Double fire🔥

By _queenziraa

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She breathes fire 🔥 He breathes fire🔥 The word 'detest' isn't enough to describe what these two have for... More

//1pt2//: Graduation
//2//:Last day
//3//:Farewell Motherland
//4//:Shopping Spree
//5//:New Year, New Beginning
//6//: New York City
//7//: Invited and Univited guests
//8//: Down the Streets of the City
//9//:Together for good
//10//:Fashion Week
//11//:Home Sweet Home
//12//:First day at home
//15//:Wedding bells
//16//:Refueling Danger and Trouble
//17//:A Night in the comfort of the street
//18//:This love thing
//19//:Sacrifices and Alliance
//22/:Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show
//23//:Preparations and Arrangements
//26//:Supposed couples
//27//: Somewhat Euphoric
//28//:Baba Kaka
//29//:Emotional Turmoil
//30//:Birthday disaster
//31//:Entangled love
//32//: Jannah's birthday lunch
//33//:Violence 2.0
//34//:Verily,each soul shall taste death
//35//: Unleashing the Dragon
//36//: Where they tell their stories
//37//: Where they tell their stories 2
//38//: Forgive and Forget
//39//: Fire on Fire
//40//: Despair
//41//: Beauty in Red
//42//: From him we are and to him we shall return
//43//: Goodbye Sanity
//44//: Numbness
//45//: SA
//46//: J'taime Mie Amour
//47//: Reincarnation
//48//: Revelations of Mysteries
//50//: Calm before the storm
//51//: Havoc/Mayhem/Massacre
//52//: Non-existent
//53//: Self-Defence
//54//: Unalive
//55//: Adieu
//56//: Princess
//57//: Pure love
//58//: Moving on
//59//: FAROOQ'S POV
//60//: Double Fire

//49//: More Secrets

400 46 21
By _queenziraa

27TH DECEMBER, 2018.

"During Jawahir's wedding when Sabrina was falsely accused, it was Khalifa that payed someone to put fish inside the stew and also change Jawahir's wedding dress that Sabrina had originally designed. Laukha pinned all the blame on her, and you know what that caused? Sabrina ran away to a deserted area where she was almost raped and killed. I'm sure she didn't inform anyone about it. This girl almost lost her life, but thankfully she's Sabrina Adila Khaleed.

A woman so ferocious and fearless. She fought the assaulters until the very end—she almost shot one of them when Farooq came forth and stopped her. The two of them protected each other and I couldn't be any proud of my grandchildren. You all wanna know who sent those men to assault Sabrina?

Her so called Father did.

When her business was failing and it was discovered that Dan, one of the former Board member at DILA KS was the traitor, guess who paid him to do what he did?

Khalifa Mahir.

One day Sabrina and Aliza visited me in the hospital early in the morning, while waiting for Captain Mansur to pick them up, a car almost ran over Sabrina but thankfully Aliza saved her. All in all, the person whom we've all been living with for twenty good years isn't who he appears to be. In twenty four hours, he's going to call Sabrina to his office to sign the land ownership papers so he can become the new owner. If he doesn't get what he wants, he's going to strike hard. He's at his company currently speaking and I know he knows we all know his shameful truth by now, so I'll suggest if everyone sleeps over here tonight. Neither of us are safe."

The bomb the old man dropped was a bomb capable of destroying every single person in the living room. Neelam was in uncontrollable tears because all these years she grew up without her mother, and here she is learning that her best friend's father-in-law murdered her.

Malika, Abdallah, Neelam and Farooq were all grieving. Their Noor died because of that man—he's basically her murderer. And what hurt the most was that they have been living so close to the person that committed this awful crime and they didn't even know.

All the persons in the room were in tears, tears that weren't going to stop gushing down any time soon.

Sabrina rose up to her feet carelessly, she placed her hands on the wall for support because she was suddenly feeling dizzy. She couldn't feel her limbs nor could she understand anything that was transpiring. Her heartbeat increased like never before, she could feel her body burning up. She averted her gaze to the old man who was giving her a pitiful look, to her siblings who knew the truth since, to Aunt Emigen that was her supposed grandmother, to Neelam, Malika and Abdallah who were in tears, to her friends who gave her the saddest look of all, then to her husband who looked like he was about to lose it, she's never seen him this angry in her whole life before. Her mother's head was ducked down as she let out silent sobs.

