Stranger Connections

By _eyes_wideshut

1.4K 151 19

A new phenomenon is sweeping the globe. Strangers who have a need deep inside rarely can meet the eye of some... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 10

58 7 0
By _eyes_wideshut

A/N So...I usually like to give enough time for people to actually read a chapter before I update again but well...they were horny so here we are. As always I do not know or own any characters except Jacob, Vanessa and to some extent Arny though he is based on a real person. Any resemblance to reality is completely coincidental. I post only here and AO3 so if you see my work being posted anywhere else by anyone else, please let me know. If you would like to be alerted when I update any of my stories you can follow me on twitter at _eyes_wideshut Feedback means the world to me so if you like what I write please let me know. This chapter is as always dedicated to my three. You know who you are. Your feedback and love of this story keep it going. I will never be able to thank you enough. I hope you enjoy. This chapter does contain sex. That is your warning.

Chapter 10

Hyunjin carried Felix to the bedroom and gently placed him on the bed. Felix reached up and pulled off Hyunjin's shirt but as he reached for the button on Hyunjin's jeans, the older man's hands stopped him. Not yet, Sunshine. But... Shhh. Just let me do this my way. Felix looked up nervously. Hyunjin leaned in close. Trust me baby. He kissed Felix tenderly. Felix sighed happily into the kiss. OK. I DO trust you. Then let go and let me take care of you. Felix nodded as Hyunjin backed up. He bit his lip as Hyunjin's hands reached and slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. Taking it slow and taking just one button at a time, keeping eye contact with Felix the whole time, his hands sliding lightly down to each button. The room was quiet and intimate; the feeling growing as Hyunjin slowly undressed him. He unbuttoned Felix's jeans and kissed Felix again. Slide back on the bed baby. Felix slid backward and as his body moved, Hyunjin pulled down his pants, leaving Felix naked and feeling vulnerable and his hands moved to cover himself. Hyunjin's eyes looked at him with growing lust but his thoughts were so tender it took Felix's breath away. You are so beautiful, baby. So incredibly beautiful and that you don't realize it; makes you even more beautiful. He crawled up and sat on Felix's thighs.

Hyunjin took one of Felix's hands from covering himself and ran his hand from the younger man's shoulder lightly down his arm to his fingertips before raising the hand to his mouth and kissing his fingers gently. He touched the other arm and checked in with Felix's emotions and vulnerabilities. I'm ok Jinnie. I trust you. The second you want me to stop I will. I'm here for you, not for me. Felix smiled at him. I know. I feel it. He repeated the motion from before on the other arm before kissing those fingers as well. His hand then touched Felix's collarbone and drew slowly, maddeningly slow down Felix's body, his eyes caressing every inch of Felix's chest, abs, stomach and cock that was rapidly getting hard at the attention. Felix could feel the intention of the touch and the caress of the eyes. It was as if Hyunjin was touching him with five hands; each one of his hands then his two eyes and his mind. His body was alive with sensation in a way he had never felt before. He could also tell his body reactions and his own desire were fueling the same in Hyunjin and he could feel the other man grow hard against his thighs, only separated from his skin by the jeans that were becoming very tight. Hyunjin however ignored his own wants and needs.

It confused Felix. Jacob had never ignored his own needs. When he was ready he started hard and fast but Hyunjin wasn't doing that. He didn't understand what he was waiting for. While sex wasn't great and hurt pretty frequently, he longed for that intimacy with Hyunjin. Sex doesn't have to hurt, baby. It usually doesn't. That your experience has told you that it is supposed to is part of the reason we are doing this my way. I don't want you to hurt at all. This is about you this time. There are plenty of times coming we can focus on me but this time it is all about you. He leaned down and kissed Felix gently, deepening the kiss slowly and letting the passion build over time. His fingers continued tracing Felix's body though never going to the hardness. They traced over his belly, his muscles moving and jumping beneath his fingers.

He dipped his head and sucked lightly at Felix's throat and Felix moaned loudly. Jinnie The name was moaned in his mind. He moved to Felix's nipple and ran a tongue lightly around it before sucking the pert tip into his warm mouth and Felix arched into him, his hands tangling in Hyunjin's hair to pull him closer.

