Servant of the Serpent

By RowanLaneStories

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When Eben decides to rob the isolated town nestled deep in the woods, he could never have predicted that he w... More

BOOK ONE - Servant of the Serpent
Author's note
Snakes for Friends
Coiled Up in a Dark Place
Into the Snake's Den
Snake Charmer
Yellow Bellied
Stitched Scales
Serpent's Tongue
The Statue of Helia
Forbidden Fruit
Snake in the Grass
Vipers that Cannot be Charmed
Once Bitten
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Venomous Words
Winter's Eve
Celebrating Death
Melting Frost
Warmed Stone
BOOK TWO - Family of Monsters
Flights of Fancy
Blue Sky Thinking
Birds of Prey
Early Bird
Downy Feathers
Water Off a Duck's Back
Two Turtle Doves
Merry as a Lark
Chickadee's Song
First Flights
Mourning Dove
Bird Flu
Flying South
Walking on Eggshells
One Winged Dove
Flew Too Close to the Sun
Feather Plucking
Flight Risk
Flew the Coop

Cold Scales

248 16 7
By RowanLaneStories

As soon as they make it into the cave, Adder collapses heavily onto the sheepskin rug. Eben is pulled down with the gorgon as he falls with an oof.

Up close, the wounds look even worse than initially thought. There are several deep lacerations and puncture wounds across the gorgon's torso and tail, and even one gnarly-looking slash across his face.

Blood is seeping freely from between dark scales, though thankfully there's no gushing. Despite that small mercy, the gorgon is slowly losing consciousness. Eben knows from his precarious lifestyle that's not a good sign.

He quickly heads to their supplies to get what he needs before time runs out. "Adder! Stay awake okay? Don't go to sleep."

Adder groans in pain as Eben applies pressure to the largest wound across the gorgon's chest with a rag. "Put your hand here. Press down."

Adder does as he's told with a grimace as Eben rifles through the medicine bag. Eben pulls out some fabric and a mysterious bottle of liquid. Taking a sniff and smelling something herbal and astringent, he guesses this is to clean wounds. The half-elf uncorks the bottle, pouring it over the lacerations.

Adder hisses and growls at the pain, consciousness abruptly restored.

Eben doesn't pay any mind, Adder is hardly frightening right now. "Don't you growl at me! I'm helping you!"

Adder winces but doesn't protest further. Eben continues to clean and dress his wounds until the half-elf must address the injury on his chest.

"Open your mouth, Adder. You don't want to be sober for this."

Adder's face pinches in disgust as Eben tilts the bottle to his lips. After dousing his hands with the alcohol, Eben picks up a needle and thread and starts to sew up the wound. It's a messy and painful process, but Eben attempts to get through it quickly.

Finally, after what feels like hours, Eben ties off the last stitch and steps back to survey his handiwork. The wound is now closed and clean, but Adder looks weak and exhausted. Eben quickly fetches a bowl of water and a few strips of dried meat, offering it to the gorgon.

Inebriated, Adder's hand cleanly misses the offered bowl. Sighing, Eben sets the food on the table and helps the gorgon sit up.

Adder sways as he chews the meat slowly. Eben joins him at the table, His body rejoicing at finally being fed as he takes a bite out of an apple.

The crunch of the fruit seems to catch Adder's attention. The gorgon pauses his meal to face Eben.

"Eben...Why did you help me?"

The redhead swallows. Why did he help Adder? The smart thing to do would've been to kill the gorgon while he was down. But instead, he hesitated. Why?

"I guess...I guess I wanted to repay you for saving me. You didn't have to."

Adder frowns leaning forward. "Of courssse I did... That'ssss my whole job..."

Eben raises an eyebrow at Adder's slurred speech. The gorgon must be lightweight. "Your job is to protect the villagers, not me. I'm just a criminal, remember?"

"No you'''re good too. I shouldn't have sssaid that. I just... Her booksss and her sculpturesss were everywhere on the ground."

"That's what you were mad about?"

Adder nods. "It's all I have left of her..."

Eben sets the apple down. He knows he shouldn't ask this, but he has to know...