"I-I can't take this anymore." With that being uttered, her figure came thudding to the ground.

She lost consciousness.

"Sabrina, Sabrina!" Mrs Mahir exclaimed loudly rushing to her daughter.

"Announcing the truth this bluntly didn't do anyone good now see what it has done to this girl." Aunt Emigen cried out loud. Baba Kaka opened his mouth to speak but couldn't utter anything. He knew disclosing the truth all at once wouldn't be healthy but he had to do it.

They all circled her calling her name out but she was long gone. "Move away." Farooq pushed through as he carried her bridal style, her beret came falling down. He moved her upstairs to his room.


Sabrina regained consciousness after two long hours. It was 9:30pm yet everyone was still awake. No one's mind could be at peace. Not with a murderer out in the loose. "Water." She croaked out immediately her eyes were opened. Mimi passed a glass of water and helped her gulp it down her throat.

It was only the females that were in the room. Farooq let them be just for the night despite the fact he hates it when people enter his room. Invasion of his personal space was something he never took lightly. Well, not until Sabrina came along.

Mrs Mahir, Amma, Mom, The twins, Kubra, Jannah, Betty, Harisa, Arianna, Neelam, Malika and Aunt Emigen were the ones present in the room.

The only occupant of the bed was her royal highness, Sabrina. He specifically instructed that nobody sits on his bed except his wife. And neither of them dared to do otherwise, not even his mother.

Sabrina looked to her left to find her mother on a chair drowning in tears. Mrs Mahir held onto her palms as though afraid to lose her. "My daughter I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I made you go through all these years. I didn't have the boldness to do otherwise, I'm sorry for never being there for you. I'm sorry for criticising everything you did, I'm sorry for causing your mental illnesses, I'm sorry for ever making you feel that you weren't enough." She placed her head on her palms. Sabrina could feel the hotness of her tears.

They burnt and hurt.

Sabrina shook her head, cupping each sides of her cheeks. She wiped her tears away though more came rolling down. "You don't hate me?" She managed to mutter but went heard by all.

Mrs Mahir shook her head entwining her fingers with hers. "No my princess, I love you. I love you so much my princess." She kissed her hands. Sabrina had never seen Mrs Mahir in this much tears ever in her life.

The guilt of how she treated her over the years crawled up on her. She had been nothing but rude, mean, hateful, uncourteous, and blunt towards her. She always thought her mother hated her more than anything, she thought she never met up to her expectations but heck was she wrong. The love the woman has for her is indescribable.

After hearing what she went through just so she could give birth to her bereaved her. She was running for her life but she hid and brought her into this world. She stopped her from crying after giving birth to her just so that they wouldn't hurt her precious baby—even though it's the reason she can't shed any tears today, she did everything just for her safety.

Pushing her soft straight hair backwards, her eyes swam with tears that could never get out of her iris, her mouth curved into the brightest smile. "I love you, Mommy."

All the females in the room except the mother and daughter duo let out a shocking gasp. Mrs Mahir's eyes went wider than saucers as her shoulders went up. "W-What did you say?"

"I said I love you Mommy." The name sounded so foreign to her mouth and soul.

It's something nobody has ever thought would be articulated by Sabrina. Not once has she ever referred to her mother as Mommy. It was always Mrs Mahir—but today she called her Mommy.

"Laukha, Zainab, sh-she called me Mommy. Girls my daughter called me Mommy. You called me mommy, Sabrina!" Mrs Mahir exclaimed going down on her knees to make Sujood. Never in her life did she ever assume that they'd be a day Sabrina would refer to her as Mommy.

"I love you so much, Mommy." Sabrina wrapped her arms around her mother's body as she rested her head on her chest. It's a feeling she's longed for her whole life. That mother-daughter feeling that she envied so much. Her mother doesn't hate her, she actually loves her. She loves her so much.

After five long minutes, they pulled away.

"All these years, you stayed away from me because of that man?" Sabrina's lips slanted down.

"Yes, my princess. I couldn't afford to lose my family."

"Mom, you knew everything didn't you?" Sabrina asked Kubra's mother.

