Dragon Ball Z: PRIMAL

By DarkShadowGames451

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After seven years of peace, Son Gohan, the true savior of the planet continues living his life with his famil... More

Gohan the High School Student
Suit Up! Enter the Great Saiyaman
The Ties of Friendship
Legends and Tails
Shock Factor! Hotel in Peril
Saving the Hotel! A Friendly Resolution
Videl Takes Flight
The Field Trip
A City Under Attack! Cooler Appears!
A Plan is in Motion! An Exile Makes an Offer!
The Calvary Arrives! Cooler's Fifth Form
The Battle Rages On, Gohan Learns a New Skill
Constant Pressure, the Orange Star Trio Steps Forward!
The Disastrous Spectacle, Gohan Angers Once More!
Emergence! The Ascended Super Saiyan Returns!
The Aftermath, The Truth is Revealed
Shenron Arises! Goku reconciles with his Grandfather
Gohan vs Vegeta! Enter the Supreme Kai
Mother and Son Reconcile
Sharpner's New Path of the Warrior
Three Months Later, Enter the New Student
New Friends, and New Foes
Time Goes On, The Ambitions Of A Scientist
Family Tensions Rise, A Saiyan God Is Born
A Birthday to Remember
A Prelude to a Martial Arts Gathering
Countdown to Combat, The History of the Golden Oozaru
The Tournament Begins!
The First Round Begins, Gohan Meets a Familiar Face
Unexpected Surprises, The Second Round Begins
Videl vs. Upa, The Awakening of the Kaiōken
Yurin vs. Sharpner, Witness the Clash of the Cranes
Gohan vs. Pigero, The Power of the Soul is Unleashed
Barry Khan vs. Lime, Beware the Malice of Fame
Gohan vs. Videl, A Battle Months in the Making
The Truth is Revealed, Prelude to a Revolution
The Revolution Begins! Enter, the M-2 Units!
Warriors, Assemble! The Ambitious Get Confronted
Double Ascension! Sharpner Begins a Deadly Game
A Devil May Cry, a Crane Strikes Back, and a Dark Awakening
A Master Final Stand, A Power Further Beyond Awakens
Kongs Collide! The Ultimate Warrior Appears!
Judgment Day! The Ultimate Saiyan Lays Down the Law!
Time Passes! Goku's Unexpected Family Reunion!
Hail Kakarot, the Avenger! The Tale of Bardock, Chief of the Saiyans
Awaken, Super Saiyan Bardock! Another Saiyan Lives!?

The Veterans Stand Triumphant! The Battle of the Next Generation Begins!

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By DarkShadowGames451

Last time on Dragon Ball Z: PRIMAL, the Dragon Team split into small minor factions to face off against Dr. Wheelo, Mercenary Tao, Barry Khan, and the techno-organic warriors. At first, most of the warriors had found themselves on the receiving end of a difficult battle. But now, armed with new strategies and heightened resolve, the Dragon Team prepares for their counterattack. Meanwhile, Sharpener gets closer to confronting Barry Khan, ready to fight the Specimen Model Zeta and rescue his loved one, Erasa. At the same time, Gohan and Videl also make their way to battle their opponents, never letting any of the unknown dangers that may come their way deter them. But are they prepared to deal with the severity of Wheelo and Tao's progress in their training? Will things go out as planned? It's a race against the clock, with only an hour until Mr. Satan's execution and until the Red Ribbon Satellite's Particle Cannon is recharged and ready to destroy Capsule Corp. The tides of change flow freely as the Dark Revolution continues, now!

Bulma's Laboratory, Capsule Corporation, West City

Chi-Chi had left the room momentarily to destress, having joined Bulma's mother to tend the private vegetable garden. This left Bulma, Cocoa, and Dr. Briefs to try and figure out a way to gain access to Dr. Wheelo's satellite while they sat at the conference table.

"I hate to admit it, but I got nothing. Have any ideas, dad?" Bulma questioned.

Spender shook his head, stating, "I'm afraid that I am just as stumped as you are. Without a device of our own, there isn't much that I can do. Perhaps we should start evacuating everybod-"

"-Absolutely not!" Bulma denied profusely. "I'm not letting this monster run me out of my own home and kill my family and employees! I've figured things out before and l figure this out! I have to! I just have something to work with!"

"Um, m-my creator built my smartphone. It's likely made from the s-same things as his other projects." Cocoa spoke, willingly placing her phone on the table towards Bulma and Dr. Briefs. "I know it's not much, but maybe it'll h-help you out."

Bulma took the phone, then gave the young lady a look of gratitude, " Yes, that'll work! ...You didn't have to, but I appreciate this. ...I'm sorry about earlier."

The chestnut-haired girl bowed her head, saying, "All i-is forgiven. I just want Father and my brother to stop hurting people."

Bulma nodded and was about to head out to move over to the main computer when her father voiced an important detail that went over her head.

"Hold on for a second," Dr. Briefs spoke up as he took his time to question Cocoa. "You've referred Jinpachi as your creator. Why is that?"

Bulma raised an eyebrow at this, finding it odd herself.

Cocoa averted her eyes to the table, finding its white color interesting.

While slowly moving back and forth, the red bow-wearing girl took a deep breath, looked directly into the eyes of the two scientists, and revealed what she was.

"Because that is the truth. I am his creation. Cocoa was never my true identity. It is just an alias for me to blend into society. In reality, however, I am the first of a line of artificially synthetic organisms, with the sole purpose of perfecting cloning technology. My designation, Specimen Model Alpha."

Both father and daughter couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Y-you're a...clone?" Bulma stuttered, feeling her skin turn pale.

Cocoa grimly shook her head, saying, "Not quite. While Father intended to clone his deceased mother with a stronger body and immune system...the result didn't work out as he had hoped. Instead of a fully grown and perfect clone, he created a little girl with an enhanced four-year-old body. Bearing the same eyes, hair, and face that haunts him to this day. From the day I was created, I had been deemed as his greatest failure."

Bulma placed her hands over her mouth, reacting to the girl's words in shock.

"An unsanctioned cloning project? Dear God, he's been following in Jonathan's footsteps..." Dr. Briefs whispered to himself before placing a hand on the girl's back. "You poor child, don't say such things about yourself. Your creator is wrong. It doesn't matter the circumstances as to how you came to be. You're living, right now, in this very moment. Your heart beats, you can breathe, you can feel. Just being alive and able to share compassion despite the coldness that you've been experiencing makes you special."

Cocoa smiled at the old man's kindness, and whispered, "Thank you, Doctor."

