Servant of the Serpent

By RowanLaneStories

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When Eben decides to rob the isolated town nestled deep in the woods, he could never have predicted that he w... More

BOOK ONE - Servant of the Serpent
Author's note
Snakes for Friends
Coiled Up in a Dark Place
Into the Snake's Den
Snake Charmer
Stitched Scales
Serpent's Tongue
The Statue of Helia
Cold Scales
Forbidden Fruit
Snake in the Grass
Vipers that Cannot be Charmed
Once Bitten
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Venomous Words
Winter's Eve
Celebrating Death
Melting Frost
Warmed Stone
BOOK TWO - Family of Monsters
Flights of Fancy
Blue Sky Thinking
Birds of Prey
Early Bird
Downy Feathers
Water Off a Duck's Back
Two Turtle Doves
Merry as a Lark
Chickadee's Song
First Flights
Mourning Dove
Bird Flu
Flying South
Walking on Eggshells
One Winged Dove
Flew Too Close to the Sun
Feather Plucking
Flight Risk
Flew the Coop

Yellow Bellied

341 17 12
By RowanLaneStories

Eben is in the garden painting when he hears the sound; a bell, clear and bright in the summer air. It's not the church bells he heard the day he was apprehended, but it's just as unnerving.

A few moments later, Adder slithers into the garden. The half-elf puts his paintbrush down, turning to the gorgon. "Did you hear that? Are they summoning you?"

Adder shakes his head. "No, it's someone at the gate. They are most likely summoning you, probably to escort you to town. "

Eben's heart clenches at the thought. He is eager to get out, but he also doesn't want to ever see Sheppard ever again. Is he ready to face that despicable man?

Putting on a brave face, Eben stands. "Do I need to bring anything?"

Adder shakes his head. "Not to my knowledge. Safe travels, Eben."

Eben grimaces, anxiety swirling as he heads toward the gate. As he arrives, he's greeted by a set of familiar faces—it's Fern and Daisy, both waiting patiently with shut eyes.

The redhead finds it a little odd that Sheppard has sent two small women to escort a dangerous criminal...does the priest not care about their safety at all?

"Hello again, Daisy, Fern."

As the pair of women hear his voice, they open their eyes. Eben snorts at the ecstatic look on Fern's face and how it comedically contrasts the sour one on Daisy's.

"Eben, I'm so glad you're well! I prayed for you, I knew the Pantheon would keep you safe," Fern chirps.

Daisy scowls, crossing her arms. "Yes, he looks very alive and uneaten. Now let's go get Adder his supplies so we remain so as well."

Fern just grins as the trio starts walking through the forest. "You're just mad because I won the bet. You need to have more faith, Daisy."

"Oooh, You need to have more faith, Daiiisy. Oooh, I'm a precious little saint." Daisy mocks.

Fern doesn't react to her companion's barbs, instead turning to Eben. "How are you? Is Adder treating you fairly?"

"More importantly," Daisy butts in, "have you seen him? What's he like?"

Eben raises an eyebrow at the barrage of questions. "I'm fine, Adder mostly ignores me, I have seen him, and he's a seven-foot-tall monster afraid of roosters. Shouldn't you know this already?"

"Afraid of roosters?" Daisy asks, unbelieving.

Eben nods as Fern continues. "Nobody is allowed to go near him or speak to him except his servant and Father Sheppard."

Eben huffs. "I know he's a gorgon with a petrifying gaze, but he seems pretty well-behaved to me. Is everyone really so afraid of what happened when he was a child that they won't go near?"

Fern bites her lip, adjusting her veil nervously. "It's not just that... He killed his last servant. He may be civilized thanks to Father Sheppard, but he's still dangerous."

Eben's eyes widen. The gorgon had seemed so...fond when talking about the woman. Could it be true that he'd been the one to slay her?

"Her name was Helia, right? She raised him, why would he kill her?"

Daisy shrugs. "Nobody knows why he did it. Maybe it was an accident, or maybe she made him mad and he lost control. Either way, she's dead and he's dangerous. Nobody exactly wants what happened to Helia to happen to anyone else."

The half-elf narrows his eyes. "Unless of course it's an expendable half-breed, right?"

Daisy doesn't back down, meeting Eben's eyes with her own icy blue ones. "You're not expendable because you have pointy ears, you're expendable because you're a bastard who tried to rob us."

Eben glares. "Are you a nun? Because with that mouth, your true calling must be as a sailor."

Fern interrupts the pair. "You're not expendable, Eben. You can make a new life here in Nǣdre Tor, you just have to redeem yourself."

The half-elf grimaces. He doesn't believe that for a second. He knew that he would always be seen as a criminal and an inhuman monster...

The rest of the walk is spent in uncomfortable silence broken only by the occasional chirping of a bird or rustling of leaves. The redhead couldn't help but feel on edge, knowing that he was returning to the town that he had tried to rob.

