Inazuma Eleven Orion X Reader...

By Isadora_12_oyira

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Following the tragic event that happened to her in her home country, Maya moves to Japan and ends up taking u... More



268 9 0
By Isadora_12_oyira

The whole day was spent just having fun with everyone else.

You played games in the arcade and Haizaki even won a stuffed bear for you which you gladly accepted.

You tried the claw machine and snagged a cute little penguin. But since you'd already had one similar to this at home, you'd gifted it to Kidou instead.

"Here," you smiled as you handed the stuffed animal to him. He looked at the penguin and back at you.

"I really like your Emperor penguin move so I got you this" you smiled and he nodded slowly. "Thanks...?" He replied but it sounded more like a question than a reply.

"What, you don't like it?" You frowned as you began rethinking the whole gift think. He seemed to have read your thoughts as he smiled at you.

"It's a nice gift. Thanks, Manager." You smiled at his words and walked away.

"That's a cute penguin," Kazemaru's teasing voice was heard as he walked by, a big scoop of ice cream in his hand as he tried not to snicker.

Kidou just rolled his eyes as he stared back at the penguin. He had to admit, it was kind of cute.

You all explored the resort for the rest of the day ang gathered to take a brake at around five in the evening.

You were surprised when you'd found out that there was a whole entire football field in the resort. The ad was right. This place did have everything.

The boys decided to have a little practice match as you and the rest of the managers watched silently.

Later, you all had left to get a towels and refreshments for the players.

You walked towards the opened area but immediately stopped in your tracks when a fast moving ball flew right past your face, missing it only by a few inches.

Your eyes widened in shock as your blood ran cold. That was a little too close for comfort. The force sent you back a bit and you landed on your butt. "Oops," your head snapped to Haizaki who gave you a worried smile  while scratching his nape.

"Are you insane?! Is she had gotten hit by that ball then we would all be on our way to the hospital,.......again!" Hiroto turned to the other grey head who was already being scolded by Kidou and Mizukamia.

"Oi! Manager, are you okay?" Endou asked from his position infront of the goal. "I'm fine, Mamoru" Nosaka helped you up as you dusted the back of your jeans.

As punishment for his reckless shot, Haizaki was banned from the field till further notice. Mizukamia had also forced him to come and apologize to you again.

"No no, it's fine, let him play. We're here to have fun anyway" you said as you convinced Kidou to let him back into the game.

After a while, you were sitting on the bench with all the managers, Akane and Natsumi just catching up when you heard someone call your name.

"Oi, Manager! Come play with us!" You looked towards the field and saw Asuto and Goujin waving for all of you to come over.

"Which one?"

"All of you, dummy"

"B-But, we've never played before,"  Natsumi voiced her concern. You all had changed into outfits more suitable for playing soccer as you all stood in the middle of the field awkwardly.

"Maya's played before, right?" Nosaka asked as he turned to you. "Yes, but that was a really long time ago. I don't think I still remember much on how to do it."

"You've watched us play for years, shouldn't be too complicated," Endou said.

"Besides, soccer isn't about who can and cannot play, it's about having fun and playing with friends!" Asuto said rather excitedly.

"He sounds more and more like Endou which each day that passes" Natsumi whispered to you and you sweatdropped as you agreed with her.

"We're here to relax, aren't we? You said so yourself" Goujin said.

"I know but-"

"Don't kill the fun, Manager. C'mon, you can be on my team." Shirou said as he pulled you to the other side of the pitch.

Ootani was also asked to join your team and all together it was You, Ootani, Shirou, Hiro, Afuro and Nishikage were on one team while Yuuma, Anna, Natsumi, Haizaki, Atsuya and Tatsuya were on the other.

Akane and the rest of the boys sat on the bench and decided to watch.

"First to score two out of three points wins! There will be half time since you all are not yet accustomed to playing for so long, so let the game begin!" Gouenji announced. He was the referee for the match.

You were placed as a midfielder but you weren't really sure what to do. It'd been so long since you'd ever kicked a ball.

"Just go with the flow. It'll come naturally, trust me" Shirou said as he passed the ball to you.

When you saw Atsuya charging towards you with a smirk on his face, you kind of panicked. You followed your instinct and kicked the ball to the side as you covered your face with your hands, shielding yourself as if Atsuya was going to crash into you any second but you'd felt nothing.