Bulma wiped her eyes with her arms, then said, "Let's plug this smartphone into the computer. If I can get more information out of it, there's a chance of us linking into the computer in the satellite."

'And then, I'll be able to shut down that cannon and rub it in that heartless prick's face! That'll teach him not to mess with my family!' Bulma thought to herself, with a fire burning in her eyes.

Stadium, Battle Island II, With Piccolo, (along with Tenshinhan, C-18, and Krillin)

C-18 found herself in a bit of a rough spot. On one hand, she had been tanking punches and blasts from the M-2 Unit, Hatchiyack. And because of this, it prevented her from suffering an enormous amount of damage.

On the other hand, though, the blond cyborg wasn't nearly as experienced in utilizing the barrier feature Bulma recently installed for her. This was what her brother, C-17, had over her. Regardless, Lazuli had a role to play and she'll be damned if she was going to give up anytime soon.

After being sent through a wall again, C-18 (Lazuli) flew back to face the towering figure that was Hatchiyack. He was preparing to fire a Revenger Cannon by charging his attack, only for Lazuli to extend both of her arms with palms pointed at the model and fired her Infinity Bullet projectile attack at him.

The added force behind each blast was enough to stun and slowly push him back. The chain blasts had been getting so much for Hatchiyack to handle at once that he had stopped charging. From there, Krillin, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo rushed at the giant techno-organic specimen and began throwing punches and kicks simultaneously in an attempt to wear Hatchiyack down.

Feeling pressure on all sides from being jumped, the only thing that was being whittled away was Hatchiyack's patience. Converting more negativity into power, Hatchiyack let out a roar as he pushed his opponents away with an Explosive Wave attack surrounding his body.

Then, through using his energy, the M-2 Unit split himself into four copies and proceeded to utterly dominate his foes.

Krillin had been first to be taken out. The Hatchiyack clone managed to grab his Kienzan with his hands and crushed it. Then he weaved through a few of Krillin's kicks and jabs. Upon timing the black-haired cop's front kick, Krillin found himself being picked up by his leg and swung around in the air, and slammed into the ground. This caused him to scream out at the top of his lungs. This happened three more times until the Hatchiyack clone took him by the top of his head and chucked him to an artificial tree.

Tenshinhan was up next. Tien decided to perform both the Multi-Form and Shiyōken techniques to try and gang up on the Hatchiyack clone with multiple arms. However, despite Hatchyack being a clone with halved power, it was still more than enough to outclass Tenshinhan with its raw strength and speed. The hulking clone had grabbed two clones and slammed them together, tossing them away. Then, he found the real Tien. He punched the warrior, picked him up, then forcefully slammed Tien's back onto his knee. Then, he grabbed a hold of the triclop's shoulders and dived down, and pressed him against the ground. Tien was barely conscious by the end of it.

Lazuli's defeat came just as swiftly. The Hatchiyack clone was on the offensive, continuously pounding his fist against her energy barrier. Each punch was stronger than the last, with the force of the blows vibrating through the sphere and through C-18's bones. She didn't know how long her barrier could withstand the clone's might. What made things worse was that as he continued striking her barrier, the sphere had begun to crack from the stress of the Hatchiyack clone's assault. The clone stopped for a moment, much to her surprise. Because of this, she momentarily dropped her guard. This had cost her, however, for the Hatchiyack clone had floated upwards for one of his other clones to fire a Revenger Cannon at Lazuli, sending her toward another one of the screens that broadcast the tournament fights.

Finally, Piccolo was facing the original Hatchiyack in the air. And for a moment, he was holding his own. Every punch and kick that Hackiyack distributed had been successfully evaded and countered by the analytical Namekian perfectionist. These clashes were then disrupted when Piccolo dodged a jab from one of the M-2 Unit's clones. This forced the green-skinned warrior to back away as the clones went back into Hatchiyack, smirking at the sweating Namekian.

Piccolo then turned in the three directions of his fallen comrades.

Turning back at the smirking techno-organism who began laughing at the Super Namekian's expense, Piccolo seethed from under his breath, "N-No... GRRR! DAMN IT ALL!!!"

Piccolo's energy skyrocketed, causing large winds to blow debris out of the way and in the direction of Hatchiyack.

He then began firing various blasts of ki all around Hatchiyack, who awaited them with the expectation of taking all of them as he did before with C-18.

During this time, Lazuli had awakened from her daze to see what Piccolo was up to along with Tien, who was helping Krillin move toward the fight.

Back to Piccolo, Hatchiyack waited for the barrage of blasts to hit him... But that didn't happen. Instead, what the M-2 Unit had come to realize is that at least sixty floating yellow spheres of energy were surrounding him under the command of the former Great Demon King. Due to this, Piccolo noticed Hatchiyack beginning to charge his main attack once more. From there, he mentally counted as he launched all of the yellow-turned-purple spheres that spiraled around its target onto Hatchiyack.


The blasts all struck their target, causing a chain of smaller denominations that culminated in a bright light of yellow and violet.

'...Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fiftee-!' Piccolo counted until he found a Hatchiyack, who finished charging his attack.

With its full power, Piccolo was hit with the blast of the M-2 Units Revenger Cannon, sending him down to the ground while sustaining an extensive amount of damage. In fact, his lower left arm and lower right leg were blown right off, leaving puddles of purple blood on the ground that he was kneeling on.

He struggled for a few seconds. With a few deep breaths, Piccolo howled in pain before regrowing his lost limbs.


"We hear you loud and clear!" Krillin grimaced loud enough for Piccolo to hear as the other warriors regrouped at his side. "But who's doing what?"

"His weak point is the gem on the creature's head," Piccolo explained. "That's where all of the negative energy is stored for him to turn into power. If you hold it off long enough to buy me some time, I can charge and fire a precise attack that can put this thing down for good."

"Makankosappo! You're going for that method!" Krillin realized.

Tien stretched his neck while stating, "Doesn't sound like a bad plan on paper...It's still easier said than done."

Lazuli frowned before asking, "It's a hassle, but stalling it sounds more reasonable than attacking it head-on. How much time do you need?"

"Give me sixty seconds," Piccolo stated as he placed his right index and middle fingertips on his forehead. "That's all I need to send this oversized winter ornament to hell with a killing blow. I just need you to immobilize it until I'm done charging."

Everyone nodded, with Krillin stating, "You know, that gives me an idea. I'll fly towards it first and disorient it. Tien, you can use that chance to try holding its limbs down with your Multi Form technique. Then Lazuli can surround it in a barrier and wait it out enough for Piccolo to finish it off."

Lazuli and Piccolo both smiled in approval while Tien said, "Now that's a good plan that I'm all for."

