Touch of Fire

Von Minnamouse33

19.7K 402 40

Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... Mehr

A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
A New Start
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
New Friends and Enemies
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you

The Bastard of Ketterdam

2.7K 30 4
Von Minnamouse33

This is a stupid and risky mission. What choice did I really have though? If I didn't retrieve the item for my boss I would be in alot of trouble.Likely dead come sunrise.

Did it have to be his office though? Kaz Brekker was a man not shy about committing violence and spilling blood to get what he wanted.

I flinched at the memory of the aftermath of the last altrication our group,the Serpents, had with his Crows. I had barely escaped alive and I didn't leave unscathed.

I tentivately ran my fingers along the wicked scar on my left forearm. The injury had stretched from my wrist up to my elbow. It had been a constant painful reminder of the life I had been forced into.

No woman my age had aspirations to become a thief or an assassin but life had other plans for me it seemed. Now here I was in my enemy's office, foolishly attempting to steal something from a man who made his living taking what he wanted from anyone who stood in his way.

I shivered again in remembrance of the sting of the silver blade that had split my skin that awful night. The  cooper tinged air as my blood and the blood of both my friends and enemies filled the night air. Thankful of my survival instinct and training. I had instinctly punched my assailant hard in his smug beautiful face. I had delighted hearing his grunt of pain and the crunch of bone as I had broken Kaz's nose.

With his blood coating my fists mixing with my own I never forgot the eyes that pierced mine as he wiped away his blood with the back of one gloved hand.

"Shit where is this stupid thing?" I muttered as I carefully rummaged through drawers and cabinets. I was on edge and startled at any noise I heard outside the office.

I finally found a hidden compartment tucked inside the bottom desk drawer. I smiled hearing the release of the locking mechanism. Lifting the lossened latch I sighed in relief when I saw what had been carefully placed inside the secret space.

" Finally." I whispered. I blew out a relieved breath lifting the clothe covered object from the confines of the drawer.

I needed to see what I was risking my life for and my curiosity was piqued.  Removing the cloth I balanced the small silver container in my open palm.

" Really this is what I'm risking my neck for? A pill container. These fucking bastards." I seethed.

It was then I felt the other presence in the shadowed corner of the office. I pulled my favorite dagger from my wrist sheath whirling to face the figure that had somehow entered the office without making any noise.

I tossed my knife and heard the clang of steel. I watched in dismay as my only dagger went spiraling across to the other end of the office where it landed harmlessly on the plush red carpet.

The laugh that followed made my skin crawl.The man spoke softly," That does not belong to you."

My heart beat frantically within my chest. My breathing became irratic. This was Kaz Brekker, The Bastard of Ketterdam himself and I was trapped with the devil in his office.

I was able to find my voice despite my nerves as I said," It also does not belong to you, you bastard!"

Kaz quirked an elegant brow as he stepped from the dark shadow into the spill of moonlight filtering through the large window encompassing most of the right wall. The only source of light in the room currently.

The head of his walking cane glinted in the moonlight, the carved crow's ruby eyes casting twin beams of eery red light across his desk.

He was silently assessing me and it made me want to retreat further into the opposite corner of the large office, but I stood my ground. I knew I couldn't show him any weakness to exploit if I wanted to get out of this confrontation alive.

He held out a gloved hand to me and watched me expectantly.

I growled at him but didn't heed his silent request.

This caused his mouth to quirk slightly and his eyes flashed. What was that emotion I saw in his eyes just now, had that been interest?

No fucking way,I shook myself, he was trying to just unbalance me.

" Girl don't be stupid now. You do not have another choice but to return that to me. I will admit I am not an overly patient man." Kaz gritted out, " I don't wish to spill your blood in my office but I will make you hurt if I have to."

" Fuck off. I am taking this with me. I am leaving and you are not going to do anything about it." I tried to sound confident even as I trembled like a leaf.

When Kaz's smile widened I knew he was calling me out. He knew he had the advantage and he was taunting me with that knowledge.

I braced for an attack but Kaz leisurely moved past me to settle himself behind his large desk. He turned on the lamp filling the room with a soft orange glow. If I wasn't in fear of my life I'd concede the room was actually cozy.

I also begrudgingly admit Kaz has excellent taste. The plush red carpet paired perfectly with the dark wood furniture.

What bothered me most was that Kaz somehow knew I had no other weapons on me and he was confident enough to turn his back to me, even if it was just briefly.

I watched as he propped his long legs up on the corner of his desk. His relaxed manner was a front I knew, this man was quick and vicious and I needed to keep my guard up around him at all times.

I glared at him and the bastard actually laughed at me. I was livid beyond reason by his arrogance and wished I had decided to bring my other blades tonight. I had not wanted to be weighed down with weaponry,which now I realize was the least of my problems.

Kaz pointed his cane at the only other chair in the room which was set in front of his desk. "Sit girl."

I shifted around the desk not giving the man my back, I would not give him any opportunity to attack me again.

