protect || hyunlix

Galing kay hyunlixpot

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"You must know what you're getting yourself into" she said with a glimpse of achievement in her voice in whic... Higit pa

a deal that haunts
stars and raindrops
holding on
1 step forward and 3 steps back
not an update
plan 'B' ?


2.7K 73 38
Galing kay hyunlixpot

I literally fell asleep while writing the last few paragraphs. This was supposed to be published yesterday :')

TW: mention of torture with electricity / traumatic nightmares

Hyunjin stormed into minho's room seeing jisung already there. He immediately wrapped his arms around the injured male once he was close enough to his bed, which startled both minho and jisung who had to pull his hand away scared it would be crushed between the two. “i always thought you were dumb but not this dumb” hyunjin mumbled against his best friend's shoulder “what the hell were you thinking?” he finally pulled away and looked at a shocked minho who was about to say something “don't you dare say it” hyunjin cringed once he actually realized what he had done “i wasn't going to say anything” minho said with a small smile on his tired face, his voice was barely even audible “you look like shit” he chuckled “you're one to speak” hyunjin rolled his eyes as he sat on the chair next to the bed “i wanna see felix” minho said, getting an eye roll from jisung which he didn't notice, but hyunjin did and glared at him. “he can't walk or move properly right now” hyunjin returned his focus back on minho “i can-” he was cut off by both hyunjin and jisung “no you can't” they stopped him from getting up as that would only cause damage to his fresh wound “neither of you can move right now” hyunjin pushed him back careful not to press harshly on his wounded chest “is he okay?” minho managed to say after a few coughs “no” hyunjin said with sadness replacing his worried features “he went through hell minho” hyunjin's voice was shaking as he tried to swallow the knot forming in his throat “can you not right now?” jisung aggressively said to stop hyunjin from continuing “jisung he's his fucking brother he deserves to know his condition” hyunjin spoke with same aggressiveness “stop being fucking selfish” if glares could kill jisung would be dead because of how hyunjin was glaring at him.

“okay what is going on here?” minho looked at both of them confused.
“nothing” hyunjin said getting the 'i don't believe you' look from minho “you two are obviously hiding something what is it?” minho asked, his voice more audible this time “is it about felix?”

“it's not my place to say it, i think jisung can tell you himself ” hyunjin said sending another death stare to jisung who was seconds away from lashing out.
“you know what? I don't wanna know” minho was too tired to keep up with them “when can i see him?” he asked

“i don't know— i don't really know anything about felix right now other than that he's in pain” hyunjin sighed as the memory of the younger's scars and bruises came through his mind again reminding him of how bad they're “how bad is it?” minho asked his eyes filling up with tears.

Minho wasn't someone known as emotional, but the thought of his brother being in severe pain clouded his mind, and it hurt him even more than his own injury. All he wanted was to keep his brother away from harm, but he failed him, and failed his mother.

He promised her Felix would be his first priority over anything. She begged him to take care of him, but he failed her.
He couldn't protect him and it was eating him up.

There is nothing worse than feeling guilty over something he had absolutely no reason to feel guilty about because it wasn't actually his fault, but he felt like it was which doesn't make sense but for him it does.

Hyunjin hated how silent the older went after telling him how bad Felix' condition was. As much as he wanted to lie to him and tell him felix was okay, he couldn't because at the end of the day minho would know either from him or any other nurse, so he had to tell him the truth at least to lift some weight from his shoulders.

“say something” hyunjin whispered.

“like what exactly” minho dryly chuckled feeling a stray tear escape from his left eye as he tilted his head to the side to look at hyunjin “i have nothing to say but that i failed him” he said making jisung tighten his grip on his hand “you did your best don't blame yourself” hyunjin calmly said feeling his own eyes sting from the unshed salty water droplets gathering in his eyes. “i was too late” he said in a whisper not wanting to show how broken his voice was.

“but he's safe now” hyunjin assured, not denying the fact that they were both late.

“hyunjin” minho called getting a hum from the younger “can you promise me something?”

“yes?” hyunjin said more as a question
“can you take care of him?” minho finally broke down “i will, but don't say it like you're going to die soon” hyunjin jokingly said trying to lighten up the mood hating to see the other male cry, even if it was a bad joke, both let out a chuckle.

“i have to go check up on him, i can't leave him alone” hyunjin said before standing up “tell him that I'll see him soon” minho said and got a small nod from hyunjin before he left glaring at jisung for the last time as he closed the door.


2:14 am.

