Shortie - Jayson Tatum

By DaveIsFave

269K 9.3K 5.8K

Naomi is an athletic trainer for the Charlotte Hornets. How does she juggle her busy career and love? Follow... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine.
Forty Two.
Forty Three.
Forty Four.
Forty Five.
Forty Six.
Forty Seven.
Forty Eight.
Forty Nine.
Fifty One.
Fifty Two.
Fifty Three
Fifty Four.
Fifty Five.
Fifty Six.

Forty One.

3.2K 154 63
By DaveIsFave

Hey friends. Hope I didn't take too long this time. The chapter feels like it's moving fast to me. It works but it feels rushed, I don't know.

Mr.Tatum has a birthday today so it's only right I give y'all one. My man, my man- ah I'm just kidding. With his losing self. How you fumble a 28 point lead???

Hope y'all enjoy it though and excuse any mistakes.

Naomi's POV

I waited on the other side of the door after I knocked. It's been a whole month since the "best friend" situation went down. I've left it alone and things are starting to go back to normal I guess.

Camari is officially home and it's been great. Another stressor off our plate. The finals are upon us and I have a strong feeling we're going to win it. No doubt in my mind.

I've had a few strong feelings lately.

"Hey Naomi. What are you doing here?" Destiny looked around us then at me weirdly.

Popping up like you do. "Just came to talk. Hope this isn't a bad time."

"Uh not really. Come in." She stepped aside and let me in. "Let's go outside. My grandma is in here resting."

"That's fine." I followed behind her.

I've been having this persistent, nagging feeling. Being around Jayson would mess with my nerves. I shouldn't feel like that. I've been praying about it. Praying for clarity and I got a push to talk to this girl so that's what I'm doing now.

Jay doesn't know I'm here and neither does anyone else. Cut it to me straight and because we don't like each other, I'm sure she'll have no problem telling me the truth.

"So wassup?" She asked when we sat down.

Damn you ain't gone offer me nothing to drink? It's hot as hell in Missouri. I understand though. We're not friendly.

"Well you haven't been around-"

"Because of you. Yeah."

I clasped my fingers together and looked down with a smile. Be calm Nae. We good. "You're right." I nodded. "Definitely because of me but I've already told you why."

"Which was stupid. You're worried about me fuckin on your man when we haven't done anything sexual in years."

"2 right?" She looked at me confused. "Y'all haven't done anything in two years, correct?"


I let out a bitter chuckle. "Got it. You got a timeframe as to when that could have been?"

"Yeah. When he came down to give me that money."

Mmm it's giving prostitution. "Excellent. I appreciate that information." I stood up.

"That's it? You have nothing else to say?"

"What else is there for me to say? You gave me information I was asking for."

"You came all this way for a question we could've discussed over the phone."

"I don't have your number and don't want it. I also didn't want anyone in my business. It was a conversation between you and I. I feel like you got an attitude with the wrong person."

"I don't have an attitude. I just think you're weird."

"And I think you're a stalker so we're good." I shrugged.

"How? I'm never anywhere he doesn't want me. He and I are close and you hate that."

"Ok. Thanks for the talk." I left her backyard.

Shit you can have your best friend back very soon. Nigga disrespected me and did the one thing that I said would end our marriage. Adios.

The sad thing is, she truly believes she can pull him easily. No ma'am. Ending it would have him hung up but not over her. But hey, if she thinks that then shit be my guest. You can have him if he allows it.

He thinks I'm in North Carolina to see Jasmine. I told him I would be back before the next game. They're currently up 3-2 so this next game could be their championship game.

I don't feel anything right now honestly. I think it'll hit me once I sit and let everything sink in. I'm just glad our children are young enough to not remember.

Deuce on the other hand is old enough to know that changes are happening. Jayson thought about himself and didn't have the balls to tell me. He let it go long enough to where I had to ask someone else and they told me.

Then it's someone I actually know and not fond of? You've had this woman in my home, around our child well after you slept with her? That's some sick shit.


