Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie)...

By spynotaspy

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This is an alternative world where everything is normal or as normal as it can be with the avengers. Hope, a... More

The Beginning Part 1
The beggining part 2
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Training secession
The Vulture
Study Partner
fallen in love
Science Fair
Spider Got Shocked
Child Trafficking
Child Trafficking Part 2
Between Two Worlds
Lockwood Discovery
The Truth
Game On
On The Run
The New World
Into Another Dimension
Family Dinner
Double Date
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus II
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus III
The Breakup
Avenger's Tower
Venom II
Venom III
The Birth Of The Goblin 1
The Birth Of Goblin II
The Birth Of The Goblin III
The Calm Before The Storm
The Storm
The Showdown

Welcome to Lockwood's Science Laboratory

145 2 0
By spynotaspy

Do you know what I'm doing right now? Not with Aunt Bex enjoying a nice drink of coco, and watching all those terrible reality show. Or with Josie talking about... okay probably not talking to Josie, but talking to Kaleb about her so basically the same thing. Now back to what I'm saying if you guessed all of those then you're wrong, but if you guessed I'm getting my ass kicked by a bunch of idiots throwing fake snow at me then yes.

"What the actual hell!" Spiderwoman shouts.

"Sorry but there's no way you're getting us alive" blue masked said going full on military mode.

"Besides think of this as training" normal masked suggested.

"This is not training" Spiderwoman told them getting hit with what felt like a thousand snowballs that her senses couldn't keep up. 

"Don't talk back to your mothers" pink mask sternly said pointing a snow machine at Spiderwoman.

"Where the hell did you get that?" Spiderwoman asked slightly surprised and mostly in disbelief.

"We stole it" blue mask blurts out.

"What?" Spiderwoman asked.

"No we didn't" the other's say.

"Doesn't sound very convincing" Spiderwoman commented

"Yeah well I'll be more focused on running" pink mask told her as they all had machine. Where the hell did that even come from?

"You wouldn't" Spiderwoman said not even believing and their body language told her all she needed to know.

"ATTACK!!! normal masked screamed as the all screamed. Why me!!!!!!.

Hope claimed into her window completely covered in snow. One day I'll get those guys. As she was thinking about all the ways she could make the mask trio suffer her alarm went off. Oh shit I forgot about that. Hope quickly got dressed and went downstairs to see Rebekah watching her wedding with Marcel. Hope hated how sad her aunt was she wished she could do something to cheer her up. Don't worry I'll find him and make him pay.

"Hey" Hope announced her presence making her aunt send her a small smile.

"Hey, I made some french toast for and and packed you lunch" her aunt told her which made Hope smile.

"You know that it's just a Job interview" Hope chuckled "But thank you I appreciate it"

"I still don't know why you won't tell my about this job?" Aunt Rebekah winced 

"Cause we both know you'll use your connection to find everything about it and be tracking me all the time" Hope grabbed her lunch box.

"Come on it's not wrong for a parent to be worried about their child"

"More like obsessive" Hope gave a quick peck on her aunts cheeks before leaving

"I call it caring!" Her aunt yelled.

"And I call it obsessive!" 

I'm sure you're probably why I didn't tell her about meeting Mr. Lockwood well that's because the last time I mentioned his name it didn't go well. I know what you're thinking "Wow Hope lying to your aunt" but I wasn't cause there may be a chance for a job and plus he could help me find out the truth about my parents. You're also think "Wait aren't you rich why do you need a job?" Well that is because my dear parents, aunts, and uncles all want me to have a normal live and inherit the money of the Mikaelson Industry when I'm twenty. So 4 more years to go. Would you look at that were here.

Hope walked in looking around the beautiful laboratory. I'll never get over how amazing this is.

"Hope?" The familiar voiced asked and she turned around to see Josie.

"Hey, bet you never thought you'd see me here again" Hope waved to her.

"Why are you here?" Josie asked.

"Wow I don't think my heart can take it" Hope used her hand to touch her heart faking offended.

"You know what I mean' Josie rolled her eyes trying to hold back a smile which made Hope smile.

"She's with us" Mr. Lockwood announced coming out of nowhere.

"With us?" Josie asked still not processing it.

"Yeah she's helping us with the research" the man explained "Now come along we don't have time to waste" he walked away as they followed him.

They followed Mr. Lockwood into this huge lab that had a lot of animal DNA on the screen. It was there when she saw people is a lab cloth.

"Welcome to the truth behind Lockwood's Laboratory" Mr. Lockwood said showing it off.

"Wow" Hope said star struck by the technology in this lab.

"Josie why don't yous how our guest around" He told her which she nodded in acceptance.

"Shall we" She happily said dragging Hope with her.

There Hope saw all the research they were doing. She saw how they were trying to mix animal DNA with human to make them one. Just like how Mr. Lockwood explained it when they first met. Josie brought her to the back of the lab where she saw a familiar kid. She always saw him hanging around Josie but forgot his name. 