Felix was moving around in his bed, his body sticky from the amount of sweat his body was producing, he was mumbling words that were incoherent, and suddenly he jolted up.

He couldn't breath properly no matter how many times he tried to slowly take a breathe in and out, he was feeling hot and nauseous, the lack of oxygen was making him lightheaded, his ears were ringing as if someone was shaking a bell right next to his ears.

He wanted to scream, but he felt like someone was holding a balm against his mouth all he could do was let out a shaky cry for help. He could see hyunjin laying asleep on the chair next to his bed, but he couldn't get him to wake up.

He cried and cried till he felt two strong arms wrap around him in a comforting and soothing manner, that is when he noticed how shaky his body was. He held hyunjin's arms as if his life depended on it which to him, it did.

“you're safe” hyunjin mumbled trying to get him to relax “i thought i was back there again” felix sobbed even harder “shhh it's just a nightmare nothing was real. You're safe here” hyunjin tightened his grip around the younger “it felt so real. Everything felt real like i was being tied up in that fucking chair again feeling the electricity run through my body and no matter how loud i screamed they never stopped just like how they did in reality” felix spoke about one of the traumatic events he lived for the first time Infront of hyunjin with tears streaming down his face. “lix” hyunjin whispered his voice cracked as he kissed the younger on his temple “i don't wanna live that again please i swear i'll be good just don't make me go through it again” felix begged as he looked at the older straight in the eyes.

“felix please calm down you're shaking” hyunjin tried to hold him tighter to stop him from shaking “i swear I won't cause trouble please” felix begged again. He felt like he was still there, he didn't give much attention to the other male next to him who was trying to calm him, he couldn't even hear him properly his ears were still ringing, so no matter how much he was assuring him it was to no avail.

“felix it's me, hyunjin I'm not one of them love listen to me please” hyunjin started to notice that the younger was still stuck in his nightmare

“felix?” hyunjin called once he felt him stop shaking and crying suddenly. “hey lix?” he pulled away to look at him but he could tell something was off “felix you're scaring me what's wrong?”

Felix was silent but he was holding his head and his eyes were closed shut showing the discomfort, and out of no where he started shaking again, but more violent making hyunjin step back.
Hyunjin stared with wide open eyes, he was too stunned to even move, felix arched his back as he kept shaking violently. The sight for hyunjin was terrifying and to sum it all up it took him a few minutes to call for help.

“he is having an episode” the nurse said as she rushed in to move any dangerous items around him “what are you doing? Help him” hyunjin screamed at her thinking she was ignoring the situation “i can't touch him right now i might hurt him” she said as she slowly placed a the pillow next to his head to prevent him from knocking his head against the night stand next to his bed

Hyunjin cried.

He couldn't stop himself from crying, because the sight Infront of him scared him, and he couldn't imagine the amount of pain felix was feeling. He held the chair to support his body since his legs were giving up on him “please” he whispered as he stared at the shaking body on the bed.

“he stopped” the nurse said and slowly held his arm to put him in the safe position.

“felix?” hyunjin called, but Felix'eyes were shut “what is wrong?” he looked up at the nurse. “he fell asleep it's normal” she said before leaving the room to call the doctor. Leaving hyunjin to deal with his own battle in his head.


10:10 am.

Hyunjin didn't even try to leave the room, he wanted to see felix open his eyes to at least feel a little bit of relief. He was staring out of the window when a tired and raspy voice called him from behind, and he didn't waste any more time and walked straight to Felix' bed holding both of his hands “do you feel any pain?” he immediately asked, not ready to experience another sight that he might not handle “just a headache” felix whispered feeling his throat hurt from how dry it was “imma go get the doctor” hyunjin said and was about to let go of Felix' hands when Felix held his hand tighter, or well tight enough to get the older's attention since his nerves were so weak “don't leave” he said before shutting his eyelids to protect his eyes from the sunlight that suddenly hit his face when hyunjin had slightly moved. “i won't be late-” hyunjin tried but was cut off by a tear that rolled down the younger's face who still had his eyes closed “are you okay? Is your headache getting worse?” he asked, his voice filled with worry “no i just don't wanna be alone” felix mumbled too tired to raise his voice.

Hyunjin sighed. He didn't want to leave him alone, but at the same time he didn't want him to go through 'it' again and he just wanted the doctor to check up on him to make sure he's doing fine, but who was he to say no to felix?