Felix was drowning in desire. He had never felt this level of pleasure in his life. Nothing he had ever done had felt as good as this did and Hyunjin hadn't even touched his dick yet. His touches were light, causing his skin to awaken in new and amazing ways. It was like he had never been touched before in his life. For the first time in his life, Felix understood the expression touch starved. His skin jumped and moved at Hyunjin's touch, equally tickled and craving more. He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy all the sensations but he couldn't take his eyes off Hyunjin. He had never seen anyone more beautiful. The man's hair falling over his eyes as he leaned over him, now sucking at the other nipple. Please touch me. Felix begged. Please.

Hyunjin could feel Felix's warring emotions. He desperately wanted Hyunjin to touch him and at the same time felt guilty that he wasn't touching Hyunjin enough. This is about you baby, don't feel guilty. Hyunjin reminded him. He moved up and kissed Felix once more and then moved to Felix's side, laying beside the younger man. His fingers teasingly slide over the hardness between Felix's legs. Felix gasped and his hips arched up instantly, seeking more. Hyunjin started the carress light and the pace slow; gradually and painstakingly slowly building speed and pressure until the only thing Felix could think was Hyunjin's name and he was completely lost in passion.

Felix felt his orgasm building and building. He had no idea he could be this turned on. He had heard an orgasm referred to as a little death before and had never understood it, now however he finally got it. It felt like he would die if he didn't cum but at the same time, he never wanted this to end. His body drew tighter and tighter like the strings of a bow being pulled further and further, an inch at a time until he just couldn't see how they could go further and yet they did. He writhed on the bed, sweat coating his body and his lips raw from biting them.

Hyunjin alternated between watching him, kissing him and sucking, licking or biting lightly at anything he could reach. His voice in Felix's head coaxed and reassured him at every step; reminding him every moment how beautiful and desirable he was. Hyunjin worked him to the breaking point several times each time slowing and forcing Felix's body to relax away from orgasm before resuming and building it back up again. Only when Felix couldn't think words any longer and was completely thoughtless just lost in sensation did he finally stop toying with him. I'm not going to slow down this time, baby unless you want me to. You can let go this time. Felix's eyes finally slid closed and felt his orgasm overtake him. He came so hard he wordlessly screamed and his body arched into the air, almost bowing at the strength of it. He blacked out a bit and his body went completely lax and boneless.

He became aware again and felt the little tender kisses Hyunjin was leaving all over his face. His eyes slid open and he saw Hyunjin above him. "You back with me, baby?" His lover asked with a tender smile.

"Hyunjin." Felix said, his voice hoarse. He really couldn't say anything else, his mouth couldn't even form the words of what Hyunjin had just done to and for him.

"I'm gonna go get something to clean you up. I'll be right back, baby." Felix nodded tiredly. Hyunjin came back with a warm cloth and gently cleaned Felix up, before pulling Felix into his arms and gently rubbing his back. Felix snuggled into him happily. They lay like that for a few minutes until Felix moved a bit and felt Hyunjin pressing against him, the rough jeans separating them but the hardness beneath them pressing against him. Oh God! I'm so sorry Hyunjin, you are still hard. Let me take care of that... Shhh...It's ok baby. I don't have to; you don't have to. But I want to. I want you to. Felix looked up at him and bit his lip, he imagined how it might be with Hyunjin taking him from behind. Not like that baby. Maybe sometime, but not our first time. I want to look at your face and let you see mine. Are you sure you want that tonight? It's ok if you don't. I can wait.

"I want it." Felix said softly. "I want you. I want to know what it can be like. I want to feel you and see you cum too." Hyunjin probed his thoughts checking for any hesitation or doubt but he found none. Ok, baby. He said and kissed Felix tenderly; lovingly. Do you have lube? He saw where Felix kept it and reached over Felix to the bedside table and grabbed the lube and a condom. He moved into position between Felix's legs. I'm gonna prep you and take the time to open you up, try to relax as much as you can. Felix nodded.

Felix watched Hyunjin get some lube on his fingers and reach down. Hyunjin kissed him, gently thrusting his tongue in Felix's mouth, tangling erotically with his own as his finger gently circled Felix's entrance. It felt good and Hyunjin could feel Felix's surprise at that. Slowly and gently his finger slid inside, and Felix could feel Hyunjin checking for his reaction at every step. It was different than he was used to and Hyunjin was having his tongue matching the motions of his finger. When Felix's body completely relaxed and his hips began moving with him, Hyunjin gently added a finger. He continued doing this, scissoring his fingers to open Felix up for him. You are doing so good, baby. Felix moaned as Hyunjin's fingers brushed his prostate. Jacob had hit it occasionally by accident but it was like Hyunjin strove to brush it often; it wasn't remotely accidental with him. It felt like hours later that Hyunjin deemed him prepped enough and finally stood to slip out of his jeans.

