Kingdom Fall : Aegon II Targa...

Por Sweetophelia1

212K 5.7K 2K

It's Strange What Desire Will Make Foolish People Do. He catches a droplet of wine running from her lips to... Mais

Clementines And Dragon.
Creatures With Very Long Legs.
Broken Rules.
Love Can't Protect You Now.
Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Love and Duty.
Tempestuous Young Girls.
Arguements, Arrangements and Agreements
Prayer and Pomp.
Dinner and Diatribes
In Hot Water.
Indescent Relations.
Sacraficial Lamb.
Just An Appendage.
Kicking and Screaming.
Thicker Than Water.
Promises Are Not To Be Broken.
Roughhousing and Revelations
If I Tell You You're Mine.
Whatever She Wants.
Baths and Burdern's.
A Family Affair.
Would That Be A Bad Thing?
Nothing Like You.
History Is Like Gravity
Aesthetics 2//Anouncement
What's In A Name.
A Royal Crowning.
Mother Knows Best.
The One Who Gave You Life.
Inherited Injuries.
The Next Best Thing.
Girls Night.
Gently Does It.
Trials and Tribulations.
I Can Only Apologise
Pride Goeth Before Destruction
Authors Note - Please Read Though
Night Terrors.
A Gilded Cage.
Authors Note

Run Baby Run.

4.9K 136 45
Por Sweetophelia1

The title is taken from the same song used for the title of the chapter they get engaged in and I can't help but pat myself on the back for that 😂

Find Me On Twitter @SweetOphelia13

The Lords and Ladies are herded out of the Sept and onto the streets whilst their marriage papers are signed. Once the official papers are signed by their parents Annerys and Aegon are to stand on the steps of the Sept and play the happy couple. Which Annerys does phenomenally, Aegon not so much. The two stand and wave at the gathered small folk and Lords alike as they cheer. Annerys is far more successful at plastering a pleased smile onto her face compared to Aegon who looks as though he's just been stung by a wasp.

They then make their way down the stairs where  two white horses are waiting for them, so that they make their guarded procession through the streets so that the small folk might look upon them with awe and delight and offer them well wishes. Another area Annerys excels at where Aegon seems to fail as they are expected to offer grace and dignity and lots and lots of waves. Although any attempt of grandeur seems to be lost on Aegon. But Annerys wears pomp like a well fit glove.

Once they reach the red keep Anne can finally be freed from her brides cloak which had been stifling riding through the streets in the mid-summer heat. It's Rhaena who assists her, with her hair as Baela wafts around a makeshift fan that's really doing nothing to help. As Rhaena douses Anne in scent and rouge and adds pins to her hair before she straightens out the skirts of her dress and finally announces that Annerys is once again ready.

The three girls make their way to the gardens where the wedding feast will be held. Aegon is waiting at the entrance as the two have to be introduced together as husband and wife for the first time. Only the gods know why as everybody at the feast only an hour ago watched the ceremony themselves and surely it hadn't been that forgettable. 

Baela and Rhaena leave Annerys' side and find their seats and leave Anne and Aegon standing awkwardly beside each other waiting to be announced to King and court.

"You look...nice." He says unsurely

"Thank you I suppose. Daemon said I look like a whore." Annerys says bluntly and perhaps a bit exaggeratedly.

Aegon's eyebrows shoot up, shocked by her revelation, then he tilts his head in contemplation and says "well."

"Dear gods." 

"No. No a very pretty whore." He defends.

"Right." Anne scoffs but she smiles at him.

Saved by the sound of horns and then "Prince Aegon and Princess Annerys of House Targaryen. United in matrimony." And the two walk in and settle into their seats in between the King and Queen.

And then the gift giving begins, which is a lot more tedious than it might sound. Their given several candelabras and matching glass goblets and plates and culvert and countless other items that makes Anne wonder 'what do they expect me to do with that?' And 'do they think the red keep is likely to run out of glass?' 

Although when Lord and Lady Redwyne come to offer their gift which is naturally two goblets and a bottle of their own wine which is of course "the finest in all the land" Anne couldnt begin to tell you how many items have been the finest in all the land this day.  But she decides snarks not the best idea so she takes one of the goblets out of the pretty wooden box and calls a maid over carry a tray with a bottle of the wine they had bottled on the day of her birth being served that day and she fills the cup up and offers it to Lord Redwyne "an apology and repayment for the wine I owed you," Anne tells him.