2 days later
Back in Boston

"I'll see you at the game. Love you girl." Jayson came over and placed his hands on my face and kissed me.

"Love you too. See you in a bit." I gave the fakest smile I could muster up. When he was out of eyesight, I wiped my mouth.

Five minutes after he left, the movers were pulling in. Love this for me. There's no point in waiting. I know what I want and that is to leave.

I still haven't said anything to anyone. I need to do this by myself. Shit I need to get used to being alone anyway.

"Go." Chayse pointed out the door.

"Yeah we're leaving."

"No." He shook his head back and forth, laughing when he fell down.

I feel terrible for our children but I can't stay. I can't do it. I don't even know how long it'll take me to forgive him and I damn sure will never forget.

My phone rang and I saw it was Miss.Brandy. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey sweetie. I'll be leaving in a bit. Make sure Chayse is ready."

"No it's ok. I can bring him to you. We're out right now. I'll swing by in a bit."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. No problem."

"Ok. You alright?"

"Yes ma'am I'm good. Just anxious about tonight."

"I know baby but God got him."

"Yeah." He sure does have him cause one thing my father don't do, is play about me.

"I'll see you in a few."

"Alright. See ya." We hung up and I directed the movers to a few things.

I'm leaving most of it. Just things we need and my stuff. I'm taking the kids things because they'll be with me most of the time and he has plenty of money to get more stuff.

"Can you go get your shoes so mommy can put them on for you?" I asked Chayse and he looked around for them while I put Cam Cam in his car seat. "Aw look at those eyes."

Chayse came over and stared at his little brother. He's been adjusting to having a new baby around. When I'm holding Cam, he'll try to squeeze between us. Little stuff but nothing major like tantrums or hitting. He's been great.

"Thank you bubba." I took his shoes and started putting them on. "Yeah we gotta get that name out of my vocabulary." I said lowly to myself.

I placed Chayse in the car and then Camari. We headed off to our new place with the movers right behind us. I found us a nice little setup. It's something for right now.

It's only a fifteen minute drive from here and I felt distance was important right now. That way he can still see them. It's not permanent at all. I don't even know if I want to stay in Boston. I have nothing left here.

The movers moved everything in and set it up for me. After I tipped them they went on their way and I got the kiddos to their grandmother's.

"Took you long enough. Had me checking out the window for my babies. Hi Chayse." She smiled down at him and took him out of his car seat then kissed his face. "You coming in?" She asked.

"Nah not this time. Cam and I have some things to do. He's hanging with mommy today."

"Aw." She came over to see him. "This sweet face. BB will miss you tonight." She kissed his cheek softly since he was sleeping. "Are you sure you're ok? You look different. You're not pregnant, are you?"

"Oh heavens no. Not pregnant. You know I don't want him outside like that. We're gonna go to the house and wait for daddy."

"Ok. You staying with me tonight?" She asked Chayse.

"No I'll get him after. You've been helping a lot. You and your man need a night too."

"You think so?"

"Girl yes. You two have a romantic night or something. You do not need little babies running around all the time."

"Well if you insist." She smiled. "I'll see you later then."

"Yes ma'am." I gave my baby a kiss then left to go back to our new place.

I gotta set everything up before Chayse comes home so he can rest because I know he'll be sleepy. I'm not going to the game. Partially because Cam but also because I simply don't want to be around their dad.

He needs to get used to not having me around.

Cam and I watched the game from our couch. He ate and was out like a light while I continued watching. Jay texted me during halftime wondering where I was. I didn't respond.

When the clock was winding down in the fourth quarter and it hit me that they were about to be NBA champions, I started crying.

I'm proud of this team. They worked their asses off this season and deserve this.'s also starting to hit me that we're really over. I can't be there to celebrate with him because of the hurt he has inflicted on me.

I know someone might say, you should be there. Put that aside. I can't do that because it's not that easy. This man has humiliated me in front of the bitch he cheated with. I can't let that slide.

