By Melody_Alyward

920 98 0

In the Kingdom of Anemoi, the neighboring Kingdom of Helios Youngest Prince Dylan de Helios comes to visit al... More

1. First Meeting
2. The Dinner
3. He Finally Met Her
4. She Met Him
5. The Unambitious Crown Princess
6. I Am Here For You
7. Unfiltered Moments
8. No One Who Can Listen
9. Rumors
10. The Intoxicated Prince
11. Secret Follower
12. A Love Across Border
13. 'You'
14. Redamancy
15. Its Not a Shallow Love
16. Hurting When No One's There
17. Forelsket
19. Farewell, my love
20. Exchange of Affection
21. Mercurial
22. Foretaste
23. Tohubohu
24. Abandoned by Family
25. The Broken Shelter
26. Bested and Envisaging

18. Become Obsessed With Me

20 2 0
By Melody_Alyward

Princess Lyra Belle de Anemoi

Chapter 18

Dylan who was sighting Lyra talk to this guy who seemed to be unexpectedly making her laugh, was about to go there when Astrid came to him along with Katherine.

It was after so many years that Dylan is meeting her. The last he encountered her was when he was a junior boy hiding from the adults along with Lyra and Katherine would help them hide. Katherine would also play with them, teach them archery, and tell them bedtime horror stories. She has always been quite witty and splendid with children. Even though it was around 10 years since he had last sighted her, she however seem to be the same aside from her hairstyle which she promptly placed in a bun.

"Oh my! You have grown up so much."

"I wish I could say the same to you, but you haven't changed one bit. How come you seem to be still the same after all these years?"

"Thank you for the compliment. Although I must say, I feel mature. You used to be shorter than me but now look at you, you have become so tall. How is it going these days?"

They chit-chatted to catch up on their lives. However, all throughout the conversation Dylan couldn't help but keep peeking glances at Lyra after every few seconds. This did not go unnoticed by Katherine who chuckled suddenly and remarked,

"Looks like you are still the same. Just like back then even now your eyes are only focused on watching Lyra."

This causes Xavier and Astrid to chuckle as Dylan's ears tint red.

"Err..that is not it...I was merely..."

Before Dylan could consider the precise words to utter, Katherine observed Lyra and especially the man next to her. After which she commented,

"Isn't that Marquis Herson's oldest son? How come he is with Lyra? It is odd especially since the Marquis are family friends of Medea."

"It is relatively unusual but not quite as the Marquis's family have consistently treated us warmly."

"Is that so?"

"Indeed, Lyra even used to have a crush on him since he would constantly come up and talk to us at such parties where we were isolated."

Upon Astrid's explanation, Dylan flinches. He had never heard of this before. Of course, it was to be expected knowing their lack of communication he didn't really know much about Lyra. However, this recent information was making him more anxious.

"Then why aren't you going there yet?"

Before Dylan could gather his thoughts, Katherine blurted out and turned to a surprised Dylan who found three pairs of eyes eagerly staring at him, waiting for him to move and get going.

Clearing his throat, he averts his gaze which is when he discovers that the man, and Lyra go separate ways.

"Excuse me for a moment."

He states as he takes his leave to follow after Lyra upon which Katherine sighs and remarks,

"Young kids in love, how sweet."

Meanwhile, Dylan was about to approach Lyra when he note her enter the woman's parlor room. Subsequently, he decides to wait for her outside.

This parlor room was right at the beginning of a hallway fleeing South. Near this room were glass french doors to a balcony and another hallway that was facing East.

As Dylan stood near the balcony doors and in the hallway that was facing East, he observed the same man from before that was with Lyra enter the balcony to smoke along with two of his friends of similar ages.

At this moment, Katherine comes towards him inquiring,

"Where is Lyra?"

Dylan motions instead of replying and then questions,

"Aren't you going to enjoy the party?"

"I don't enjoy such parties. I used to in the past but I have stopped."

While they were conversing, an unfamiliar man's voice butted into their talks,

"Hey, what were you doing talking with that crown princess for so long?"

Dylan and Katherine realized that the voice belonged to the men on the balcony and couldn't help but overhear their conversations,

"Yeah man, this was truly surprising."

"It was just normal chit-chat."

"Then are you planning to court her now?"

"I do think she has a slight crush on you, right?"

