TBATE - The Help of a Certain...

By IAmYourSenpaiLight

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Preston Lang was society's monster. From birth, he was called a Demon Child merely for killing his mother at... More

Two Years Later
Meeting The Helstea's
Meeting The Leywins
Meeting Arthur
The Twin Horns; Royalty
Auction and Chaos
Troublesome Child
Dawn's Ballad
Debut Part 1
Debut Part 2
Battle With The Hound
The Twins
Regal No More(For Now)
Attending Xyrus Academy
Battles and Preparations
An Elven Addition
New Threat; Lilia's Awakening
The New Xyrus Academy; Potential Ally
The First Move
Subjugation; Last Dungeon
A New Ally
Return From Adventures
The Artificer
The Noble And The Nobly Punished
Gifts; Academy Troubles
Those Worthy And Those Unworthy
Happy Birthday!
Foreboding News; New Design
Too Early
Foul Play
So It Begins
FC | Side Story: Claire And The Twins
The Lances
Author's Note
Choices; The Nomad's Origin
Coming Soon!
The Calm Before The Storm
The Eye of The Storm
Disastrous Choices
Big Problem Y'all

Growing Pains

269 9 0
By IAmYourSenpaiLight


Just a quick little note to start off. This is the point where everything really changes up.

If you remember the plot from the original novel, go ahead and throw it all away. Why? I'll tell you why.

1. Uto's dead. There's no need to make some kind of dramatic scene with Alea.

2. The Attack on Xyrus has been moved up WAY further, AND it's known by the highest ranked students in Xyrus Academy.

3. The Dicatheous has been destroyed and Nico's sure as hell not going with them. Dicathen's got at least five years this time 'round.

I only need three reasons and they're all essential to the original plot.

So from here, we've got plenty of time. BIG training arcs for Kuro and Arthur PLUS, potential ships to build and set sail. Maybe. Who knows.

So until then, enjoy this next chapter.

Arthur Leywin

"Alright class, as usual, practice on your control. Augmenters, train your minds. Conjurers, train your bodies.

But most importantly, train your skills. I want to see what you can do with magic by the end of the year.

Kathyln and Feyrith, continue your practice with the spell absorption technique. You're making good progress. Class dismissed!"

The students trotted outside the classroom doors and gossiped with one another.

Some groaned, wanting more time, a few tried to figure out what they could do to improve, and my fellow DC members waved goodbye.

"Well if it isn't the famous Professor Leywin," a familiar voice rang.

"Do you really have nothing better to do than bother me as you please?"

I turned to Kuro with irritation and sighed.

"What now?"

He raised his arms as if he was caught and dramatized his tone.

"Whateeeever do you mean, professor?? I simply wanted to visit my friend!"

I clicked my tongue and threw a fireball at him, the spell dissipating before it could even touch him.

Hm? Did he just neutralize my spell?

He patted down his uniform and chuckled.

"Wow, you even took off your seal for that. Alright, you got me. I have some news regarding the radical group. Making my way to the DC meeting room. Wanna come?"

My eyes widened and I rushed to his side.

"Hell yeah, I do! This is huge!"

I covered my patrol route with Kuro before heading over to the DC. Figured I could hold him back and ask a few of my own questions.

"So, what was with that spell you used before? Somehow neutralizing a blue flame before it even gets within a foot of you is pretty big.

I thought we couldn't conceptualize such a spell, let alone perform it. Did you like... dominate my spell with your mana or something?"

He cocked his brow in amused confusion with a smile.

"What? No, that was just a parlor trick. It works in the same way you neutralized Lucas' spells the first day of TFM*."

S/N: Team Fighting Mechanics*

During the mock battle between the Disciplinary Committee and Student Council that day, I tried manipulating air around my body to create a vacuum and disperse fire before it hit me.

It was mostly a success since I managed to fend off around two to three for every five, but there was no denying that my reserves ran too low and I had to end it off sooner than that.

"So... You created a vacuum of air around your body and dispersed my fire?"

He made a buzzing sound and crossed his arms together in an X shape.

"Wrong! You have the right concept, but the wrong idea. I didn't manipulate air to disperse your fire. If you used any of your other elements, I would've neutralized it anyway."