“okay I'm not going anywhere” hyunjin slowly sat right next to the younger male “when can i shower i feel disgusting” felix whispered “i don't know lix” hyunjin wrapped his arm around his shoulder “what happened last night?” felix mumbled as he played with hyunjin's fingers to distract himself

Hyunjin didn't know if he should tell him or not. He wanted to tell him because it was his own problem after all, and he needs to know what happens to him, but at the same time felix was dealing with enough problems already and telling him that he had an episode might only stress him even more. Hyunjin was having a battle over something that shouldn't be much of a problem as the nurse said.

“you don't remember anything?” hyunjin looked at their tangled fingers as he played with Felix' hair with his other hand “i remember that i had a nightmare that's all” felix sighed and rested his head against hyunjin's chest unconsciously “i don't know if i should tell you” hyunjin mumbled as he adjusted himself to sit better “what?” felix asked when he heard the older mumble something.

“you had an episode” hyunjin sighed. He couldn't lie he wanted to be honest with the younger because lies would only make everything hard to deal with. “what does it mean?” felix asked making hyunjin look at him with sadness filling his dark pupils “i don't really know the doctor still needs to do a few tests that's why i wanted to call him” hyunjin said failing to hold eye contact with the other.

“good morning” a feminine voice that was too familiar to both of them who instantly looked up to see who had entered the room. “mom?” hyunjin stood up confused on why his mom was even there “hyunjin thank god you're okay” his mother pulled him into her embrace “how did you know I'm here?” he asked and pulled away “i saw the news, and everyone is talking about it i just had to go to your office to ask about you and a nice lady told me you're here” she said while looking up at him as if he was a precious thing to her which he actually was. “oh lixie” her eyes then landed on the exhausted looking male on the bed “how are you? I'm so sorry you had to go through something like that” she pulled him in a tight hug not really knowing that she was hurting him, but felix didn't show any sign of discomfort, in fact he felt relaxed like he was actually safe. He warpped his arms around her hugging her back to feel something he had lost a long time ago. His own mother.

A tear streamed down his cheek but this time wasn't from pain, he just felt too safe and secure to the point he was overwhelmed by that feeling “mom” he whispered and tightened his arms around her making hyunjin's mother look at her son with worry written all over her face. she kept caressing his back till he stopped his silent cries and pulled away “i'm sorry” he apologized feeling embarrassed “don't apologize sweetheart it's okay” she gave him a warm smile as she pushed strands of hair away from his eyes “are you hungry? I'm sure you don't like the food here” she chuckled before bringing up the bag she left on the chair next to the bed “i brought some bibimbap” she opened the bag and brought the food container out revealing the mix of rice, vegetables, and meat inside.

Hyunjin was hopeful when he saw the way felix looked at the meal, he had begged him multiple times to eat, but only got him to eat two spoons of soup
and water, so he waited for the younger to say yes to his mother's meal and it didn't take long for felix to nod his head getting a smile from the mother and her son who were looking at him.

“here” mrs.hwang opened the food container and gave felix a spoon. She looked at hyunjin to tell him to eat but he shrugged it off saying he ate an hour ago, she didn't believe him, but she also didn't want to pressure him “how is it?” she asked the younger and he smiled but didn't give an answer as he was too invested in eating.

Hyunjin smiled unconsciously the moment he saw felix smile. It was the first time he smiled after all the things that had happened, and it wasn't a fake one.


5:40 pm.

“it's jeongin leave a message-”...

Hyunjin tried to call jeongin multiple times to keep up with the things that were happening at the station, but with no avail he hadn't even seen him the day they went to rescue Felix. He just disappeared, and he was too focused on the case to ask where he is.

He took the chance when felix fell asleep and went to the station. While he was on his way he saw the amount of journalists and TV station cars that were gathered Infront of the police building he cursed and tried to call any of the police officers inside to help him get into the office.

He got out of the car when he saw the two officers that were waiting for him Infront of the office doors, and of course the people around the station saw him and recognised him.

“you're one of the detectives who worked on this case aren't you?” one of them asked but hyunjin walked faster with the officer trying to block any camera from taking a picture

“where is the victim?”

“was there any other victims?”

“is it true the victim is lee minho's brother?”

“is lee minho okay?”

“why are you keeping things from the public?”

“is it true the gang are involved in organ smuggling?”

“people are scared say something that might lessen the fear”

Hyunjin ignored all the questions and tried to move faster but people were crowding him to the point he couldn't see the way Infront of him, camera flashes were blinding him and the loud screams of questions were deafning him.

“please move out of the way” one of the officers said, but no one even moved an inch back “hwang hyunjin the public needs to know that everyone is safe” a woman screamed right next to his ear

“we'll make a public statement soon.” hyunjin said before running up the stairs to get into the station.