Felix's eyes ate every inch of Hyunjin as he was bared. Fuck. You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His eyes took in the lean, toned, muscular body. Hyunjin let him look his fill. Felix took in the long toned dancer's legs, the muscular abs and hips. The arm muscles that stood out more than he had realized. They finally dropped to the hardness jutting out from a hairless groin. He knew from having been in Hyunjin's head for so long that most of the idols shaved their bodies. They considered it more sanitary. He hadn't thought about his own nest of curls and hairy body until that moment and suddenly grew worried he had disgusted Hyunjin. None of that, baby. You are perfect. If you want to shave that's fine but you don't have to for me, not ever. There isn't a single part of you that is disgusting. He climbed onto the bed again and settled into position on his knees between Felix's legs. Felix let go of the worry, there wasn't an ounce of disgust in Hyunjin's thoughts. He smiled happily.

"You sure?" Hyunjin asked and Felix nodded enthusiastically. "You can change your mind at any time, ok?" He felt Felix's confusion at that. You would stop in the middle if I asked you to? YES. That is what consensual sex is, baby. You own your own body, you decide who has access to it, when and for how long. Oh. Felix finally got it. He understood that Hyunjin would never insist on anything that Felix didn't want and enjoy. He didn't know why he hadn't understood it before but he fully got it now. I love you. Felix hadn't intended or even realized the thought before it crossed his mind, he was just overwhelmed at the level of support he felt from Hyunjin. I love you too, Sunshine.

Hyunjin pulled on the condom and kissed Felix as he got them into position. He slowly began entering Felix, taking his time and making sure the smaller man was ok every second. Felix was amazed that though there was the slight burn of entry, there was no real pain. It took some adjustment as it always did but unlike with Jacob, this was enjoyable. Hyunjin took his time building speed just like he had before. His mind made love to Felix's just as his body did. It was sensory overload and though Felix had never before had more than one orgasm at a time; in fact he hadn't even known it was possible, he felt himself get hard again.

Hyunjin's hand wrapped around him and moved at a matching tempo. He angled his hips to make sure to brush across Felix's prostate with every stroke, using Felix's thoughts to maximize every movement. Felix had only to fleetingly think harder, faster, or any instruction before Hyunjin made it happen. Literally every thought satisfied. Felix in turn thrust his hips up to meet Hyunjin and pulled Hyunjin's mouth to meet his own. Their kiss was sloppy; too turned on and in the moment for any kind of tact or technique. Their tongues tangled together hotly as they raced toward the cliff together. Hyunjin's hips stuttered and he threw his head back as his orgasm hit and Felix crashed over the edge with him, eyes drinking in the sight of Hyunjin licking his lips and moaning, body slick and sexy with sweat. His hair damp and clinging to his neck. Felix had never seen anything so sexy in his life.

They rested, Felix with his limbs wrapped around Hyunjin, and the older man breathing heavily on his chest. Wow! Felix echoed the thought. That was amazing. Felix felt Hyunjin softening within him. Even your sweat smells sexy. Felix blushed as Hyunjin laughed at the thought. "Sorry, I didn't mean to think it."

"You can't help your thoughts, Lixie." Hyunjin looked down at him with a grin. "How about we shower and watch something together."

"That sounds like heaven." Felix's stomach growled. "And maybe some food."

"Done." Hyunjin kissed him tenderly and then holding the base of the condom, he pulled out of Felix and went to dispose of it. Felix joined him as he turned on the shower. They showered and took turns washing each other. It was intimate and loving and Felix was practically boneless with relaxation by the time they got out. They dressed in soft comfortable sweats and went into the living room. Felix heated them up some leftovers and brought them over to the couch. They snuggled together and put on a movie, just enjoying relaxing together. Felix fell asleep on Hyunjin and the larger man turned off everything and picked Felix up and carried him back to the bed. He tucked Felix in and climbed in next to him, pulling Felix into his arms. I love you, Felix. So much. He thought just before falling asleep himself. Felix, deep in sleep didn't hear the thought but subconsciously snuggled in tighter at the emotion. 

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