She nodded. "We hid it for everyone's safety my dear. Khalifa isn't someone to joke with."

"So for twenty years, for twenty long years, the man I saw as my role model, my superhero, my king and my dear father—wasn't actually any of those. He's my uncle sand my father's murderer. I've been an orphan for twenty years and I never knew." Maybe that explains why she's always felt like an orphan despite having three parents with her. It's because she really is an orphan.

Her and all her siblings were orphans.

It also explains why she's never seen her parents doing anything romantic or doing anything cute. It was a forced one. As far as they are all concerned, it was a mere contract deal instead of a marriage.

"He murdered my mother." Neelam burst into tears as her shoulders went back and forth. Before Malika could embrace her, Sabrina rushed over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry for everything. You didn't deserve to grow up without a mother. I'm sorry, Neelam." It wasn't her fault that her mother died but the least she could do was to apologise on her uncle's behalf.

"Thank you." Neelam broke a small smile.

"Your mother was a wonderful woman. I wouldn't have been able to give birth without her help. She was as courageous as anyone I've ever seen." Mrs Mahir shared holding onto Neelam's hands.

"Really?" She broke another smile.

"Yes, my child. I'm sorry for everything."

Kubra couldn't contain her own tears any longer as it came streaming down her face. "He killed Saif. He killed my Saif Sabrina." Along with Jannah, Harisa and Arianna, they all burst into tears. Sabrina felt as though she was being strangled. Maybe because she was.

Saif was another topic on it's own.

Her uncle murdered her best friend and felt no remorse one bit.

"We have a murderer and an imposter out on the loose and we're here doing absolutely nothing about it." It hurt her so much to call the man she viewed as her father for years now as murderer.

"My dear—"

Sabrina cut Amma off. "—No Amma. I have the microphone now and I get to speak. But I'd prefer it if we all head back downstairs."

They all moved downstairs to the courtyard where all the males were. "You're awake, my dear." Baba Kaka hugged her then she pulled back after that, giving him a short smile.

"I know we all are grieving and are deeply shattered by the news Baba Kaka disclosed to us. Don't get me wrong, it all sounds so bizarre to me. I still can't believe it but what choice do we all have but to accept it. My question is, there's a murderer out there and could do anything at any time and here we are doing nothing about it, does that really make sense?" Sabrina blurted out because her heart was burning and if she remained quiet, she's afraid she'll lose her cool. The little cool she had left.

"Captain Mansur and I are still compiling evidence against him so we need about twenty four hours to wrap it all up." Arif walked up to her, hands tucked into his pockets.

She gave him a light punch on the arm. "I still can't believe that my brother is an FBI agent."

Kubra sniffed giving him a playful glare. "We've been married for four months now but I still didn't know where he worked." Arif only scratched the back of his neck because he couldn't defend himself on that.

"So before then, what should we do? We have to trap him as fast as possible." Khidr spoke for the first time since the meeting. What could he have said? His tears and body said all he had in mind. The man he considered his brother wasn't actually him. It was his devilish twin brother all along. And he couldn't even recognise him for years.

He felt more helpless than anyone here.

"Khalifa is the greediest person I know. According to the contract, Sabrina will have to sign it before the year 2019. So he'll call her over to his office tomorrow to sign." Baba Kaka said adjusting his sitting posture.

"Am I really going to sign the papers?" Sabrina questioned.

"Do we even have another choice?" Amma said.

Mrs Mahir's eyes which were now bloodshot red shot up quickly. "You're not signing those papers, Sabrina. I know how hard your father worked just so he could acquire that land, Khalifa can't have it!" She exclaimed her chest going back and forth.

"Mommy, if she doesn't sign it, we're all toasted. You know him more than anyone by now." Ashraf exclaimed running a hand through his head.

He can't afford to see anyone suffer anymore. He knows what his mother went through all these years and he would never imagine her going through everything all over again. The image of his father being shot dead, her mother screaming her heart out when her baby was taken away from her, could never leave him. For years it's haunted him and he couldn't even reach out for help.

"I SAID NO! He can't have it! Not while I'm still alive!" She shouted this time around, which took everyone aback.


She cut Aliza off as she dropped the bomb. "—If you sign those papers Sabrina, I'll never forgive you."