My C's did it. The confetti fell and the crowd went crazy. I'm sure doing it at home makes this win 1,000 times better.

I watched all of the interviews and celebrating before getting Camari together to head to the old house. I want to be there when Jayson comes back. Plus I need to get Chayse.

When I got in the house, the silence was deafening. I leisurely walked around and spotted a picture from our wedding day.

"Couldn't even make it a year." I mumbled as I studied our smiles. I was so happy that day.

For whatever reason I put it in Cam's diaper bag to take with me. I'm still coping so lay off me a while, ok.

It wasn't long before I started sniffling and tears followed. I can't believe this is happening. Never would I have thought.

I laid my head on my arms that rested on the kitchen island. I softly cried to myself as I waited for what felt like hours for him to come home.

Jayson's POV

"Boo." I called out when I came through the garage door. "Your MVP is here." I grinned holding my trophy.

I walked more into the house and saw her sitting at the island. I could tell something was wrong immediately. She didn't embrace me, no 'hi honey', nothing. Just silence.

"What's wrong? I missed you at the game." I dropped my bag and went to sit beside her. "Baby we won."

She finally looked up at me and my heart sunk. I knew right then and there. She knew. I looked down and my leg started bouncing uncontrollably.

"Congrats." She looked at me with a painful smile and nodded. "Look Jay-"

"No. Boo we can work through it. I'm sorry. I'll get on my knees and beg if I have to. Just please don't leave." I pleaded.

"Please don't. I can't stay here and I can't stay with you. You did the one thing I said not to then didn't have the balls to tell me yourself. You had us in therapy, premarital counseling knowing you cheated and didn't say anything. You cheated before we even knew I was pregnant with Chayse. And boy when I tell you, had I known, he wouldn't be here. That sounds harsh and terrible, I know."

"It was a mistake baby. I don't want that girl. It happened one time. I haven't done or even thought about doing anything else. I swear. I don't want anyone but you. Boo please." I placed my hands on her face so she could look at me and how sincere I was being.

"Jayson stop." She placed her hands on mine to move them. Her touch alone made me tingle inside. I'm really about to lose her? No way. "I'm not doing this right now." She got out of my grasp.

"Where are the kids? What about them?"

"No sir. You will not turn this on me. You should have thought about them. Thinking of me should have been enough. There's no way you can sit up here and say you love me and do this."

"Baby you know I love you. You're the best thing that has happened to me besides my kids."

"I find that hard to believe. I just can't see you loving me but choosing to hurt me. It doesn't make sense to me at all."

"It was a mistake. I regretted it immediately."

"So why not say something then?! You had me looking like an idiot. I'm talking my shit oblivious to the fact that she had sex with my fiancé. You could've given me an STD!" She balled her fists up and raised her right one as if she was going to hit me but put it down. "I gotta get out of here. I can't even look at you. You got me wanting to put my hands on you."

"I wouldn't do that to you. I used a condom." She waved me off and moved quickly towards the living room where Cam was sleeping. "At least tell me where you're going."

"It's on the table along with the key to your house."

"Our house and keep it. You might-"

"Your house and I won't need it. We'll get together soon and work out a schedule which won't really change since you're barely here anyway."

I flexed my jaw and looked off to the side. "We were here the same amount of time. We work together, remember?"

"Yeah and now that can't happen because I have to quit. I have 2 kids under 2 and I'm a single mom. One of us has to be here for them."

"You don't have to quit your career. Your dreams shouldn't stop because you became a mom. Plenty of women follow their dreams and parent. I know you can do it." I said encouragingly.

"I don't know how Jayson." She turned to me and looked defeated. "I've been saying this since I had Chayse but you haven't been listening. I need help. I needed help from my husband."

She checked the time on her phone and sighed. "I gotta get going. Gotta pick Chayse up from your moms."

"Does she know?"

