Not The Teacher's Pet

By ardent_acy

7.6K 255 3

Mr.Hayes was that one literature teacher who had won the hearts of all students at Markins High while Mikaela... More

Author's Note ~ I
1. Early Bird
2. An Awkward Girl
3. The Dark World
4. A Big Mistake
5. Being Generous
6. The Book Fair
7. Babysitting
8. The Cranky Teacher
9. Cracked
10. Retest Week
11. The Devil's Return
12. Just A Student
13. Losing It
14. Protection
15. A Different Persona
16. Nightmares
17. Hero
18. Off Script
19. Revenge
20. Closer
21. The Lakehouse
22. Reputation
23. Truth or Dare
24. Twisted
25. Black Cars
26. Scheming
27. Connections
28. Reunion
29. The Arrest
30. Déjà vu
31. Shooting Daggers
32. Happy Birthday
33. A Strange Bond
34. Night at the Hotel
35. Rumors Come True
36. Lovers
37. Forever
Author's Note ~ II
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2

Bonus Chapter 3: Wendy's POV

77 2 0
By ardent_acy

Bryan Turner.

A star basketball player.

Cute like hell.

Innocent as a flower.

Three years older than me, which made him a little over sixteen.

But a year junior to Ro which made it easier for my brother to pick on him.

Moreover, he was the son of my mom's best friend, Mrs.Popy Turner.

Even though Bryan was popular for his dashing looks and amazing basketball skills, he was an extreme introvert. The poor guy had no friends at all. He ignored literally everybody, preferred eating alone, and read books when he was not on the basketball court.

His eyes were dark and intimidating. His light brown hair nearly covered his eyes, but he looked so damn hot when he slicked back his hair and made eye contact.

He was the-

"Wendy, are you busy-"

"GET OUT DAD!" I yelled while switching tabs at the speed of light. He could never find out that I had a huge crush on his ex-student's son.

My father jerked away from the door in shock, "What... What were you doing? Can I come in?"

"Y-you can come in now" I shut my laptop and turned to face him.

"What was that about?"


"You won't yell for nothing, honey. You can tell me" He smiled.

Honestly though, now I knew why my dad had absolutely zero enemies. He was far too charming for a fifty-year-old guy. Everyone loved him at school. His students, his colleagues, the principal, and even the janitor.

He had this way of making people trust him by just being super charismatic. Dad looked pretty handsome with his glasses and graying stubble. It made sense why Mom loved him more than anyone on the planet.

"Is it a boy?" His face suddenly turned stern and amused.

"You can't just assume my sexuality!" I flung my hands in the air.

"You're gay?!" Romeo gasped as he popped his head into my room.

"Get out pighead!" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him but he dodged it perfectly while sticking out his tongue.

I couldn't believe that my idiotic big bro was turning eighteen in a few months.

"It's nothing" I groaned and laid back in my bed, "I was just... Uh... Shocked when you barged in like that"

"Uh-huh," Both dad and son eyed me in unison.

"You wanted something, Dad?" I glared back.

"Oh, go to the store with Romeo and buy eggs" He smiled, "I'm giving your mom baking lessons"

"No!" I gasped.

"I had the same reaction" Ro chuckled.

Mom sucked at cooking. Her skills at the stove can't even be called zero because it was a negative infinity.

"But why us, together? I mean can't he go? I'm busy. I got homework, projects, assignments-"

"Wendy" Dad sighed, "Get your umbrella and go. It's raining outside so make sure to hurry up" He went back downstairs.

"So... " Ro turned to me with a smirk.

"Is it a boyfriend?"

I attempted to grab the bedlamp but he ran out of my sight chuckling.


I skipped down the stairs and found Jules by the table as quiet as always. Sometimes I really wondered if Jules was my brother, let alone, if he even belonged to our family. Not in an offensive way though, he's just extremely quiet and shy compared to any of us.

He seems to be a less athletic version of Bryan but Jules had the best brains in our family. I don't think he's ever scored below A++ for any of his tests. Mom and Dad were very proud of him.