I tried making sense of his words.

Not wind but still dispersed my flame. Other elements would've been dispersed too? Is that even possible?

"Here's a hint: focus on my body. Look what happens when the spell disperses and how the residual mana moves. Something I just came up with as a countermeasure."

How the residual mana moves... Well, it dispersed. What else did it—

It was then that I realized. When I dispersed Lucas' fire, the flames only died out but remained in the air.

Kuro didn't just disperse my flame, he absorbed the mana I used to form the spell itself!

It's genius! A way to disperse spells and recover mana at the same time! You wouldn't even need to dodge!

"So you absorbed my spell! That's why it didn't leave any residual mana, because you contained it after dispersing the formation!"

He shot me finger guns and winked.

"Correct! Manipulating mana to absorb a spell by disrupting the formation that maintains it. Fun fact: this technique is an application of Mana Rotation."

Before I could even show my irritation, a strange throbbing sensation pulsated from where my core was.

Hm? What the..?

I didn't pay much mind to it and continued walking with Kuro silently. He shot me a glance or two, but didn't pry further for some reason.

Just before Kuro knocked on the double doors, I felt it again. But this time, it hurt.

Damn... What the hell's going on with my core?

"Arthur, you good?"

There was such a painful sensation in my core that I didn't even realize I was on one knee, clenching my chest in a cold sweat.

I struggled to stand and collapsed under my own weight from the pain.

"Gah..! Sorry Kuro... Looks like... I'm not gonna be doing... too hot... Urgh..!"

My vision swam and a blurred mixture of color invaded my sight before all I could hear was the beating of my heart.

I could at least make out what seemed to be Kuro putting something in my hands before everything went dark.


Arthur's pale complexion and pained expression almost got me, I'll admit it. But his core gave everything away.

I focused on his mana and looked at the bright silver core littered with white streaks.

Well, this is interesting. He's breaking through, in the middle of the hallway.

His sudden convulsions brought me out of my thoughts and I opted to pick him up with Wind mana.

"Well, I guess I should take you somewhere safe. The DC should be more than enough to do. Come on, Sylvie."

I knelt down and picked up the transformed dragon in my arms and calmed her down before she climbed up my chest and made herself comfortable on my head.

With a kick, the double doors swung open and heads turned.

"What's up, guys! I brought a present."

Claire and Theo walked over to me with a concerned look in their eyes.

"What's going on with Arthur, K? Did something happen?" She moved behind me to look at Arthur's unconscious body.

"Yeah, so it turns out he's breaking through. We were on our way here and he had this look on his face, like there was some kind of pain.

I didn't bother asking before, but when he fell down, I couldn't help checking his core. Literally thought I'd go blind from all the white."

Everyone's eyes widened and moved onto Arthur as he continued to look like he was in immense pain.

"I stabilized him as safely as I could, but it looks like he'll be going through all this for a while.

So, I guess this is the part where we all gather and I spill the beans on the radical group that's been baring its fangs at us lately."


"So?" Theo asked impatiently. "What's up now?"

My eyes scanned the table, stopping at each member for a moment before leaving for another.

"I know what you want to do with this information, so I'll tell you right now. Stand down until I say otherwise, alright? I need you all to swear on your name that you won't make a move."

Kathyln and Curtis raised their hands.

"I, Curtis Glayder, hereby swear under my name to stand by until otherwise told."

"I, Kathyln Glayer, hereby swear under my name to stand by until otherwise told."

Though reluctant, all the rest raised their hands and made their pledges.

"Now that I have your word, this is what's about to go down."

Theo leaned closer into the table and stared intently.

"The radical group has some kind of leader who goes by the name of Draneeve, there's almost nothing known about him but there's no denying his strength if he was able to keep Lucas on a leash."

Theo jumped from his seat and slammed his hand on the table.

"What?! Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?!"

"Stop." With a trembling hand and an anger in her eyes I'd never seen before, Claire stopped Theo. When I tell you he planted his ass back into his chair, I mean it.

Her eyes went back onto me and she gestured to continue.

"Now, Lucas' part in all this doesn't really matter. He defected because of me and now he's stronger than ever after taking some crazy elixir.

If my numbers are right, which they are, he's probably as strong as a peak Silver core mage.

