Fate/Twin Points - Collecting...

By GZyzzAuthor

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DOOM X Fate/Grand Order X More - Fate/Twin Points: Volume 1 Two Gods, two beings with power unimaginable t... More

Chapter 1 - Two Gods Pt. 1/2 "Earth's Wrath"
Chapter 2 - Two Gods Pt. 2/2 "Gaia's Sentry"
Chapter 3 - Phenex God Pt. 1/10 "Commitment and Patience"
Chapter 4 - Phenex God Pt. 2/10 "Dagger of Mercy"
Chapter 5 - Phenex God Pt. 3/10 "Clarity of Truth"
Chapter 6 - Phenex God Pt. 4/10 "Thaumaturgic Device"
Chapter 7 - Phenex God Pt. 5/10 "Abstract Endurance"
Chapter 8 - Phenex God Pt. 6/10 "Riser Phenex"
Chapter 10 - Phenex God Pt. 8/10 "You Cant Win..."
Chapter 11 - Phenex God Pt. 9/10 "...Without a Reason Too"
Chapter 12 - Phenex God Pt. 10/10 "The Burning Star, Phenex God"
Chapter 13 - Antarctic Facility Pt. 1/2 "White Hellhole"
Chapter 14 - Antarctic Facility Pt. 2/2 "Gods and Demons"
Chapter 15 - False Emperor Pt. 1/10 "Rising Dragon Emperor"
Chapter 16 - False Emperor Pt. 2/10 "Twilight Compunction"
Chapter 17 - False Emperor Pt. 3/10 "Radiant Perception"
Chapter 18 - False Emperor Pt. 4/10 "Shadow of Intent"
Chapter 19 - False Emperor Pt. 5/10 "Promised Revelation"
Chapter 20 - False Emperor Pt. 6/10 "Minor Transgression"
Chapter 21 - False Emperor Pt. 7/10 "Awakened Power"
Chapter 22 - False Emperor Pt. 8/10 "Futile Persistence"
Chapter 23 - False Emperor Pt. 9/10 "Knight of Rebellion"
Chapter 24 - False Emperor Pt. 10/10 "Exodus into the Howling Dark"

Chapter 9 - Phenex God Pt. 7/10 "Commence Operation: Phenex Ashes"

66 2 0
By GZyzzAuthor


   The boy had grown, both physically and mentally. That much was made apparent after six consecutive boosts. He had reached transonic speeds, his strength now reaching the absolute peak of human capabilities.


   Of course with his ability, it was completely unnecessary to measure him before he reached his limits. As he would keep doubling any measurements placed before him.


   Dashing towards Issei, Sekaino swung his blades from the right. Issei managed to dodge by craning his body back, blocking with his gauntlet.

   Sparks cascaded from the two metals, lighting up the orange sky. Hopefully, the battle would be over before night fell.


   Issei twisted his fist behind him, before uppercutting Sekaino in the ribs. Luckily the man managed to put his palm between the gauntlet and the point of impact. Securing his hold on the boy, Sekaino flung Issei like a discarded toy.


   While upside down, mid-air, Issei pointed his arm at Sekaino, before yelling, "Explosion!"

   Similar to the last time he had done so, a massive ray of energy hurled from his gauntlet. A sickly him booming across the lawn as Sekaino held his blades in front of him.

   Looking down he saw himself being pushed back little by little, something which made him proud.


   Now he was being pushed back. Growling, he channeled Heavenly Energy into his blades, before slashing upwards, splitting the beam of energy.

   Issei jumped out of the way, watching a crescent of blue surge past where he was. An attack that would've killed him.

   He started to hyperventilate, his own mind beginning to come to terms with where he was at. He was getting comfortable.


   No! He wouldn't let himself, he would push past his limits. And go beyond!

   With newfound motivation, Issei darted toward Sekaino. The man did the same, both with their fists reared back. Pushing off the ground, both collided with each other in mid-air. Their fists sent out a shockwave that shook the nearby area.


   Twisting his body around, Issei kicked with his right leg toward Sekaino's face. However, the man was too quick, doing the exact same thing in response to Issei.

   Sharp wisps of air blasted from the collisions, blowing all debris from the area. Sekaino took the opportunity to break the lock, before dashing towards Issei, his left hand running along Issei's extended right leg.

   Rearing back his right arm, Sekaino slammed his fist into Issei's abdomen. However, the boy was able to grab onto Sekaino's fist, balancing on top of the limb.