They were pretty proud of Ro too. He was the most popular guy in our school.

Obviously, because he had dad's looks.

On most afternoons, I would walk over to the high school block to meet my parents either to argue about something irrelevant or to ask for money. They were extreme misers.

The main reason for these visits was because I got a chance to smile or even talk to Bryan. Since his mom was pretty close with my Mom, he had come over a couple of times for dinner. Those were the best nights of my life.

It's also one of the things I'm very proud of, you see, I might be the closest thing he has to a girlfriend.

But if Ro ever hears of it, he might murder poor Bryan.

Romeo could be an asshole but he was also extremely protective of me. Him being known as my brother never allowed any of the guys to get close to me. After all, Ro was the captain of the school soccer team. A very prestigious title.

People always tried to get close to him and he loved the attention. It also made him kind of a bully even though he was never violent with anyone. He had this way of intimidating people with his dumb aura.

What annoyed me the most was that, Dad loved how protective Ro was of me. It was as if they had this hidden agenda between them that somehow aimed at me never getting a boyfriend till college.


I walked over to the kitchen for a glass of water and I heard the usual argument, "No one cares about the order!" Mom snapped at Dad.

"Ruby, flour comes first no matter what" Dad crossed his arms and glared back.

I sipped my glass of water and stared at them. I loved drama, won't lie.

"Fine! Make it by yourself!" Mom was about to storm off when Dad wrapped his arm around her.

"Let me go Jem!" She tried breaking free, but he kept pulling her back.

"Help me, sweetheart!" She turned to me with a desperate smile.

"Baby, help me hold your mom!" Dad begged me as well.

"Imma go buy eggs" I smiled back at them and casually strolled out the kitchen to find Ro waiting by the stairs.

"They are such children" I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, "Tell me about it"

"Um, Ro... Wendy..." Jules turned to us, "Could you get me a few pencils too?"

"Sure thing Jules" We grinned at him, "Thanks" He smiled back. I ruffled his hair before stepping out into the pouring rain with Ro holding the umbrella.

I've heard my friends complain about little brothers but Jules was one of a kind. He was always sweet and so damn polite, I really thought he was adopted. I'm pretty sure even Ro has thought that at one point in his life but we love him so much. He was your ideal cinnamon roll.

"Why'd you come along?" I turned to Romeo as we walked down the wet street.

"Felt like walking" He shrugged, "I'll be off to college soon so, dunno, Imma miss this place"

"You sound like a grown-up" I chuckled.

"Ha ha," He rolled his eyes.

We walked in silence for a while till he cleared his throat, "So... What were you doing on your laptop?"

"Shut up Ro" I sighed.

"Fine. Prom is in a few months" He replied while glancing at me.


"Got a date?"

"What? No..." I looked away.

Honestly, it was dumb to even hope that anyone would ask me out. I wasn't smart and sweet like Jules nor was I hot and extroverted like Romeo. I was completely mediocre in all aspects. There was nothing special about me.

I watched anime, read comics, loved food and dogs, and drooled over every Irish celebrity while staying utterly faithful to Bryan.

"No? It's your first prom, right? You will need a date, Wendy"

"No thank you, you'll kill the poor boy"

"Maybe but you'll still need a date" He smiled.

"Do you have a date?" I turned the tables.

"Of course not. Girls are a waste of time"

"I am a girl" I scoffed.

"You're my baby sister. You don't classify as a girl. You're more like a short monster with extreme mood swings" He patted my head and I punched his stomach. It barely had any effect on him 'cause man, my bro was ripped.

"I've seen you kiss like ten girls in my lifetime"

"A kiss is like a one-time thing" He replied, "They wanted me to kiss them and I did. No big deal"

"You never felt anything while kissing them?"

He shrugged, "No girl is my type, Wendy"

"You're a misogynist"

"Just because I hate girls doesn't mean there aren't any exceptions"

I snapped my head in his direction.

Did he just say exceptions?

Romeo had exceptions?


He immediately regretted saying that because I was grinning like a mad person by now.

"You like someone!"

"You're presumptuous"

"Why'd you say exceptions then?" I nudged him.

