The Bad Batch Aftermath{Techx...

By xoautumnbratxo

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~Book two to Valerie's story~ What was only one mistake turned out to be the very thing that possibly saved h... More

Author's Note #1
Meeting The Batch
Skako Minor Pt. 1
Skako Minor Pt. 2
Unfinished Business
Saving The Handmaiden
Order 66
Finding Her
Breaking Point
Ord Mantell
Battle Scars
Author's Note #2
Bounty Lost
The Truth
Rescue on Ryloth
Old Guns
Before The Storm
Return To Kamino
Kamino Lost
A New Day
Now This Isn't Pod Racing
Treasures All Around
Gone Girl
The Youngling
Clones, Conspiracies, The Senate Oh My!
Truth and Consequences
For The Republic
Rescuing Hope
The Crossing
Fate Worse Than This
The Test of A Jedi
Jealousy is an Ugly Color
A Worthy Jedi
The Summit
Plan 99
Authors Note #3
Season 3/ Written Trailer
The Darkness
Fighting Back
Sandy Planets
His Memories
What Could've Been
Closed doors


234 9 5
By xoautumnbratxo

Valerie's head was buzzing, she could hear the bad batch running about, she tried to lift her head but couldn't. Sleep took her away again.

Valerie found herself standing in her body but when she was a padawan back at Jedi Temple. "Please try and keep up padawan." It was her old master. Master Drake Amon.

"Yes master." She said and caught up to him. "What is this briefing on again?"

"It's on the bounty hunters that attacked the senate, more specifically Cad Bane, we've been tasked to help find him and Ziro, the Huttese that he bailed out of jail." Master Amon said.

"Right, are we going to capture him?" Valerie asked.

"Not us, we've just been asked to be at the meeting." He said and Valerie nodded and they entered the room. Most of the Jedi High Council was there. So was Master Aayla Secura, Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Valerie stood next to Ahsoka and Master Amon stood next to Valerie.

"Alright everyone listen up, Cad Bane is extremely dangerous, we should expect back fire from him and the other bounty hunters he's hired. Everyone should tread lightly on this mission-" Master Windu started, but Valerie looked around the room, at all the jedi, who were still alive. Back when they were more concerned at a bounty hunter than their clone companions.

"Valerie?" Someone said she looked at her Master, the one talking to her. "Valerie, it's time to wake up now."

Valerie shot her head up and gasped, her chest hurting. Tech was by Hunter but quickly made his way to her. She tried to get up from the seat but almost collapsed. Tech caught her.

"C- Bane! Cad!" She couldn't get the words out, she was gasping for air.

"Val, sit down." Tech instructed, she tried to push him back, but again stumbled. Tech caught her, he kept his arm around her waist supporting her. "Valerie, I must insist sit."

"No!" She faced him, still being held up by him, "Omega? Where's Omega?"

"She's been taken." Tech said.

"Taken?! Find her! She's in danger!" Valerie could feel her heart starting to slow and she was starting to catch her breath.

"Valerie, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath." Tech still held onto her.

Valerie closed her eyes and started to steady her breathing. She placed her hands on his chest. "We need to find Omega, she's been taken by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. The republic has been after him for many years."

Tech looked down and saw Valerie still had her hands on his chest. "Val, we'll find her."

She opened her eyes and saw where the two of them stood. "Oh Tech, I'm sorry." She took her hands off of him and back up, she looked at Hunter who laid on the medical bed. "How's Hunter? He shot him before me." She walked over to him.

"I think he has some internal bleeding, we don't have enough supplies. I'm not quite sure what to do." Tech said.

"So let's get supplies, we're in the mid-rim right?" She asked and Tech nodded. She walked to the front of the ship. Echo and Wrecker were there but Wrecker was sleeping. She clicked buttons on the controls. "Here Naator is the closest planet. We can land here and get medical supplies."

"It might work." Tech held his chin.

"Naator? It's surrounded by imperial soldiers." Echo added.

"We don't have much of a choice, Hunter needs those medical supplies." Valerie said.

Echo and Tech looked at each other. "Okay, we'll do it." Tech said and sat down next to Echo. Valerie walked over to Hunter and sat down in the seat next to him.

She brushed his hair out of his face, "don't worry Hunter, we'll get you fixed and helping look for Omega in no time." She laid her head down next to his arm. "We need you sergeant."

"Valerie, it's time to get up." Tech shook her shoulder and she lifted her head, she didn't realize she had drifted off. "We're here, what's the plan?"