"That's most generous, Princess. But I wouldn't presume to..."

"You're not, I'm offering my lord, with my thanks." She says 'now go away' she thinks. Luckily he bows and does taking the goblet of wine with him. 

Next is Lord Beesbury and his family.

"Lord Beesbury," Anne says brightly as the old man walks up to the table and presents his gift a book on the histories of something or another that Annerys knows neither herself or Aegon will read.

"Thank you for the gift, it sounds thrilling."

Annerys says having mastered faux earnest.
Lymon smiles at her and says "Oh it's only a small gift."

"No, words are worth a thousand gold dragons, my Lord. Perhaps you might honour me with a dance this evening?"

"I'm sure an old-man like myself wouldn't be much fun to dance with Princess."

"Well we shall have to find out. Won't we." Anne smiles.

Once he's left Aegon frowns at her, clearly confused as to why she was being so overly genial with the master of coins. 

"He decides our allowances," Anne explains.

Aegon remains perbetued "so?" He asks.

"I like dresses. Best he likes me." Annerys explains to him.

The endless parade of gifts they'll never use continues until it's time for their family to offer them gifts.

Rhaenys had given her a vase that must have cost a small fortune and a sad smile.

Otto Hightower has given them a copy of The Seven Pointed Star and a smug smile.

Rhaenyra doesn't manage a smile at all. But she gives them a set of matching rings.

Daemon oddly enough has a gift separate from her mothers a small embellished box which he places in front of Annerys. She opens the lid and inside is a rather elegant looking dagger. When she removes it from the box she hears the King audibly sigh at his brother's gift and the Queen looks far from impressed.

Anne decides it is the best gift she's received so far. 

She smiles up at Daemon and says "Thank you."

Then Aegon says "No gift for me Uncle?"

"Am I remiss in remembering that I handed over my wife's most prized possession to you just this morning." Daemon says which Anne scowls at not loving being referred to as anyone's possession, which Daemon shrugs at. 

Aegon laughs in response and nods at his Uncle.
It's the the Queen's turn to offer the two a gift but much like Daemon she places a small box in front of Annerys. So Anne opens the box and inside she sees a necklace and recognises it to be one of the official jewellery of the Queen that's passed down Queen to Queen, their not meant as gifts, which everyone knows.

Annerys turns her head to her  mother, unsure of what she's supposed to do. If Aegon was the heir it would be a lovely gift from one's good mother since he is not it's an act of aggression. Against her own mother. That's her life now, to be used as small symbolic acts of aggression against her own mother. 

She's not sure what she's supposed to do. She can hardly refuse a gift from the Queen. She can hardly accept the implication. But people are staring. She'll just accept them and never wear them.

"Thank you." Anne tells the Queen quitely.

"What did you do that for?" Aegon whispers harshly into her ear.

Anne's confused as to why he'd care but she doesn't question him on that and instead says nothing as Viserys stands in front of them with the final offering.

Viserys gives them a painting by her late grandmother, in a pretty frame. Anne thanks him and vows to treasure it.

They then feast and if Anne's glad of one thing that day it's the wine and food that they served.
Aegon looks glum as ever so she whispers into his ear "are you okay?"

"My grandfather looks pleased with himself doesn't he?" Aegon says.

"Yes." Annerys sighs. Although Anne has never seen Otto Hightower look like anything other than the cat that caught the canary an Anne supposes she's the canary.

"More wine?" Aegon offers.


The sun begins to set and it's time for them to have their first dance as husband and wife which goes smoothly enough. Annerys then continues to dance with other Lords and Aegon returns to his seat.

Annerys dances and dances until the sky darkens, the servants light fires and candles and the garden glows orange. Her feet grow tired from her dancing so she goes and stands to the side and catch her breath. Which is when Lord Larys makes his way over to her. Oddly enough Annerys has never spoken to him before. He's a person she should be able to rely on to be an ally of hers all things considered but the way he lingers around Alicent suggests otherwise. And as time since the fire at Harrenhal has passed Anne has come to  realise that only three people stood to gain from it her Uncle by blood if not name, the Queen and her father.