That was all that was needed to secure that land. Baba Kaka hissed removing his spectacles, he closed his eyes with his hands. "Aisha just ruined everything then."

Her going against her mother's wish could only mean that she was ready to go to hell. So all were helpless at this time. "Then what do we do?" Sabrina asked again. She knew she couldn't sign it because it will only bring to her own destruction.

"All our lives are at stake, you all know that right?" Farooq gruffly questioned.

"Exactly." Mufid seconded.

"Then we stall him." Betty suggested.

"How?" Aunt Emigen inquired.

"Sabrina will go when he calls for her, no matter what he does, you have to refuse at all cost but I plead with you to control your anger. By that time, Captain Mansur and Arif will get all evidences against him and he'll finally get what he deserves."

"Come give me a big hug, Ibtihaj." Baba Kaka referred to her as her real name for the first time ever which made everyone laugh out loud. "That sounded so foreign to my ears." She chuckled as she gave him a hug.

"You're used to Betty that's why."

Sabrina cleared her throat loudly till she go everyone's attention. "I can't believe nobody noticed that I grew taller and see how my skin is glowing. It's all the work of Paris—-" before she could complete her words, Farooq harshly cut her off.

"—we are in a freaking life or death situation and you're talking about your appearance for goodness sake. Your so called father is an imposter. That man killed NOOR! He killed my NOOR and felt no remorse for it—-"

Sabrina flung her phone to only Allah knows where, letting out a loud scream. "—W-What the hell do you want me to do Farooq? What? That man killed my father! That man killed my best friend! That man made my very own mother to act like she hates me for twenty freaking years! That man almost killed my sister! That man made my brother traumatised for years! That man attempted to kill me times without number! Do you even know how it feels to find out that the man you thought was your father for twenty years isn't really your father? Do you know what it means to find out that you're an orphan? If anyone should be angry here, then it's me!" She shouted her heart out that she couldn't even breathe anymore.

Clutching onto her chest, she touched her jeans pocket to look for her inhaler but it was empty. Farooq, still flaring with anger seemed to have calmed down a bit seeing the condition he put her in.

He attempted to hold her hands but she let out another sharp scream again. "Don't touch me, F-" she couldn't even complete her sentence.

"Sabrina, breathe in and out." Aliza instructed but it seemed to be in vain because her throat was getting choked up. "Mimi don't you have another one?" Baba Kaka asked. The man couldn't bear seeing her in pain. The love he has for Sabrina surpasses the love he has for everyone in his life—even Aunt Emigen.

"It's finished. I'm sorry."

Sabrina walked up to Farooq and dipped her hands into his pockets searching for something. "What are you looking for?" He slowly pulled her away. She got what she was looking for so she didn't care.

She ran towards his car and slammed the door after her. She pulled up and was about to leave the mansion but the guards refuse to open the gate for her based on Amma's demand. There's no way they're letting her out of the house in that state.

"OPEN THE GATE OR I SWEAR I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!!" Her voice left no room for jokes because it seems like they've all forgotten how crazy she is. When they still refused to open it, she reversed back and hit the gate with the car hood. She did that repeatedly until the guards were compelled to open it up for her.

She zoomed off and headed to Allah knows where.

Farooq was about to take a run to catch up to her in another car but Baba Kaka gripped him by his collar drawing him back to him. "Get back here, Foolish boy."

"She's crazy, only Allah knows where she's heading to. You can see she's not in her right state of mind." He blurted out running a hand through his head out of frustration.

Tareeq stiffened down a chuckle. "Is she ever in her right state of mind?" He murmured underneath his breath.

Baba Kaka rose up to his feet, "The two of you have anger issues the size of burning volcano. But you want to know the difference between you and her? Unlike you, that behaves irrationally when angered, she knows how to use her anger to get what she wants, when she wants it."

Farooq remained shut after Baba Kaka spoke because he knew he was saying the truth. He doesn't know how to control his self one bit and could destroy people and things in a blink of an eye when angered.

"Nobody is going to go after her, leave her." Baba Kaka ordered.

"But Khalifa might try to harm her, Daddy. She's not safe." Abi spoke out loud wiping the tears that rolled down his eyes.