"Nice pass, Manager!" You opened your eyes and saw that your pass had actually conneced and the ball was now with Afuro who then used God knows- Impact but the shot was deflected.

Everyone thought it was an accident until Hiroto caught the rebound and used his hissatsu, The Explosion.

Endou didn't have enough time to react and the ball went in.

"Yay! We did it! We got a point!" You cheered as you gave Hiroto a high-five.

"Don't get too cocky, it's just one point and there's still a lot of time left," Nosaka smirked at you and your grinned.

It'd been so long since you played and now it felt like you had never stopped.

You had already forgotten how fun it was to play and now you couldn't get enough of it.

" I guess we'll just have to see, Emperor" your grin turned into a smirk as the game resumed.

Now you wouldn't hold back anymore.

The ball was with Anna. She was surprisingly very fast and light on her feet. She also calculated her moves very well and she never missed a step.

She passed the ball to Natsumi but Ootani intercepted it. "Oi! Look, I actually got the ball back!" But before she could finish celebrating, Haizaki had already stolen the ball back.

"Focus, Ootani," you lightly scolded. You couldn't help but laugh a bit as she apologized.

"Atsuya!" Tatsuya called as he passed to him. "Enough fun and games, time to get that point back!" he said as he and Yuuma moved forward.

They were fast, really fast. Nosaka used sky walk to get passed you. You looked up at him in awe, you also wanted to do something cool like that too.

He passed the ball to Haizaki and he quickly scored using Perfect Penguin as he tied the score. You couldn't expect anything less from the world champions. But now you also wanted to come up with your own hissatsu move more than ever.

And you knew just the move. It was the first hissatsu you had learned while you were still in America, before even becoming a manager.

But you never got the chance to actually do it before and now was the perfect opportunity.

But that would have to wait as the whistle for the first half to be over was blown.

You all went to the benches and you sat down on the floor. Akane passed you a towel and a water bottle. You thanked her and chugged the liquid down your throat, the cold liquid giving your dry throat sweet relief.

You can't even remember the last time you'd ran so much.

"Wow, I'm impressed. You're really good," Hikaru praised and you smiled. "I guess watching you all play so many times for so long did pay off" Natsumi said as she wiped her forehead.

Of all people, you hadn't expected Natsumi to play as well as she did. She didn't come across as someone who would be so into playing soccer or just any sports in general.

Though she really loves the game, thanks to a certain soccer freak, you doubted she'd ever played before.

She had quick reflexes and was quick to pass the ball to the right person. She also knew how to catch rebounds and balls that went a little of course. Guess that's what happens when you spend so much time with Mamoru and looking after his clumsy self.

Ootani on the other hand was good with short and sharp movements and though she may not look like it she had a really strong kick that was good for long passes.

You could tell that with the right training, they would actually be really good one day.

"Hey, Manager. What are you thinking about?" Tatsuya asked as he can and sat down beside you. "Oh, nothing. Just how I'm going to beat you all in the second half," you smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You're really funny, Manager" he laughed a bit as he ruffled your hair. You'd noticed that they'd already turned that to a habit.

They would ruffle your hair or pat your head anything they teased or comfort you.

You continued to sit on the floor in silence, thinking about how you wanted this your new hissatsu to go. You'd already had the idea in mind but it's the execution that was the problem now. You doubt you even had the proper training to master a move like the ones the others did, like Gouenji's Last Resort or Nosaka's Moonlight Blade.

You didn't have much time to ponder about it as the second half was about to start.

"Just one more point guys, we can do it!" "Hai!"

The ball was with you and you passed to Ootani. She used her quick movements to get past the other players by confusing them because most of her movements were spontaneous.

Though there were a few slip-ups here and there but she was still able to get pass them.

"Take it, Afuro-san!" She passed the ball to the ball who was about to shoot but you stopped him.

"Wait! Let me take the shot, please" you begged and he willingly obliged.

He passed the ball to you and you stood one on one with Endou. "C'mon! Gimme your best shot!" He clasped his hands together as he readied himself.

"Alright, but know this, I won't go easy on you!" You replied as you placed the ball under one of your feet. "Wasn't betting on it." He replied and you smirked.