   With his extra strength, Issei kicked under Sekaino's jaw, jumping off his fist. Sekaino, having revived dashed towards Issei, Issei doing the same.

   The older male was the first to act, punching Issei square in the cheek. Yet he was able to fight back, slamming his fist into Sekaino's jaw. Both glared at each other for the brief moment they had their fists driving into the other.

   Though Sekaino didn't stay in place forever, grabbing onto Issei's neck. He saw the boy panic for a split second, as he thrashed within Sekaino's grip. However, his resolve punched through, as Issei twisted his right leg knee first over Sekaino's arm. While spinning around the limb, Issei drove his left calf into Sekaino's temple.

   While the move wouldn't have forced the man to let go, he decided to let the boy go. After all, the two were only training for the first real battle Issei would participate in.


    The two dashed at massively hypersonic speeds, both grabbing onto the other's hands. Issei had a desperate, resilient rage on his face. He didn't view Sekaino as an enemy at the moment, but rather as a challenge.

   Sekaino however, saw something within Issei. The boy clearly had driven within him, whether it was searching for strength or lust for validation, it was pushing him to work, perhaps the boy was worthy of power.

   Though it would take time to see, however just a small amount to boost the boy's strength would do fine.

   Sekaino allowed his energy to flow into Issei's body, the boy should be able to take it in seeing as he has a Sacred Gear. Issei let go of his hold on Sekaino, coughing while holding his chest. He looked over at Sekaino, wondering what he did to him before he fell backward into a restless slumber.

Time Skip

   "Wake up, boy!"

   'Ugh, what happened?' Issei asked himself, opening his eyes slowly. Yet the light seemed blinding, as though he had taken a three-hour nap. The voices calling out to him seemed distant, and foggy, as though he were underwater. He felt light, unreal, and powerful.


   "Agh!" Issei cried out, before sighing while stating, "It's just you, Sekaino. What happened?"

   "Took you long enough to wake up. Everyone else came back and tried to kill me believing I had killed you." Sekaino explained, helping him up to his feet. Looking around, Issei saw the rest of Rias' Peerage in front of him, Rias restoring, "It's not my fault you standing over him looked a bit suspicious, especially after yesterday..."

   "Yeah, yeah, I'm a monster. Let's move on." Sekaino ordered, before adding, "To put it simply, I allowed my Heavenly Energy to flow into you. Because humans normally can't, I gave you some of mine to force your body to adapt so that you can."

   "Wait, wait, wait! What the hell would've happened if I didn't adapt?!" Issei asked, Sekaino replying, "You would've died."

   Issei's eyes went wide, Sekaino sighed before stating, "It was a gamble that I took, luckily that Boosted Gear of yours helped you survive the process."

   "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN IT WAS A GAMBLE?!" Issei screamed, his stupefied anger apparent. Rolling his eyes, the older man explained, "Look, I need you to have power. Plus you'll need it to compete with the Devils."

   "God dammit, you're lucky you're right." Issei retorted, looking away from Sekaino before asking, "And what the hell happened to me?"

   Clenching his fists, he flexed his muscles, his body noticeably larger than it was before. While he wasn't quite on Sekaino's level, he definitely had mass to him, roughly 20-25 more pounds, while Sekaino still sat 30 pounds above even his new body.

   "Damn, I look good. I'll probably need a new change of clothes though..." Issei commented, Sekaino smirking before stating, "Then you're in luck. While you were sleeping, I went and got you some."

   "Really, what are they?"

   "Try 'em on for yourself," Sekaino stated, tossing a plastic bag at the boy. Inside were light gray umanori-styled hakama pants, and a red uwa-obi. There was also a black happi, much too large for Issei, most likely meant to be draped over his shoulders. Though something stuck out to him, there was no shirt.

   "Wait, where's the shirt?"

   "Eh, forgot to get you one. Besides, I took inspiration from my outfit." Sekaino said proudly, everyone looked at him with a deadpan expression in response. Seeing this, Sekaino stated, "Nevertheless, this is how the next two weeks will go for all of you. So get up and rest, because things will only get harder from here..."

Time Skip

Elsewhere - Old School Building

   Inside the gothic clubhouse, the Devils prepared themselves for the decisive battle. Kiba finally stowed his blade away, Koneko equipping a fitted pair of gloves, while the queen subtly drank tea. Rias sat at her desk, mimicking her queen's action, yet more refined than her subordinate.