So she straightens her back and plasters a small but cordial smile onto her face and greets him.

"I come to offer you my best wishes, Princess." He says.

"There much appreciated my lord although I've received so many today I'm not entirely sure what to do with them all."

He offers her such a poor attempt at a laugh that it almost seems purposefully weak.

"I'm sure my brother would have been very proud of you. It's such a shame he would have loved to have seen you wed." He says casually.

Anne's blood runs cold for him to have just outwardly said such a thing to her, at her wedding, in front of the King. She looks over his shoulder beseechingly at her mother.

"Well Ser Harwin was a faithful servant of the realm." Anne says.

"That he was. He was so very fond of you Anne. I think you might have been his favourite of all your siblings." He says with a blatant lack of respect as no one outside of her kin would presume to call her by that name.

"I'm not so sure that's true. None of us knew your brother that well, my Lord." Anne says trying to remain calm and collected. "I should probably return to my husband." Anne then says eager to leave this conversation before she cries or throws up or punches him, not that she's entirely sure how to do that successfully; perhaps she should ask Baela for future reference.

"I could share some stories with you if you'd like, perhaps that might bring you some comfort."

"Lord Larys." She hears Daemon say from behind her.

And Anne lets out a small sigh of relief that she no longer has to deal with him "Lord Larys was looking to reminisce with someone about his brother. I imagine he'd have an easier time of it with you considering the time you spent on the city watch together. So I'll leave you both to it." Anne says as she picks up her skirts and flees she finds herself making her way out of the designated party area and has found herself near a waterfall she's walked so far so quickly that she barely noticed as the light dimmed and the music stopped.

She feels like she can't breathe like her chest is closing in on itself. Like her own body has betrayed her she thinks a little dramatically to herself. She suddenly feels a hand against the bare skin between her shoulder blades so she quickly turns to see who's touching her.

"Annerys, you need to calm down." Daemon tells her.

"You didn't hear what he said to me."

"It doesn't matter Anne. Just breathe." He tells her.

"He acted as if we were kin, as if we shared a loss. In front of all those people Daemon."

Daemon sighs but before he can offer her any advice Anne continues.

"He committed treason and didn't even blink. The King was right there and it didn't even matter to him. Is this my life now? Is that what I'm expected to deal with every day? All alone." Anne panics.

"Annerys, just calm down. You just need to breathe." Daemon says.

"I can't. Why is this dress so tight?" Anne says as she pulls at the material. Her chest heaves as she begins to pull at the pearls strung around her neck like a pretty chain. She tugs at them and they fall from her neck like a shower of very expensive hailstones.

"Anne." Daemon says softly as he takes a hold of her upper arm he's never seen her react like this to anything. Never witnessed someone so tightly strung unravel before him.

"Please don't make me go back there."

Daemon wordlessly marches forward, his hand still around Anne's arm and pulls her further out of the garden "what are you doing?"

At this he abruptly stops and turns to face her "this is the only chance you're ever going to get Anne. You can go now or you can stay and deal with it."

"Daemon you're not being fair."

"I mean it. I'll help you find your way to the dragon pit and I have friends in Pentos that will help you. You can take Merax and flee. Leave all this behind. Or you can stay and fight back."

It's barely even a choice when it's laid out in front of her. So she turns back around and marches her way back to her wedding feast.

Because she's a Targaryen and Targaryens don't run from a fight.

Daemon quickly falls in-step with her, a proud smirk across his face.

She finds a servant carrying a tray of wine and she takes a goblet of the tray and drinks the liquid in one. As she's decided if her life's going to be miserable then she's at least going to have a good time tonight.

She makes her way through the crowd and pulls Rhaena and Baela from their partners and drags them with her to the dais which the royal family is seated upon.

"Aunt Helaena, come dance with us." Annerys calls.

Helaena begins to rise from her seat when Aemond reaches out a hand and puts it on her shoulder. "Helaena won't be dancing tonight, we have to think of the babe."

Fuck the babe Annerys thinks to herself which Baela voices "nevermind the babe let's have fun Helaena."
It seems the trio of girls have all silently and unanimously decided to ignore Aemond's presence completely.
"Mother says I'm not supposed to spend time with you all again. She says I'm encourageable." Helaena says. 