"Nope. I'll let you break that news. I haven't shared it with anyone. Me moving, us divorcing-"

"Boo please. We can't end like this. I swear on our children I won't do it again. It was one time. Baby I'm begging you." I hugged her and she didn't embrace me back. "I can leave. You and the boys stay here." I leaned back to look at her face.

By this time we're both emotional. I'm losing the only woman I've been in love with and it's nobody's fault but mine.

She sniffled and wiped her face as she shook her head. "You're gonna have to feel this one. The silence in this big house, and the loneliness, will knock some sense into you. It's not going to feel too good but this is the consequence of your actions. I can't tolerate the disrespect. You did something I would never do to you. Ever."

With that she grabbed Camari's car seat and left me standing in the middle of the living room.

There was a vase on the coffee table and the emotions I was feeling was becoming overbearing. I threw it and it shattered. It's barely been a minute and the silence is already loud.

I sat on the couch and grabbed the closest pillow, holding it to my chest as tears fell. Nah I ain't never felt no shit like this before. I'm down bad. I need her back.

I need her.


2 weeks later...

"I'm outside." I said when Naomi answered.

"Ok." She hung up and a minute later she was holding Chayse's hand as they walked to my car. I could see her wedding ring sparkling in the bright sun. I still wear mine too.

I got out to help. "I still can't come inside and check out the place?"

"It's not ready yet and it's way too soon. It's only been two weeks since I left." She said while not looking at me.

Something she does a lot lately but I understand and I'm willing to wait however long she needs, or wants me to.

"Well can I see Cam? I'm starting to feel like Shawn Wayans when he was in dance flick."

"He's sleeping. And I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm still getting used to this arrangement. Everything will be ready by the time y'all come back."

"Ok." I don't want to pressure her but I would like to be able to have or see my kids whenever.

"I know you have clothes but here's a few extra things. His medicine is in here." She pointed to a compartment. "He needs it-"

"Boo...I know how to care for him. I got it." I took the bag. "Thank you."

"Mhm." She got down to Chayse and opened her arms. "I love you baba." She kissed him and he lifted his arms for me after. "You'll text me when you guys make it?"

"I will. I love you." I just needed to make sure she knows.

"Yeah. Sure." She awkwardly looked elsewhere then went into their house.

"You ready to go?" I looked at Chayse who was already staring in my face. He nodded and I placed him in his car seat.

It's our family vacation trip and it's going to feel weird not having Naomi with me. I don't even feel like celebrating but I know Deuce does so that's why. I'm going to put on a brave face and enjoy spending time with him and his brother.

"Dada." Chayse said from the back.

"Yeah?" I looked in the mirror to see what he was doing. He was occupied with a toy he had, not really wanting me.

I'll try my best not the think about Naomi too much but I know it's going to be impossible. I miss her and I'm sorry.

Naomi's POV

My front door being knocked on woke me out of my sleep. "Ow." I spoke when I got up. I laid in an awkward position on the couch not even meaning to sleep there.

Cam slept in his bassinet beside the couch. I checked to make sure he was sleeping before answering the door.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot your flight arrived this afternoon. Come in." I said to Jasmine as she brought her luggage in.

"It's ok. I know my Cam Cam has you busy. How are you boo." She hugged me.

I rolled my eyes at the name. "Let's refrain from that name for right now."

"Oop. I hear you loud and clear."

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? I have a few things in here." I went to the kitchen to search what we have.

"No it's ok. Let's go out to lunch."

"You're not tired?" She shook her head. "I'm exhausted but if you really want to then sure."

"It's been tough?"

I let out a heavy sigh and I could already feel my throat tightening. "Very." My eyes began watering. "I'm struggling." I shook my head and covered my face. "And I can't stop crying for shit." I chuckled and used the bottom of my shirt to wipe my eyes.

I stood in the middle of the room and just cried. I've done this a few times since being here. I just don't know what to do. I've never felt a pain like this.

"I don't know if I'm sad because my marriage failed or because I just had a baby. I'm confused."

