Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe...

By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

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Y/n arrived to Outerbanks few months ago to find her lost twin brother John B. She stay and became one of the... More

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251 3 3
By LifesTooShortSoFckIt

The summer was over, the next day was the day, they were supposed to go to school. For Kie, JJ and Pope it was just coming back to school, but for Y/n it was the first day in new school. She was kinda nervous about that. 

There was this party tonight, to celebrate end of summer. They all decided to go, get stuff of their minds at least for a while. All of them gathered at the Chateau, chilling before the party, smoking some weed and having few beers. 

Y/n was sitting at JJ's lap, occasionaly stealing kisses from him. 

„Thank you." She brushed through his hair. 

„For what?" 

„For being there for me. After everything." 

„Of course cupcake, I wouldn't leave you, like ever." She smiled at his response. JJ pulled her closer and kissed her on cheek. 

„Alright, you are so cute that I might actually vomit because of it." Kiara got up from her seat and went inside the house. 

„What happened to her?" JJ asked Pope. 

„I don't know man, but I'm gonna check on her." He went inside, Y/n heard they were talking, but didn't heard about what. 

Few minutes later they got out, Kiara gave them a soft smile „Sorry guys." 

„It's okay Kie." JJ assured her. 

„So how about we go to the party?" 

„Yesss, let's go." They all got up and went along the beach. There was already lot of people, from Kooks to Pogues. But no drama, only good mood around.

„Let's go get some drinks." JJ grabbed Pope and they went towards the bar. 

„Kie are you alright?" Y/n took advantage of the situation that they were alone. 

„Yeah, I'm sorry about before, it's just everything that happened, my parents won't leave me alone so I just snapped. I didn't mean to." 

„You know you can talk to me right? If anything is bothering you, or if I am the one who is bothering you." 

„No, no. You are not, you are my best friend. And I'm very grateful that I have you. Really." She smiled at Y/n and hugged her. 

„Alright ladies. Here you go." JJ and Pope came back with red plastic cups filled with alcohol.

 „Thank you." Y/n gave him quick kiss as he hugged her around shoulders. In the corner of her eye she noticed a group of Kooks watching them. She knew it was Rafe with Topper, but she avoided the eye contact, just not to start anything with them. 

„Cheers guys." Kie lifted her cup and everyone followed her. They drank the content of their cups and decided to go dancing. The music was loud and good, and lot of people were dancing already, so they just blended in between them. 

Y/n turned to JJ with her back, and he pulled her closer by her hips. She pressed her ass on his crotch, feeling his dick harden a little. They were swinging to the rhytm, and for Y/n it felt like world around her just stopped. 

Maybe it was from the alcohol and weed she smoked before, but she didn't care. She was just enjoying JJ's touch on her body and his hot breath brushing her ear. She looked up, straight forward and saw Rafe standing there. 

His gaze was burning into her. Well not her, but JJ's hands going over her body. He suddenly marched forward, when JJ kissed her on her neck, she quickly turned around telling him she will get them some drinks, hoping it would stop Rafe from doing whatever he was planning to do. 

It did, instead of going to JJ he followed her to the open bar. Rafe stopped at the other side of the bar and was watching Y/n pour the liquid into the cups. 

„Okay, I think you had enough." He tried to take the bottle out of her hand, but she quickly moved it out of his reach and finally looked him in the eyes. It took him just a second to realize that she's already drunk and very high. 

„Y/n what the fuck, are you high?" 

„I don't know mum, am I?" she told him while adding more alcohol to her drink. 

„Let's go, I'm gonna take you home." He took the drink out of her hand and poured it on the ground. 

„Hey! Well now I'm definitely not going anywhere with you." He pulled her closer by her waist and made her look at him. 

„You. are. wasted. You need some sleep, so I'm going to take you home." 

„Nope. I'm. not. going. anywhere." She mocked him. „I'm here with my friends and my boyfriend. So I'm gonna get back to them. But thanks for the effort." She gave him a thumbs up and turned around to get back to JJ, but Rafe quickly turned her around and grabbed her face. Not agressively, just to keep her close. 

„Y/n he's not your boyfriend. So stop saying that. He's just someone to fill the void." 

She was ready to fire back, when JJ jumped in and pushed Rafe away from her. 

„You stay away from her! You hear me asshole? Stay away!" JJ yelled at him, then turning to Y/n. „Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" 

„Yeah I'm fine, he didn't do anything." 

„You should hide in some hole after what you did." Kie joined the fight. 

„And leave us the fuck alone." Even Pope was angry. 

„I don't care about any of you, except her." He pointed at Y/n. 

Oh no, no, no, what is he doing? 

Suddenly Y/n felt very, very much sober. 

„Why would you care about her? Because you are the reason her brother is dead?" 


„No because-„ 

„Rafe shut up, I don't want to hear. Guys let's go." Y/n stopped him, before he got chance to spoil anything to her friends. JJ wrapped arm around shoulders as they turned around and started to walk away. 

„Everything fine?" He asked her. 

„Yeah, thanks." She gave him a reassuring kiss and then everything went wrong. 

Just a single sentence that ruined everything. 

JJ turned around and jumped at Rafe, started punching him in the face. They were fighting, when Kelce stepped in, in that moment Pope also joined the fight. Y/n's ears were ringing, she saw Kiara looking at her in disbelief. 

She knew she should do something, but couldn't make herself move or say something. Rafe's words still repeating in her head. 

„Hope you like the taste of my dick Maybank." 

„I can't believe he said that." She whispered to herself. 

„You have to do something!" She heard Kiara yell at her. She turned around and walked between them in the exact moment they got up and tried to catch their breath. 

„Stop it. Idiots." 

„Y/n-„ Both of them started at the same time. 

„Shut up. JJ let's go." She reached for his hand but he snapped it away from her and stormed away. Pope followed him and Kiara was staring at her. 

„With him? HE was the secret boyfriend the whole time?" 

„Kie-„ She stormed towards her and gave her a slap. Y/n's head turned to the side and she felt the pain floding her face. Kiara gave her a look full of hate before she turned around and ran to JJ and Pope. Y/n was just standing there watching them leave. 

„Y/n." Rafe grabbed her by her shoulder but she shook his hand down. 

„You couldn't just shut up huh. Why did you have to say anything?!" 

„He don't deserve you!" 

„And you do?!" They were looking at each other, Y/n let out a sigh and walked away. He was calling her name at her but she kept walking. She was hoping she would find JJ at the Chateau, so she started running. 

„JJ? Are you here? Please." 

But the house was empty. 

They walked away from her. 

She called them and sent bunch of messages to each of them, but none of them responded. She fell to the couch and felt tears forming in her eyes.

She didn't hold them back. She gave them a free pass. She started crying uncontrollably, eventually falling asleep from exhaustion. 

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