"Well I mean if I am being blunt, she ain't that much pretty. She is just basic. If I could, I would prefer that elder princess or the cousin Karen but instead, I have no choice but to flatter her with stupid lies just cuz she's the crown princess."

"Tell me about it. Just by merely wearing matching dresses and hairstyles with the elder princess doesn't mean she's gonna end up becoming beautiful like her."

"She's not all that bad, is she?"

"Nah she is attractive that more than half of the kingdom but she isn't that you know."

"Yeah sure, you can enjoy her by your side as your friend or if she's good in bed then as a mistress but she doesn't really have that charm."

"Shouldn't she be out by now? She must be anticipating for you

"Nah I flattered her a bit so she must be all flustered fixing her makeup."

He laughs at his own comment oblivious to the fact that two people in front of the balcony doors stood with tightened fists and clenched jaws ready to execute him at any point for all their remarks.

Dylan was about to advance and confront them when he sighted Lyra from the other side eavesdropping on the same people he and Katherine were eavesdropping upon.

'Did she overhear everything?'

Dylan thoughts as his eyes flicker. Katherine perceives this as well and advises,

"You go after her. I'll handle these three."

Dylan nods and rushes after Lyra who was walking to the grand hall.

Meanwhile the three oblivious to the situation inside continued to chatter,

"Still hurry up you need to develop a lasting impression and don't abandon our promise for you to introduce me to the elder princess later on."

"Shall I introduce you to her instead?"

Katherine spoke fiercely as she went inside and glared at the three of them.

After a few moments, all three of them were on their knees, apologizing profusely and begging Katherine to save their lives and families.

Meanwhile, Dylan, that had gone after Lyra finds that she isn't at the ballroom. He looks around here and there but doesn't find her anywhere.

He sights Astrid and asks her if she knows where Lyra is. She too surveys the whole room and then states,

"I think she went to the library."


"Yes, she does that when such parties become boring for her. It's near here. Just go-"

Astrid explains the way to Dylan after which she remarks while chuckling nervously,

"If you don't end up at the library then just try the same route but in opposite directions and turns."

"Thank you."

Dylan subsequently follows the guide and as expected, ends up at the undesirable place. Then implementing his hunch, he navigates his way through the ancient garden. This garden itself seemed as if it wasn't maintained for years. He then finally sights light coming from nearby and ends up in front of the small three-story cottage house which in fact was a library King Derek had built for Lyra especially.

From the outside, it may look modest and simple but from inside, it was a proper house with seating areas, a bedroom, a whole bath, a kitchen, a dining room, a piano room, terraces, and of course a huge study room aside from all the books.

It exceptionally was a magnificent piece of art. Dylan was still reminiscing about how much they used to play here back then when the garden around it was also maintained when his eyes fell upon the balcony where Lyra was standing. It seems she had yet to perceive his presence as he then goes inside to talk to her.

This place remains the only place in this whole castle that wasn't renovated or changed. Even the palace Princess lived in was renovated by Lady Medea. It looked as same as back then except that there were more books now and it was properly kept and cleaned.

He goes up the staircase and onto the balcony where Lyra was standing. She becomes startled upon hearing his footsteps,

"Oh lord, why do you always frighten me like this?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"What are you doing here?"

"I followed you. I wanted to talk to you?"


"Just because."

He smiled as he positions next to her with his elbows resting on the balcony end.

"You shouldn't be out here. The farewell party was for you."

"Yes, but you were over here. I wanted to spend more time with you."

His statement makes Lyra blush as she turns to look at him. Although from his expression, it felt as if he was not being affected by his words, you could note the corner of his ears turning warm and red. She doesn't reply back due to feeling flustered. Meanwhile Dylan kept adding,

"You really look beautiful today. Like an angel. Or perhaps a fairy that's glowing brightly like a sun."

"...thank you."

Averting her gaze, Lyra felt the heat rose to her cheeks and ears. She wondered if despite it being dark with the moonlight and the candlelight illuminating the area around them, could Dylan see how red her skin had turned into thanks to his compliment.

Dylan leans on the railing as he uses his hand as a face rest and adds,

"Don't listen to what anyone says. You are perfect as you are. Those bastards are blind if they can't appreciate your beauty."

