Thirsty For Attention

By BriTheWriterr

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Thirst/An epidemic that seems to be spreading fast. Where a male or female does anything for a the opposite s... More

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Authors Note :


696 39 2
By BriTheWriterr

A few days later ...

Kaia , and the boys was standing outside of the school waiting for Kayja and her sisters like they always did every morning .

" How long are y'all going to be mad at each other for ? " Eddie asked Kaia as Icesis walked past them into the school building without speaking or looking their way .

" She's mad at me ! She feels like I called Cassius over to her house to beat Logan up which I didn't he did that on his own but honestly I feel like Logan deserved it and i'm not apologizing to her for feeling how I feel . " Kaia explained . " and when I tried to call her and explain to her about the stuff Logan had been doing she straight up told me i'm lying .. and I get that's her brother and she had to ride for her family but right is right and wrong is wrong "

" yeah this shit crazy ... I ain't even see Logan being like that tho " EJ said .

" Me neither and i've known him for years " Kaia said. " and that's anti her thing she thinks i'm siding with Meeka over Logan and it's not about choosing sides it's about what's right and a female she should see why i'm siding with Meeka "

" yeah I agree .. I just find it crazy how you and meeka just the best of friends after beefing so long " Manny spoke up .

" We not the best of friends i dont know why everybody keep saying that shit but we cool .. why it's a problem that we cool ? we supposed to beef forever ? " Kaia said.

" Nah it is a little weird though considering she use to fuck your boy friend " EJ said causing her to roll her eyes .

"I would appreciate it if everybody stopped bringing that up " She fussed . She was about to leave then and storm into the school but she was cut off by Cassius calling her name .

" What " she snapped at him as she turned around .

" What's your problem? " He asked her raising an eyebrow .

" My problem is that you just had to be a hoe and go around fucking everybody " she yelled before walking off and storming in the school .

" Wha- what the fuck just happened ? she on her period or something? " Cassius asked looking at her brothers. 

" she mad that everybody keep calling her weird for being cool with Meeka and you use to be fucking her " Manny said nonchalantly.

" Seriously? Don't nobody care about Meeka's bald head ass " Cassius said bluntly as Meeka was walking by .

" Well damn " she said rolling her eyes at him .

" what the fuck is even your motive for trying to be friends with kaia anyways ? " Cassius asked her .

" I don't a motive .. what are you even talking about ?"  Meeka asked facing him .

" Dont act like you wasn't doing the most bad mouthing her "

" and she use to be bad mouth me too ... but we realized that it was petty childish beef and got over it .. why is everybody making that a big deal and making it seem weird ?  "

" And what about the fact that you still with the nigga that pushed up on her without her consent ? the nigga that be whopping your ass but you still with him cause he got money . You ain't nothing but an opportunist A'meeka and Kaia may be blind to that but i'm not .  You only fuck with people you can benefit from , you ain't genuinely hanging with Kaia , you only hanging with her cause she's generous with her money when it comes to you " Cassius said telling her how he saw it.

" You need to go take your medicine cause you seem a little unhinged right now " Meeka said .

" Okay now you're going too far " Kayja said helping up for Cassius as always .

" Nah it's cool ... she gon see what unhinge really look like if I find out she playing dirty when it come to my shorty " Cassius said before storming off.

Meeka rolled her and stormed in the school looking for Kaia . She found her in the cafè at her table taking pictures in her phone . " Why are you going around telling everybody the stuff that you be doing for me ? " Meeka snapped causing Kaia to look at her .

" Excuse me ? " Kaia questioned.

" I just got into with Cassius outside an- " Before she could finish Kaia cut her off .

" and why the fuck did you get into it with my nigga ? " She asked raising an eyebrow causing Icesis to chuckle from where she was sitting not to far from them .

" Be careful what you say next Meeka , cause she gon side with Cassius cause she's a dickmatized dizzy bitch "

" Anyways ... what y'all get into it for ? "

" He just came at me yelling asking me what my motive was for being cool with you and called me an opportunist and said i'm just using you for your money . He knew stuff I only told you about me and Logan " Meeka said folding her arms across her chest .

" Well I didn't tell him I don't turn my mouth about stuff like that " Kaia said .

