Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks
A Much Happier Reunion
Party at the Gates of Hell
A Glittering Life
My Sweetheart Went Down With the Ship
Bagging the Zepp
A Much Needed Visit
Checking In
Birthday Surprises
On the Precipice of Dawn

Groveling on His Knees

98 0 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

Ellen and Sarah had loved the flowers so much that Ana had sent some home with them, and asked if Jacob could run a message to the telegram later. Will had sit down and helped her figure out exactly what to say. It hadn't been easy, and they had run through five different versions before finding one that was acceptable. Oscar, I am not dying of an illness, but you hurt me greatly. I will be staying in our cabin in Vermont with Will until I feel better about returning to the city. You may write me, Anastasia.

"It's really the best you could do," Will said when he had seen Ana biting her lip after Jacob had left with the slip. "It's up to him now to make it up to you, at least you're letting him have the chance."

"I suppose." She muttered, moving over to where some of their purchases were spread out. Her fingers brushed over one volume, The Woman's Book. "I suppose I could try and cook something, if you'll help?"

He put an arm around her waist, leaning over the table and opening the book. "Of course I will, the only question is: What will you make?"

"Something savory?"

"I was thinking something sweet, perhaps that gingerbread? We have everything we should need." Will considered the recipe. "Although I have no idea what how much a gill is."

Ana leaned back against him, "I suppose we could just add milk until it seems right?"

"That sounds right." He gave her a squeeze, and they set to work. The first work was finding where everything was. The spices and baking needs were easily found in the pantry, the dairy goods in the icebox and Will found a sack of almonds in a corner of the cellar. Then it was locating the pans and bowls to mix everything. While Ana puzzled out how to sieve everything together and mix the butter in, he managed to slightly burn his hands while blanching the almonds. By the end of the afternoon Will never wanted to have to deal with shredding those damn nuts ever again.

Once it had all been poured into a tin, Ana hovered over it like a nervous mother. Every few minutes she would come and check the oven, peeking in to see what was happening. Will began keeping count every time she did, lining up little bits of eggshell that had been left over. By the time the clock, brand new from the dry gods store and freshly wound, chimed the hour and Ana opened the door for the last time, he had fifteen pieces lined up. She covered her hands with a towel, drawing out the pan and setting it down on a counter. "Is it done?

"I suppose so." Will tapped it quickly with a finger, "It feels firm."

"It doesn't look anything like Morgan's."

"Well, those were cookies. This is a bread."

She held her hand over it, gauging the heat. "How long until it's ready?"

"I don't know, but we might be able to speed it up if we put it outside." He chuckled, "Or it might freeze."

"Would it be good for it to freeze?" Her eyes darted towards the window.

"Leave it." Will reached down and grasped her hand, lightly dusted with flour. "Come on, let's do something until it's ready." He held his tongue from mentioning an activity that would have taken up all the time they needed. "We could unpack some of those books and put them on the shelves." That proved to be a rewarding activity, and it got Ana to exercise some by having to walk up and down the stairs as they carried stack after stack down.

Ana, her hands on her hips as she stretched after a trip, eyed him as he shelved a few volumes of poetry. "How many books did you tell them to pack?"

"Enough to keep us occupied." He grunted, joining her in stretching. "I don't know how long we'll be here, and I wanted to make sure we had everything we needed."

She gave him a smile, "You're really not going to push to go back soon? I would think you'd want to get back to work, you're only a short time from making captain after all."

"Ana," He stepped forward, placing his hands on her waist. "If I had a choice between being by your side when you needed me, and being named captain immediately, I'd still be here." Will leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You're worth more than the rank."

She glanced up at him, "Will, you're going to make me start crying if you keep saying things like that." And then she stood up a little straighter and pressed her lips to his and he could not stop himself. He pulled her tight to him, inhaling the clean scent of her skin and let his tongue dance across her lips. He expected her to maintain the chaste kiss she had initiated, or to push him away, but she opened her mouth and let him trace her tongue. He groaned, his eyes closed tight in case he was only dreaming and if he opened them he'd wake.

But no, Ana was sighing into his lips and wrapping her hands around his shoulders. His feet felt clumsy as he guided them to the settee, and Ana settled into his lap. Will was almost panting, he had missed this, had missed her and wanted her and now she was here. He pressed kisses to her jaw, hearing her hum happily as he did. He risked a look at her, hoping that this wasn't just a dream. But no, she was really in his lap, her head thrown back and a smile on her lips. He shivered as he felt her hands brush through his hair, and he pulled back. "I'm sorry."

"No," She leaned down, resting her forehead on his. "Don't be, this is nice.

"But I don't want you to feel like you have to go past this."

