Inazuma Eleven Orion X Reader...

By Isadora_12_oyira

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Following the tragic event that happened to her in her home country, Maya moves to Japan and ends up taking u... More



325 11 0
By Isadora_12_oyira

You opened your eyes a bit and realized that you were in a car. You couldn't move much as Nosaka held you close to him.

He brought out his phone and dialed someone's number. You could see who it was because of how fast his fingers tapped on the screen.


"I've found manger"

"What?! Where?!"

"That's not important, I'm taking her home right now, she doesn't seem to be doing well."

"Ok, we're all on our way"

"Nishikage, please drive faster, she's loosing consciousness," Nosaka said as he tried to heat your body up. The tip of your nose and ears were ice cold and water dripped from your hair while your body shook.

"Yuuma?" You called in a weak tone as you snuggled closer, his warmth was nice to feel.

"Manager, stay with me, don't close your eyes," you could tell that he was starting to panic. "I want to sleep, Yuuma" you said. You doubt he even heard what you said with the chattering of your teeth.

"Why did you have to stay under the rain? There are better places to go without putting yourself at risk like this," Nosaka mumbled as he tried to cover you up better with his jacket.

Your eyes grew heavier as the cold seeped into your body even more, feeling like as if a thousand needled pricked your skin. "I'm cold, Yuuma" you breath out.

"I know, we're almost home, just a little longer," he said but you couldn't help it anymore. You closed your eyes as your fingertips and toes felt numb.

After ten more minutes, you all had gotten home and everyone was waiting for you by the door. "Thank God you found her" Anna sighed in relief as you were quickly carried up to your room.

Anna helped you change out of your wet clothes into a more comfortable and dry outfit.

Everyone had decided to leave you to rest for a while since you still hadn't woken up. It was now almost midnight when you'd finally decided to open your eyes.

Your room was empty as you looked around but you didn't bother to sit up.  Then your room door suddenly opened slowly.

You pretended to still be asleep as they person walked slowly towards your bed.

You felt the side of your bed dip as the person sat beside you. "Hey, Manager"


"I know you're mad and upset with me," he started as he held your hand

Wait what? You thought he'd be mad and upset with you. What's wrong with him? You thought to yourself as you continued your act of still being asleep to hear what he wanted to say.

"I uh, what I said back at the hospital....and.....argh, why is this so hard?" He cursed at himself under his breath as he tried to find the right words to construct his sentence.

"I'm s-sorry" you could practically hear him flinch as he said it. It's obvious he doesn't say it a lot.

"Anna told us what happened to you back when you were still in America and I don't want you to think that's the only reason I'm here but I'm still very sorry for what I said"

Anna, you snitch! You thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes internally. They were still going to find out anyway.

You didn't move, though you really felt like hitting him and hugging him at the same time.

"Please wake up, it's been hours already. If you're still upset with me then punish only me instead, don't let the whole team suffer because of my anger issues," he sniffed. Wait, is he crying? You thought to yourself as you fought the urge to open your eyes.

"I hope those bastards pay for what they did to you," his hold on your hand tightened but not enough to hurt you.

"We won the match against China and Aniki is also doing well. He wanted to be here but the doctors said they couldn't discharge him yet"

"I'm rambling too much, aren't I?"he said as you heard him sniff again.

"I'm not used to all this emotional stuff. Heck, I don't even know why my eyes are sweating so much but I just wish you would wake up and say something to me, anything. You can yell all you want but all I want is to just make sure that you're okay." He said.

Wait, did he just say his eyes are sweating? Can't he just be normal and say 'crying'.

Then the room became silent. You heard some shuffling before you felt him raise your head up a bit. Then you felt something soft and warm under you neck.

Wait. Is that his scarf? You thought to yourself. You couldn't believe it. He's never let anyone touch it before, let alone wear it. Its a big symbol of him and his brother's relationship.

"I hope this keeps you warm and feel better. Always does for me." He said as you felt him stood up to leave.

You couldn't help yourself anymore. You immediately sat up and threw your arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry, Atsu. I did mean to make you worry so much" you said as you tried not to cry. He froze for a second before you felt his hand on your back, stroking it gently.

"How much of what I said did you hear?" He asked. "Every last bit of it," your heads snapped to the door to see Shirou resting against the door frame.

"A-Aniki?" You couldn't help but laugh at Atsuya's reaction. He looked so mortified.

"Surprise," he said as he walked up to your bed and sat on the opposite side. "At least you're okay" you smiled at him and then he flicked your forehead.


"Don't you ever do something so reckless ever again" he said before he ruffled your hair. Atsuya laughed at your pouted lips and rough hair. "You look like an angry baby" he said in between laughs.

You gave him a look and he immediately covered his laugh with a cough. "Sorry."