"Adder, why did you kill Helia?"

The monster's tail shifts, seeming to coil protectively around himself.

"She asssked me to."

Eben blinks. "She wanted to die?"

Adder nods, morose. "She had a sssickness her whole life, but I don't—"

He gasps, sobbing. "I don't know why she sssuddenly wanted to die. I couldn't convince her otherwise."

Eben stares in shock as the giant gorgon breaks down, tears leaking from closed eyes.

"I knew it was wrong... Father Sheppard saysss every human life is precioussss, but she begged me to do it. Eben, I couldn't say no."

"Adder I—"

Eben pauses. What could he say to possibly make this better? Eben has killed, sure. But he's never had to deal with killing someone he cared about, especially not someone he considered a parent. He wants to help, but he has no idea how.

He shuffles over to Adder, placing a hand on his arm. The gorgon jumps at the contact before abruptly pulling Eben into a tight embrace. The half-elf jolts at the sudden motion but allows the gorgon to hold him. What was the harm? Adder was drunk and wounded, Eben could permit him this.

Eben smooths his palms comfortingly up and down the gorgon's back. "You need to rest Adder. You can sleep here, I'll bring you some blankets."

After being relinquished from the gorgon's hug, Eben makes his way to Adder's room and gathers an armful of blankets and furs.

Eben returns to Adder already curled up on the sheepskin fast asleep. Careful not to disturb the man, Eben covers the gorgon from shoulder to tail.

He sits there for a moment just watching the gorgon snore quietly before he gets up to do his chores for the day.

When he's finally done and able to rest, Eben curls up in his little bedroll. He's glad to finally be laying down, but somehow knowing how warm the gorgon could be made his own bed feel colder. Eben sighed, drifting off to hazy dreams. When Eben awakens come morning, it's to shivering and chattering teeth.

Autumn has officially made itself known by blowing chilly winds directly into the cave.

Wrapping his blanket around his shoulders and putting his socks on, Eben pads into the living area to check on Adder. The gorgon is still fast asleep, bundled under the covers.

Eben crouches in front of the mound of blankets and furs, lifting the edge of a pelt to peek at Adder's face. "Adder, it's time to get up. Do you want something to eat?"

Adder doesn't respond, face impassive in his slumber.


Eben reaches out to touch the man's shoulder, only to flinch at the icy coldness of the gorgon's skin.

Fear takes hold of his heart. "Adder! Wake up!"

Adder responds to Eben's frightened pleas, albeit sluggishly. "...Eben..."

Eben's heart is racing. "Adder! What's wrong?"

The monster tugs the furs closer. "S'cold..."

Nearly running, Eben heads to the woodstove to stoke a fire. Thankfully, Adder had collected a large stockpile for them to use. Eben quickly adds kindling to the stove and fans the flames, trying to generate as much heat as possible.

He returns to Adder's side, kneeling beside him. "The fire is going, okay? Is this normal for you, or is this something we need to be worried about?"

"It's hibernation" Adder explains "but my head hurts and my body aches..."

Eben gnaws on his lip. Is Adder sick? He's never cared for anyone before... "What do you need, Adder?"

"Willow tea, please."

Eben stands, now on a mission. "Okay, I'll make you some."

He heads to the small kitchen area and begins to boil water. Rummaging through their supplies, he finds the small bag of dried willow bark and measures out the appropriate amount.

Once the water is boiling, Eben adds the willow bark and lets it steep. He brings the warm cup of tea back to Adder, who gratefully takes it and sips slowly. Once the gorgon finishes, Eben has him lie back so he can check his wounds.

Pulling off the wrappings, Eben is greeted with exactly what he feared. The large slash across Adder's chest is infected. The cut is an angry red, oozing pus.

Eben swallows hard. This is bad.

"Adder, it's infected. I need to clean it out again and pack it with herbs. It's going to hurt."

The gorgon nods, face grave.

Eben carefully pours more of the astringent liquid over the wound, watching as it cleans away the pus and red ooze. Eben can't help but notice how Adder's claws shred the rug underneath him, but his other hand only slightly squeezes Eben's knee in pain. Once the wound is clean, the redhead packs it with a mixture of dried herbs and honey, wrapping it tightly to keep it in place.