It's possible that he might be in the white stage too, but that's still in the air according to my sources."

I looked at Arthur and back to the team before sighing.

"Including today, we have three days before Draneeve plans to raid the academy. I don't know what for, I don't know why. But I do know how."

Opening a Door, I pulled out a schematic listed and drawn out with every mana beast even capable of inflicting an injury by mouth or hand.

"When you think of raid, 'mana beast' probably aren't the words you look for. But somehow, someway, this guy's got control over mana beasts as high as B Class.

Now, these are all the mana beasts I've got on my radar. Particularly, I want you all to focus on the wolven and reptilian beasts; those are the easiest to transport among all of them."

They analyzed what they could on the giant parchment rolled across the table intently with fury in their eyes.

"I noticed a particular hate against the racial integration implemented by the Council. I'm willing to bet that they're aiming for Elves and Dwarves in the process.

Like I said, you stand by, for now. I'm not letting these guys do whatever they want. What I do want though, is for you all to get a taste of it."

Theo nodded, a new fervor in his eyes. "Sounds like a plan. Tell us what to do."

Looking at Arthur, I shook my head.

"Like I said. Nothing, for now at least. They have three days to prepare, that goes the same way for us.

Train, learn, do whatever you can. I'm setting up a resistance squad and you all are gonna be at the forefront.

We'll give Arthur the time he needs to recuperate and tell him then."

A knock on the door to the meeting room resounded, cutting through the tension like a knife through butter.

"Come in."

The door opened slowly and three familiar faces showed themselves.

"There you are. Do you mind if we intrude for a bit? I found some strays along the way.

Also, would you be so kind and tell me what that surge of mana was?" Nico asked.

Elijah looked at the table and noticed the drawings. He walked forward to get a closer look and eyed me curiously.
Nico and Tessia followed closely and got their own looks on it.

"This is..."

"Probably mana beasts on Kuro's radar. I'm guessing the radical group's somehow gonna be controlling them?" Nico looked at me and I nodded.

"Smart as ever. We've got an incoming raid. Three days' time, a certain Half-Elf traitor and a small army led by a masked figure."

Elijah's eyes lit with anger. "Lucas defected?"

Nico looked at me knowingly and sighed.

"Well, it's safe to assume he took some kind of elixir. There's no way even someone like Lucas would change teams for nothing."

Tessia's eyes had a feeling of betrayal in them. Even if he was only half of one, Lucas was still an Elf, I guess. How annoying.

"This can't be any normal elixir. If it managed to draw Lucas out, then it's safe to say he's on another level from before," she commented.

"That's right," I confirmed. "Recent information clocks him in at peak Silver, and a possible but unlikely White stage core."

Elijah white knuckled his balled fist and I could feel his mana surge slightly.

"In any case, we're in luck.

Tessia's completely assimilated with her Beast Will, Arthur's gonna be our newest White core mage, and you're all at the Silver stage yourselves.

And like I said before, everyone. Stand down no matter what. Continue patrolling like normal.

But in your free time, train, improve, whatever. I don't care if you go at it like you're fighting God himself.

Three days. That's all I want. Then, you can let loose as you desire."


"Thanks again for telling us. I'm happy you reached out to us first. Will you make an announcement?" Claire asked.
I shook my head.

"No, it's too risky. I can't just outright declare that the academy is gonna be under attack.

Not to mention, the risks of telling Elven and Dwarven students alike that they're targets?

No. No, if the academy's gonna be brought under siege, I want every Elf and Dwarf who attends this academy in one place where I know I can keep them safe."

She nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, that's smart. I guess issuing a schoolwide lockdown is the best move."


Arthur Leywin

Black. A void. An abyss. Endless darkness.

That's all I could describe. Sheer simplicity beyond explanation and yet... I could still feel... myself.

In this endless darkness, as if I was walking in a fog, it felt so foreign and yet so familiar at the same time.

I didn't know how much time had passed nor could I tell. All I knew was this had to be for my benefit.

There was a familiar presence I could feel. But it felt like a word at the tip of my tongue, I knew the feeling, but I just couldn't tell what it was.

But then a sudden sensation of... power flowed through me. It was like I could defeat even the strongest Asura with ease as long as I had this strength.