Jasmine walked over and hugged me while rubbing my back. "We can stay in and talk. I'll order something, help you with Cam. Have a girls night like old times."

We both freshened up and came back to the living room. She held her godson as I started eating. I can't remember the last time I even ate. Everything is so jumbled up lately.

"I miss him." I confessed while playing with the edge of a napkin. "And I feel sick to my stomach that I do. I know it's fresh and it makes sense but it just feels like this is hurting me more than him."

"You don't know that. I bet he's going crazy in that house by himself."

"He looks fine on social media."

"He's not going to post that he's down bad Nae." She chuckled. "He hasn't even shown his face in any recent stories or pictures. That nigga is sad. You know that boy loves his face."

"I guess you're right." I shrugged. "I also need help with the boys. You know 2 under 2 didn't sound bad when I knew I would have him. It sounded like a lot but I was at ease knowing I wouldn't be alone. I need his help. But I know if we were to stay together I'd fall back and I don't want to."

"Do you think this is the end? Like you're closing the door completely?"

I rested my head on my fist and looked at her. "It's crazy to say but I don't know. I truly don't. I love him. I am in love with Jayson and we created lives together. I thought I was going to be with him forever. Shutting that completely off is going to be difficult as hell. Right now, in this moment, I don't have an answer. All I know is that I need to heal before I consider anything, and whatever I decide will be my decision. I'm not doing anything for him, the kids. Nobody but me because my feelings matter too."

"I know that's right. Yes, healing is important. I love that for you."

Our girls night really rejuvenated me. I needed this and I'm thankful she came to spend time with me. She's the only one I've been able to open up to. I haven't even called my therapist yet. I'm processing everything.

A week went by and Tatum was on his way back with my other baby. We talked every day, well tried to. He would be occupied with what he was doing over there.

I heard honks outside and opened the door, waving him over to come in. It's only fair that he sees where his kids stay.

"You look beautiful." He came in with a sleeping Chayse.

Boy we are not on the compliment level. I still love you very much, and miss you. This is a fresh and open wound buddy. Relax.

"Would you like a tour?" I asked, ignoring his comment.


I readjusted Cam in my arm and walked him around the house. It's not huge or anything but it's nice. I need to figure out where we'll be long term. This place is temporary.

"And this is the boys room. You can lay him in his bed." I pointed to Chayse's area in the room.

His dad laid him down and gave him a kiss. "Can I hold him?" He turned to me when he was done.

I happily handed him off. I love this little boy but he's been cutting up the past two days.

"You been aight with him?" He asked me.


"Is that the truth?" He tilted his head to the side to get a better look at my face since I was avoiding his gaze.

"Nope." I mean hell there's no sense in lying.

"You know I can help Naomi. I know you're upset with me, and you have every right, but you shouldn't be taking care of them by yourself. I was a willing participant in this. I could stay on the couch here, or you could come home."

He's right. Not about the coming home thing because that's not happening but about him helping. It wouldn't be fair of me to ask other members of our families when we're both right here.

But where should we go? I go "home" then I'm selling myself a dream. I stay here, I'll be comfortable and setting boundaries. I could also set boundaries at his house. Sleeping in another room would make sense, but then I'm reminded of lies. I don't know.

I directed him to follow me after he placed Cam in his crib. "This is your room?"

"Mhm." I grabbed my stool and stepped on it to reach something. "Here." I tossed a pillow and blanket to him.

"You really gone make me sleep on this couch? You know I'm too big for that shit."

I shrugged. "You said it was up to me. I'm not comfortable with staying at your place."

"It's your house too. We build it together."

"Ok well this is my offer." I waited for his decision.

"I'll go get my clothes." He gave in and took the blanket and pillow with him. "Ima have to run to the house tomorrow to grab some more."

"That's fine." I followed him to the front door. When he got his things, I locked up behind him. "You done going out tonight?" I double checked and he confirmed he was. I put my alarm on and headed for my bedroom.

"You going to bed?"