"Plan? Me?" Valerie stood up. Wrecker, Echo, and Tech stood near her.

"Well this is your op. What's the plan?" Echo said.

"Right." Valerie paused for a moment thinking, "okay so, like Echo said this planet will be crawling with imperial soldiers so I think we should split up. Two people need to get the supplies and two people need to stay here. Echo and Wrecker, I think you should stay here and watch Hunter and get the Marauder out of here in case they find out where we are. Tech and I can go get the supplies, and if we're not back here by the next rotation you guys need to leave and go find Omega understand?"

"But we're not going to leave you guys." Wrecker said.

"You won't be, we shouldn't be gone long, I know where we're going but that's just in case we get tied up and we can't reach out to you guys. Omega is going to need you guys more than us." Valerie said.

"Understood, be careful out there okay?" Echo said.

"You too." Valerie said. She grabbed her backpack and so did Tech, he also put on his helmet. Valerie turned to Hunter. "You Hunter just focus on getting better." The two of them ran out of the Marauder and towards the nearest Naator town.

Valerie and Tech walked into the town, people scattered. Valerie had hid her lightsaber in her bag and Tech was on his data pad. "This is a shanty town." Valerie observed.

"Yes it is, I doubt there will be any sort of medical supplies here." Tech added.

"Well it's a good thing we're not getting them from here," Valerie walked up to the side of a building and peaked over.

"Val? Where are we getting the supplies from?" Tech questioned and peaked around the corner and saw an imperial outpost. "Val, you can't be serious." He leaned back.

"I am Tech, Hunter needs those supplies and this is the quickest way to get them." She turned and faced him, "if you want you can turn back."

"And you go in by yourself?!"

"If I need to, I will."

"Absolutely not! I will not let you go in there alone."

"Okay. It's settled then follow me." Valerie ran up to the side of the building, for it being an imperial outpost, there wasn't a lot of guards. Valerie pulled her lightsaber out of her bag and held her hand against the wall. She felt nothing. Valerie ignited her lightsaber and slammed it into the wall, cutting an almost perfect circle. She looped her lightsaber on her belt and used the force to gently place the piece of wall on the ground. Valerie noted how much nicer and cleaner it is on the inside of the outpost.

"Nicely done." Tech said. The two of them made their way inside and Valerie re-covered the hole with the wall. Together the two of them crept their way through the halls. Valerie was about to head into the next hall when Tech grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. He covered her mouth so she couldn't say anything but held up his data pad. Valerie saw about 20 droids surrounding that hall. Valerie nodded and her and Tech ran past them, unnoticed. They made it to the medical and ducked inside. Tech closed the door.

Valerie placed her bag down and started grabbing medical supplies and shoving them into her bag. "Tech grab as much as you can."

"Already on it Val." Tech said, Val looked up at the clone, his back was to her as he shoved many different medical supplies in his bag. She thought about all the times they've been so close together. All the times Tech had his hands on her, it made her blush. He almost kissed her on Ord Mantell and her mind wandered to the 'what if' side of things.


A little later both of their bags were filled, Tech was typing at one of the computers. Valerie was looking around the lab. There were many vials of blue liquid.

"Tech, what do you think is in these vials?" She asked him.

"According to the data some sort of mind controlling serum, or trying at least. None of the medical records say it worked." Valerie walked up to him, for some reason she was feeling bold, being alone with him.

"Mind control you say?" Valerie questioned.

Tech turned and looked at her. "Yes, that's what I said."

The corner of Valerie's twitched upward. She poked his chest, "You know I can mind control you anytime I want. Well that's what you call it at least."

"Val?" For once the clone was left speechless.

Valerie leaned up against the clone, he still had his helmet on, but Valerie could sense that she was making him nervous. "You know, you're the one who said you didn't want to push me." Her finger traced his armor. "But what if I start pushing back then what do you do? I think we both know we are just beating around whatever this is. Maybe it's my turn to 'misread things'." She looked up at the clone.

"I-I-" Tech was flustered, Valerie being so forward, this was a different kind of open she was being. Tech only has seen the vulnerable part of her, Tech wasn't sure what this side was. Tech rested his hands behind him. He was trying to study whatever it was behind her eyes. His hand landed on a button and he accidentally pushed it, an alarm went off. Valerie pushed off of him.

"Tech, what's that?" She asked and looked around.

Tech turned to the computer, "it seems to be an alarm... which I activated."


"What? It's not my fault, you were doing whatever it was you were doing!" He exclaimed.