Baba Kaka fixated his gaze on his wife, Aunt Emigen. The two got married again immediately he was out of coma. They both shared a smile then looked at their son. "Oh son, it is we that aren't safe." Aunt Emigen uttered.

"What do you mean?" Farooq inquired.

"I mean Khalifa will never hurt Sabrina. She's the only thing he cherishes and loves sincerely more than anything—after money. He would do anything to protect her at all cost. On the other hand there's us, he wouldn't think twice before attacking us.

Let's all sleep with one eye open tonight, and hope everything will go perfectly tomorrow."


Leaning her back against the large pillar, she raised her hands up to speak with her lord. "Ya Allah, I'm tired. My heart feels heavy, I don't know what to do. I have no clue. I want cry my heart out to you but my tears are dead and absent.

Ya Allah, my anxiety is taking the best of me and I don't know how to control it. Ya Allah, I feel suffocated, Ya Allah, please help me. Ya Allah you're the only one that knows everything I feel, you're the only one that knows how exhausted and tired I am of everything.

Ya Allah, you know my situation and needs, Ya Allah, guide me to the straight path. Ya Allah, heal me. Ya Allah, make my family happy. Ya Allah, I want to be happy but I don't think it's possible—" She broke out into shouts once again. She had shouted so much that her voice couldn't even be heard anymore.

She went to a place where she's sure nobody will be able to get to her. But yet again, she was wrong.

"Sabrina,"Kubra called out, sauntering carefully towards her. Sabrina lifted her head up from her knees as soon as Kubra spoke. Without a second thought, they embraced one another in a hug. A hug that lingered so much, a hug that could hear every single thing that the other's heart was saying.

This hug was something they both craved for, for a really long time.

"What happened to us, Sabrina?" Kubra cried entwining their fingers after they released each other.

"I don't know, Kubra. All I know is that I need you right now more than anything." She sobbed, resting her head on her best friend's chest. Kubra patted her head as they both leaned against the pillar.

It was their favourite spot after all.

City Gate.

"I didn't know what you were going through. I thought that you were fine, you didn't have to hide." Kubra sobbed pulling Sabrina closer to her.

Here, she was referring to the days where she used to cut her self for years and didn't feel the need to share it with her very own best friend. She felt like the world's worst best friend because she didn't deserve her. She knows it. "I didn't wanna let you down. But now that everything is out, it's tearing me apart, my friend." Sabrina murmured.

"I really had to go away from everyone."

"And I would never stop you, but know that I'll always be there right behind you." Kubra sobbed more. This time it was Sabrina that was cleaning her tears for her.

"Even though we've changed—"

"—Nothing has to change, Sabrina. I still love you more than you can ever imagine. Our hearts will always be one. I'll never be out of reach cause you're a part of me." The two broke out into sobs as they hugged one another as though afraid of losing each other again.

"Am I also a part of you two?" Mimi approached the two as they all burst out in tears except Sabrina.

"Yes, Mimi." They chorused embracing each other.

"We want you to know that you're not alone, Sabrina. No matter what the issue or problem is, never I mean never assume that you're alone. We'll always be there for you, Princess."

They remained in silence for about thirty minutes. All alone in the dark as they gazed up at the constellation of stars above them. "You know our lives were so much better back in Los Angeles." Sabrina chuckled lightly.

"I couldn't agree more." Kubra seconded.

"Then again, we wouldn't have found our other half's if we hadn't return back. There are good and bad parts of us coming back to Nigeria, believe it or not, the good part outweighs the bad part. We just have to be patient and wait for dawn and I really do hope that everything will be fine tomorrow." Mimi acknowledged, drawing her two friends closer to her.

"In Shaa Allah." Kubra muttered.

"So we're spending the night here out in the open?" Mimi chuckled.

They both nodded with a soft smile. "You don't wanna know how many times we've ran away from home just to spend the night here." Kubra chortled.

"Perks of being friends with Sabrina."



We returned to the Mubaid's Residence early in the morning. Surprisingly, all of them knew we were together and we didn't get an earful as we expected.
The mansion was able to contain all of us thankfully.

I was clad in a white Hermes short sleeved top tucked into a beige DILA KS khaki pants. I topped it with a white above mid thigh length Liam Handspun Cotton-twill blazer. My feet were clad in a white ankle boots. I enclosed my hair with a beige jersey scarf which was wrapped into a low bun.