"Oh right this is MG. MG, Hope" Josie introduced us.

"Nice to finally meet you in person heard so much about you" He said giving Hope a hand shake as she wore a confused frown on her face. What was that supposed to me?

"Okay enough of you" Josie said sending him deadly glares while he just wore and amused smile.  

"What we were just having a friendly conversation" MG playfully told Josie who just rolled her eyes.

"What you talk about me?" Hope asked still confused which apparently MG found funny cause he burst out laughing.

"I guess you where right she's slow" MG said still laughing while Josie dragged Hope away.

"What does that mean?" Hope asked.

"Nothing" Josie quickly replied trying to cover up her blush.

They finally finished the tour and reunited with Mr. Lockwood who was currently working on an experiment. He was trying to mix what looked like reptile DNA to human DNA. When Mr. Lockwood turned around he was startled before gaining his composure. 

"Ah, you're back" he said "You like the tour?"

"Yeah it was quite unique" Hope said still in awe of the place.

"Basically had to stop her from drooling on the floor" Josie joked.

"Dude!" Hope looked like Josie as if she stabbed her in the back which made the brunette smile.

"Am glad you like it" Mr. Lockwood chuckled. 

Hope sent him a shy smile still looking at the computer, which didn't go unnoticed by the man.

"I see you are quite interested in this" he moved to show her.

"Yeah Mr. Lockwood" Hope said looking at the different reptiles.

"Please call me Tyler" he gave a comforting smile "Your father and I were close you're basically family"

"Sure Mr. L- Tyler, anyway what is this for?"

"Oh right" he turned to Josie "Call MG his power-point makes it more interesting"

Josie called MG taking them to this huge cinema room. MG was setting up the presentation on the screen as Tyler stood in front getting ready. 

"Okay it's all set" MG said leaving the stage to seat with them. 

Mr. Lockwood cleared his throat before starting,  "Welcome to the future." The presentation showed the world "In this world there is pain, hurt and suffering" It showed people dying, crying, and helpless "They wage war on-top of war and family members die. When is it enough? How long would it be until this land is no more? Until war and pain has wiped us all out?" It showed the earth dying. "Well I say it is enough. With this *shows reptile DNA* we can stop all this pain and suffering. If we mix this with the human DNA we have know we could re-grow like like they can. We won't suffer from wars, or pain we will be able to regenerate. This my friends is the next evolution of human kind." The presentation went off.

"Wow" Hope blurts out.

"I know" MG said starstruck.

"This is what we've been working on at Lockwood's Laboratory" Josie told her excited.

"This is the project your parents and I stared "Mr. Lockwood said "Although your father and I had our tough time they was the best partner I could ask for, and this was their legacy. They put in so much effort so that you don't have to go through what's it like to break a bone or lose a arm. All of these is for you and I want you to help me finish the work your parents started" 

"You're giving me a job?" Hope asked still processing what he said.

"Why yes, Josie has told me great things about you says your the smartest person she has met" 

Hope looked at Josie shocked which made the brunette blush and in turn made Hope blush to looking away.

"I wouldn't call myself the smartest I am the tenth in school" Hope shyly said.

"You'd be first if you actually tried" Josie said.

"Can't argue with that" Hope said smiling.

"Well what do you think would you accept this job to better human kind" Mr. Lockwood said.

Hope said smiling at Josie excited face encouraging her. MG got closer to Hope whispering something yo her.

"This would make you and Josie spend more time together, and I grantee she'll love that. Also saving the world that's a bonus too"

"Yeah" Hope said smiling as she looked at Josie excited face "Yeah, definitely yes" she firmly to;d him. 

"Great, now let me finally get you to the lab" Mr. Lockwoood said.

They were back at the lab where the radio was on since Hope asked for it. Just in-case something happens.  Mr. Lockwood and Mg were working on something that involved technology so that left Josie and Hope all together. MG sent them a wink before going to Mr. Lockwood leaving a very confused Hope and a very red Josie.

"What was that about?" Hope asked making Josie cough "Are you okay?" Concern in her tone.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" Josie tries to stop her cough "We should get started"

Josie took Hope to the machine were they look at the DNA. She explains the system and how it works.

"Okay so we use this algorithm to test determine with animal DNA matches with human ones. If it's green then it's compatible and may be of use while red is it's bad an toxic in humans." 

"What what do you mean may be of use?" Hope asked confused.

"Yeah well even if they are compatible we have to take in consideration of people's allergies and if their body rejects it or not. It's still in it's experiment faze, so we're not sure what will happen when it's used in real life"

"I see"

Josie and Hope were working on it when the radio started taking about a hostage going on at a near bank. 

"The police are on the scene where they are trying to negotiate with the robbers. They  have about twenty civilians in their and it seems that the police plans of negotiation is not working. I wonder if a certain hero will swing in to save the day"

"I have to go" Hope quickly said.

"What?" Josie asked.