Valerie ran her hands through her hair, "Ugh, just forget it Tech, we have to go!" Valerie grabbed her backpack and stood towards the door, she could hear the droids.

Tech grabbed his backpack, "what's out there Val?"

"Droids." She grabbed her lightsaber and Tech pulled out his blasters. "Get ready Tech." She ignited her lightsaber and opened the door and started blocking the blaster fire. Tech shooting as well, Valerie made her way forward and started to cut down the droids in front of her. They made it to an open hallway. "Tech go left and keep going, get to the exit and get those medical supplies to Hunter!" She called out. Tech started running left and Valerie went straight, she figured she would draw the droids away from him.

Tech was running, he turned around and saw no one. "Valerie?" He called out. He held his blaster up. He could hear her lightsaber blocking the blaster fire in the distance. Tech wasn't going to leave her. He ran back to the open hallway and saw the destruction of the battle droids. One droid lifted his head which Tech shot and he followed the droids. He followed them to an open room and saw the droids had surrounded Valerie, she kept blocking the blaster. He started shooting and the droids turned their attention to Tech.

"Tech!" She called out, "get out of here." She took down the battle droids. Then four Droideka droids rolled up behind Valerie.

"Valerie!" Tech ran up to her and pushed her out of the way and the droids surrounded him. He tried walking backwards but tripped over a destroyed droid. He dropped his blaster. A B2-battle droid stood over him and held up his blaster.

"Tech!" She saw the droids raise their blasters. Tech tried to grab his blaster but it was no use. Valerie used the force and force pushed them back, it wasn't enough to destroy them but their shields came down and she threw her lightsaber and struck them all down. She called her lightsaber back with the force. She could hear more Droideka's coming. She ran up to Tech and grabbed his arm and helped him up. "Are you stupid!?" The two of them started running, continuing to block and strike down each droid that crossed their path.

"I just wasn't going to leave you Valerie!" He shot a droid.

"I had it under controlled Tech! I told you to get those supplies to Hunter."

"And I will! With you next to me!" They made it back to their entry way they made and Valerie used the force and shoved the piece of wall out. They climbed out and she used the force again and held the piece of wall up while Tech sealed the wall back in place. They ran.

"Hunter could have been better by now Tech, I didn't need you to save me!"

"Well from the looks of it, it looked like you did!" He fought back.

Echo came over the coms, "Tech, Valerie? Where are you guys? We're getting chatter that enemies have infiltrated an imperial outpost. Please tell me that's not you guys."

"It's best we don't answer that." Valerie said, they continued to run. "Just get the ship up and running, we're almost back."

"Understood." Echo said and the two of them ran the rest of the way back in silence.

They made it back to the Marauder and more droids started to show up. Valerie whipped around and pulled out her lightsaber, while Tech ran on board. He turned around and started shooting them as well. "Tech get on board now!" She ordered.

"Then you get on board too!" He demanded.

"Both of you get on." Wrecker appeared and started shooting the droids too. Valerie groaned and ran on board. The doors closed. Echo took Tech's backpack.

"Tech, get us out of here." Echo said.

"Can you at least manage to follow his direction?" Valerie commented.

"Oh you know what Valerie, I was just trying to save you. Did you want me to leave you behind?" Tech retorted back.

"Yes! That's why I told you to run! I had it under control!" She marched up to him.

"You don't get to do that Valerie!" He exclaimed. "What about back in that medical room, you didn't want to leave my side then!"

"Well maybe that was a mistake Tech!"

Echo got in between the two of them. "Knock it off both of you, I would like to leave here and rescue Omega in one piece."

"Just get us out of here Tech." Valerie crossed her arms and walked away from him and over to Hunter, she took off her backpack and began to tend to his wounds.

Tech took in a deep breath and walked to the front of the ship and got the Marauder out of Naator's system and back into the galaxy.


Valerie was sitting next to Hunter, keeping an eye on him. Tech was still in control of the ship, Wrecker and Echo went to go rest. She was studying the clone. Observing his breathing patterns. They were steady.

Tech looked behind him and saw Valerie watching Hunter. He thought about everything that happened earlier today, he wondered why Valerie acted the way she did in the medical room. He wondered about what her intentions were in there, he wanted to ask her but he figured she was still mad about him coming to save her. He left his helmet at his seat.

Tech needed answers.

He put the Marauder into autopilot and walked up to Valerie, "hey Val?"

She didn't look at him. "Yes?"

"Look, I want to talk about what happened earlier." He said.

Valerie stood up and looked at him. "I don't Tech."