   Both Sekaino and Issei were missing from the scene, almost as if the two had never even entered the Devil's life. Yet they were changed, while their outward appearance and personalities haven't, their ability to fight has.

   From the door, a surprising face made an appearance. From the door came two women, one was a young girl with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes. The second was a woman with long straight black hair, extending to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, a violet left eye, and a light brown right eye, wearing blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses. Both were dressed in the equally identical Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform. The first announced her presence with a kind yet diligent, "Sorry if I'm interrupting."

   "No please, come on in Sona," Rias replied, revealing the slimmer girl's name. Akeno, being a friend of the two added a friendly,  "Glad you could make it."

   The aforementioned Sona looked around, seeing two missing guests. Though before she could voice her curiosities, a familiar silver magic circle appeared in the room, the Ultimate Queen making her appearance before stating, "It's almost time. Hope you're ready for this My Lady."

   "Yes. we're ready whenever you are." Rias replied, her resolve holding through. Deciding to give more information, the woman added, "In a few moments, we'll use this magic circle to transport you and the rest of your team to the battlefield.

   And regarding the human boy, Sirzechs will allow him to fight for you as though he were part of your Peerage. Though, this will only be a one-time event, as even just allowing him to fight under you once wasn't the easiest to work out." The Queen revealed, Rias nodded before asking, "Are there any rules I need to know about?"

   "To put it simply, while all of the rules of being your Servant apply, he gets none of the bonuses..."

   Rias furrowed her brow at that, while it wouldn't be a huge handicap, it certainly would've helped had he been able to acquire said bonuses. The Queen peered around the room, before asking, "And where exactly is the boy?"

   "Right here! Sorry, I got held up." Issei called out, walking into the room with Sekaino behind him. Everyone looked at his new garbs, surprised with how well they suited him. The light gray umanori-styled hakama pants were let loose, unlike Sekaino's, yet still held up a red uwa-obi. His black happi was draped over his shoulders, covering a black skin-tight long-sleeve shirt.

   "You look good, I'm assuming you're ready for battle?" Akeno asked, an erotic hue present over her tone. Issei, luckily, ignored it, replying with, "Yeah, though where exactly are we going?"

   "In a neutral alternate space created just for the game. Because it's not real, we have a full license to do some damage. Even burn it to the ground if we want." Akeno answered, a sadistic giggle escaped the girl's lips as she coyly put her hand on her cheek.

   "And you better, Issei. I didn't give you that extra boost for no reason..." Sekaino ordered, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder.

   "I'll be in the student council broadcast booth calling the game. We'll be cheering you on, good luck." Sona, stated as she and her companion made their departure.

   "Thanks a lot. Just try to keep the play-by-play fair." Rias joked, Sona, replying, "Oh I'll keep it clean, though if I was a betting girl, I'd say you're gonna beat that scumbag seven ways from Sunday."

   "There's something I forgot to tell you. I thought you'd like to know the Great Devil Lucifer will be watching the game." The Queen announced, Rias widening her expression in surprise before sighing while stating, "Oh, brother dearest..."

   "Woah, are you telling me that your older brother is the Devil!? Or am I just hearing things wrong?" Issei asked, Kiba stating, "No, Rias' brother is Lucifer, the king of the Devils."

   "The Lucifer!? The king of the entire Underworld is your older brother!?" Issei repeated, Rias calmly answering with, "That's right."

   "His name is Sirzechs, although historically he has been known by many names. During the Great War, our leader mysteriously died. Sirzechs took over the throne and led us through a dark time. He saved the Devil's kingdom from ruin." Kiba explained, Sekaino from the sideline listened in, before stating to himself, 'So that's how it ended...'

   "I had no idea..." Issei pondered, Rias stating, "The House of Gremory will always come before me, I've learned to adjust to it and make personal decisions accordingly."

   Sekaino looked back at the girl, a minute feeling of pity rising within him.

   'She's like a dog who desires freedom against her very makers, respectable yet pitiful...'

   "It's time, everyone." The Ultimate Queen announced, a vibrant red magic circle forming in the room. The mystical energy hummed, seemingly pulsing like a sickly heart-given new life. Rias, with her impressive resolve, ordered, "Then let's go."

   Stepping into the circle, the clothes and hair began to rise upwards in an artificial wind, the red glow highlighting their bodies. The circle sounded like a jet engine beneath their feet, and before long their bodies dematerialized into particles of light. Issei was the last to disappear, Sekaino nodding to the boy as he finally wisped away.