"Agreed! I leave it up to you three, now let's finish this!" Piccolo said, finalizing the plan.

"Right!" All three Z-Warriors said before they took off at the enemy.

Piccolo took to a higher latitude via one of the platforms used in the preliminary rounds. As he was preparing to charge his signature attack a familiar voice re-emerged from his subconscious.

'Piccolo...Hear my voice, Piccolo.'

The Namekian's eyes dilated in shock at the voice that echoed from the deepest part of his mind. It was a voice that he hadn't heard in seven years.

Piccolo mentally stated, '...Kami!'

'I see that you remember me after all.' The cheeky voice of the former Guardian of Earth spoke through Piccolo's mind. 'Listen, Piccolo. Your strategy is excellent, but there's one fatal flaw in it.'

'And what is that, Guardian?' Piccolo questioned through his mind.

'The technique that you chose. It's an ideal weapon to use against your opponent. But it is tainted by its wicked ki and the original purpose of the technique. Because of those factors, the attack will not have the desired effect as it is.' Kami reasoned.

Piccolo shouted throughout his mind, 'Well, what am I supposed to do!? We can't let this monster be the death of us all and other people! If I can't use the attack, then we're done for!'

'Calm yourself, Piccolo. There's still a chance for the technique to prevail. Listen, the Makankosappo utilizes foul energy. Our opponent feeds off of evil ki. For us to defeat it, the technique needs to be cleansed of its wicked energy. Purified. It'll have to come from a whole new source of power.'

'And how the hell am I supposed to draw from that sort of energy if I don't have that? I'm no god! I was once a part of the Demon Clan!'

'And that's where I come in. Because you've fused with me and another, there's an entire pool of accumulated potential energy waiting to be accessed. That combined potential just so happens to have divine energy in the mix. Truth be told, after your successful revenge against Son Goku, I've been training to emulate that skill you created, intending to purify it. I treated that task as a means to perfect my Godly ki control. Executing this attack could lead you to victory if you're willing to give it a chance. You'll just have to dig deep inside yourself to use it properly.'

'...Alright, old man. I'll give it a shot. But this had better work!' Piccolo growled aggressively as he began to charge his technique after breathing.

'It has to, Piccolo. And it will.' Kami reassured his other half as he instructed him. 'Now, start gathering ki as you normally would and focus it on the tips of your fingers. But instead of thinking about killing your opponent while exerting your ki outwards, calm your mind and channel your energy inwards. Empty all sense of negativity, and reach deep within that reservoir of power that's inside of you. Don't let any ki leak out as it builds up.'

While listening to his older half, the usual purple demonic energy that surrounded Piccolo had turned into a divine reddish-orange color that was similar to the sun. The Namekian felt this new power was beginning to be too hard to contain, but the inner encouragement of Kami spurred him to keep the condensed stream of power inside him.

Hatchiyack began to feel a large amount of pressure from fifty feet in the air. He looked below him, only to spot that the sensation of heat and pressure was coming off of Piccolo. Realizing the potential threat that he could pose, Hatchiyack began charging at the Super Namekian before he started to charge up a Revenger Cannon again.

This had been interrupted by Krillin's voice.


Hatchiyack turned to see Krillin rushing towards him with a flying kick. Hatchiyack went for a backhand, only to find himself swatting the air. The M-2 Unit had growled in confusion, wondering what had just occurred.

"Over here, tough guy!"

"I'm behind you!"

"Nope! Just kidding! I'm right here!"

"Come on! This way!"

"I'm in front of you, stupid!"

Krillin's voice echoed back and forth as he used his small stature and speed to create the illusion of being in multiple places at once via the After Image technique and Rapid Movement technique. Hatchiyack stopped charging to punch a couple of illusions. This only served to fuel the M-2 Unit's irritation further.

Before he could let out an Explosive Wave of ki to erase the After Images, Hatchiyack had to knock a pair of Double Tsuibikidan away from him before the attack could damage him. The M-2 Unit then gazed above him, finding Krillin placing both of his index and middle fingers next to his temples.

"Take this! SOLAR FLARE!" Krillin screamed, producing a flash of blinding light around his body that momentarily stunned the giant techno-organic warrior.

Hatchiyack screamed in pain, appearing to feel the searing pain of the Crane-style technique.

"Now, Tien!" Krillin called out, allowing his fellow warrior to fly up and do his part of the plan.

"Way ahead of you, Krillin!" Tenshinhan responded as he sprouted another pair of arms from under his shoulder blades. Crossing his original pair of arms, he shouted, "Multi-Form!"

Tien had then split himself into four entities. Each member dashed toward the powerful M-2 Unit and used their various arms to tightly grab a hold of each hulking limb, restricting the large warrior's movement by a decent amount. Of course, the opponent tried flailing his limbs around as a means to be freed, but Tien was having none of it. The original and the clones powered up, increasing their Battle Power to reinforce their tight grips around Hatchiyack's arms and legs.

"ARGH! DO IT NOW, 18!" Tien shouted, prompting the blond cyborg to enter the fray.

Lazuli took off from the ground, and immediately got himself in front of Hatchiyack (along with the four Tien clones).

"...This better work!" C-18 whispered before raising both of her arms with her hands open and

trapping the M-2 Unit inside an Imprisonment Ball variant of her new Android Barrier.

Tien (with his clones) and Lazuli found themselves struggling to maintain their hold of Hatchiyack as he roared and began trying to break from his imprisonment. He did this by slamming his arms and legs against C-18's barrier.

Krillin screamed for his wife and friend to close their eyes, which gave them a heads up to prepare for another Solar Flare that further stunned Hatchiyack.

Turning back to Piccolo's direction, Krillin screamed, "PICCOLO! WE'VE GOT IT TRAPPED, BUT WE WON'T BE ABLE TO KEEP IT THAT WAY FOR VERY LONG!"

"T-TEN...MORE...SECONDS...!!!" Piccolo gritted, grueling over the intensity of the charging process while not allowing any Godly ki to leak out.

The yellow spark had changed into a fiery orange color.

'...Magnificent. Out of all of my years as Earth's Guardian, I've never seen such mastery of ki. It took me nearly my entire lifespan to grasp my divine abilities But here you are, managing to perform the basics of an advanced method of energy manipulation. Piccolo, you're truly a prodigy and every meaning of the word.' Kami praised, mentally bowing to his other half as the charging time had finally been complete. '...It's time!'

Hearing this, Piccolo shouted to his allies, "IT'S READY! DROP THE BARRIER AND MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!"