"What's going on? Why were you acting that way?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it." Valerie walked past him and crossed her arms. She turned back towards Tech and Tech waited for his answer, she rolled her eyes, "I don't know Tech. I just thought about some of the moments we shared and I don't know." She looked away from him.

"Does this have anything to do with Bracca?"

"This has everything to do with Bracca! And Ord Mantell, and even Malastare!" Valerie walked away from Tech, "what I want to know is why you turned around and came back after me?"

"Valerie, I wasn't going to leave you." Tech followed.

"You weren't leaving me Tech! I was right behind you." She whipped around towards him.

"We needed to stick together."

Valerie groaned, "Tech you're an idiot!" She shoved him backwards, "I didn't want you anywhere near those droids! I had it under control!"

"It didn't look like it." Tech stood his ground.

"Ugh! You don't get it do you?! I'm the jedi! I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you and I almost got you killed!" She smacked his chest, not that hard.

"Where is this coming from Val?" His voice softened.

"Over 500 clones I got killed!" Valerie looked up at Tech and he saw tears in her eyes. "Back on Corellia I got all those clones killed with a stupid mission that was my idea!" She went to go push him back again but he grabbed her wrist. "It's all my fault!" The tears started to cascade down her face. "That why I got reassigned, I couldn't managed a battalion so they stuck me with just five clones and I'm still fucking it up." She tried to pull away from him, but he still held her wrist, he pulled her closer to him.

"Val I-" He started.

"No Tech just be quiet! If I had gotten you killed, I-I couldn't live with myself. I wanted to get you out of there and deal with the droids. I didn't want to get you hurt." She collapsed into his chest and started sobbing. Tech had let go of her wrist and wrapped his arms around her, embracing her. She lifted her head up and looked at tech, "I'm suppose to protect you." She whispered.

Tech moved both of his hands to the sides of her face and started to wipe the tears. She was breathing heavily against him. "Valerie," Tech was careful in choosing his words, "you didn't get me killed today. I'm still standing right here. I'm not the 671st." He spoke softly. "I'm still with you. You aren't getting rid of me that easy, no clanker is going to kill me." He still kept his hands on her face but the tears stopped.

"Tech-" She whispered, she was still pressed up against the clone and he was caressing her face, one of his thumbs rested on her lip. Her breathing slowed all she could do was stare at him and he was staring right back at her. She brought one of her hands up to the back of his hand.

Tech moved his thumb across her lip, they were exactly how they were on Ord Mantell. Tech was almost afraid to move, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Valerie was just staring at him. Her eyes, full of worry. She tilted her head slightly and took in a deep breath. He could feel her heart racing.

I think we both know we are just beating around whatever this is.

Her words came into Tech's mind, she's right. It's time to stop beating around whatever this is. Tech brought his face down and Valerie leaned in and closed her eyes. Their lips connected. Tech leaned in more. Valerie turned her head and kissed him back harder. She somehow got her hands in between them. Her right hand rested on the side of his face and her left hand made it up into his hair. Tech lowered his hands and wrapped them around her waist. Somehow he managed to get her closer to him. Valerie pulled back slightly, breathing heavy again, her thumb caressed his bottom lip before she leaned back into him, kissing him once more. Her right hand snaked to the back of his neck, she was already as close as she could be to him but she wanted to be closer to him. Both of them pulled back and rested their foreheads against each other.

"Why didn't I let you do that on Ord Mantell?" She huffed out her eyes still closed. She felt Tech smile and he brought one of his hands back to the side of her face. She leaned into his hand and she opened her eyes. Tech was studying her. "Tech-" She started but someone behind them groaned. She quickly pulled away from him and turned and faced Hunter. Tech just stood there trying to process what just happened. "Hunter?" Valerie was next to him.

"O-Omega?" He asked.

"No Hunter, it's Valerie, we're trying to find Omega, we had to get supplies for you."

"We have-to, to find-her." Hunter struggled to get the words out.

"We will Hunter, get some rest okay." Valerie said and Hunter rolled back over. She turned to Tech, not able to make eye contact with him. "We should get some rest." Valerie started to walk away but Tech grabbed her hand.

"Valerie, I-" Tech struggled to find the words.

She looked up at him, "goodnight Tech." She squeezed his hand before letting go, walking back to her room. Once inside she rested up against the door wondering what she had just done.

Tech sat back in the seat, taking control of the Marauder. There were so many emotions today and he hoped that they made the right decision and not on emotion alone. Tech flew the Marauder but he wasn't focused on flying.

Little did the two of them know a certain sergeant of theirs watched the whole thing unfold.

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