"Shut up idiot"

"Hold on" I gasped, "Is it still Mia?"

"What? NO! That was like ten damn years ago! Shut up, runt!"


It was true. Romeo loved Mia like hell when we were young but a few years ago she left for college and already has a boyfriend. Uncle K was so mad at that that Dad had to calm him down. I don't even know how he did that because I'm pretty sure my Dad would act out more if I ever dated a guy.

"Do I know my sis-in-law?" I chuckled.

"We're at the store. Go buy" He grunted and stuffed the money in my hand before shoving me inside the air-conditioned place.

Rome waited outside while scrolling through his phone. Such an ass.

My sister-in-law would be very unlucky.


I grabbed the box of eggs and walked over to the stationary aisle.

I froze.

I couldn't breathe.

Bryan was standing right there.

His gentle eyes were grazing the pages of a small novel. He pushed his milk chocolate hair behind his ear and suddenly glanced at me, stunned.

"Wendy?" He squinted.

So damn hot. Help me.

"H-hi!" I smiled and walked over, "How come you're here?"

"Oh I came with-"

"Which one did your Dad buy last time?" Mrs.Turner appeared from behind him, "-my mom" He completed with a sigh.

"Wendy! What a pleasant surprise! You're out shopping too?"

"Hi Mrs.Turner" I grinned back, she was such a sweet lady, "Yep, Dad sent me to buy eggs. Jules wanted pencils too"

"Ah, I see. You came alone in the rain?"

"No, Romeo is waiting outside"

"Oh okay, dear. Which one was it Bryan?" She turned to her son, "Left hand" He replied. "Great, I'll get some groceries too. See you later, honey! Say hi to your parents for me" She smiled and walked over to the groceries section. "Sure thing" I smiled back.

Bryan and I were left alone. It was about to get awkward but then he turned back to his book. I sighed while trying to pick the perfect pack of pencils.

"Woodys is pretty good" Bryan muttered without looking up from his book.

"O-oh... Thanks" I smiled. He just nodded.

Fortunately, Woodys was on the top shelf.

If I tried really hard then I could jump up and catch it but this was the first and probably the only fairytale moment I might get with Bryan.

"Um... It's too high for me..." I told him.

He looked up at the shelf, reached high enough, and grabbed the packet for me. "Here," He handed it to me.

I made sure to brush at least one of my fingers against his.

He suddenly pulled back his hand.

Shit Wendy, now look what you've done. You scared the poor guy! Ugh!

"So... I'll meet you later..."

"Okay," He looked back at his book.

"By later I mean school" I gave a dry laugh.


"Bye then!"

"Bye," He nodded.

The dense soul didn't even look up as I went out of the store. It hurt a bit but it didn't matter. I touched his hand for the first time. He helped me!

I froze again though, this time because three girls were surrounding Ro. They seemed to be from Markins High, 'cause their faces were familiar. Suddenly one of them took out their phone and began posing for a selfie. Ro suddenly saw me and beckoned me to hurry up.

"Sorry ladies, my sis is back. I'll see you at school" He winked at them before dragging me away in the rain.

"What took you so long?" He sighed when we were out of sight, "Uh I met Bryan and his mom in the store" "Oh" He just nodded.

Thankfully Ro was completely oblivious to the fact that I liked Bryan. Probably because I used to stand by doing nothing when Romeo tried to mess with Bryan. He did that whenever they came over for dinner. It pissed me off to the core but most of the time he cracked harmless dumb jokes so I let it slide. If he ever lays a hand on Bryan, I'll rip his guts out.

Romeo took a pretty letter from his pocket and scrunched it up but I held his hand before he could throw it away. "What's that?"

"Don't know don't care"

"Did one of those girls give it to you?"

"Yeah," He sighed.

Damn, I was jealous. If I ever got such a letter from Bryan, I'd probably frame it or store it in formaldehyde like a biology specimen.