His words made Lyra recall what she had overheard a while ago. It is true the words spoken by those men were hurtful but she was used to it as she has been hearing such things since she was a young girl. The real reason she came here was because all throughout tonight, she couldn't stop thinking about how tomorrow Dylan would be going back. And everything would revert back to 'normal'. The mere thought of this, made her stomach churn as she felt a deep pang in her heart. Ever since Dylan had come here, after a long time, she who had rid of herself of any desires has found her wanting more. This is to such an extent that she wishes not to go that 'normal' and rather make her current routine the normal one. Alas, all of this was just her inner dialogue.

She was deep in her thoughts when it hit her. Did he perhaps overhear them? Oh, how embarrassing this is, she exclaims mentally.

"...did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

Dylan tilted his head pretending to be oblivious.

"Don't lie. I know you overheard Sir Fabian."

Narrowing his gaze upon Lyra's sharp remark, Dylan retorts,

"So that is that bastard name?"

"Don't call him like that."

Dylan felt slightly hurt by Lyra defending him. Before he could question her defending him, she explained herself,

"Don't misunderstand. It is not like I am defending him. It is just that I do not wish for you to tarnish your reputation if someone detects you talking like this."

"Oh. I'm honored. Thank you for caring about me. Although right now, it is just you and me here. And as I have already told you before, I can only be not like a gentleman when I am with you."

Lyra gazed back since she thought he was being sarcastic. However, as her eyes fell upon his face, she could feel the sincerity in his eyes. It was as if he was happy that she had chosen him over her. Her last thought makes her roll her eyes mentally. 'What am I even thinking about?'

"..there was something I wanted to ask you about."

"Yes. What is it?"

"How much do you know about your father's sickness?"

Lyra's eyes flicker as she responds,

"So you found out the truth."

"It is hard not to."

"How much do you know?"

"Just that it was poison and that Sir Javis may be behind this as he is the main suspect for now."

"Uncle Javis? What? How? Why? No. Absolutely not. They are trying to frame my uncle."

"I suspected as much. It won't be hard to conclude that perhaps Lady Medea is behind it?"

She nods in return and explains,

"I found the man who supplied the poison since no one was able to recognize what it was. But the man I had sent to contact him was found missing and then died along with that man. What is worse is that the backup team I had sent as secret guards is also missing. I have no contact with them whatsoever."

"Do you need any help?"

"Thank you but I trust in my team. I am sure something happened but they will contact me soon. Perhaps I should go and investigate this myself."

Dylan suddenly grabs Lyra's hand to gain her attention as he firmly states,

"No. It is dangerous. You can't rush into a situation without being aware of it."

"I understand that but my men must be in danger. I can't abandon them like this. If god forbids something to happen to them like what happened to one of them before, it will be my responsibility. I have to do something."

"I admire your heart for taking such good care of your people. However, you are also someone that needs to be taken care of. Don't forget to take responsibility of yourself too. As for your team, it may be better to hire local mercenaries from the area where they went missing. They may be able to guide you better. Also, contact one of the private guilds."

"...I did contact the guild but you are right. I should hire the mercenaries. Thank you for the idea."

"It's my pleasure. Just remember, be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

He softly caresses her hair all the while still continuing to hold her hand. Lyra doesn't pull her hand back either and instead mumbles a weak,


"It is because I am worried about you. And I will be even more worried after I part with you tomorrow."

Sighing he adds,

"I really wish I could have stayed with you longer. I wanted to be with you."

Lyra didn't understand whether Dylan perceived his words' effects on her. Her face was flushed as she kept thinking of a million reasons to reject the thought that was running through her mind. The reason she kept refuting instead of accepting was that she has already learned not to have expectations in life especially when it comes to matters that seem too good to be true. Still, ignoring all her doubts, something in her churned as she wanted to know more. She was curious to know the reason behind his words and his actions. Could it really be what she was thinking it was?


Chuckling he adds,

"You sound like a broken gramophone that keeps saying the same word."

"I just want to know. Is it too wrong of me to ask for the reason?"

"No. Not at all. If you really want to know, then it is because I am worried about you. You are really precious to me, Lyra."

Prince Dylan de Helios

❗️❗️❗️NOTE: ALL THE IMAGES used in this book are taken from the internet. If I know the artist or the owner of the picture then I have given credit to him/her. But remind you that these images were taken from the internet which is why I don't have credible sources for these images. If you want some reference then please use google.❗️❗️❗️

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