As they reach the gates of Nǣdre Tor, Eben's anxiety spikes. The stares of the townspeople bore into him as they walk down the cobblestone paths. Some whisper to each other, averting their eyes, while others openly glare at him. It's nothing the half-elf hasn't endured before, but it never gets easier.

The women direct Eben to the cathedral. The holy building looms ominously, seeming more like a place of apprehension than worship. He steps inside warily, feeling exposed in the large-high arched room. As pass through the dimly lit cathedral, he observes the scent of incense thick in the air, intermixed with the low rumble of worshippers chanting.

After walking the maze-like stone corridors for a time, they finally turn a corner, coming face to face with Father Sheppard's office. Fern knocks lightly, turning the brass knob as a deep voice answers; "Come in."

Eben takes a deep breath and follows Fern and Daisy into the room. The office is large and ornate, with bookshelves lining the walls and a large oak desk dominating the center of the room.

The half-elf swallows tensely as he takes in the domineering man who sits behind the desk, his piercing green eyes studying Eben intently from behind his spectacles. Behind the priest is a large stained glass depiction from the myth of the great deceiver, scales meticulously shaped from red glass. As the sun shines through the colored windowpane, it backlights Father Sheppard in an ominous red hue.

"Eben, it's good to see you," the graying man gestures to the plush chair in front of him. "Why don't you take a seat?"

Eben sits reluctantly, hands toying with the soft material of the chair anxiously.

"It can't be understated how pleased I am to see you, Eben. Have you been acclimating well to your new role?"

The redhead grits his teeth, resisting the urge to tell this pompous bastard how he really felt. "I'm doing fine. Father, why am I here?"

Sheppard leans back in his chair, amused by Eben's curtness. "Why, you're here because I'm concerned for you. These meetings are intended to confirm your well-being, in addition to Adder's. How is he, by the way?"

Eben's eyes narrow, but he forces himself to keep his cool. "He seems fine. He likes to keep to himself. Is that all you require of me?"

Father Sheppard leans forward, his eyes now steely. "I must remind you, Eben, that you are still under our supervision. You must be patient. Remember, your salvation lies in your service to the Pantheon."

Eben feels a surge of anger at the words, but he forces it down. "I understand."

Sheppard raises an eyebrow, unconvinced. " I understand your reluctance, but Nǣdre Tor can truly become your new home if you allow it. This is a place of redemption, of rebirth."

Eben can't hide the glare on his face. "I'm sure you've noticed—" Eben gestures to his ears "—but I don't exactly pass as human. I'll do my job, but If you are expecting me to become a beloved member of the community, I expect you will be disappointed."

Sheppard's smile doesn't waver at Eben's argument, seeming to get even wider. Eben is unsettled by the look. "I did tell you that Nǣdre Tor was a place for even inhuman creatures to find redemption, didn't I?" Sheppard waves over the two women to come closer. "Girls, can you show our friend?"

The women approach obediently. Eben jolts as Fern gives a fanged smile and Daisy growls at him in a vicious pitch.

Sheppard just laughs at Eben's fear. "You see, both our lovely ladies here were once like you, Eben. I'm sure you've heard the tales of the vampyre and the werewolf?"

When Eben nods, Sheppard continues. "The stories are all true. They are unnatural abominations who wreak havoc wherever they find themselves. Both Daisy and Fern suffered from their afflictions greatly before they came to Nǣdre Tor, but through the grace of the Pantheon, they can now live normal lives."

"And this applies to me how?"

"Is it not obvious? Redeem yourself to Nǣdre Tor and I will remove your inhuman traits. It's just your ears that set you apart, correct? No other inhuman traits or...abilities?"

"Yes, it's just my ears..." Eben's heart races in his chest. Could it be true? If it was possible, Eben could live the life he's always dreamed of. He could cast away his past as a outsider...

Eben clenches his fists. There had to be a catch, there always is one when dealing with a devil. "So how long exactly will I be made to serve Adder before I have proved myself?"

Sheppard leans back in his chair, eyes shimmering. "I am only one man, Eben. I cannot wholly be responsible for deciding who is and isn't redeemed in the eyes of our fair village. That, my child, will be up to the citizens of Nǣdre Tor."

Enraged, Eben's fingers dug into the soft material of the chair. So this slimy bastard can't be responsible for lifting Eben's curse, but he's fine being the sole person deciding his punishment?

"If there are no other questions then, you are free to attend to your other duties for the day."

"Wait, I need to know..."

Eben's heart clenches. "There was someone else with me the day I came here... a woman. Is she alive? Did Adder...?"

"Kill her?"

Eben flinches at the brutal word, but nods. Sheppard's smile falls, hands becoming tense in their clasped position. "Unfortunately, Adder was too preoccupied to apprehend her. She escaped."

The half-elf sighs with relief. At least the only person he considered a friend had survived. He stands from the chair. "Thank you. I will...attend to my duties now."