"We heard laughing, is everything okay?"you looked at the open door to see everyone huddled up and looking through the tiny creak in your door.

You were surprised at how fast some of their eyes lit up when they met yours while the rest looked so relieved.

It didn't take long for your to he enveloped in a hug as they practically piled on top of you one after another.

"Thank God you came around Manager, Haizaki, Hiroto and Fudou were on the verge to tears," Endou smiled at you, his bright toothy smile immediately putting you at ease.

"Really?" You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your lips as you looked at the three boys who were lightly blushing.

"So, straighty, noodle head and monkey boy almost cried for me? I feel so honored" you said as you pinched Haizaki's cheeks.

"You had us so worried, Manager" Asuto pouted his lips as he hugged you. His eyes was red and puffy. He had clearly cried a lot.

"I'm sorry. Don't worry, It'll never happen again" you reassured as you petted his hair.

"I know, why don't we go out tomorrow. You know, just to take our mind off everything that has been going on for the past week," Gouenji suggested.

"But what about your training? The championship isn't even half over yet" you stated. You thought it was nice that they wanted to spend more time with you but you didn't want to inconvenience them in any way.

"We still have like a week before our next match. I'm sure we can take like a day or two off" Kidou said and you smiled widely.

"I know the best place we can go." You said as you flew out of your bed and ran towards your drawers and pulled out a poster before jumping back on your bed, landing neatly in their midst.

"It's like a resort. I won a free trip there while playing a game online and they said I could bring as many people as I want but I haven't really had the chance to go yet," you said as you handed it over to Kazemaru.

"It does look like a nice place to relax for a while," he said to himself as everyone else looked at it. "Well then, I guess we're all going for a little vacation!" Endou yelled excitedly Ashe pumped his fist in the air, almost hitting Tatsuya in the process.

"Can you calm down. In case you didn't realize, it's still one in the morning," Tatsuya said as he shifted away from the over enthusiastic captain.

"I'll ask coach how many days he can let us off for," Nosaka said as he excused himself. "Can the managers come also?" You asked excitedly.

"Invite whoever you want" Kidou shrugged and you excitedly pulled out your phone and opened your group chat with the manager.

     Japan's Managing Team⚽💙💜

The Favorite🤍
Pack your bags girls! We're going on a vacation!

Mrs Optimistic❤️
Really?! Where?

The Favorite 🤍
To a resort. All the boys are coming too, just wanted to know if you wanted to join

The Empress 👑
Sure. We'd love to.

Mrs Optimistic ❤️
Akane and Natsumi are here also. They're wandering if they can also come.

The Favorite 🤍
Sure. I'm sure boys wouldn't mind.

You felt giddy with excitement. You'd never been on vacation with the guys before so you were really looking forward to it.

"I've spoken to coach. He said he gives us three days" Nosaka returned as he placed his phone back in his pocket. "That's great," You replied.

"It's getting late. I think it's time for bed" you said once you noticed the sleeping Asuto and Endou beside you.

"They're so much alike, it frightens me sometimes" Hikaru shuddered. "I think it's kinda cute," you said as you watched Goujin wake Asuto up in a not so subtle manner.

Endou on the other hand didn't even move an inch no matter how hard Tatsuya tried to wake him up. "This is going to take longer than expected" you sighed as you watched Gouenji and Tatsuya practically drag Endou away from your room while Kidou just sighed at his over bearing friend.

Everyone then left leaving you to your own thoughts in the now silent room. You tried to sleep but couldn't. Maybe you were still scared of the possibility of getting another nightmare.

You tossed around in your bed a bit before groaning and sitting up. This definitely won't do, you thought to yourself.

You went down to the kitchen to grab a cup of warm milk before heading upstairs. But even that couldn't help you fall asleep.

Great, just great. First nightmares and now Insomnia. You thought sarcastically to yourself.

You left your room and headed to the one right next to yours.

The light shade of gold and sky blue was a weird combination which you never thought would work together so well.

You walked over to the blonde before shaking his shoulder lightly. He stirred in his sleep before finally waking up and your eyes met with a pair of red and black ones.

"Manager?" He still seemed disoriented but sat up anyway. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I can't sleep. Can I stay with you instead?" You asked. "Yeah, sure" he replied. He gave you a sleepy lopsided smile which looked so adorable as he scooted over for you.

You hopped under the covers and the feeling of warmth that enveloped your body made you sigh in relief. It didn't take too much time after that to finally fall asleep.


You couldn't remember the last time you'd slept so soundly. But of course, all good things must come to an end. The rays of sunlight that seeped through the window felt like someone was shining a torch directly into your eyes.

You tried to stand up but the weight on your stomach didn't let you. You tried to wiggle out of his strong hold without waking him up but the more he tried to move, the tighter his grip became.