As Baba Kaka predicted, the imposter called me to his office at exactly 3:00pm sharp. I had sheathed my fears and anxiety elsewhere because it will be of no use today. It's just me, myself and I.

A do or die situation.

"I wish you all the best, Sabrina." Mrs Mahir—I mean Mommy, muttered some du'as all over me. I'm still getting used to this whole Mommy thing and I really hope it last for long. She's been nothing but caring to me ever since the truth got out. She even fed me breakfast this morning which was way too cute for my liking.

You can't blame her though, she's trying to make up for all those years.

"Thank you, Mommy."

"Make sure you say your du'as before departing, okay my child?" Aunt Emigen beamed.

I walked up to her, then placed a kiss on her cheek taking her aback. "Yes, grandma. Shit, I got a mother and a grandmother in just one day." They all burst out laughing.

Ya Aliza cleared her throat, "Language, Sabrina."

I rolled my eyes earning a knock on the head. "Don't roll your eyes at your sister, young lady." Ya Ashraf was the one that knocked me. Seeing him, my lips curved into the brightest smile. "My favourite brother!" I hugged him tightly but he pulled away quickly.

"I love you, but please no more hugs. It's weird." He shrugged patting my head like a dog. I almost rolled my eyes again but remembering how painful the first one was, I withdrew myself.

Everyone wished me all the best as we all headed outside. My eyes landed on Farooq unintentionally.

I swallowed thickly because of how his gaze was fixated on me. The way he's gawking only Allah knows what's running through his mind. I missed him so much. I missed being in his embrace and presence.

For the past two days we've been on each other's neck and I really don't like it. But my ego just wouldn't let me apologise. I'm sure he'd rather die than apologise to me too. Then again, I slapped him the other day, didn't I?

Farooq has really changed. The Farooq I knew ten months ago wouldn't have hesitated to bury my alive after all I've done to him, he would butcher me down to pieces and feel no remorse. But the Farooq I'm staring at now is a different person.

He has learnt how to use his heart for the right things. He's now kind and loving. That too not to me alone. He laughs and smiles with people. He surprisingly has a good sense of humour. His gorgeousness is now corresponding to his heart and that's all thanks to my hard work and effort.

This man makes me the happiest person ever. And vice versa. Though, sometimes I feel like strangling the shit out of him.

"Hey," I said moseying towards him with a small smile.

"Heyy." He responded, as we were now a feet away from each other. I could feel my face burning up because of how he's currently eye raping me in front of the whole family.

"I-" before I could complete my sentence, I felt his lips crash on mine, our lips moving in perfect sync. His hands cradled the back of my head pulling me closer to him. Delicately, he pushed his lips closer to mine in gentle stroke. He deepened the kiss some more not giving either of us a second to breathe. I didn't know when my hands went on his neck.

"Excuse me! There are people here! I know both of you are shameless but could you have a little shame?" Betty announced loudly making us release each other but he didn't let go off my waist.

I tilted my head backwards just to see all of them muttering, whispering and giggling to each other. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing I'll never hear the end of it.

"We are both married, it's not a crime, is it?" Farooq shrugged refusing to let go off me despite my struggles. This man is going to be the death of me.

"It's finally clear that our two fire balls are in love. Ten months ago, both of you were ready to stab each other on the chest." Amma burst out laughing along with the others.

"What makes you think we won't stab each other on the chest now?" I raised a daring brow at Farooq who did the same with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Time is moving fast, Farooq let go off her. You had her all to yourself in Paris. I won't be surprised if you had her scre —" The glare we both threw to Abdallah made him shut his mouth quick.

And they say we're shameless.

Immediately Coach's car pulled over, she pressed on the horn. Aliza called and informed her of every single detail because according to her, Coach is the only person I listen to. She's not lying though.

"My ride is here, I gotta go." I pouted so that he could release me from his firm grip.

"After destroying my brand new Bentley Continental GT yesterday night, you think I'll let you go off free." He pierced his eyes into mine, licking his bottom lips. Damn, this man doesn't intend to let me go in one piece.

"You're rich, you'll get a new one."