   Opening his eyes again, Issei commented, "That's weird... we're still here?"

   "Your attention please." The Queen spoke, her voice booming from an invisible loudspeaker.

   "Welcome, everyone. My name is Grayfia, I am Servant to the House of Gremory. I will be your referee during today's match. To create the battlefield you'll be competing in, I took suggestions from both Lady Rias and Lord Riser. You may recognize this place, as it's an exact replica of Kuoh Academy. An educational institution in the human world." Grayfia explained, Issei asking, "What does that mean?"

   "Just take a look outside," Rias stated, a hint of impatience present in her voice. Opening the window shutters, Issei reveals a distorted, twisted show of colors above the school. The closest thing he could compare it to were shimmering green nebulous clouds battling against violent aurora borealis. Upon seeing Issei's disbelief, Kiba explained, "This is an alternate space."

   "It might look like it, but trust me, we're not at school anymore," Akeno added, continuing the charade of her and Kiba explaining lore points to Issei. However, a strange detail stuck out, among the green clouds, a lone blue star was shining above the school. Akeno tilted her head in confusion, commenting, "Though that shouldn't be up there."

   "Each team has been given an area that will serve as its home base. Lady Rias, your crew will be in the Occult Research Club headquarters, in the old school house." Grayfia stated, Rias extending her hand as if to sarcastically show off the room upon hearing the obvious news.

   "Lord Riser's home base will be located in the principal's office in the new school house," Grayfia added, the disgusting image of Riser groping two of his Servants while reclining on the desk of Kuoh's principal revealing itself as Grayfia made the announcement. Grayfia, indifferent to the sight of his dispositioned glare. Something was different about him, he was flooded with anger after his humiliation, of the man who did so, and he would have his revenge. Continuing, Grayfia stated, "Pawns will be promoted if they can make their way to the home base of the opposing team. Good luck to all."

   "I'm gonna kick that bastard's ass, Sekaino gave me power and I'm going to use it." Issei declared, Akeno laughing before replying, "I wouldn't do that unless you wanna get your ass handed to you."

   "Be smart, dude. Odds are, Riser's gonna want to throw his Pawns into our territory right away. We need to keep enough players nearby to make sure that doesn't happen." Kiba reasoned, Rias adding, "Besides, you are still human. Based on what I could tell, the boost you were given should put you on par with us Devils, while also improving your physical stature, though you still have a long way to go before you can take on Riser's entire Peerage."

   "That's true, though if the chance arises, you already know I'm taking it," Issei answered, Koneko silently handing him a glowing ball. Looking down at the girl, Issei stated, "Uh, thanks..."

   Taking it, he watched as Rias allowed it to float into her ear, before the ball disappeared entirely as she explained, "These'll help us communicate during the battle."

   "Sounds like you're already plenty prepared for this fight," Issei noted, before putting the orb into his ear as he had seen in various forms of media. From the loudspeakers, Grayfia announced, "Alright, Devils. Let the game begin!"

   "Those failures don't deserve to stand on the same field as me, you won't show any mercy. Break their spirits, shatter their pride, and force them into submission. And if you fail me, you'll suffer the same fate as her and that sniveling brat of a human." Riser ordered, whisking a bolt of flames in his hand before dispersing it. Back at the false clubhouse, Rias broke out a map, rolling it out on her desk before stating, "The enemy base is just across the way.

   Cutting through the school ground might be quick, but it's not an option." Rias explained before Koneko added,  "They'll see us coming a mile away."

   "Correct. And we might as well be sitting ducks." Rias responded before Issei stated, "If we go through the track field and sneak in the back, then we might have the element of surprise on our side..."

   "That's the most obvious entry point available, and Riser knows it." Rias rebutted, before pointing at the orange square signifying the clubhouse on the map, speculating,  "My guess is he'll station a group of Knights or Rooks with strong mobility right behind the athletic clubhouse."

   "That doesn't leave us with very many options now, does it?" Akeno pondered, Kiba stating, "First things first, I think we should secure the gymnasium before we do anything else. It's adjacent to their home base and not too far from us. But most importantly, it will serve as a diversion to the other side."

   "The gymnasium is basically in the center of the battlefield, whoever gets to it first is gonna have a leg up for sure." Akeno reasoned, Rias replying, "Good call, given the options we have, that's our best chance.