As if my intentions were realized by a mere thought, I could see in the distance... a white light.

Oh, hell. Don't tell me this is happening again.

God had to be mocking me. The bastard brings me to a new world just to take me out before I can fulfill my promise.

Whether I was moving or it was coming to me, the light started to become bright and larger.

But it was a different sensation then when I reincarnated twelve years ago.

I felt like it was coming to me rather than me going to it.

My mind wracked and I tried to figure it all out. That was, until I remembered.

Just before I had been brought here, I felt that pain in my core.

I chuckled. No, I laughed.

That was no light, by any means. That was my core! I actually broke through!

In the few moments that passed, my brand new White core had finally reached me.

That feeling of power that dominated my very soul, the internal realization that I might actually have a chance against this life's greatest foes...

I would've laughed if you told me I'd reach the White stage before reaching adulthood.

But I just proved myself wrong. Kuro's interference in my life became a help unlike any other.

Without him, I'd have probably taken four years longer.

Oh, hell yeah. I definitely gotta spar with him again.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I decided to get a good look at my core.

I noticed intricate markings on it, the same ones that appeared on my body when I activated Phase Two.

Sylvia... Thank you, again.

My benefactor and very first "master" in this world. The Dragon who sacrificed her own life just to see mine prosper. The one who entrusted me with her daughter and foretold my meeting with Kuro.

I can only be thankful to her.

I'll be sure to settle the score. One day.

For some reason, I could feel it instinctually. It was like I was given a button and told to press it at the right time.

As if my mind listened to me, the void of darkness shattered to bits and I was blinded by a volley of light.

And when my eyes opened, I was faced with the concern of my Disciplinary Committee members.

Feyrith punched the air fervently and cheered. "Yes! He has completely awoken! Welcome back, my rival!"

Claire patted my shoulder with a relieved smile.

"I'm happy you're awake now. How do you feel?"

I felt some tension in my shoulder, as if I'd been laying down for a long time.

"Uh, I think I'm okay. How long was I out?" I couldn't recall how long I'd been out of it.

"It's been about five hours since Kuro brought you in. But regardless, you're gonna want to hear this."

Her expression immediately turned serious and I inadvertently tensed up.

"What is it?"


"And that's everything Kuro said. So we've got just over 55 hours before things go down."

I looked at the parchment laid down across the whole table, littered with drawings of mana beasts and several notes on what they could do.

My blood boiled and it felt like my fuse was about to blow.
"Where is he now?" I asked.

She flinched and I could tell I accidentally let my malice slip; though, it was for just a moment and she recovered just as quickly.

"He's in closed cultivation until further notice. I was also told to let you know that even you can't get into his training room, whatever that means."

"...I see."


A few minutes ago...



I instinctively stopped training to feel the sudden surge of mana.

"That's new. I've never felt anyone this powerful yet. Feels familiar, though. Arthur? Guess he woke up."

Wiping the sweat off of my face, I took a seat.

"You seem to be bothered by something, Young Master." Cyrus had been resting under the same old tree that sat just to the left of the mock river that flowed loudly.

"Nothing of consequence. Just..."

He sat up, stretching his arms.

"You worry that your strength may not be enough to protect everyone. That you may perhaps be just weak enough to let even one ally's life be taken from your hands.

The burden you carry as Xyrus Academy's Student Council President is not for the faint of heart, Young Master.

And to hold it so well? To act naturally as if not the presence of deities plagues your mind but the next class to attend? It is a feat incomparable to even the most dangerous mission."

I leaned back, resting on the tree's trunk and sighed.

"Deities?" I scoffed. "That's the least of my worries."


So. That's the chapter.

Arthur's our newest White core mage, Claire still thinks she plays no part in my plans, and Kuro's concerns are brought to light.

And like I said. This is the turning point of... pretty much everything.

Of course, I'll still be following the original timeline's plot for the most part; it'll just be extended to span the five+ year gap Kuro created when he whooped Uto and destroyed the Dicatheous.

Yes, that does mean Arthur will also be significantly stronger when he returns as well.

Also, Tessia's not at risk of any Beast Will detonators too, so I gotta make that work somehow.

But as they say, the plot thickens.

See you next time.

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