" How would he know stuff I only told you " She yelled .

" Meeka i'm starting to like you but keep yelling at me and we going have to to fight "

" i'm the one who told him .. I was there too remember so if you have an issue take it up with me " Kayja said as she approached them .

" All y'all need to calm the fuck out .. I don't know what's gotten into y'all over the weekend " Ej said .

" ou I know what happened kaia started being a dumb hoe and choosing niggas over her day ones " Icesis said .

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you right is right and wrong is wrong and Logan was dead ass motherfucking wrong Icesis . And this not even about him hitting Meeka .. I told him plenty of times I wasn't feeling him like that and he still pushed up on me and kissed me anyways so I don't blame cassius for fighting him for that " Kaia said .

" If it did happen you could've talked to him about it . Instead you sent Cassius to my house like a wild beast to beat up my brother"

" Wait ... Cassius beat up Logan that's why his face is messed up ? He said some niggas robbed and jumped him "

" Well of course he did ! he ain't want let you know he weak as fuck and can only fight females " Kayja said .

" Say something else about my brother and ima whoop your ass . and that bitch is lying if he fighting her why she still with him ? " Icesis asked .

" Why is he still with her if she was so called lying about him hitting her ? " Kaia said .

" and why are you defending her when she was sucking your niggas dick not too long ago ? " Icesis yelled .

They were so busy yelling and fussing with each other they didn't notice that they caused a scene and people were looking at them and recording .

" Y'all sound like some fucking hyenas ! " Ej snapped . They were giving him a damn head ache with all the screaming and yelling and obviously not getting anything . " It don't make no sense to talk if y'all just screaming and yelling at each other because obviously y'all not seeing where each other is coming from . Icesis I get that Logan is your brother and you feel like you'll take his word over anybody else but atleast do your own research and make sure what he actually is saying is accurate , Kay you was wrong for telling Cassius about Kaia buying shit and helping Meeka out that was their business " Ej said .

" So Kaia's just not wrong at all ? " Icesis asked him .

" She told you she didn't call Cassius over there to fight Logan . I was at the house when she told him not to confront about it because she didn't want to cause any drama with you but you can't get mad at him for handling somebody for pushing up on his girl after she said no plenty of times and she's not wrong for not feeling how she was wrong but the way y'all handled each other  about the situation was wrong if y'all are
supposed to be best friends "  Ej said .

Kaia and Icesis sighed and looked at each other realizing EJ was right , before any of them could say anything the bell ring . " So you just gonna walk off ? " Icesis asked Kaia .

" I have to hurry up and do my homework and I have a pre cal test . we can talk at lunch and get to the bottom of this " Kaia said .

" How ? Cassius takes you to lunch everyday and he is just going to be yelling at everybody on behalf of you " Meeka said .

" He'll be good " Kaia said as she rushed off .


Later on that day it was lunch time and they all went off campus for lunch like always . It was an awkward silence and tension because Icesis invited Logan to lunch with them so he could be able to tell his side of the story.

" Soooo ... who going to start this bull shit ass conversation ? " Cassius asked being the first one to break the silence .

" How about you ? Care to explain why yiu showed up at my house and attacked my brother like a wild animal "

" I told y'all this shit a million times he should have never kissed my girl ! That's disrespectful and ain't nobody gon push up on her like that or disrespect me like that . He knew we was together so I don't know why he thought I was going let some slide like that slide " Cassius shrugged.

" Why was you even kissing Kaia in the first place , if we supposed to be together " Meeka asked Logan feeling bold because they had a cross around them and she knew he wouldn't act cray with so many eyes on him .

Logan shot Meeka a look but didn't respond . " and how you let cassius beat your ass but be fighting me like - " Logan cut her off before she could finish .

" Stop while you have a chance A'meeka " He warned as he pinched her thigh under the table.

" what does that mean ? " Icesis asked Logan .

" we told you his ass was unhinged " Kayja told Icesis.

" i'm not bout to sit here and be interrogated like i'm a lil ass kid . I don't have to explain nothing to anybody and I said I ain't a woman beater Icesis either you take my word for it or theirs " Logan said as he stood up and stormed out .

