startled at the urgency in his words. Just what was his game? I frowned up at the man as I replied, " Nothing happened we just had a little talk. I think we've come to an agreement of sorts but you.. this, this isn't going to help things. "

Kaz sighed and rubbed one gloved hand down his face and he sat himself on the end of his bed keeping distance between us.

I waited for him to speak,he seemed to have withdrawn into himself and I wasn't sure what I should say but my hunger settled that for us.  The growl of my stomach was loud in the sudden silence between us.

I laughed and that seemed to draw Kaz out of his reverie. He glanced at me with a brow raised.

" I guess I should eat now. " I stated as I started to move off the bed.

This sparked him into action. Kaz reached for my discarded robe and he held it out to me. I smirked as I noticed his gloved hands shook as he waited for me to grab the clothing from him.

I had the inkling to tease him further but I didn't wish to be unnecessarily cruel.

" Thank you Kaz." I said sincerely as I grabbed the robe and quickly dressed in it as Kaz turned his back to me.  I made sure the robe was tied tightly to not flash the poor man again and I said to him softly as I moved past him still perched on the end of the bed. " I'm decent now. Your eyes are safe from seeing any more than is acceptable."

Kaz groaned but he got himself up off the bed and followed me back over to the two leather chairs. He settled himself into the right one and stretched out his long legs.

I settled myself into the free seat and reached over to pick up a waffle from the plate.  I started pulling it in pieces popping the delicious confection into my mouth. This Nina had been right, the waffle was amazing and the burning ache in my stomach eased with each bite I took.

I smiled at the bowl of strawberries and cream that Kaz had also gathered for me.

I had not had these in many years and I moaned when I popped one in my mouth savoring the tart fruit.

Kaz shifted in his seat at my reaction but didn't say anything. 

I looked at his profile as I popped another berry in my mouth. He turned to face me his eyes intense. His mouth a thin line. I watched his throat bob as I licked my fingers of the stickiness from the berries.

" Stop that Amira. Just eat." Kaz seethed at me

I frowned at the broody bastard. He had likely not slept well since I had taken his bed last night.

I felt inclined to ask him," So Kaz if I had the pleasure of your bed where did you lay your head?  Perhaps you were smart enough to find your wraith and keep her company."

Kaz's eyes sparked and I realized I had been to bold with him. He looked every bit the fearsome leader of the crows now. This was the side of Kaz that his enemies would see in the moments before they died,shit shit shit.

I started to backtrack and apologize," Kaz I..."

Kaz reached out with surprising speed and grabbed my scarred arm in a bruising grip. He used his grip on me to yank me up from my seat. He pulled me against him. I don't think he realized that I was pressed so closely against him just now with his anger clouding everything else.

" Watch your words Amira, you seem to think we're friends. You have yet to know your place here.  I have been too lenient with you it seems. We will correct that now." Kaz seethed at me,"  I am master here,  Do you understand? "

I felt the heat of him through my robe and it made me tremble.  He mistook this for fear of him and I let him think it momentarily.

I wasn't about to leave one tyrant for another. I yanked my arm out of his grip and shoved him hard with my free hand against his chest.

Kaz grunted as he stumbled back a little from me.

I returned his anger back at him as I yelled," Don't EVER lay a hand on me again or you won't like what happens.  Know this Brekker, while I agreed to work for you, I am not your abuse target. I may have overstepped and I tried to apologize for that but your solution was to grab me?  Do you see this.?"

I shoved my scarred forearm towards him. " You already got your pound of flesh from me and I won't give you more. Now if you could kindly fuck off i'll dress and get out of your room. "

I was shaking I was so angry and Kaz to his credit seemed chagrined.

He took a few calming breathes and he met my eyes as he replied. " I didnt realize, I apologize. I'll leave you to change. Come to my office when you're ready.  I trust you remember how to get there. "

I smirked at him as he picked up the cane he'd dropped when he'd angrily grabbed me to him.

Before he left he said softly, " There are clean clothes in the drawers.Feel free to wear what you want. I'll have one of the girls get you your own clothes later. I am sorry Amira."

I knew he was being sincere but I wasn't ready to forgive him. I just nodded and turned my back on him which he understood was his cue to depart.

I kept my back turned and only released a breathe when I heard the door shut.

I rubbed at the wrist he'd held. I knew I'd bruise but it wasn't as bad as it could of been.

" Fucking men. They think they are so mighty and yet one mere glance and a man can be brought to his knees." I seethed, "Perhaps I should make you kneel Kaz Brekker, maybe then you'll realize you don't control me."

For now I'd settle for tormenting him. I was amused to realize Kaz had liked what he'd seen of me earlier on his bed.

"Sorry Inej" I muttered,"Kaz brought this on himself. I cannot be blamed for his behavior now could I?"

I started forming the plan to knock Kaz off his high horse. I was so tired of these powerful men.

Perhaps a change in leadership was needed. This was a risky plan I knew but I would own Kaz and his Crows when I was finished.

It was about time that a Queen ruled Ketterdam.

I smiled wide as I fished in Kaz's drawers, readying myself to play a very dangerous game with the Bastard of Ketterdam.

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