C-18 dropped the barrier. This freed both Hatchyack and Tien, allowing the latter to let go of the M-2 Unit's limbs and escape with his other two allies before Hatchiyack could retaliate.

Hatchiyack planned on charging yet another Revenger Cannon as a means to end them for toying with him. This proved to be an error on his part. He wouldn't find this out until the very last minute as the sensation of rising winds and a divine heat caused him to remember who the true threat was.

Piccolo took this opportunity to raise his right arm over his head and aim for the large gem on the head of Hatchiyack.

"TIME'S UP, MONSTER!" Piccolo shouted before his voice and Kami's voice called out the new divine technique. "TENRYŪKANKŌSEIHŌ!"

Like that, a large beam of fiery orange divine energy was fired from Piccolo's fingertips. The main beam had been accompanied by a pair of red and white beams spiraling around the main one as it was released, traveling towards Hatchiyack's head. To the negative energy Machine Unit, it was a flash of light that it couldn't be able to anticipate fast enough. The beam drilled through Hatchiyack's crystal on his head, causing it to crack and ultimately pass through the warrior. After that, the Machine Mutant dropped onto the ground as Piccolo curved the new Godly attack to the stratosphere, safely shooting it off to space.

And thus, M-2 Unit 049, Hatchiyack was no more.

Piccolo jumped back down to the ground, then fell onto his knees as he panted from the intensity of the divine technique.

"Finally...It's over." The Super Namekian sighed in relief. "Thanks for the help, old man."

'I should be the one thanking you, my friend. Your trust in me speaks volumes of your growth. Heh, I suppose we've both come very far from what we used to be. Let us see where the future leads us, shall we?'

Piccolo chuckled as he watched the rest of his comrades approach him.

"...Yeah, I'd like that."

-With Goten, Trunks, and the Eliminated Fighters-

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty~!" Lime mocked while running across her section of the stadium.

Chasing after Lao Lime happened to be the M-2 Unit 025, Leon. There were times when the blue Machine Mutant had opened its jaws and fired small fireballs at her, but Lime had been able to evade each blast using her skilled acrobatics and excellent use of Rapid Movement.

Lime used her childish antics to have Leon follow her into a trap set up by Yurin. The trap happened to be in the form of two large trees. The moment that Lime passed them and when the Machine Mutant was on the verge of crossing the trees, roots sprung from the ground and wrapped the legs and the feet of the robot lion to immobilize it. From the tree bushes, vines covered in thorns shot toward the mechanical beast. These vines had wrapped themselves around the neck and muzzle, making it difficult for Leon to shoot his projectile.

"Hah hah!" Lime laughed as she looked up to see Yurin, who was standing on a branch. She gave her a thumbs up, and the young woman gave the younger girl a nod back.

The majutsu user then called out to the rest of her allies, screaming, "YOU'RE UP, BOYS!"

"GOOD WORK, LADIES! NOW CLEAR OF THE WAY! WE'RE GONNA BLOW THIS SUCKER SKY HIGH!" Master Roshi said while still in his MAX Power state as he stood beside Upa and Pigero.

"OKAY!" Lime said as she and Yurin quickly got out of harm's way.

The bald old man then turned to the Karinga warrior and the Rediō user and asked, "Are you boys prepared for how this is about to go down?"

"You mean firing energy beams at a mad scientist's giant pet project with a worthy ally and the God of Martial Arts himself? I was born ready." Pigero responded with a smirk, cupping his hands toward his side while taking a horse stance.

"Agreed," Upa replied as he used his catori (energy) to form a lighting arrow and took aim at the machine. "This is a great honor to fight alongside the both of you."

Roshi cracked a grin as he cupped his hands together towards his right side, saying, "Well said! Now, hold nothing back on it! It's to finish it off!"

While charging his signature attack, Roshi said, "KA...ME...HA...ME...!"

Pigero dropped out of his fiery state of the Jōgawa no Reidō and accessed the Heisei no Reidō, allowing the sky blue aura surrounding him and the reiki being manifested as a sky blue orb being charged.

"ZEN! REIDŌ...!" Pigero chanted.

Pulling the electric catori arrow, Upa whispered, "Sparrow's Edge."

Roshi and Pigero fired their attacks, letting out a shared scream, "HAAA!!!"

Two beams of ki were fired along with the condensed electrical catori arrow shaped like a bird. The three attacks then came together and connected with Leon. This led to a great explosion, obliterating M-2 Unit 025 with ease.

The jovial Yurin cheered by jumping around and shouting at the top of her lungs, declaring them the best team of all time. Upa and Master Roshi nodded to one another, acknowledging each other's strength. Pigero gave Yurin a thumbs up, which Yurin snorted and turned away so that he wouldn't see the ghost of a smile that she had over the satisfaction of their joint labor.

Roshi then spoke to all four fighters, congratulating them.

"Good work, ladies and gentlemen. You have proven to this old man that there's still hope for the planet and the martial arts world. And for that, I will be forever grateful." Roshi said as he turned in the direction of the ki signatures of Goku's youngest son and Vegeta's son. "But I'm afraid that we must go our separate ways. I'm needed elsewhere."

"I understand," Upa said, handling the news.

Pigero nodded silently while Yurin remained unresponsive. Meanwhile, Lime frowned childishly.

"Aw...do ya have to go so soon, old man?" The freckle-faced girl pouted.

Roshi nodded as he further explained, "Yes. A couple of boys nearby are struggling against an opponent. They are the sons of two old friends. One of them being my late student's youngest child."

Roshi started to walk away, a gear began to crank in the mind of Pigero. From sensing the young Saiyan Hybrid boys, recognized one of the boys' great power and similarities to Gohan's energy.

"Wait!" The former delinquent fighter called out, gaining Master Roshi and the other warriors' attention as they all looked at him. "You're talking about Goten, right? Gohan's kid brother?"

'Goku/Gohan's Pa has another son?' Upa and Lime questioned in their minds respectively.

"Yes," Roshi answered. "He and his friend are a lot like Gohan. Stronger than most adults around with great potential. However, they are still young boys who have much to learn. Their parents have done much for this planet, so I must ensure that their legacy survives for the sake of their family and the world."

"What? You mean to tell me that a couple of snot-nosed kids are out here fending for themselves?" Yurin inquired, feeling anger for Goku's family for seemingly leaving one of their own to die. "Where the hell are their mothers? Hell, where's the so-called savior!? Shouldn't he be out here keeping little brother alive!? Tch! Some hero he turned out to be..."