I pushed the offered chair back from the front of his desk with my boot and sat  keeping the man in my line of sight.

Kaz smiled at my compliance. He didn't need to be so bloody smug about it though.I had only decided to sit because my legs were wobbly and I didn't want to fall and be vulnerable in front of him. I wasn't stupid and I haven't stayed alive in this city by underestimating my enemies.

I crossed my arms beneath my breasts and Kaz's eyes noticed the gesture. Typical male, I smirked inwardly. I still had other tricks available to use if I had to.

The silence between us was becoming unbearable and I had to break it."Mr. Brekker we both know I cannot leave here empty handed. Why are we playing this game? It is beneath you. Surely the leader of the Crow Club doesn't make a habit of sitting with hired help from enemy crews."

Kaz removed his legs from his desk,  steepeled his hands over the tip of his cane and leaned forward over his desk to smirk at me as he responded, " You are right that I am not usually willing to simply speak with pawns." He sneered the last word at me and it raised my hackles again but I refused to respond to his taunt. " What's your name? Why do you look familiar?"

" I'm not a fool, I am not giving you my name." I sneered at the man as my anger and stress finally overwhelmed me," I'm the one who punched you in your stupidly arrogant face Brekker."

Kaz frowned at the bitterness in my words and he certainly didn't appreciate my insult. I was shocked to realize I got gotten under his skin. I had ruffled this crow's feathers it seemed.

I decided to try my luck further and without much consideration I spat, " What, cat got your tongue? Or are you afraid of me now?"

Kaz's eyes went blank instantly and the shift in his expression shook me. This, this was the reason to fear him.  All my earlier bravado had evaporated and I pushed myself further into my seat my body involuntarily trying to put more space between us.  The man saturated the space. Despite him physically being behind his desk his energy seemed to suffocate me and I wanted nothing more than to flee, to escape his sight and his anger.

I glanced over to the window. We were several stories high and I knew I couldn't easily scale down this building.  I had done my research earlier when I was scouting the area to plan my entrance and exit.

Kaz rapt his cane hard on his desk snapping me out of my quiet contemplation.

" It isn't worth the risk of injury. You are likely to break you neck from this height. Just understand that you are here until I let you go, if I let you go that is." He said softly

I swallowed at the ominous words.

The tension between us was palpable.

It was then that another man entered the room. Kaz sighed and settled himself back into his own seat again.

" Jesper what is it?" Kaz glanced to the other man who looked between us a frown furrowing his brow," I'm currently busy."

" Kaz, uh who is she?" Jesper nodded in my direction and I snarled at him. This made the other man laugh, " Ohhh she's a firecracker isn't she?"

" She's a thief Jesper and also a Serpent. She was stealing from me." Kaz growled

Jesper tisked at me and shook his head as he said," Naughty girl, Kaz isn't fond of others taking his toys. If you were smart girl you'd beg him for mercy. "

It was my turn to laugh then," Mercy? the man doesn't know the meaning of the word and I will not beg any man."  I met Kaz's eyes as I said this, making him see I would not be his pawn.

Jesper moved to sit on the corner of Kaz's desk and smirked at him.

" Well Kaz, you heard her she won't beg.So what's the plan now?" He asked Kaz ignoring my icy gaze.

Kaz smiled again at me and it wasn't kind. I was annoyed that nothing seemed to detract from his good looks. I was also disappointed to discover that even though I had  broken his nose he had recovered and miraculously was still as handsome as he had ever been. 

I chided myself for ogling the man who held my fate in his gloved hands.

Kaz seemed to catch onto my inner dilemma as he said simply " I know a Grisha and she healed me, repairing the damage you inflicted."

Jesper whistled and looked to me with slight admiration.

"So this is the one who broke your nose then Kaz? Kaz but she's so tiny." He teased Kaz who took it in stride but didn't comment.

Jesper met Kaz's serious expression and he turned to look to me once again. I knew this definitely wasn't good.

" She may not beg for a man but she will beg." Kaz smirked at me as he said that.

Jesper nodded in understanding and hopped from his perch on Kaz's desk. He patted my shoulder in mock sympathy and I shrugged him off.

He shook his head at me and he leaned to whisper at my ear," You think Kaz is bad? Wait till you meet his wraith. She doesn't appreciate anyone stealing what isn't there's to take. You shouldn't have been so stubborn and just did as Kaz said and now.. Well let's just say Kaz was the better choice."

I knew well about Kaz's Wraith. Inej was an assassin too. I would admit she was an exceptional fighter but I didn't know between the two of us who was actually deadlier.I guess I was going to find out sooner than I had wanted.

I had honestly had enough of everyone trying to dictate my life. To threaten and hurt me. My fear had receded behind my new found resolve.  I'd face whatever these Crow's threw my way because the other option wasn't acceptable to me.

I smiled at the men as I boldly said, " Bring it on Brekker you will not break me. "

His answering smile said he'd delight in proving me wrong.


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