"Goodnight. I love you mama."

Without responding, I walked down the hallway. Luckily I have a one story so he should hear them lung from Camari very clearly from the living room.

Either I was knocked out or Cam hasn't been crying. I woke up in the middle of the night kind of hungry so I went to grab me a snack.

I saw the kitchen light on and braced myself. I hit the corner and saw Camari in his dad's arms as he sat at the island with him. His journal was open. It was something I gifted him for his birthday. I'm glad he's still using it.

"Hello." I mumbled. Force of habit. You enter a room, you speak.

"Hey." He said back.

I stood outside of the pantry looking for something to indulge in. Nothing was jumping out at me so I went with a pickle. I attempted to open the new jar but it was difficult.

Come on Lord. Now? You got jokes don't you?

I quietly struggled to open it. "I got it baby." Jayson towered over me and said.

My dumbass finally makes eye contact and I almost melted. He was respectful enough to wear a beater despite his preference to be shirtless when he goes to bed. It didn't matter though. Shirt or no shirt, the man is fine.

It doesn't help that my 6 weeks have been up. He's very good in the bed and I'm missing that too. If I had that dog in me I'd just use him for sex but nope. There's a cute little kitten in me cause I'd fold like a lawn chair.

I passed the jar to him and he opened it with ease with Camari positioned on his chest, his head on his shoulder. Him being a dad but also doing things for me...yeah it's the bare minimum I guess but it's still doing something for me.

"I loosened it." I spoke lowly as I took it back. "Thanks." I used a fork to grab me one.

"No problem." He was about to kiss my forehead but stopped. "Sorry." He quickly said then left the kitchen as if he was embarrassed.

Trust me, I want all the affection he has to give but that would be too easy. Has he really learned his lesson? It's only been 3 weeks. I think that's way too soon to tell.

My door was being knocked on around 3 am and I looked over to see the whole gang. "My bad for waking you up. He didn't have a bottle in the fridge." Tatum said.

I extended my hand to the baby and sat up against the headboard. I laid him in my arm and began his feeding. Chayse's old self decides he wants the other.

"Boy if you don't go on somewhere." I mushed his face and he moved my hand. "I said no." I chuckled cause his face was determined.

"Ma." He whined and tried again.

"She said no." Jayson said and playfully hit the back of his head.

Chayse is goofy so he started laughing then tried standing up to start fighting. Him and Deuce play fight all day.

I can't believe I'm about to say this but I'm glad Jayson is here. I'm glad I have the help and the boys benefit from it too.

I know this won't last forever so I'll bask in it for as long as I can. Shit I'm finally able to get some type of sleep.


Two days later...

"I'm heading out." I stood at my guest room door.

I let Tatum have a bed to sleep on. Yeah I was being petty but shoot. He deserved it.

"Aight. Am I cooking or you bringing something back?"

"I'll bring something back for Chayse if you don't cook."

"So nothing for me?"

I scoffed. "Boy fuck you. I'll be back." I laughed as I walked down the hallway cause that was funny. Nothing for me? Nigga no.

I have a lunch date. Not a date, date but an outing with my mother in- well Miss.Brandy. She reached out and I happily accepted. We've built a strong bond over the years.

"Hi sweetie." She said when she saw me. We embraced and the hug lingered as she held me in a comforting manner.

"I'm ok ma." I lightly laughed. She reluctantly let me go and we sat down. "Thanks for inviting me out."

"Of course. How are you?"

I shrugged. "I'm good."

"Be real with me now. You're probably thinking about me being his mom and not wanting to say too much but I'm on your side. I had some choice words for him when I found out. Of course I would love for you two to be together but I support you with whatever decision you make. Whether that's divorce or staying together. I completely understand. You're still the amazing mother to my grand babies so we're family for life."

She's not wrong. I don't want to flat out tell the lady she should've whooped his ass like Summer Walker said. It's still her son at the end of the day.

I can appreciate that she holds him accountable though.