Before Upa and Lime could defend Gohan's honor, the Master of Masters intervened, stating, "While you are entitled to your opinion, remember who you're referring to. Gohan, Goten, and even Trunks aren't normal human beings. They're much more durable than any human could ever be, and they are very much capable of killing any of us without changing their appearance. And if those boys are fighting Dr. Wheelo's machines, then there's no doubt in my mind that Gohan is confronting the man himself."

Yurin paled, recalling the sharp glare of Gohan in his Super Saiyan Level Two form. Her mind then wandered to the possibility of there being two little golden-haired monster children. Such a terrifying thought prompted the girl to shut her mouth shut, which was followed up by a grunt out of mild irritation.

Pigero responded by standing beside Roshi, saying, "I could care less if they're stronger than all of us combined, those kids are not even ten yet if the other one's around Goten's age. If Gohan's taking care of the crazy bastard, then I'll do him a favor and help his brother and the other kid out."

"I'd like to come along as well," Upa said as he step forward. "I owe Goku a great debt. Helping his son and the boy's friend is the least I can do."

Lime chimed in, chirping, "Me three! I wanna help too! All seriousness aside, all o' this action's got me all excited! I wanna do more!"

A proud smile formed on Master Roshi's face as he turned to the former Crane student.

"You are free to go wherever you like. This matter no longer concerns you." Master Roshi stated evenly.

"...Yeah, no, I'm coming with you." Yurin casually answered without looking at anybody else. "I have done many things in my career that I regret, but I will not abandon children that are in need."

Everybody grew silent at the girl's answer. She then spawned a plant and summoned a lioness made of wood large enough for all of them to ride on. Due to the others not moving, Yurin whipped her head around with an agitated glare on her face.

"...Well? We don't have all-day! Get on! We've got a couple of brats to save!" Yurin ordered, causing the fighters to snap out of their days and board the back of the wooden lioness.

-Stadium, Battle Island II, With Vegeta-

"Come at me, alien scum! HYPER DRILL SMASH!!!" Hyper Meta Rilldo goaded, changing his right fist into an expanded silver mechanical drill. It was then aimed at Super Saiyan Level Two Vegeta, moving forward to inflict stab damage onto the Prince of all Saiyans.

'What in the hell!?' Vegeta shouted in his mind.

While the drill made its way to the Saiyan, Vegeta watched as it left a trail of devastation, much like a violent tornado as it carved a fissure across the large area. Landing on the ground, Vegeta outstretched his arms and took on the daunting task of stopping the drilling attack. Due to this, the prince found himself being pushed back and slammed into various buildings as he struggled to cease the spiraling power of the drill.

Vegeta was eventually thrown upward vertically flying from the force of the thrust of the drill attack. Rilldo reappeared behind Vegeta with a cannon charged, ready to disrupt the man's ki flow. But Vegeta anticipated this and charged and fired an Atomic Blast, canceling out Rilldo's blast. A small explosion occurred, which the Super Saiyan used as a distraction as he flipped above the Machine Mutant and kneed him in the face. Then Vegeta rushed at him with a sidekick to the gut. That kick sent Rilldo backward in mid-air. This was followed by Vegeta's pursuit as he charged forward, landing a series of punches to the chest and chin, a knee to the abdomen, then pointed his index finger, middle finger, and thumb at the machine.

"Lay down and die, metal man!" Vegeta said before sending Hyper Meta Rilldo to the ground in an explosive fashion by shooting an Atomic Flash attack on him.

The attack didn't finish the M-2 Unit off, unfortunately. Instead, Rilldo reemerged from the debris with his injuries healed. He let out a large bellow as he rose his Battle Power, causing the red aura around him to shoot up.

Raising his left fist, Unit 049 screamed, "YOU FIRST, SAIYAN!"

With a punch into the island, Rilldo produced a large tidal wave of liquid metal that came from the massive shockwave the punch caused.

This was known as the Metal Tsunami technique.

Rilldo then rode on top of the tsunami of liquid metal and manipulated the wave into a massive diagonal geyser to capsize Vegeta.

"I WILL NOT BE BEATEN! FOR MY MASTER TO PREVAIL, YOU MUST FALL!!!" Rilldo screamed while shooting the geyser at Vegeta with a mad grin.

Vegeta scoffed at the recklessness of the M-2 Unit, as he thought to himself, 'Fool. He just signed his death warrant.'

Holding up a right hand and curling his fingers, the Saiyan Prince dropped back to his normal state as he channeled his second-stage Super Saiyan energy into a golden orb with blue sparks surrounding it.

This was an advanced version of the Photon Bomber, the Baryon Bomber.

At the last second, Vegeta tossed the Baryon Bomber, dropping on Rilldo and the liquid metal geyser. The blast overpowered the geyser and Rilldo, forcing them down and causing a great big explosion and incinerating the screeching Rilldo into oblivion.

Vegeta floated down to the large crater, now in his normal form as he peered at the gigantic hole he created from his attack to make sure that nothing was left of the M-2 Unit.

"...Hmph! Rest in pieces, scrap metal!" Vegeta grunted, before flying off to find Piccolo.

Tartarus Room, Wheelo's Base, Battle Island II

Videl Satan entered the room sprinting with nerves of steel and determination that burned with the intensity of ten thousand suns. There was only one goal that came to mind.

Save her father at all costs.

Divorce was one thing, but watching her mother deteriorate from cancer until she passed away had left a lasting impact on Videl's life on a profound level. It taught her that life was finite and that nothing could last forever. Mark Hercule Satan may not have been her favorite person in the world right now, but Hercule was her only remaining member of her family. And damn it, she was going to keep her family together. ...She had to.

Her mind was then set on her opponent, Tao Pai Pai. Considered the deadliest assassin in the world and renowned for his excellent skills in martial arts. Yes, Videl was well aware of Black Crane's reputation. Much like Gohan, Videl conducted her studies and research on topics that interested her. She mentally prepared her knowledge, as it may come to play in her upcoming confrontation. This also prompted her to remain on guard at all times, given Tao's deceptive nature and tendencies to use underhanded tactics.

With a flying kick laced with energy, the metal door had been brought down with next to no effort.

This alerted Mercenary Tao himself, who was in the new room next to Mr. Satan's cage and was in the middle of talking down to a caged, tortured, and barely conscious Mr. Satan that was shackled to the back wall by his wrists.

The cyborg Crane master's enhanced reflexes and perception allowed him to act swiftly by grabbing the steel door before it could slam into him with one of his mechanical hands as Tao slid a meter back.

"TAO!" The young crime fighter screeched, getting his attention as he held the large slab of metal with relative ease.