Her voice was a whisper, "Then we won't, but I quite like this." Will nodded, surging forward to capture her lips again before the reasonable part of his mind took over. A reasonable husband would not push his wife to resume her duties after a blow like Ana had taken, but then again, he wasn't. He would be content with kisses, with her in his arms and the feel of her lips.

Ana seemed happy to remain on the settee all afternoon, settling herself against him and cuddling close. Eventually their kisses calmed, which was good for Will was terrified that Ana would feel a certain reaction that had started, and they simply spent a good deal of time trading kisses in the warmth of the fire. She settled herself in the crook of his arm, "Part of me wants you to read," She pressed a kiss to his jaw, "And part of me doesn't want you to leave."

He chuckled, holding her a bit closer. "I'm going to have to get up soon, if we want to stay warm." The fire was slowly dying, and was in need of a new log. "I could come back with a book and a slice of gingerbread for both of us?"

"I suppose so." Ana pouted, shifting off of him. "As long as you're quick." Will groaned as he stood up, not only because he was losing Ana but also because it was starting to get bloody cold. So the first thing he did was to stir up the coals of the fire and pile on a few logs to catch. Next, he darted over to the bookshelves in the beginnings of their library. Poetry was not needed at the moment, and he tried to think of something besides Verne for Ana. He trailed his finger across the spines for a moment before pausing on one. The Riddle of the Sands, spies, sailing and intrigue. It would work perfectly.

When he got to the kitchen, the gingerbread refused to yield to the knife that he had selected. With a muttered curse, he found a serrated one and set to work. Sawing wood was probably easier than getting through that bread, and a field of crumbs grew around where he was slicing. After plating the bread, he pressed a finger to it. There was no give, and when he licked his finger and sampled the crumbs, his mouth felt dry as a desert. It tasted decent, but by God it was dry. Scrambling, he poured two glasses of milk to at least try and salvage it.

Ana joined him on the rug in front of the fire, and nibbled off a small piece of her slice. Her mouth screwed up, and she took a healthy swallow of milk before speaking. "You don't have to eat it Will, something obviously was wrong. I think I needed to put more milk in."

"Oh, I'll eat it." He gave her a grin, tearing off a chunk and dribbling a little milk over it. "No point in letting it go to waste."

"I wonder if Rigel would eat it."

"He'd go eat snow after." Will gulped down the chunk, and it was actually rather tolerable with the milk. "Try a little milk on it, makes it go down easier." In the end, he managed to finish off his slice with the help of another glass of milk, and Ana's was fed to the fire. A few pillows were fetched, and Ana curled up in the crook of his arm as he opened the book and set to reading. Rigel joined them shortly after, a soft snowfall visible through the window as the day crept on.

Out here in the country, every day seemed to bleed together. There was no newspaper showing up each morning with his breakfast, and Will wasn't sure what day it was when he took Ana out to the small brook to see what they would fish up. Bits of gingerbread were used as bait, and Rigel was happily romping through the snow and chasing bits of leaf through the water. Will had been concerned about the cold for a moment, but the big lug seemed waterproof as well as immune to the cold. He seemed to notice something though, his ears perking up and a whine escaping.

Will, his hand on the tree branch that was serving as a fishing pole, glanced over his shoulder. A carriage was picking its way through the snow, and he furrowed his brow. Who would be coming all the way out here? Lyle had just come back from town with more of their furniture, and a couple of men to move it, a few days ago, but usually the Bishops were the only ones to come down this path. Ana had noticed the carriage too, and crept a little closer to him. Will pulled her even closer, because whoever came out would not be pleased with what she was wearing.

For under her long coat, Ana was wearing a pair of trousers that she had purloined from him.

Will had been unable to refuse her, not after seeing how drenched the bottoms of her skirts had become. It also helped that he greatly enjoyed the way she looked in his trousers, and she seemed to enjoy having his eyes on her. A few stolen kisses in the forest during a walk where she had been wearing them had only cemented her decision. But then, no one else had seen her in them. When the Bishops came she wore a skirt, and she had said she would do the same in town.

But apparently town had come to them.

Rigel set up a growl as the carriage stopped, the horses tossing their heads at the large black dog between them and the couple sitting in the snow. The driver paid little attention though, and quickly had the door open and the steps set up for the passengers. Will wasn't quite sure who had been expecting, but a pair of disheveled Vanderbilts loaded down with wrapped packages had not been it. Oscar seemed reluctant to go past Rigel, but called out to them. "Happy birthday, Anastasia!"

"Oscar," Ana grasped his hand and stood, standing close to him. "Liz, whatever are you two doing here?"