"Well how has it been with him being at your place? You know helping out and stuff." She asked.

"Good but he's always been helpful when it comes to being a parent. I had no worries about that. It was the staying together that was worrying me."


"Can I trust you enough not to tell him what I'm going to say?" I side eyed her.

"Absolutely. I already told him he's going to have to sweat this out. He did it to himself."

I nodded a little while taking a sip of my drink. "Playing house, knowing what we're going through feels like I'm setting myself up. I wish I was at the house and I wish none of this happened. I'm honestly waiting for someone to wake me up from this nightmare. I absolutely still love him and I miss him. I mean I couldn't even celebrate him becoming an NBA champion. Something he's worked so hard for. Things are happening in our lives together and we can't focus on that because of infidelity."

"I get that. I really hate that you're going through this. Especially now with baby Cam and having Chayse running around." She rubbed over my hand in a comforting manner.

"I'm dealing with it and I'll be on a journey of healing. I don't know how long it'll take me to move forward but I pray it doesn't take eternity."

"It won't but also don't rush it. This is a traumatic experience. Give yourself grace."

"Jasmine was just saying the same thing when she was here. I hear y'all." I caught on to her eyes moving directions. "Yeah I'm still wearing it." I said referring to my ring.

"Is there a reason or you're just used to it?"

"Both. I'm used to wearing it but also I'm not ready for the public to know. I shouldn't care but I feel embarrassed. It's not my fault, no, but it's still not a good feeling."

I looked at my ring as it shined. She's a beauty. I could move it to my right finger. Ugh I cannot believe this is my life. Going from being on cloud 9 to this is bizarre.

He and I definitely need to have a conversation. It's time to get real about this thing and where I stand on the matter.

When I got home, the boys weren't there. He sent me a text letting me know he took them "home" to play on their play set.

I took that time to take another nap. I'm getting as much rest as I can because when he leaves, it'll be a one woman show again.

Jayson's POV

When we got back, it was a little after 5 in the evening. Since Naomi was sleeping, I closed her door and entertained the boys.

We gotta get Deuce over here and or get them all to the house soon. He hasn't even had a chance to really meet Cam and he's been persistent about it.

There's no reason he hasn't. Things just been hectic but they'll meet soon.

For dinner I ordered takeout. Chayse wore me out. He can play all day and he didn't want to go down for a nap earlier.

Around 8 I went to check on Nae since she hadn't come out. I knocked and slowly opened the door.

" sleep?" I sat on her bed and rubbed her back to wake her up.

"Mm mm." She whined and her eyebrows came together. "Get out." She put her blanket over her head.

"I came to see if you were hungry. I got your favorite from that Chinese spot." She opened one eye but started to squint since the lamps were on. "You want it?"

She hesitated but removed her hand from under the cover to display "a little" with her fingers. Such a baby but at least she's interacting with me. I got up from the bed to make her a plate.

In light of my current predicament, I probably shouldn't be thinking about this but I'll share. Now I don't know how she feels, she seems to be good but damn she's been looking good.

She always looks beautiful but it's times 1,000. Maybe it's because she's not showing me any attention so it's drawing me closer, or the after giving birth glow.

The looks she gives me stare into my soul. And I love physical touch. I miss our cuddling, skin to skin, all that. I probably sound like a bitch but I don't care. I miss this woman bad.

I made her food and brought it to her. Surprisingly she allowed me to sit with her while she ate. Technically she didn't say "stay" but she didn't tell me to leave either so I'll take it.

Her and I probably need to talk but I didn't want to ruin this moment. It's the closest I've been able to get to her in weeks. It's a small victory.

I don't want to rush or push her to talk about how she feels. I made a big ass mistake and now she's building her wall. I can't blame her. I just wish I could take it all back.


Mmmmm I kinda like this chapter. The emotions were giving. What are your thoughts? My girl Naomi is going through it. I'll hit y'all with a time skip next chapter too.

Thanks for reading and until next chapter. 🤎

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