The gagged Mr. Satan's damped and bloodied head jolted up as he turned towards the direction of the loud burst. His blue eyes turned glassy at the sight of the one small source of happiness that barely kept him alive after the hell that he went through the last few excruciating months of his life.

His precious sweetpea, Videl. And after all of the things he had done to her, his daughter still came to his side.

"Now, now, Ms. Satan. That door did nothing to you for you to kick it down like that. All you had to do was knock." Tao said condescendingly.

"Don't go patronizing me! Where's my-Dad!" Videl spoke, looking at the empty room to find where her father was being held captive.

There was a primal sense of fear that quickly spread through his heart, much like a virus. The last time a loved one was in the same vicinity as Tao Pai Pai, Mark watched as his master was killed right in front of him without much effort at the hands of the Black Crane while his brother, Master Shen, basked in the terror set in Mark's eyes. And now, decades later, Mark was seeing his flesh and blood, boldly stepping inside the same room as the man that murdered his master and father figure, seemingly marching towards her death in his eyes. All that Mr. Satan could do was squirm in pain as he attempted to convey to his daughter to leave him to his fate and get off the island.

A smirk appeared on the cyborg's face as he set the slab of metal down and said, "Yes! As you can see, Dr. Wheelo, true to his word, has kept your pitiful fraud of a sperm donor alive for the time being. He figured to throw you a bone and give you a chance to bail him from the mess he has gotten himself in-"

Turning to Mark's cage and staring directly into his eyes, the assassin taunted, "-Which I'm positive that it's a premise that he's more than familiar with by now."

Feeling the utter humiliation of being put in the position that his actions placed him while Videl was present had caused Hercule to start to sob despite being gagged.

"Can it, chrome dome!" Videl shouted, finding the torture that her once proud father went through heartless and despicable. "He's been through enough as it is! And I'm putting a stop to it!"

Tao scoffed, saying, "That buffoon hasn't gone through enough compared to the irreversible damage he's caused for people like me, normal workers, common business owners, and other practitioners of ki. You and that man lived off of a lie for nearly a decade! Never mind that blasted Goku permanently injuring my face and his little shit son mucking up one day's worth of pay, your bastard father made it nearly impossible for me to find work without having baseless accusations of allegedly faking my entire career being tossed around!"

"Yeah, an entire career of slaughtering people left and right. What a way of making a living." Videl snarked while rolling her eyes.

"Shut your mouth, girl! Being a killer is my fucking job! I'm an assassin for hire because I was trained for war! That's what I'm good at! Your father wasn't worth the gum off of my shoe back when my brother and I met him. He and his poor excuse of a master were too ignorant to understand what humans can truly be capable of, and so he openly mocked us. Killing his master was a means to open the fool's eyes to the world that we live in! Do you have any idea how insulting it is for a person of my status of infamy, to be defamed by an imbecile who can't even sense energy? I could barely provide for myself, let alone the remains of my school! Damn it, I was there with the Turtle Hermit and my brother in the School of Mutaito! My reputation as a legendary assassin and martial artist was tarnished because of him!"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR SHITTY LIFE STORY!" Videl roared, before taking her fighting stance. "You can be mad about him all you want. And trust me, I'm pissed at him, myself. But I'm not letting you lay another finger on my father or anybody else! Whatever grudge you have against Dad, let's settle it here and now! I'll take you on and win!"

Tao Pai Pai let out an emotionless laugh before quickly turning to his victim, stating, "Did you hear that, Mark? She's still Daddy's precious little girl. It's a shame that she had to come from you..."

The Black Crane then stood up straight with his left arm folded behind him while it was replaced with a sharp knife. His right arm was bent at a thirty-degree angle and his open palm was out facing toward him.

While staring down at Videl, Tao said to Hercule, "...Now watch as I take her away from you before your very eyes!"

Without warning, both fighters rushed toward each other as Videl screamed, "I like to see you try, asshole!"

Bulma's Laboratory, Capsule Corporation, West City

Before plugging the phone into the computer, at the suggestion of her father, decided to quickly take part Cocoa's smartphone as a means to find any forms of tracking devices that her father might have placed as a means to watch her every move. It took Bulma approximately five minutes to find the tracking chip that was installed by Dr. Jinpachi Wheelo.

From there, they took the chip and traced the frequency back to the specific Red Ribbon satellite that Wheelo was using. Through the reconstructed phone, Bulma managed to get to the private server that her competitor created...

...Only for her to be denied access over a dozen times after attempting to hack herself into the server.

"KAMI, DAMN IT!" Bulma shouted in frustration, slamming her fists against the sides of the keyboard.

Cocoa squeaked in surprise from the usually level-headed. "W-What's wrong, Bulma-san?"

"Ugh! Stupid firewalls! This guy's programming is just as much of a pain in the ass as he is!" Bulma heatedly complained before sighing. "No doubt he'd salvaged some of Cooler's alien technology for himself to use as well. At this rate, we'll never be able to stop that satellite in time... I'm at my witts end, here."

Dr. Briefs silently patted his daughter's back, silently attempting to comfort her.

Thinking about technology reminded Cocoa of something important.

"Wait!" Cocoa blurted out as she took out Erasa's special capsule with the label "GEAR" on it, grabbing the attention of Bulma and her father. "Erasa dropped this when she was taken by Zeta or Barry to everybody. I think she intended to show it to you after the tournament."

"Oh, that's right! I completely forgot about this little project!" Bulma excitedly grinned.

Bulma took a hold of the Hoi-Poi capsule, pressed the button, and tossed it upwards as a puff of smoke filled the area. What fell into the hands of Bulma was a small robot that looked remarkably similar to an average M-2 Unit that Wheelo created for his army. Except for Erasa's creation, it was much smaller and had a white-coated color to its body, and seems to have retractable arms and legs. On top of its head, was a small gear symbol inside of the Capsule Corporation logo.

Upon being released, the robot's digital "eye" flashed red before springing out of Bulma's hand.

"Giru, giru! Systems, fully operational!" The little robot spoke using its voice chip as it used one of its arms to salute Bulma, Dr. Briefs, and Cocoa. "Greetings! Designation; CC Unit T-2006! Creator; Erasa Papel! Programmer; Dr. Bulma Briefs!"

Cocoa gasped before stars twinkled in her eyes as she gushed, "He's so cute!"

"Interesting..." Dr. Briefs marveled as he adjusted his glasses. "Say, this little fellah's design and material look awfully similar to that alien's robot units."