"Then let us encourage you," Rhaena retorts, which Helaena smiles at.

"Your mother says all sorts of things, Aunt Helaena, you must do as we do and ignore her."  Annerys says playfully.

"Just one dance." Helaena says to Aemond as she stands and makes her way around the table.
The four of them hold hands in a circle and begin to dance a Hora they begin to spin taking three steps forward and one step back. Giggling to each other as they move. They dance multiple other dances together until they begin to tire and they suggest that Helaena should probably rest a little.

The three remaining girls then begin a kolo before Luke intercedes and asks to dance with Annerys. Which Anne accepts and they begin their dance together.

"You've gotten so good." Anne declares.

Lucerys smiles at her and says "I knew there was to be a wedding."

"Are you happy Anne?" Luke asks hopefully.

"All the more for your company."  Annerys tells him.

"I saw that you left. I was worried."

"Luke. Let us just enjoy the evening." Annerys says.

Luke places a kiss on the back of her hand and the action makes her smile. The sweet little boy that she remembers picking out an egg for Joffrey thinks he's growing up.

Luke abandons her to dance with Lady Linda Farring who looks to be about his age and very pretty. So she accepts the abandonment gracefully. But that does leave her without a dance partner.

So she turns and makes her way to the table where her family is sitting and calls "Aegon!"

"Are you drunk again, Annie?" Aegon calls to her.

"No. Just happy. Come dance with me."

"I'm not very good." He tells her.

"I know. But I'm not asking you to dance well. Just with me."

So he stands and joins her and they begin to dance.

"See, this is fun." Annerys tells him once they've finished their first dance. Which he grunts at.

Annerys strong arms him into beginning the next dance. "You're leading." Aegon says.

"Well someone has to. Otherwise we'd both be standing still and then we'd be in the way." She says smiling at him. He's happy for her to continue to lead them for the next three dances they dance.

"Prince Aegon, might I cut in?" Jace says.

"You can have this dance, nephew."

"Hello." Annerys says joyfully to her brother.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jace asks her without any preamble not even a hello, or a how are you or a your dress is very nice.

"Jacaerys." Anne sighs.

"I know. I know. I just...I cannot let you do this."

"I don't need you to let me do anything." Annerys argues.
"I want you to be happy and safe."

Annerys cups his cheeks with both of her hands and says "that's not something you can control Jace."

"This is your last dance, mother said once this dance ends she will take you to prepare for the bedding ceremony." Jace tells her.

"Then let's just dance."  Annerys tells him and sure enough once the dance ends her mother is tapping her on the shoulder and telling her "it's time." Rhaena and Baela also follow them out intending to help Annerys.

Anne's surprised when Helaena joins the group and asks "can I help?"

Annerys nods yes in response to her aunt's question.

Once they arrive in her rooms they begin to take off her dress layer by layer until she's finally bare and they place a silk nightgown over her head. Rhaena begins tying the little string fastenings as Baela and Helaena start to remove the pins from her hair. Whilst her mother stands next to her holding one of her hands. Rhaenyra had intended to be useful but she just can't find it in herself to help prepare her only daughter for her bedding ceremony so she chooses to offer her quiet comfort instead.

Once her hair is fully down and gently combed through and her jewellery is removed Rhaenyra guides Anne's arms through a dressing gown and fastens it for her.

Heleana places her hands on her cheeks and moves them as though she's wiping away tears but Annerys knows there are none and then her aunt says "all better."

Baela, Rhaena and Helaena all leave once their take has been accomplished, the twins return to the party and Helaena retires to bed.

Rhaenyra kisses Anne's brow "you're my best girl."

Her mother has always said this to her even before Annerys can remember so Anne knows how to respond "I'm your only girl." 

"My only girl." Rhaenyra says almost to herself as she holds back a sob.

Anne points to her mothers rounding belly and says "maybe this one will be another girl."
"No. This one will be a boy and you will always be my special girl."

Anne smiles and Rhaenyra says "come on."

The two silently walk flanked by two kings guards to Aegon's bedroom. Where they find half the small council, the Queen, a Septon and Aegon all stood waiting for her.

Both Anne and Aegon take off their robes and are left in their nightgowns before they crawl into his bed. Where they sit as the high Septon flicks holy oil at them seven times and blesses them.

