Thirsty For Attention

By BriTheWriterr

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Thirst/An epidemic that seems to be spreading fast. Where a male or female does anything for a the opposite s... More

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Authors Note :


671 36 8
By BriTheWriterr

Chapter Thirty Three

" Kaia Cassius is outside for you " Her mom yelled from downstairs.

Kaia rolled her eyes and smacked her teeth . She was not prepared for the argument that she knew they were about to have  . She started to tell her mom to tell him she didn't want to be bothered because it was sunday and her sundays were reserved for laying in the bed and binge watching movies or series with EJ.

But she knew Cassius was crazy and he wasn't going to go for that .

" You can tell him come up here  " Kaia yelled back .

" Ok and keep the door open " Makena yelled .

Kaia didn't move a muscle as she sat at her vanity mixing together ingredients to make her a face mask . Her back was turned away from the door but she could see him come in the room through the mirror .

She didn't speak to him because they hadn't talked since they gotten in an argument two days before and she was still upset with him .

" Hey baby " Cassius said as he walked over to her and tried to kiss her cheek but she moved her head away from him .

" You still on that bullshit I see " He said as he sat the vase of roses he got her in the vanity infront of her along with the chocolate covered strawberries

Kaia still didn't respond causing him to smack his teeth . " If anything I should be the one mad , you had another nigga kissing you and blocked me "

" I blocked you cause you was talking to me all crazy for no reason ..  " She said .

" For no reason ? That nigga Logan kissed you" Cassius yelled .

" I didn't tell him to do that " Kaia yelled back .

" Well why the fuck did he feel comfortable enough to kiss you ? " He yelled .

Before she could answer Makena and Eric walked into Kaias bedroom . " Y'all two don't know how to communicate without yelling ? " Eric asked .

" Tell him that " Kaia said mugging Cassius .

" Eric can I ask you something? " Cassius said and Eric nodded . " Wouldn't it be suspicious to you if you and your girl communicate 24/7 , all day everyday no matter she doing but the day you go out of town she just disappears for hours no calls , no texts no nothing and then when she do answer the phone she in the car with a face full of makeup and hair done and you overhear her saying another nigga kissed her .. don't I have a right to be mad and suspicious of that "

" Yeah " Eric answered cashing Kaia to whip her head at him .

" You're supposed to be on my side " Kaia said in disbelief .

" I mean he got a point though . I'm sure you have a good reason as to the lack of communication but Logan shouldn't be kissing you if you with Cassius and he has a right to question you on why another nigga feels comfortable enough to kiss you knowing you in a relationship "

" So what now y'all trying to call me a hoe ? " Kaia raised her eyebrow.

Kaia couldn't believe they was ganging up on her because Eric barely liked Cassius. " First of all watch your language .. second of all nobody said that we want to know why Logan is kissing you "

" Eric " Makena said looking at him wondering why he was in Cassius' side of the argument.

" What's ? this a question that needs an answer "

" I don't know why he kissed me ... " she shrugged .

" you know " Cassius yelled .

" Aiight nigga i'm on yo side but calm down yelling at my daughter  " Eric said looking at Csssius .

" That's his problem he think he can talk me any kind of way " Kaia yelled .

" Y'all both need to calm down its not that serious " Makena said .

" It's not that serious ? she have yet to explain why niggas kissing her " Cassius said .

" Ok y'all are going to talk but y'all need to relax and stop yelling at each other . We heard y'all all the way downstairs  " Makena said . " now Kaia why did Logan feel it was ok to kiss you and what did you do about it ? "

" I don't know why he felt it was ok to kiss me . After finding out that Cassius and I were together he started texting me trying to confess his feelings for me but I told him they weren't mutual so I don't know why he thought it was ok to kiss me but when he did kiss me I slapped him and told him don't do it ever again "

" Alright so now I gotta whoop his ass " Cassius said causing Eric , Makena and Kaia to look at him crazy .

" What ? Why ? " Kaia asked .

" If he pushed up on you without your consent after you told him you wasn't feeling him he need his ass beat " Cassius said .

" I mean .. he do got a point " Eric said causing Kaia to look at him upside his head again wondering when he became Cassius biggest fan.

" I think he got the picture .. don't go do him anything that's Icesis' brother and I don't want to start drama between me and her " Kaia said .

" Man fuck her too if she got a problem with it " Cassius said causing Eric to chuckle .

" Really ? " Kaia said looking at him .

" Alright my bad but Cassius you need to chill out " He said .

" And you owe me an apology for yelling at me and calling me sneaky and talking to me crazy " Kaia said .

" I'm sorry and I was wrong for that ... that shit did seem sneaky tho and I already got trust issues " He said .

" If anybody should have trust issues it should be me ... you have a reputation for being a dog " She said .

" No I was single so that wasn't being a dog " He said .

" Whatever Cassius .. is what you came by for because i'm trying to make my skin care products " She said .

" We good ? " He asked her .