Bulma smiled, responding, "Yup! T2006 is the first of a line of projects reverse-engineered from Cooler's machines. It's a prototype that serves as a versatile multi-functioning machine assistant and guardian robot. So, it should be capable of performing a variety of tasks. including navigation, scanning, Battle Power detection, it has a defensive protocol where it accesses its built-in weapons, it can serve as a Dragon Radar, and it should be able to hack into systems with better efficiency thanks to the new resources we got from the remnants of the Big Gete program."

CC Unit T-2006 posed by doing a series of flexes as a means to display its "mighty" capabilities Bulma bragged about what its functions were.

"Really? All of that compacted in such a quirky little machine?" Dr. Briefs whispered in wonder while his eyes shined like he was at least fifteen years younger. "You're a chip off the old block."

Sensing the immediate spikes of energies outside, T-2006 jolted upwards and clung onto the shoulder of Dr. Briefs, the unit panicked, "Giru, giru, giru! Danger! Danger! Multiple energy signatures were detected! Power rising! Power rising! Threat level; Three!"

Cocoa's face grew concerned as the other two adults narrowed their eyes.

"Things must be heating up back on the island. I hope the others are faring well," Bulma stated before refocusing on the task at hand as she looked at the little machine that was currently cowering on her father's shoulder. "No need to be afraid, little guy. You don't need to go outside. But I need you to help us get past a few digital firewalls so we can get to a private server. Can you do that for us, T-2006?"

"Giru, giru! I shall see! I shall see!" The robot said as it jumped down to the main computer and jacked itself into the private server of Doctor Wheelo that housed the control of the satellite with the Particle Cannon.

The three could only watch patiently as the Machine Mutant's black screen began to shine white as it scrolled through code at an incredibly fast rate.

Olibu Coliseum, Hellenistic Ruins, Battle Island II

The two Saiyan-Hybrids flew for a few minutes until they found themselves flying over what seemed to be ruins of a Hellas (Greek) city with an undamaged Romanus (Roman) looking colosseum sitting at the center. Standing in front of the structure was a ten feet tall statue of human Earthling that had the body of a Greek god that could rival Recoome's physique and a face that resembled No. 16. His hair was wavy that reached down to his shoulder blades. For an attire, the man was depicted wearing a Greek style robes with brown suspenders and belt, wears white bands on his wrists and shins, and large light brown boots. He wore an orange headband.

This statue was of Olibu, an ancient Champion of Earth.

Gohan and Jinpachi made it to the colosseum and descended to the middle of the battlefield.

"Welcome, Son Gohan," Dr. Wheelo started speaking while outstretching his arms apart to empathize with their new location. "To the settling of our battle. Isn't the change of scenery magnificent?"

Gohan's stoic expression remained unchanged as he hasn't, "...It's a step up from Cell, but not by much. Now start talking, Wheelo! You were ill! And you weren't nowhere near as powerful as you are now! What happened? Why am I detecting Saiyan energy from you?"

"...So you've finally noticed. I'm glad. You see, my dear boy, I have you to thank for all of that. If it wasn't for you, my daring experiment wouldn't have come to fruition. Nor would this revitalized body come to be." Wheelo said, flexing one arm to expose the built up muscles he now possessed.

Gohan raised an eyebrow out of mild curiosity, before saying, "Explain."

"It's quite simple, really. My constant state of fatigue and less-than-stellar immune system was a byproduct of my mother's illness while pregnant with me. Therefore, while I could still move, I would be forced to tread lightly in basic tasks such as running, exercising, and other activities that any other well abled body person would find...trivial. My passion to participate in martial arts tournaments had died because of this. Decades later, I learned that one of the greatest martial artists alive had not only been an alien, but one of a warrior people. I was excited. No, I was thrilled when I learned of you Saiyans. A slow aging competitive warrior race that could increase their battle capabilities upon healing from near death? It was like a dream to me, but it all makes sense as to how Son Goku could be so inhumanly strong and talented. From first sight, it was the perfect race to analyze and experiment with. So, I figured that Son Goku would be the one to put down Cell. That was, until I recognized through my research that while their power is great, the natural instincts to constantly battle would hinder my work as a scientist. Upon reevaluation, I realized that I needed the benefits of the Saiyans without compromising my human intellect and willpower. I didn't think it was possible back then... That was until I remembered your father's proposal to your mother at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budōkai, and recalled first laying my eyes on you at the Cell Games. At first, it was a theory. Sure, you defeated Cell, but I couldn't be sure that Saiyan Hybrids were stronger or functioned differently than full blooded ones. But then, one of my drones struck sheer platinum when you and that idiot started spilling your guts to Videl and her little blonde friend about the truth."

The hybrid began to think back for a moment, taking his mind back to four months ago. Back when he just defeated Cooler and warped Erasa to Mr. Satan's house to confront him. That's when the black haired Saiyan caught on to the doctor's words.

'Hold on! If he was listening in on us about my past, then he must have learned about my-'

Without letting him speak, Wheelo answered, "-Your inference is correct. I know about your hidden potential. And it intrigued me so much that I continued my surveillance of your training aftwards. At least, until today. In the middle of this, I've concluded that the potential of Saiyan Hybrids in general, are much greater than full Saiyans. The ability to get stronger in a short period of time without the crutch of constantly needing to train was perfect to me in every way. And I'll admit, I was envious of your genetic makeup. I wanted it for myself. I yearned for your DNA so much, that I took it and used it to combined its properties into my genetic structure."

Gohan's jaw dropped before his face scrunched up in disgust, feeling violated.

"Y-You...! You're sick!" Gohan spat with venom pouring out of his words. "That was my DNA! How did you even get any from me!?"

Wheelo grinned maliciously, stating, "Would you like to hear the first account, or the second?"

"Both. Now."

"Hmph. If you must know, Tao helped with the first time after he shot you in the back when he and the Red Shark Gang held Videl and a bunch of hostages for ransom in that hotel in Hercule City. He collected the blood sample before the police could trace it back to you." Wheelo casually explained. "And as for the second time, Specimen Model Alpha collected the second dose right after you tested my Solid Light construct of Jackie Chun. That's probably one of the only things she did that was useful for me."

"Specimen Model...Alpha?" Gohan echoed in confusion.

"Oh, right. You don't know. The ones that you know as "Barry Khan" and "Cocoa" don't exist. They are creations of mine that come from a line of artificially engineered organisms with genetic enhancements. The girl was the first of that series. Hence the designation, Specimen Model Alpha."

'...Cocoa-san, she took my blood?' Gohan thought to himself as his hands were clenched into fists. "Cocoa-san...betrayed me? ...But, I thought we were friends. No... This can't be right.'