Once he's done it becomes clear that Aegon is expected to begin the act. He climbs on top of her, mercifully blocking Anne's view of the onlookers.

Aegon moves his hands between her thighs, Once Annerys realises what he's doing she firmly grabs hold of his hand and stops him mid movement. She doesn't want to cum in front of her mother. She'll have whatever it is that Aemond's giving Helaena a nice and quick in and out and we're all done would be preferable rather than Aegon's show tricks Anne thinks.

"Annie, I don't think that's wise." Aegon says he knows it hurts maidens the first time round and he's sure she is regardless of how she looks at Jacaerys or how he looks back at her. His nephew has always been better than he is.

"Just don't. Please." Annerys begs through a whisper.

Aegon knows he doesn't want to hurt her; he remembers when his niece had been presented to the court how the Lords and Ladies smiled to his sister's face and snickered behind her back. He also remembers Annerys so small and indistinguishable from her twin brother, a remark she's sure she would appreciate now. His father had been so proud he remembers the look plastered on the King's face he remembers wondering why he had never looked at him that way. He remembers the way his mother had squeezed his hand and the dour look painted across her face. He doesn't know much about his sister but he knows she loves her children. He sees it in the way she holds them close and the way she smiles at them. He doesn't know what it's like to receive effortless smiles from one's own mother.
No one smiles at him.
But Annerys does.
And now he's going to hurt her.

Anne thinks on the Queens words think of something else, something nice. So Annerys thinks and thinks and thinks she does more thinking about what she can think about so she never reaches a decision before she feels the sharp pinch of Aegon inserting himself inside of her. He asks if she's okay once he's fully sheathed and she nods but she feels tears on her cheeks.
She can tell by the way Aegon has furrowed his brow that he wants to move so she nods once more at him and he seems to understand her meaning as he begins rocking back and forth. She tries to think of something, anything other than the burn of being stretched and the embarrassment of it all.

Her grandfather isn't there. She's never liked to speak badly of him. He has been nothing kind and warm to her but she can't help but feel that he's a cowardly and weak man. She's here because of him and his inadequacy because he'd rather throw his granddaughter at the glaring issue than admit there is one.

She hears Aegon groan against the shell of her ear and she hates him for it, it's not his fault, but she'd have liked him to suffer as she does. She knows that's ridiculous but she doesn't care. It's his mothers fault that they're all watching this happen to her and yet he's finding it pleasurable. But then his cheek rubs against hers and it's wet too. And Anne remembers it's not his fault.
It begins to hurt less and her stream of silent tears stop but she finds no pleasure. It doesn't take long until Aegon finishes with a sight and rolls off her.

The Septon says a final prayer and their audience files out.

Rhaenyra turns to look at her daughter to offer her some sort of comfort but Annerys looks away and can't bare the shame of it all. Once they're all gone Aegon sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed.

Annerys sits up suddenly as Aegon reaches for his dressing gown and begins to head for the door. "Don't go." Anne blurts out she's not sure why, just knows she doesn't want to be alone.

So Aegon silently turns around, takes the dressing gown back off and gets back under the covers of his bed.  The two lie flat on their backs, their heads against their pillows, their arms by their sides mirroring each other's discomfort.

The two lie barely less than an arm's width apart. Anne cautiously reaches out her hand and takes hold of Aegons. The two remain like that for a while, it's awkward but comforting.

Until Aegon quietly says "I don't think I'll make a very good husband, Annie," what he doesn't say is that he doesn't think he'd make a very good anything.

"Then I'll not make a very good wife either." Annerys says and she turns her head to face him so that she can smile at him "Let us just promise not to make each other sad." Annerys says in response and Aegon squeezes her hand in his.

She still smiles at him.

Find Me On Twitter @SweetOphelia13

I wanted to add a little about how Aegon feels about the situation because I hope that I've made it fairly clear that Anne likes Aegon because he's fun and she wants to have sex with him two things that aren't readily available for girls but Aegon doesn't need Anne for that because he's a man. So he likes her for different reasons which I hope I've made clearer in this chapter.

Also Daemons impulsive and feels sorry for Anne so that where his decision to give Annerys that choice comes from.

I wouldn't really define this as smut because it's not very descriptive so I've not put a warning for it or anything so I hope nobody minded.

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