"I want a quick kiss."

"But everyone's watching."


I sighed in frustration because I'm a hundred percent sure he wouldn't let me go without getting what he wants. I tip toed then gave him a peck on the lips. He was about to dive in for another one when everyone shouted.


He let me go right there and then. "I hate you all." Farooq threw daggers their way then slipped his hands back into his pockets keeping that blank expression that I so much love and hate at the same time.

As I was about to depart once more, a voice halted me. "Take care, Sabrina." It was Aliya who spoke. Stiffening my jaw, I kept the blankest facade as I turned my head around. She was smiling so brightly that one could swear it was Aliza.

Good thing I have magical eyes.

I gave her a look that screamed get away from me, before turning on my heels.

She didn't assume that we're going back to how we were formally, did she? Just because I'm all buddy buddy with everyone doesn't imply that I've forgiven her. What she did to me is something I can't ever forget no matter how hard I try to. Anytime I see her or give her a mere glance, the tarnishing memories of me laying on the floor drenched with blood and unable to breathe is what comes to my mind. I see myself in that disgusting hospital gown with different machines attached to my body.

I can't overlook what she did, not now nor anytime soon.


"Try and control your anger, Khaleed." Coach warned me as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'll try my best."

"So you're telling me that the person I've been referring to as Khaleed is actually not the real Khaleed but Khalifa?" She chortled resting her head back as she pulled over.

I buckled my ankle boots so as to avoid tripping. "Trust me, it's still so messed up in my head too."

"Damn girl, I sure do hope everything turns out alright. Good luck."

I beamed then nodded. "Thanks, Coach."

As I ambled inside the gigantic tall building, I received lots of greetings and compliments from the staffs in the company. Over the years, I've captured the heart of the employees working here, especially with my stubbornness. I could recall anytime I wanted to see Daddy during my high school days, and they'd tell me to stay back because he's busy with work.

I would end up staying with the guards and other staffs telling them about how I had spent my day at school.

It took me a lot of courage and patience to climb up to the CEO's office because heck was my heart beating at an abnormal rate. Back then, I would casually just walk in to greet my father. Oops, he's dead.

Swallowing my pride and the saliva that obstructed my cool, I twisted the door knob to his office. Immediately I got in, he used his remote to lock it behind me.

"Welcome, my princess. Take a seat." He brought forth a chair. Without a second thought, I sat comfortably on it. My laps glued together as I carefully discarded the shades that obstructed my clear view.

The man I was staring at wasn't my father yet I wished he was. My heart was shattering and yelping for help as each second passed by. I wish everything was a lie, I wish I could go back to how everything was a year ago. I can't, I just can't handle it anymore.

But then again, I can't break my family's trust. They're all depending on me at the moment.

"How did you take the news? I'm a hundred percent my old man spilled the beans, didn't he?" Daddy leaned back on his swivel chair.

I stretched my lips into a small forced smile. "He did. Everything is quite staggering. I must say, you deserve a twenty years long Oscars award."

He chortled, mangling the pen he was holding with one hand. "I know right. Pretending to be a good person for that long was sickening honestly."

"I see." Was all I replied with.

Out of nowhere, Harith made his way into the office from the other door donned in a white button down shirt and blank pants. His lips twitched up in mischief as we made eye contact. "SAK, splendid to have you in our midst. Please, feel free to cross your legs. I don't want you to feel any form of discomfort."

The way my siren eyes darted his way, he took the message and averted his gaze elsewhere. "Princesses don't cross their legs." It was something Daddy had always taught me even at a tender age. Princesses never cross their legs when seated.

"That's my girl." Daddy smiled widely.

"Isn't she a cute Daddy's girl—"

"—tell this man to shut his mouth or I promise I'll shut it for him. By January, he's going to be behind bars and that I can assure you. You didn't think you'll sexually assault four girls and get away with it did you, Harith Idriss?" I glowered at him.

He was taken aback by my words for a second before replacing his expression with a proud one. "Oh please, my father would never watch me being taken away. Tell those so called used girls that—" before he could continue what he was saying, my hands were on his neck. I strangled him so tightly.

Suddenly all the things that ever made me angry came rushing through my mind, I tightened the grip I had on his neck. "I-I can't br-breathe." He choked but all I did was push his lame figure on the wall. My nails pierced through his skin till blood was visible.