“jesus” he exhaled a heavy breath once he was inside, and thanked the officers who helped him before going up to his floor.

He tried to look for jeongin, but he was no where to be seen. He asked and called again but he just disappeared as if the ground swallowed him “ have you seen jeongin?” he asked the secretary but she said he has been absent for almost a week.
Hyunjin didn't like the sound of that, he felt something was off. Why would jeongin disappear in the midst of solving a case? As he was about to go into his and minho's office called him
“Mr.park wants the investigation to be done soon” she informed and hyunjin sighed “i know but minho is excused and as much as i want to start questioning those assholes i can't right now that's why I'm looking for jeongin” hyunjin said but the secretary didn't seem like she was pleased to hear that answer, and he couldn't blame her their boss can be over demanding sometimes.

“sir i don't know what to say but you really need to start working, postponing will only cause more chaos the public is mad, and everyone is scared we can't put out a statement before we know at least something, we can't just go and say we have the criminals you don't have to worry because in fact we have to worry. We don't know if this is the whole gang or if they have more people out there” she said and her voice sounded desperate, obviously she has been scolded by their boss multiple times during these past two days.

“okay” he said before entering his office.

“where the hell are you” he screamed through the phone's mic then threw his phone on the couch since it was jeongin's voice mail that answered back to him.

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't just leave felix when he had made it clear before that he doesn't want to be alone especially when he is still shaken up by the whole situation.

He was the only available one at that moment, but leaving felix wasn't an option and if he ignored his boss' orders he might get fired.

“mr.park is asking for you ” the secretary knocked before opening the door making hyunjin sigh in frustration “okay” he took his phone and walked out to his boss' office.


8:12 pm.

Hyunjin went back to the hospital after getting into a 'small argument' with his boss, but he eventually managed to convince him to at least leave work early everyday so he could stay with felix.

He went to minho's room first and knocked on the door before getting in
“hey” minho calmly spoke but only got a dry “hi” from hyunjin “what's wrong?” minho asked but hyunjin shrugged it off, and asked about jisung.

“he went to get some clothes” minho said but didn't give up on asking what was eating the younger up “now tell me what's wrong i know that face”

“i went to the station today” hyunjin sighed. Saying that got minho's attention and he stared at him to continue “had an argument with mr.park about the investigation because there's no one to question the criminals” he continued “where is jeongin?” minho asked “no one knows he disappeared out of no where leaving no trace behind him. I tried to call him but the line always goes to voicemail and i asked about him, but the last time everyone had seen him was like a week ago”.

“say it” hyunjin rolled his eyes when he saw the look in minho's eyes “say what?” minho said “i told you so” he mocked minho's voice “i won't say it” minho said as he tried to sit up “wait what are you doing?” hyunjin instantly pushed him back down again “i can sit up dumbass” minho slapped his hands away from him.
“jesus why can't you be less aggressive?” hyunjin said as he held his red hand close to his chest “is felix okay?” he asked ignoring the drama that the other was making out of nothing “i left to the station when he was asleep but during the morning yes he was better than last night i guess” hyunjin shrugged “my mom came today” he continued.

“yeah she came here too” minho said “she wanted to give me some of the food she had but unfortunately i can't eat anything right now” he said as he looked up at the brine attached to his body “what are we going to do now ?” his eyes went back to hyunjin.

“i told him I'm leaving work early everyday till felix gets out of the hospital, but that asshole said he will deduct from my salary” hyunjin said as he leaned back on the chair.

“i'm sorry” minho stared at him with an  apologetic look. “why are you apologizing it's not like you forced me to stay here. I made the decision to stay with felix till he gets better i don't care about work or money right now”.

“you know when i first noticed that you had a crush on him i thought it was just a quick crush that will go away, that's why i always tried to annoy you two whenever you had the chance to talk because i didn't want you to break his heart when you lose interest. Felix is the type to cling to the person he likes and feels comfortable with i was scared you wouldn't treat him right” minho chuckled before he continued “but now you're the only one i trust around felix”.

“rude, we've been friends since middle school and you've never noticed that I've never had a crush on anyone?” hyunjin playfully rolled his eyes “well why would i care about your love life?” minho chuckled “oh but now you care?” hyunjin narrowed his eyes at him “what can i say? It involves my brother now”.

“any way, imma go check on felix” hyunjin stood up but minho held his arm stopping him from walking “i can go now just help me sit on the wheelchair”.

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