Meeka sighed and stood up . " you bet not follow him .. sit your ass down " Kaia told Meeka . She reluctantly sat back down. .

" So that behavior didn't seem weird to you ? " Kaia asked Icesis who just sighed.

" If he is hitting you ... why not just leave him alone ? that doesn't make any sense "

" it's not if .. he is and because he's crazy .He knows where I live , he knows where I go to school he'll literally keep popping up on me until I take him back . and this may sound dumb but Logan is generous in taking care of me financially "

" See I told you , you was an opportunist " Cassius told her.

" I don't see it as me being an opportunist it's me seeing the bright side of a bad situation. Of course I don't want to be with someone that's hitting me but i'll take advantage of the resources he's providing for me until I can find a way to leave him alone " Meeka said .

" Mmhmm " Cassius said not believing her .

" Stop being mean " Kaia told him.

" I mean the nigga can't fight you can probably beat his ass and have an out " Cassius told Meeka causing all of them to laugh.

Icesis sighed and got up from the table leaving . " If she want to be stupid that's all on her " Cassius said .

" I be to be fair that's her brother . Nobody wants to hear that their brother or anybody close to them ain't who they think they is . I can't blame her because you know i'll put my life on the line defending you " Kayja told Cassius .

" Yeah but you not dumb either. You investigate and if i'm wrong you gonna tell me i'm wrong . She just seen him basically threaten this girl and ignore questions and her defensive obviously his ass is guilty but she want to be indenial so like I said that's all on her if she want to be stupid and none of y'all better not chase behind her or kiss her ass .. you either Eddie I know that's your bitch but fuck her "

" But she do make valid points too .. You can't feel sorry for somebody who staying with somebody that's beating on them for their money " Eddie said .

" This ain't about Meeka , I don't give a fuck about what she do . I don't know why Kaia ass even had to bring Meeka up . My issue with Logan was about him pushing up on Kaia , I don't know how this became about her " He said like Meeka wasn't sitting there.

" That's fucked up to say when you was fucking her not too long ago " Eddie said causing Kaia to smack her teeth .

" and I ain't give a fuck about her then either . " Cassius said .

" Y'all gon make the fucking girl cry. First y'all got everybody in her business that she be getting beat the fuck up by her nigga that's in love with Kaia , and now you saying you ain't never give a fuck about her . Y'all harsh as fuck " Manny said .

" Ok everybody just shutup for the rest of lunch " Kaia said seeing meeka look like she was actually about to cry .

After lunch they returned back to school and Icesis was waiting at Kaias locker for her . " what's up ? " Kaia asked her .

" We've been friends for years and I don't think we should fall out over something this childish and stupid . When I left restaurant I had to just sit in my car and reflect and I may have been wrong for how I reacted and i'm sorry for calling you the names but that's not brit her and for the longest in my eyes he could do no wrong , honestly I still can't picture him doing that cause that's not how we was raised but I can't lie and say I didn't see the change in his tone of the look in his eye when he addressed Meeka , and he was wrong for pushing up on you and kissing you when you told him no and i'm not supporting him hitting Meeka but i'm stuck on what to do because thats my family ,  my only sibling .. I can't just cut him loose "

" I want to apologize to you too because I was wrong for calling you going off about you jumping in on Cassius and Logan's fight. Because if that was either one of my brothers or mt nigga I would've jumped in too no questions asked but I still stand on that Logan deserved that ass whooping ... i'm not asking you to cut Logan lose ..i'm not asking you to do anything about the situation except don't be naive to who he really is , tell him he's wrong I don't know how you're supposed to handle it honestly " Kaia said.

" So we good ? " Icesis asked .

" We're good " Kaia told her .

" Hey Meeka " Icesis called out to meeka who was about to walk pass them. .

" yeah ? " Meeka asked as she stopped in her tracks .

" I believe you ... and you don't deserve to go through that . i'll talk to him about what he's doing and tell him how it's wrong and if he doesn't listen i'll get my parents involved " she said .

Meeka nodded at her with a small smile and walked off because she was over it for today . Between Cassius's mean ass , and the comments from Eddie and Manny and to Logan threatening her in text messages she had enough for the day.

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