"I have to pee real bad like real bad" Hope said jumping up and down before leaving. I should get an award for this performance, basically embracing myself between my crush.

"What's the deal?" MG asked as they all looked confused by Hope leaving.

"Guessing she really had to pee"

Hope is currently stuck in the bathroom stall trying to wear her costume though she is failing miserable. 

"This stupid tights won't come one AHH-" Hope shouts as she trips on it hitting her head on the door "ouch" 

After a very firm battle with the cloths she finally got it on. Honestly going to ask pink mask if she can make it electronic not sure I can do this every day. Now off to save civilians. 

Spiderwoman swung towards the crime scene. There she saw a bunch off police officers she even saw Josie's father with the microphone probably talking to the robbers. Spiderwoman looked climbed down to look through the window to see how many they were. You've got to be kidding me five robbers!. What are the chances their like the trio?. One of the robbers hit a woman who was crying with a gun. Okay zero chance of that. So what to do now?

As Spiderwoman was contemplating on what to do a civilian saw her. Spiderwoman noticed this and tried to silence him to not talk. Please look away. Please look away. "Spiderwoman!" The man shouts looking directly at her. You've got to be kidding me. One of the robber spotted me and decided it was a good idea to shot at me. Luckily thanks to my super senses I dodged it. 

Spiderwoman was on the right side of the broken window. She was breathing heavenly as the robber comes towards the window. Okay guess it's show time. The robber come to the window and turned to where Spiderwoman who waved at him. Before he could react she kicked his gun and then him in the face making him fall back inside unconscious.

"Don't mind me crashing in" Spiderwoman said as she enters the room through the window.

"Get her!" One of them shouts.

Two of the robber came after her she used her webs to snatch the gun using it to hit the robber that was holding one civilian hostage knocking him out. Spiderwoman punched the robber in the face avoiding the blow from the other one. She kicks robber 1 in the stomach and punches robber 2 in the stomach then kicking him in the nuts. Yeah that would hurts. He fell to the ground. Spiderwoman sensed helped her dodge the kick coming for her head. She grabbed it and judo flipped rubber 1 on the fall then punched him in the face making him go bye bye. I should really thank uncle Kol and aunt Rebekah for teaching me how to fight behind my parents back.

"That's-" Spiderwoman stated looking at the last robber "And you have a gun pointed at him"

"If you move I shout!" The last robber said holding the gun tighter at his head.

"Okay why don't we talk this out?" Spiderwoman tried to negotiate.

"Please help me!" The man held.

"Shut up!" He told the man then turned to the hero "You get on the ground!"

"Okay Okay" 

Spiderwoman knelt down and as she did she used her webs to take away the gun from him. When she saw he was distracted Spiderwoman jumped at him and punched him in the face. He got back up and throw a punch which she dodge and grabbed him kicking him in the stomach; she then finally punches him in the face twice.

"You're welcome" Spiderwoman said as she ran towards the window jumping out of it and swinging away. Glad that's done now done I can quickly go back to Josi-. Something bug and heavy slammed into Spiderwoman has she was swinging. Spiderwoman flew and slammed her back on a wall. She groans as she tries to stand up but was hit by it again and she hit the trash bin. Yup I think my ribs are broken

The thing made a huge sound as it landed near the hero. When Spiderwoman looked at it she was lost for words. OH FUCKING SHIT!!!!. It was a huge man Lizard like and Alpha werewolf just in the Lizard form. It had a huge tail and had short but sharp nails. It was dark green and had a creepy smile on it's face and it was currently hovering over the hero. FUCK FUCK FUCK!

It roared at Spiderwoman as she tried to move but was in to much pain to do. The big lizard grabs Spiderwoman squeezing the air out of her lungs. The hero was slowly losing consciousness. I can't breathe. Losing to much air. Everything was going dark for the young hero. I am going to die.


Spiderwoman gasp as she was finally able to breathe. When she opened her eyes she saw a fire extinguisher on the ground and turned to see Kaleb and the lizard having a staring contest. The hero tried to move but couldn't move. Luckly for her the lizard jumps up and ran away causing a sigh of relief from the two teens. Kaleb quickly ran towards her picking her up causing the young hero to groan.

"Hey are okay?" He asked.

"Yeah" Hope groaned "I-I have to go" 

"Oh, yeah right"

"Thanks for..."

"Yeah totally" Maybe it's not a bad idea to have a sidekick.

"What your name?"

"Kaleb" He said excitedly.

"Thank you Kaleb" Spiderwoman told him as she gathered all her strength and swung away.

Hope couldn't breathe every movement was like a building falling on her. She decided to go to the nearest abondon building she could find. When she got there she used all the strength that she could muster and took of her costume lying down somewhere far from it. She quickly grabbed her phone and called her number before passing out from the pain.

"Hope! Where the hell are you?  Dr. Lockwood went out looking for you" The girl voiced very worried "Hope? Hope?!"

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