"Hey, no need to get so worked up about her. It's not like I trusted her enough to let the girl in on my plan. Not in a million years. Alpha's too sentimental to handle that kind of information, not to mention that she isn't capable of carrying out any crucial task I give her without hesitating over every little thing. To be honest, I never accounted for any of you befriending that waste of time and resources. Why did you think I ended up creating Zeta? I made him to be a perfect version of his sister in every way. Alpha, on the other hand, was a mistake. An error that paved a way for another idea, but an error nonetheless. She is a failure who doesn't amount to anything."

Near instantly, Gohan reappeared in front of Dr. Wheelo's face with a fist aimed to punch his head clean off. Fortunately for Jinpachi (and to Gohan's bewilderment), the scientist anticipated and caught the younger Saiyan Hybrid's right hand with relative ease which caused a minor shockwave that blew dirt across the arena.

An angered set of onyx-now-turned-golden eyes met a set cold pale yellow eyes.

Gohan gritted his sharp teeth at Wheelo, feeling his natural Saiyan instincts screaming to take his head off, which was fueled by his human emotions of betrayal, sadness, and the overwhelming feeling of rage.

Gohan used this time to step his next land a left jab onto the doctor's mid section, causing him to slide back ten feet while the eldest son of Chi-Chi followed in heavy pursuit.

The artificial Saiyan Hybrid held his stomach to cough as his blood began to pump with vigor while his heart pounded in utter excitement.

'Finally. The true test begins!' The silverish gray-haired man thought to himself.

Wheelo took a large step from there, rushing in to meet Gohan's punch with his own. When their fists clashed, the concussive force imitated a thunderclap while a crater formed from under them.

Jumping back, Jinpachi went for a roundhouse which was evaded swiftly by Gohan. The silverish gray haired hybrid decided to form a different approach. He channeled his energy from his feet and stomped on the ground, prompting a smoldering boulder to come from the earth. Jin then kicked the smoldering boulder at Gohan which forced the black-haired teenager to fire a ki blast at him. Unfortunately, Gohan was struck in the chin by Jinpachi's strong uppercut, sending Gohan in the air.

Jinpachi then launched himself in the air to follow the adolescent, receiving and exchanging blows with punches and kicks, but only through counterattacks as a means to further study Gohan as a fighter in comparison to him. Jin then grabbed Gohan by the neck, spun around horizontally, and dropped down while only letting the son of Goku meters from the ground crash into the floor.

Before Jin could use his feet to crush the head of the Saiyan Hybrid, Gohan's rage initiated, causing him to generate an Explosive Wave out of kiai that pushed Jinpachi back.

Getting out of the hole in the ground, Gohan rose in the air and powered up with his natural ki.

Jin followed him, increasing his lower with his evil ki.

"Yes! This is what I've been waiting for! Come, Son Gohan! Let us see who's truly the World's Strongest!" Jinpachi spurred.

With that, the two resumed the fight in the air as white and magenta lights.

Battle Zone V- Abandoned Power Plant

It's official, Sharpner was getting annoyed.

For ten minutes, the long blond-haired warrior had been avoiding fireballs, axe swings, and cannonballs from the literal corpse puppet of Lord Yao. Why? Well, as it turned out, the large carcass was nimble for his robust size.

Currently, he was bobbing and weaving through various wild swings from the pig monster.

"Kami fucking damn it! This is taking way too long!" Sharpner said with irritation etched in his voice. "I've got to bring this porker down right now!"

'I just need a plan and the right moment to strike.'

Sharpner continued to dodge and evade each swing of Yao's axe. The pig monster got stuck on the ground when it brought his axe down. Seeing that the swine's head was exposed, a smile formed on Sharpner's face.

'...Oh yeah, it's all coming together.' The blond thought to himself.

Capitalizing on this, Sharpener ran up Yao with a ki blast in his hand. Upon making it up past the shoulder, Sharpener turned the ki blast into a Kienzan and cut it off to prevent it from being used. Then Sharpner shot off the other arm from its shoulder with a Dodonpa Wave. Next, he blasted the face of the beast which rendered it headless.

Finally, he performed a backward somersault before firing a Ki Blast Cannon with both of his hands, destroying the rest of Yao in the process.

When the blond landed on the ground, Sharpner held his nose with one hand as he said, "Damn, it still reeks of dead pig here! I better air this place out before I hurl."

Sharpner blasted a hole in the ceiling, skipping the rest of the labyrinth of the second floor. When he shot through the hole, Sharpner found himself being entangled by a small net made entirely out of Psycho Threads. When this happened, the strings began painfully sapping his energy with the sensation as if he was being electrocuted.


Sharpner's energy dwindled down to a quarter of what he originally had, making him weaker than any fighter currently. Once this happened, the excruciating agony ceased. He could feel himself being reeled deep into the near area. Dangling from the ceiling were husks of beastmen, whether there were heads, arms, feet, tails, horns, whole bodies, or just bones.

'...Fuck...' Was all that the blond could make of the situation while his muscle spazzed from the pain of having his energy drained.

Sharpner shifted his head left, only to find what, or rather, who he was looking for.

On the left of the main web was a cocoon where Erasa was squirming in, with the only indicator of her being there was her face being exposed. She couldn't make any noise, given that her mouth was covered in threads that prevented her from speaking.

When the Psycho Threads made its source, Sharpner was greeted with a horrific sight that he could only describe as a grade-A monster fresh from hell itself.

This thing was a hybrid between a human Earthling and a spider. It was at least ten feet tall. Its skin was lavender hue while possessing dark blue colored fur-like hairs that covered its entire body except for the chest, pecs, hands, and the top of its head. It had two sets of large burly arms and a pair of legs. The beast appeared to have blond hair on the lower part of its lower part which hung down to past its neck. The beast's face was no longer the beautiful masterpiece girls glossed over, but rather was a grotesque mixture of a feral ape and an arachnid, having four large blue eyes with red scleras on the front of his face and four smaller red and blue ones on top of his head. His mouth was elongated with several large curved fangs and two large mandibles on each side with hook-shaped fangs that dripped neurotoxins.

"...Hello, Sharpie boy~." The monster greeted, with its unnerving voice echoing with a hint of familiarity.

To Be Continued...

At last, the monstrous face of Specimen Model Zeta has finally been discovered. And with Sharpner's power drained to a fourth of its original level, he will have much more difficulty overcoming his greatest obstacle yet. Much like Sharpner, both Gohan and Videl have also begun their final bouts with their respective foes. But will they be able to win against them and achieve their goals? Will Bulma be able to hack into Wheelo's satellite before the one-hour time limit? Find out next Dragon Ball Z: PRIMAL!

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