" yeah whatever " she said . Seeing that they were no longer trying to take each others head off Makena and Eric left them two alone .

" Damn can I get a hug a kiss or some? You ain't seen me all weekend " He asked .

" I'm doing some thing " She said stubbornly .

Cassius walked up behind her and leaned down kissing her cheek repeatedly causing her to start smiling. " stop acting like that with me baby " He said .

" alright " she said as she stood up and wrapped her arms around him . " I did miss you "

" I know I missed you too .. " he said as he kissed the top of her forehead . " Block my number again though and ima knock you out "

" whatever " she said as she looked at the roses he got her . " these are pretty , thank you " she said .

" of course" he chuckled as he watched her take a picture of the roses and strawberries and post them on her instagram story. " come on let's watch a movie "

" not right now im still making my face products " she said as she sat back down infront her vanity .

" why you don't do that ? " he asked.

" huh ? " she asked confused .

" you was saying you stuck and you don't know what you really want do career wise but from what I seen you love doing skin care , giving people facials and shit why not do that ? You can sell these products you be making and start you a whole business " He suggested.

" I never thought of that but i'm actually going to look into because that sounds like a good idea and this is something I actually like doing " She said .

" see what would you do without me " Cassius teased .

" don't get too cocky " She playfully rolled her eyes .

" you gonna give me a facial when you finish ? shit be having my skin feeling smooth and shit " He asked .

" yea now shutup so I can concentrate "


" why did you want me facetime you ? we been on the phone for an hour and i've jusy been watching you play the game " Kayja said to EJ .

" Damn you don't like sitting on the phone with me ? " Ej smacked his teeth .

" yeah but I like talking to you more and you not paying me no mind " She complained .

" Aiight baby give me a few minutes and ima talk to you " Ej said without evening realizing what he was saying .

" I'm baby now ? " Kayja asked with a smirk . Ej glanced at her before looking back at his game .

" What ? " He asked confused.

" You just called me baby " She laughed .

" Oh .. my bad " he said and continued playing the game causing Kayja to smack her teeth .

He had her confused . One minute he was telling her he just wanted to be friends and didn't want to rush things between them but he was always wanting to talk to her and fall asleep on the phone with her and whenever she went to the house for kaia he was coming to bring her in his room to cuddle and watch movies .

" Why you smacking your teeth ? " He asked .

" Cause you need to make up your mind .. keep giving me mixed signals " She said .

Before EJ could respond someone started ringing their doorbell . " Hold on " Kayja said as she got up and went to see who was at the door . When she saw it was Rio she opened it up for him . " What are you doing here ? What if Cassius was here ? "

" I know he's not here because he posting pictures of him laid up with Kaia .. I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing after loosing the baby " He said .

" I'm perfectly fine " Kayja said .

" Damn so you really wanted to kill my baby " He said causing her to roll her eyes.

" Demario let the situation with the baby go " She said .

" I just think it's fucked up you made that decision without consulting me first "

" consult your for what ? no matter what you said I wasn't having no baby at sixteen demario " Kayja stressed to him .

" That's fucked up so you ain't want have my baby ? " Demario asked again clearly missing the point that she was trying to make .

" Aye you want call me back later ? " Ej asked her because Rio was getting on his nerves as well crying about a baby that was already gone. He already didn't like him because he actually agreed with Cassius that he crossed the line by messing with his beta friends younger sister behind his back and he felt like he had groomed Kayja .

When Ej spoke up Kayja rolled her eyes and palmed her forehead because she knew Rio was about to do the most . " You fucking with a another nigga already bitch ? that's why you ain't want keep the baby " Rio yelled.

" A bitch ? " Kayja asked raising an eyebrow.

" My bad i'm sorry .. I meant a hoe . " He said causing Kayja to smack him.

" Bye Demario ! Don't show up here anymore and delete my number before I have Cassius whoop your ass " She said .

" I don't want deal with your dusty ass anyways .. hoe ass and when I find out who that nigga is ima beat his ass " Rio threatened .

" This EJ nigga ! you know where to find me " Ej shouted from the phone .

" Ej please be quiet " Kayja begged him .

" Fuck him ! he round here making threats I want see him follow through on them " He said .

" You probably been fucking him . Don't forget I know the games you and Kaia play she always come over here to fuck on Cassius so you was probably always going over there to fuck on EJ but it's cool tho .. yall gonna feel me " He said as he left out of the house .

Kayja slammed the door and locked it before going back into the phone . " Why would you say something ? you just wanted to start shit " she fussed at EJ .

" And this right here is why I so called give you mixed emotions . I'm not bout to be playing games with you and Rio ! You just broke up with the nigga and he always popping up on you and finding a way to call you i'm not about to deal with that shit. " He fussed .

" Deal with what ? I can't help it if he keep popping up and calling me " Kayja said.

" Alright Kayja whatever bye .. see you at school tomorrow " He said hanging up the phone in her face .

" what the fuck " she said confused as to what just happened but she decided to let it go because obviously both of them were tripping

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