"Terumi," you called but only received incoherent words in reply. "Let me go, I need to prepare breakfast" you said as you played with the tips of his blonde hair. You'd always wondered how he'd kept it so smooth and shiny.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled into your hair as he pulled your body closer to his. You sighed as you tried to wake him up.

It took about ten minutes before he finally let you go and you quickly headed downstairs. As always, Shirou was the first to come downstairs and he even offered to help you with breakfast which you gladly agreed to.

One by one, they all came down and ready for breakfast. After you all had had your breakfast, you decided to focus on packing.

You brought out one of your duffle bags and started packing. You packed leggings, tops, jeans and a bathing suit incase you decided to hit the pool for a bit.

You left your room and went down the hall, passing through rows and rows of doors before knocking on one. "Ichirouta? Are you in there?" you head some shuffling behind the door before a loud thud and a groan. "Are you alright? Can I come in?" You asked feeling worried.

"No, don't come in! I'm....uh, not clothed!" He yelled and you took a step back looking at the door worriedly. "No wait, that come out wrong. I mean just wait a bit, I'm coming," he corrected himself quickly before more shuffling was heard and the familiar click from the door.

"Yes Manager, how may I help you?" He asked as he threw you a bright smile as he leaned on the door frame. "I-I was just wondering if I could borrow your blue hoodie for-"

"Of course you can!" He said almost immediately, not even allowing you to finish your sentence before dashing back into the room to get it.

You decided to take a peek inside the room and your eyes widened at how messy it was. Kazemaru wasn't the type of person to keep his room in this condition.

"Where did I put that hoodie.....Ah! Here it is!" He said before returning back to the still open door and handing it over to you. "I knew you were going to ask for it so I decided to lay it out for you," he said and you smiled. "Thanks. Uh, Ichirouta, are you okay? Do you need any help?" You asked referring to his room.

"Oh you mean this? There's no need to worry. Just having trouble finding a few things," he said. He was smiling so hard your were starting to get more worried.

"I heard a thud when I first knocked, did you fall?" You asked. "Yeah, just slipped on some clothing on the floor. I'm fine" he replied.


"Ugh, don't you have anything else to do than be here?" he practically yelled his complain before he threw his hands over his mouth. "Sorry I-"

"You know what, nevermind. You can keep the hoodie. I'll just take Hiro's own instead." You shoved the hoodie back in his arms and left.

"Wait, I didn't mean-" he tried to call you back but you had already left. You'd practically grumbled all the way to Hiroto's room before knocking a little harshly.

He answered the door almost immediately as if he was expecting you or just happened to be standing by the door when you had knocked.

You took a deep breath before smiling up at him. "Just came to see if I could borrow your brown hoodie for the trip" you requested. "Yeah sure, let me just check..." He trailed off as he went into his room to look for it.

After a few seconds he returned and handed it over. "Thanks, Hiro" you said. He'd even given you an extra one in case you needed it. "Thanks!" You waved as you walked off.

You finished packing and placed your bag by the door along with the other's bags. Then you heard the doorbell ring.

You checked and saw that it was the managers along with Akane and Natsumi.

You opened the door and welcomed them in. You all had a squealing party as you greeted yourselves after so long.

"What the hell is that noise?" You heard Haizaki grumble as he also brought his bag and threw it casually among the rest. "Ryouhei, it's been a while," Akane's sweet voice stopped the devil in his tracks as he turned to look at her.

"C'mon, go talk to her you idiot," you pushed him a bit towards her. He stumbled a bit but immediately regained his bearing right when he stood a few feet away from each her.

"We'll leave you two to catch up for a while. If you need us then we'll be upstairs helping the rest of the boys pack." you smiled sweetly at them and Akane waved at you. "We'll be right here," she replied.

You almost burst out laughing at Haizaki's face once you told him that the rest of you were leaving. "Bye, Ryou" your smile turned to a smirk before the rest of you went upstairs.

"He's gonna kill you" Anna laughed but you just shrugged. "So worth it" you replied.

"I actually have to check up on the guys so you all can go to the kitchen to grab a snack, I'll be right back" you said as you were about to walk off before Natsumi stopped you.

"We can help. Just tell up where to go and what to do" she said.

"Alright. Um, most of them are already finished so Ootani, you can help me check on Terumi, Hiura and the Fubuki brothers. Anna, you can help me with Asuto, Hiroto, Yuuma and Goujin and Natsumi can take Mamoru, Shuuya, Yuuto and Ichirouta. I'll check on Akio, Tatsu and  Mizukamia" you said.

"What about Nishikage?" Anna asked. "He's probably done and just waiting for Yuuma" you shrugged a reply. "They should be together" you said before you four went to each room.

The others have been here countless times so they shouldn't have trouble locating each room.

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