This wasn't the first time though. Romeo would receive packets of chocolate for Valentine's Day, his birthday, and on most other days from secret admirers who left them in his locker. Mom and Dad were stunned by this in the beginning but now it had become a regular thing. This way we didn't have to buy chocolate on Halloween. Romeo saved us all money!

"If you're gonna throw it away, can I read first?" I chuckled.

"Fine" He sighed and handed me the scrunched letter. I opened and read aloud, 

"Roses are red,
violets are blue.
I love you, Romeo,
won't you love me too?"

I burst out laughing, even he couldn't help laughing at this, "That's cheesier than what Dad says to Mom"

He laughed even more, "I'll give her chocolate tomorrow"

"You better. She must have spent a lot of time making that up. She was even bold enough to confess... Wow..."

I sighed longingly.

"Hold on, you like somebody, don't you?"

Did he have some sixth sense like Dad?

"Fine, I do"

"Who the hell is he?" Romeo grabbed my arm and glared down at me.

"Goldie!" I grinned.

After Pearl died, Dad was reluctant to get any more pets but Mom insisted that it would be a good experience for us. So a few years back, he brought home a golden retriever puppy and we began calling him Goldie because Dad had this weird thing where he named his pets after minerals or something.

"Very funny" Romeo rolled his eyes.

We reached our front steps by then and I went inside to find Jules still reading his book. I handed him the pencils, and just then the three of us heard giggling from the kitchen.

"You like it?" We heard Dad chuckle.

"Shh..." Romeo whispered to us and tiptoed to the kitchen. I tiptoed behind him and leaned over his back to see what was going on. Jules couldn't help it so he followed us just as quietly. Just as he was about to gasp, I covered his mouth.

"This is why milk comes first, gemstone" Dad was hugging Mom from behind and she turned to the side just to smile at him. "Okay professor" She giggled and smeared batter on his nose.

"How dare you?" He leaned closer to her face playfully and nuzzled against her face. She threw back her head chuckling. Now half the batter was on her nose and lips.

I and my brothers resisted the urge to puke.

Dad wiped the batter off her lips with his thumb and licked it himself. During this romantic show, both of them held a captivating staring contest. I had to admit though, my parents were very cute.

But that didn't mean we would leave them alone.

"Oh professor, I love you!" Romeo imitated Mom.

I got the hint, "I love you more, gemstone!" I imitated Dad.

Our parents looked up in horror and their faces were so damn hilarious that both me and Ro bumped against the wall laughing. Even Jules was laughing hard.

"I don't sound like that" Dad rolled his eyes.

"You do, Jem" Mom patted his shoulder giving him an it's-okay-I'll-put-up-with-you look. He gasped at her.

I stumbled onto the living room couch laughing. Jules clutched the edge of the door laughing. Romeo was already on the floor with Goldie licking his face.

 "It's bedtime, jokers. In your rooms now" Dad scowled as he came out of the kitchen with crossed arms. I laughed so much that my tummy ached terribly.

"Dad it's 5 pm" Romeo chuckled, finally picking himself off the floor.

"Do I look like I care?" He glared, "Everyone in your rooms!"

"Oh come on Dad, it was a joke" I made puppy eyes.

"I thought you had homework, go to your room!" He snapped at me.

"But dad... This feels like a dictatorship..." Jules chuckled. Ro and I laughed even more, and by now even Mom was laughing.


"Calm down, tiger" Mom squeezed Dad's shoulder.

It was almost like she had this switch on him. He glanced at her, then at his laughing children, and back at his smiling wife.

"Fine, it's a movie night-"

"Yay! Which movie?" I sat up excitedly on the couch.

"No, Wendy, it's a movie night for me and your mom. For you guys, it's still a school night. Off to your rooms"

We sighed and proceeded upstairs one by one. It was dumb to argue against his love for Mom.

"And Romeo, order a cheese pizza. For us"

"But I don't have cash"

"Romeo" Dad glared.

Ro sighed and walked up the stairs. "Sure thing, professor!" He yelled and laughed at the same time.

"Romeo Hayes! I'll make you write 50 essays in class!" We heard Dad yell while Mom continued laughing.

This. This was home.

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Last Edited - 06/09/23

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