Sheppard's dead eyes met Eben's. "See that you do."

The redhead hastily exits the room, eager to be far away as possible from the unpleasant man.

Daisy and Fern exit right behind him, following their charge closely. "All right, now that we're done with that, let's get Adder his things," Fern chirps.

Eben nods in agreement, grateful for the change of subject. "Yeah, let's do that."

He can't help but feel uneasy with Daisy and Fern's close proximity as they lead him through the winding streets of Nǣdre Tor. Their keen eyes follow him, watching every move. As much as he appreciates their company after a month of just Adder, he's sure they are reporting back to Father Sheppard about his behavior...

Nonetheless, the half-elf has a job to do. They enter several shops; grabbing books, baked goods, some herbs, and at their last stop, three goats. When finally they're ready to go, they return to the gates where Eben spots a sorely missed friend.


The redhead all but runs to the horse, who knickers lovingly at the man as he approaches her. He strokes her velvety snout, bumping his forehead against hers.

Daisy snorts at the affectionate reunion. "Would you look at that? Our hardened criminal has a heart!"

Eben turns his head toward the blonde, still stroking Fairy. "What idiotic criminal doesn't love their horse? It's the creature responsible for a quick escape."

He jumps astride the horse, feeling giddy. Just being near her makes him feel invincible again. He starts walking her forward, pulling the cart of supplies.

Daisy rolls her eyes at Eben's delight, hopping to sit in the cart. "And that's why we're walking you back this time. Next month though, you'll have to do this alone."

"Oh but, make sure you come to visit us whenever you're in town! in two months we are holding the festival of Demeterra, and we're going all out this year, I'm so excited!" Fern squeals enthusiastically.

Eben quirks a brow, interested. "Demeterra is the cow Goddess, right?"

"The Goddess of corn, fertility, harvests, and the earth, actually," Daisy corrects. "But yes, she has cow ears, horns, and a tail."

As they walk, the two women fill Eben in on the festival. But when that conversation concludes, Eben has to ask what's really on his mind.

"So is it true? You two were...cured by Father Sheppard?"

"It's true," Fern replies, "he alleviated us of all the horrible side effects of our afflictions. As long as we don't use our powers too much, we don't have any of the usual issues vampyres and werewolves do."

"Speak for yourself, I still wanna sneak into the sheep's pen every full moon," Daisy snarks.

Eben slows Fairy down as they approach the gate to Adder's home. "Do you—do you really think he could fix me? Fix my ears?"

Fern's eyes soften with sympathy. "Yes, he definitely can, Eben. I know he can."

Daisy looks ahead, face impassive. "They hardly need fixing. I mean, it's just a bit of extra cartilage. Before I was cure—"

Suddenly, Daisy's face drains of color. The blond squeezes her eyes shut, lunging to cover Ferns. "He's up on the damned wall! Close your eyes!"

Eben turns to look. Up high, sunbathing on the ledge of the stone wall, is Adder. The gorgon stirs, awoken by the commotion. "Eben..."

Daisy squeaks with fear at the sound of Adder's voice, clinging to Fern. They both stumble back when Adder descends from the wall to approach the newcomers.

Eben chuckles at the duo's overreaction. "Hello Adder, I'm back."

"Welcome back." Adder turns his head towards the two women cowering, frowning at their terror. "I apologize...I know I'm supposed to stay away from the gate unless summoned. I just—I was waiting and I fell asleep."

The two women don't respond, fear keeping them silent. Eben is starting to grow annoyed. "He's covering his eyes, you don't have to be so afraid. Weren't you interested in seeing what he looked like?"

Daisy seems to relax a little, curious. "Is he really?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Daisy, don't! Father Sheppard forbids it!" Fern begs.

But the blonde is too curious, cracking her eyes open to peer through splayed fingers. When she doesn't immediately petrify, she drops her hands to fully examine the gorgon.

"Good Gods..."

Eben understands exactly how she feels. It's quite a scene, the massive gorgon towering above them both. The afternoon sun is illuminating his pale skin beautifully, making him look angelic rather than monstrous.

"Hello,'s nice to finally know your name—"

Before Adder can finish, there's an inhuman hiss from Fern, who's situated herself between the gorgon and the blonde. Startled, Adder shifts back away from the woman's bared fangs. The vampire takes the opportunity to flee, gripping her friend by the wrist as she leads her back toward the village.

Both Eben and Adder are silent for a moment before the half-elf speaks up. "Well, I'd call her rude if it didn't make me a hypocrite."

Adder smiles sadly. "She wasn't rude. I broke the rules...I'm not supposed to talk to the villagers."

Sensing an opportunity, Eben speaks up. "Well, you can talk to me. Wanna hear about the time I was almost killed by a unicorn while we unpack this?"

Adder perks up immediately. "I'd love that."

Eben picks up a bag of books, beginning his tale. "So we rode up on this farm..."

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