1 step forward and 3 steps back

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TW: mention of abuse, torture and SA.

10:40 am.

"Hurry up the trial is about to end"

"You said it's a silver car right?"

"Yes that's minho's car— also before you leave don't forget to wipe everything you've touched"


"Are you fucking smoking right now? Are you dense? Hurry up"

"Okay okay Jesus I'm just trying not to look suspicious there are many police officers around me".

Inside the court room...


Confused faces were looking around, waiting for an explanation of what exactly was happening. Felix on the other hand had tears running down his pale face with his eyes frantically trying find hyunjin out of all the people around him.

He knew where he was seated, he just couldn't see his face. Everything looked so blurry.

Camera flashes, and the sound of fingertips rapidly pressing on keyboards..

Hyunjin instantly stood up from his place, ignoring the two police officers who tried to prevent him from crossing the wooden barrier. He crouched down next to his Felix and brought him into a tight hug, hiding him from the blinding camera flashes, whispering comforting words right next to his ears and praying it would help him calm his nerves and beating heart.

"I'm right here"

"Hyunnie" Felix's small fists clutched the older's shirt, his voice sounded so broken and desperate. Desperate to hide from everyone and everything, desperate to only have hyunjin next to him, desperate to find an escape between hyunjin's arms.

"It's okay I'm here lix"

"Your honor, my client is in need for a break" changwook said, trying to stop the whole scene from evolving.

"He's faking it do not fall for it I know that bitch well enough one second he's crying and begging and the next he's planning your murder-" pildo screamed.


"You're so fucking stupid" one of the two defendants next to him whispered as he looked around the so many wide eyes including the jury's.

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