Oscar moved to the porch and set down his packages, then approached as far as Rigel would let him. "Could you call him off?" A whistle brought Rigel padding to her side, and Oscar approached. Will couldn't quite believe his eyes as the younger man sunk to his knees and almost prostrated himself in the snow. He had obviously rehearsed what he was going to say, "Anastasia, I am so sorry for what I did. It was wrong, and stupid and I should have fought my father tooth and nail. Please, will you forgive your foolish old friend?"

Ana worried her lips between her teeth, "Oscar, what you did was cruel."

A whine emerged from the kneeling figure. "I know, and I will carry it to my grave."

"But," At that word his head jerked up. "Will and I discussed a few ways you could make it up to us. So, if you really want to apologize, you'll have to agree to the conditions."

"I shall!" Oscar jumped back to his feet. "I already agreed to your mother's, so I will gladly do whatever it is you desire."

Will snorted. "What did Ruth have you do?"

"And I quote," Liz rolled her eyes, "'If you really want to make it up to my daughter, and to me, you will buy her the most expensive present you can find, go to her, and crawl on your knees while you beg her for forgiveness.'" She smirked, "You can see he already went down on his knees."

"Yes," Will chuckled, "Although he might go back to them soon enough."

Oscar cocked his head. "Why?"

"Because my condition for you to earn Ana's forgiveness is to let me thrash you, at least one punch." Will flexed his hand, "So?"

There was only a moment of hesitation. "Alright."

"You can't brace yourself."

"I won't." Oscar stood, gesturing for Ana and Liz to back away. "I deserve it, I know that." Will glanced over, Ana's face was firm although Liz was clearly concerned and had grabbed at Ana's hand. Oscar had his head bowed, his arms limp by his side and Will took a stance in front of him. In all, throwing a punch was fairly simple. Thumb on the outside of the fist, otherwise the impact would hurt it, most of the power came from the hips and he knew he would deliver a good punch with how angry he had been over the way Ana had been treated. He waited until Oscar had breathed in, then struck fast and hard, burying his fist in Oscar's stomach and making the younger man double over as the wind was knocked out of him.

Liz started forward when she heard Oscar struggling to breathe, although Ana held her back. Will kept an eye on Oscar's breathing as he stood over him, hearing him slowly getting his breath back. He also took some joy in it, he'd wanted to punch Oscar since he'd first met him. At first, it had been jealousy, but now that punch had come from anger. That had quickly fled though, and when Oscar had finally started breathing normally again, he held out a hand. "Don't you ever do that to her again."

Oscar grasped his hand, grinning as Will helped him to his feet. "I won't, believe me." His hand did move down to his belly though, probing for any damage. "I've got to thank you for that. I was worried you'd go for my face, and I don't think I could carry off a broken nose as well as Zachary did. Although I would have been honest about how I came about it."

"I wouldn't do that." Will grumbled, seeing Liz fuss over her brother. "Not unless you really did something stupid."

"I would have endured a dozen punches to earn your forgiveness." Oscar turned toward Ana, clearly gazing happily at her even as he tried to fill his lungs.

She raised an eyebrow, "You've earned half of your forgiveness."

"I let him punch me!"

"And that was for his forgiveness," She chuckled, "You haven't fulfilled my condition yet."

Oscar pursed his lips, "Very well, take your own go at me. I deserve a slap."

Ana laughed loud enough to make Rigel bark, and Will found himself smiling widely at her. He clapped a hand on Oscar's shoulder, "Oh, she is far more ruthless than me." He looked to Ana, still recovering from laughing. "Love, care to tell him what he's going to be doing?"

"Oh yes," She could clearly see Oscar pale. "When Will sets out again, you will accompany him on one of his trips and work your way across and back. You'll have earned my forgiveness once you've done that."

"But," Oscar stammered. "I've never done anything on a ship aside from play shuffleboard!" He scrambled, his mind clearly moving fast. "I can't plot a course or shovel coal, or-"

"I have, and I can assure you it's quite easy to learn." Ana slipped hand in Will's, giving him a squeeze. "Although I suppose you can be on probation for now, if you'd care to come inside?" Rigel wound up leading the group inside, circling a few times before laying his snow covered bulk on the rug in front of the fire. Ana gave a sigh, kneeling beside him and beginning to flick the snow onto the stone hearth the melt.

Oscar gazed around, clearly noting the various flowers that were displayed. "This seems nice, very rustic."

"Yes, we've been enjoying it." Will spoke over his shoulder, heading for the kitchen. "Please, take a seat." He had one more bit of revenge on his mind, for Ana's gingerbread had only gotten harder in the days since she had made it. He took a little pity though, placing a slice in a bowl of milk. For Liz he selected some shortbread that Ana had made for them earlier which she had managed to get just right.