   Koneko, do you think you can handle getting in the gym and locking it down?" Rias asked, the petite girl silently nodding as though she were a mere drone. Continuing her speech, Rias stated, "To do that we need to secure a defensive perimeter. Kiba and Koneko, get out there and set some traps in the woods ASAP!"



   Let's do this, Shiro." Koneko stated, holding out her hands before a blue magic circle conjured above her palms. Suddenly, a cloud of dust plumed from the circle before dispersing as a white cat jumped down into the girl's hands, meowing as it did so before climbing up to Koneko's scalp as its resting place.

    "Well, wish us luck, you guys." Kiba joked before the two turned to leave the replica of their familiar clubhouse. "Akeno, next we'll need your expertise. When they're done setting traps your illusion magic is going to come in handy, so be prepared."

   "I'll be waiting," Akeno replied, politely bowing as she did so, turning away without a moment's notice.

   "And Issei?" Rias spoke, her question ringing in Issei's ears as he asked, "What is it?"

   "Your newfound strength is certainly remarkable, but try not to be too reckless. After all, the sake of all our lives is in your hands now." Rias noted, Issei nodding as Rias turned from the desk, continuing with, "I have no real jurisdiction over you, I can merely ask of you and hope you pull through.

   So I have to ask, will you still fight with me?" Rias asked, turning to face Issei once more, leaving the question to sit. Though Issei was quick to deliver, before declaring, "To the end.

   Now, how about we kick some ass, Rias?" Issei asked, offering his fist in a friendly motion. The Devil in front of him smirked, before responding to his gesture, answering with, "To the end...


Time Skip


   In the woods of the false school, both Kiba and Koneko were walking together, as though taking a mere stroll. Meowing, Shiro jumped from Koneko's head, landing on a tree branch before setting a trap. Seeing this, Kiba stated, "Nice, onto the next one." 

   From a dead tree, Akeno held out her palm, ready to summon her Familiar. Looking up, she noticed a bright blue dot shining down brighter than the green light shown above.

   "That certainly is peculiar. I can't help but wonder why a star is shining through the sky?" Akeno commented, looking up from the high branch of a leafless tree. Facing away from it, she extended her hands, allowing her own familiar to take form as she added,  "Doesn't matter, perhaps it's a mere spotlight.

   Alright, off we go." Akeno stated, a strange creature appearing in her hand before jumping off and exploding into six identical beings. Without a moment's notice, the six darted in different directions, each leaving a trail of light behind them.

   From above, appearing as a bright blue star in the sky to those on the ground was a man enveloped in a blue miasma. Sekaino watched the battlefield from the sky, a distance so far that any normal man would've only seen the Earth below, though Sekaino was no normal man. His yellow eyes shimmered as he cast his gaze down onto the copy of his Earth.

   The battle had yet to really begin, though he only cared to watch Issei. He never cared about the Higher Beings, they were the ones to destroy his Earth, and he had to get them out. The only real reason he agreed to the game in the first place was that it could act as a good test to see if Issei can defend himself from these Devils. And once the boy passed the test, he'd leave him for a time while he went out to find the White Dragon Emperor, whoever may be the host of that snake.

   Nevertheless, he kept in place, silently observing the Rating Game below him. On the ground, Rias stood in the forest outside the old schoolhouse, Issei nearby. From her ear, a familiar voice asked, "Rias, do you copy?"

   "I hear you loud and clear," Rias spoke to her friend, placing a gentle hand on her ear. From her tree-top perch, Akeno replied, "We're ready when you are, just say the word."

   "Alright you guys, here's the game plan..."

Time Skip


   "Gremory is about to make her first move, with as many pieces as she's missing... Rias won't be able to protect her home base and launch a full assault.

   Because of that, she'll have to force her way in with tertiary attacks." Sona announced, her calm voice unwavering in its indifference. As if on beat, Rias called out through her device,  "Okay, once you're in the gym, there's no way you can avoid a confrontation. Be sure to follow our plan."

   "Got it" Issei and Koneko answered firmly from within the gym.

   "Kiba, you all set?"

   "Yup, I'm in position now."

   "Akeno, stand by to move. I'm counting on you."

   "We totally got this."

   "Let's go, team, commence operation, Phenex Ashes. Your opponent is Lord Riser, a gifted warrior, even amongst the House of Phenex. Show no mercy, because none will be shown to you..."

A/N: Just as the action was about to start, luckily these next two chapters will be a bit more exciting. Speaking of which, yes I did end up extending the range of this arc, and it may keep increasing, though I'll shoot for 9.

Word Count - 3,962

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