"There," Eben says, stepping back.

"I'll make you some soup. Get some rest."

Adder nods weakly, laying his head down. Eben retreats to the small kitchen area, observing the ingredients they have. Thankfully, their food stores are still full up.

He settles on a light vegetable soup simmered in a garlicky bone broth. As Eben clumsily dices the vegetables, his thoughts drift to his father. Eben rarely ever got sick as a child, but when he did his father would serve him a nutrient-dense soup like this. He remembers how his father would smile down lovingly at him as Eben sipped the meal.

The old memory makes his heart ache for a sense of safety and belonging he fears he'll never have again.

Trying to ward off the sadness, Eben focuses on the food he's preparing. It's been a long time since Eben has been able to cook something of substance. Bandits on the run didn't usually like to sit around stewing lovely dishes, they ate hardtack, jerky, and the occasional fruit swiped from a busy farmer's market. Ever since Eben had come to serve Adder though, he'd been delighted to have full access to fresh food every day. He would definitely miss that once he escaped...

Returning to his task, Eben minces and grinds some fresh thyme, rosemary, and sage, tossing the herbs into the large cauldron. Now complete, the soup is carefully ladled into a wooden bowl and on the table.

Adder sits up gingerly, smiling at the meal.

"Thank you, Eben."

Eben crosses his arms, sitting down across from the gorgon with his own bowl.

"It's just soup."

"No, Eben. You've done so much..."

The redhead feels his ears twitching as heat rises to his cheeks. Once again, he's thankful Adder can't see his expression.

"I'm only paying you back for saving me. Like I said yesterday, you didn't have to have to. Especially after what I did..."

Adder gives a sad smile. "You didn't do anything wrong. I shouldn't have lost my cool over such a little thing like some old books and knick-knacks."

Eben sets his spoon down. "Don't downplay it, Adder. If I could have something, anything, left by my father, it would be my prized possession. He disappeared when I was a child, and our home was burned to the ground. Things aren't meaningless."

"Eben, I'm so sorry..."

The half-elf shrugs. "Don't be, I got by just fine. Being a bandit is a rough life, but there are some perks. Remind me to tell you someday about the time I swiped a barrel of pomegranate wine from an altar dedicated to Morthell." Eben laughs. "Now that was fun, watching those priests freak out thinking it was an omen of death."

Adder smiles before he tilts his head down, his spoon playing with the dregs of his soup. "Do you... miss it?"


Eben knows he doesn't want to be chained. He hates feeling like he's not in control and he hates feeling weak. But does he miss being a bandit? Does he miss constantly being on the run, the mindless violence, or the lonely nights after the adrenaline has worn off?

"Eben... I... I know you didn't come here willingly, but I've been so happy since you did."

Adder's face turns down as the gorgon's hands trace the woodgrain. "I don't know how you feel, but to me, you're the first friend I've ever had..."

Eben feels something intense blooming in his chest. It's so strong he almost wants to look down and see exactly what's happening. Eben is never wanted. He's something to abandon, to mistrust, to hate. How is he supposed to reconcile those facts with Adder sitting before him and telling Eben they're all false?

"I hate that I'm forced to be here, Adder. but I..." Eben clenches his spoon as he tries to suppress the water rising in his eyes. "I'm glad I met you."

Adder thrashes his tail, smiling. Eben laughs at the puppy-like behavior, wiping away the moistness that has gathered in his eyes. "I'm not saying any more nice things to you if it means you're gonna make your injuries worse. Lay down and go back to sleep. I have to attend to those plucky hens you so fear."

Adder obediently does as Eben instructs, laying down as Eben collects their dishes. "I like the hens, it's the roosters that are evil."

Eben snorts as he leaves the cave, picking up the egg basket as he reaches the henhouse.

As the half-elf tends to the birds, his mind is alight with new plans. His goals haven't changed— he will escape Nǣdre Tor.

He's just going to need to find a way to do that while bringing Adder with him.

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