Here goes nothing.

You kicked the ball high in the air as bluish white wings spread across your  back and a white crown on your head shocking everyone. You jumped really high as you caught up with the ball. Then a white aura surrounded it as the ball was then covered in snow and ice.

"Angels Blizzard!" You yelled the name of the hissatsu before spinning once and hitting the ball with both your feet, like as if you were giving it a boost. The ball moved at incredible speed as it looked like the ball itself had grown wings and flew towards the net.

Endou, who was still lost in his trance of shock, didn't notice when the ball flew past him and into the net earning you your second point.

You landed on the ground and sighed, your wings disappearing.

Gouenji then blew the final whistle, a sigh that the match was over. "We won!" Ootani was the first to snap out of her daze before running up to you and engulfing you in a hug.

You guys' laughter seemed to pull everyone out of the trance you were in as they walked up to him to congratulate you.

"That was so cool! Where did you learn to do that shot?" Hiura asked, completely fan-boying over your new hissatsu. "I'd actually learned that move a long time ago but never got to try it out," You replied.

"Told you I'd beat ya" you smirked at a certain read head who just smiled. "You sure did,"

"I didn't know you could do that, what do you call it?"

"Angels Blizzard" you replied with a proud smile on your face. You yourself couldn't believe you'd actually pulled it off.

"I'm impressed, with all of you actually. How could you all play so we'll if it's your first time?" Hikaru asked.

You faced the girls and gave each other a knowing smile. "It's a secret," you replied and the rest of the managers giggled while the boys looked confused.

"Why don't we have a pool part to celebrate tonight, I mean, it is our last night here," Shirou suggested and you immediately rose to your feet.

"That's a great idea!" You said as you all first took a shower and changed into your swim trunks.

You and the rest of the managers walked out and the boys blushed in embarrassment as they tried to look everywhere else aside from you guys.

"What? You've never seen girls dressed like this before?" You teased. You were enjoying this a little more than you should.

"Whatever, just get in the pool" you felt someone grip your hand and the next thing you knew, you were dragged into the pool.

You swam up to the surface and saw Kazemaru laughing at you. You growled and pulled his hair. "Ow! Ow! Okay, sorry, sorry, I won't do it again" he laughed as he tried to pry your fingers away from his hair.

You reluctantly let go and everyone slowly started getting comfortable.

You all played a lot of games and ended up staying late. You all later got out of the pool and your dried yourself off before throwing on a one shoulder off sweatshirt and a pair of knee length cargo pants.

A dining table was already prepared for all of you which was stacked to it's very edges with food.

"Alright everyone, I'd like to make a toast" Afuro stood up with a glass filled with red liquid in his hand.

"To Maya because without her, none of us would be here, both figuratively and literally" he raised his glass up and all of you followed. "Thanks guys, I couldn't be here with out you either" you smiled as you clicked glasses with everyone.

"Now, let's eat!" Endou raised his hand up in excitement but he accidentally knocked his glass of water over. Thank God Natsumi caught it just in time before scolding the living daylights out of him.

Everyone around you laughed. You continued your meal and looked around the table. Everyone was happy and smiling.

And for once, no one was fighting. They all told you stories about their past and how Mamoru had formed the Raimon Eleven, how Endou, Gouenji and Kidou became best friends and even embarrassing stories of Haizaki and Hiroto when they were still a little over rebellious.

After dinner you all went back to your rooms. You laid on your bed and sighed. You couldn't believe how much fun you had here, makes you kind of sad that you all were leaving tomorrow.

You were about to close your eyes when you heard a knock on the door. You sat up and you and Anna had the same look. You wandered who it could be at this hour. It was practically past midnight.

You walked out of your bead and opened the door to see everyone else standing outside your door, each with a pillow and a blanked in their arms.

"Hope you don't mind is having a sleepover here," Atsuya smiled. You looked back at Anna and she smiled before nodding.

You opened the door wider for them to enter and now your room was packed.

Some slept on the couch while the others on the fluffy white rug that was spread throughout the floors.

Akane and Natsumi slept on your bed while Ootani slept on Anna's.

It felt nice. The room wasn't as cold and empty as before. It was warmer and filled with the little cute snores of everyone else that filled the room.

You closed your eyes with a smile on your lips as you drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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