"That's my girl. Don't you feel powerful? I can see it in your eyes that you want nothing but to strangle him to death. How do you feel?" The moment he spoke, I came back to my senses then I quickly released him.

I don't know what got into me, this is the second time this is happening to me and I can't handle it anymore. "No, no. I'm not like you and I'll never be like you."

"She almost killed me!" Harith exclaimed fixing his collar.

Daddy rolled his eyes then tossed a bottle of water to him. "I wish she did, that way I'll get rid of you easily. You're becoming more annoying as each day passes by."

"We're partners! You can't do this to me!"

"Shut it and let me speak to my daughter."

"I'm not your daughter!" I exclaimed loudly narrowing my eyes at him.

I could see the hurt in his eyes when I uttered that but little did he know it hurt me more than it hurt him. No matter what he did to me, no matter how bad and evil he is, the love I have for this man will never change. I hate myself for that because he doesn't deserve me.

"That hurts you know." He placed his palm on my cheek, I was quick to remove it. His touch stung so bad. I need to get this over with and leave as soon as possible.

"Let's get this over with then, here are there properties papers. I need your signature on all of it." He placed the papers and a pen on the desk.

He's kidding if he thinks I'm going to hand over my father's hard earned fortune all over to him.

"Before I sign this papers, I've got seven questions for you and I need you to answer me sincerely."

"I'm all ears but make it quick."

"Firstly, did you or did you not murder Saif?"

"I had him killed the moment he found out the secret."

"Secondly, did you or did you not murder Neelam's mother?"

"I shot her with my pistol twenty years ago."

"Thirdly, did you or did you not instruct my mother to stay away from me and be cruel to me for all these years?"

"I did." He replied with boredom masking his features.

"Fourthly, you had Noor killed, didn't you?"

He nodded. "I actually instructed them to rape her only, I didn't know she would end up losing her life." I really hope you don't lose your own life when Farooq gets ahold of you.

"Fifthly, you tried to have me killed. Not once and not twice, why?"

He sighed then moved closer. "I didn't exactly try to have you killed. I know you would be able to defend yourself, believe it or not it's my form of training you to become more fearless. You are rebellious with a fighting spirit and I admire you a lot for that. That night in Kaduna, I wanted you to get so angry that you could be able to murder someone. You almost did but that arrogant husband of yours had to stop you. I want you to be like me."

"I'll never be like you! What type of person are you?" I'm convinced that the man sitting opposite me has lost it completely and that's undeniable. He's a psychopath. He needs medical healthcare.

"Calm down. Continue asking your questions then."

"Sixthly, why didn't you kill Aliza when you had the chance?"

"How can I kill that precious soul. She's too good to be killed so I let her be. But you see Aliya, if it was she that found out I wouldn't have hesitated to shoot her dead. She's way too nosy for my liking." I can't believe this man right now. I'm this close to losing it.

"Lastly, did you ever love me?"

"I swear by Allah that created me you're the only person I adore with my all. I love money that's undeniable but I love you so much my princess. You're the only light in my dark life, the only person I truly care about." He held my hands in his. The tears he held back were visible and I could tell how truthful he's being.

He loves me.

But I can't do this. My mother will never forgive me.

I pushed the papers back to him and rose to my feet. "I'm not signing any shitty papers. You're not the only that likes money, Khalifa."

He burst out into humourless fits of laughter that I couldn't even tell what the laughter meant. Both Harith and I were extremely confused by his sudden outburst. I was also scared.

"Okay then, I'll gift you with one special thing. After that, you can then make your decision on whether or not you're willing to sign the papers."

My hands were shivering and moving in sync with legs. "I love you but please don't have an anxiety attack here, okay?"

The nauseating feeling that crept up was freaking me out. What is he up to again? What exactly is going on?

"Oh dear brother, come say hello."

With that being uttered, a man clad in a black Jallabiya sauntered out of the room near the other door. That's it, I'm going to pass out right now because what the actual hell?

"Hello Sabrina, I'm your Father. Khaleed Mahir."



I'm so sorry for not updating soon eh. Please forgive me 😭

Comment oh


Love y'all


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