He had no doubt his memories of his mother making that very same shortbread had helped her.

When he came back Ana had moved to the rocking chair that had arrived yesterday, she loved it so much that Will was planning to bring it back to new York. It truly was a lovely piece, for he had told the carpenter to lavish his carving on it. Roses climbed the posts and the wood was stained a beautiful dark brown, Ana had sighed when she had seen it and had hardly sat anywhere else since.

Much similar to the sigh she was making right now, "Oh Oscar, they're beautiful."

"Well, I thought you might like it. The opals are absolutely stunning and the moonstones suit them perfectly, and of course diamonds." Oscar had given her the package, which she had quickly opened to reveal a beautiful necklace of opals and moonstones. "Liz brought books."

Liz gasped, "I brought her two very good books, in the finest binding I could buy!" Sitting on the side table were two thick volumes, their titles gilded. Anna Karenina and War and Peace, Will was quite interested. After all, something that thick had to be at least somewhat interesting. Liz sniffed, nodding at Will. "Besides, everything else is because he bought out an entire chocolate shop."

"Well I figured it would be unlikely they'd have fine chocolate in Putnam." Oscar spat back, although he was smiling. "So, what have you been doing out here? A lot of long walks in fresh air?"

Ana, still entranced by the stones, nodded. "Oh yes, it's been rather nice to be away from it all."

"Well, you'll be happy to know everyone talked about you for a week before moving onto something new." Liz flicked her fingers as she unwrapped a package, clearly helping herself to some chocolate. "An actress got caught in flagrante delicto with an opera patron and that has been more than enough to distract everyone."

Will set the plate of shortbread down, and put the bowl in front of Oscar. "Well, I'm glad for that. Here, Ana has taken up baking during our time here." Liz crunched into the shortbread, making appreciative noises while Oscar tried to tear a bit of the gingerbread up.

Ana shot Will a glare, "You don't need to make him eat it."

"Oh, I would love to!" Oscar grinned, keeping his smile even as he bit into the corner he could saw off. "It's delicious!" Will chuckled, but kept an eye on him as Ana began picking through the chocolates that he had brought. Oscar was a decent man, for he made no complaints as he slowly finished the slice. Will stretched his legs out in front of the fire, "How long are you staying?"

Oscar, after a cough, shrugged. "Only tonight, we have to get back for a party."

Liz glanced over, "Don't worry, it's going to be very boring."

"Yes, so intolerable that even cousin Alfred is refusing to attend." Oscar yawned, leaning back in his chair. "Father told me I couldn't beg off because of him, he's going to get a piece of my mind the next time I see him."

"Your cousin will hardly care a whit." Ana snorted, laughing a bit. "Sometimes I wonder if he does everything specifically to anger your family."

Oscar looked to Will. "Alfred has been married twice and makes Father almost tear his hair out with the parties that he throws after his fox hunts."

"Good Lord above." Will shook his head, "I will not be participating in those."

"Neither do I, always felt bad for the poor fox." Oscar closed his eyes, then blearily opened them. "I think we can visit for a few more hours, but otherwise I'm going to fall asleep on the floor here." Ana led them on a tour of the house to rouse him, and she and Liz braved the cold to take a walk through the dormant garden and orchard, leaving Will and Oscar in the house. The younger man sighed as he watched them through the window, "She looks better."

"She is better." Will joined him, seeing Rigel romp around the girls. "Now, be honest, how do you think things will go if we come back now?"

Oscar flinched, "There'll be talk, there's no doubt about that. She was the subject of such awful rumors, as soon as she shows up again there's going to be interest." He looked down, "William, I hope you know that I would never even countenance the thought of doing such a thing with her." Will could hear a quaver in his voice, "She loves you, very clearly, with all of her heart and I would never force myself on her."

Will nodded, "I know, and I never doubted her. But I don't want to send her back to be ridiculed."

"I don't either," His eyes tracked the girls as they headed off into the snow. "Especially if she shows up in what she's wearing now. When did she take up wearing trousers?"

Will chuckled, "Only recently, and only to deal with the snow." Oscar did not need to know how Ana had wore them to cook, and he had spent a good deal of his time staring at her arse when she was bent over to check something in the oven. "She only wears them here."

"It's not that I don't think she should," Oscar held up his hands. "Ana can wear whatever she likes, but people will talk more if she does."

"Then I'll tell her to make sure not to go out in trousers." Will rolled his eyes, "Now, would you like me to at least tell you how you can begin your studies for your crossings with me?"

"If I must do it, I would prefer to be informed."

"Ah, well, begin to study celestial navigation and I would work on building up your stamina. Stoking a furnace will sap your strength in an hour."

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