Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider...

By Omegaknight14

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After being removed from the Hero Association to save Garou's life and marrying the man she loved since she t... More

1. First time in the suit
2. Nightmares again
3. Random Attack
4. Lost Kids
5. A Helping Hand
6. The Young Hero
7. Promise
8. Car Accident
9. Feeling Better
10. The Right Choice
11. Night talk, Bet
12. Beach Arrival
13. Struggles and Opening Up
14. Chicken Mayhem
15. What Happened?
16. Hospital visit
17. Dr. Wilson
18. Fubuki Meets Carnage
19. Another Nightmare
20. A Broken Awakening
21. Spider-man Meets Old Friends
22. Spider-man and Deadpool
23. Spider-man Meets The Punisher
24. Need Help?
25. Finally Free
26. Need A Ride?
28. December Funtime
29. Christmas Day
30. Party Time
31. How'd It Come To This?
32. I'm In Hell
33. Journal Entry
34. I'm Done
35. Not Alone
36. Heal Old Wounds
37. Drug Bust
38. Old Villains but First Encounter
39. Final Battle
40. Moving Forward

27. Revenge

31 3 7
By Omegaknight14

"No way."


"I'm not a chicken!" Spider-man said, holding the glob of wasabi between his chopsticks.

Fubuki scrunched her face up, suspicious of his claims, "it's just a little wasabi, it'll be fun!"

"How does eating a ball of pure wasabi sound fun to you? In what world is that fun?" he sniffed the green paste and made a face. "I barely put this stuff on my sushi for a reason."

She rolled her eyes. It had to be going on around midnight and she grabbed them sushi. "Yeah, I hate spicy things."

"Me too."

"So on the count of three." She gathered her glob on her chopsticks and held it in front of her mouth. "One-"

He shook his head, "this is gonna be a huge mistake."


"Why am I letting you talk me into this?"


Spider-man put his glob in his mouth and Fubuki threw her wasabi behind her shoulder before shoving her bare chopsticks in her mouth.

His eyes began watering immediately. "Oh my god!" he gasped. He squeezed his eyes shut. "It's stuck to the roof of my mouth!"

Fubuki laughed silently, biting her chopsticks to keep herself quiet.

"Ah ah ah!" He panted, fanning himself, then he cracked his eyes open and looked over at her. "How are you not dying right now!?"

She laughed despite nearly biting the tip of her chopsticks clean off. His look of shock made it even harder to reel herself back in.

"You didn't do it!?" he asked, he stood up and spit out what he could onto the roof top below them. "Why didn't you do it? I did it!"

Fubuki took her chopsticks out of her mouth and looked at him pitifully. "Spider-man, it's a whole glob of wasabi," she said, smirking.

Saliva was dripping from his mouth in impressive volumes. While holding his face over the edge of the billboard they were perched on he glared at her. "I am very aware that it's a whole glob of wasabi," he sprayed.

She scooted away cackling. "I don't even like hot things, why would I do that?" she asked with innocence.

"Because I did it?" Spider-man asked in disbelief.

"Eh," Fubuki said with a half shrug, "if your friend jumped off a cliff would you jump too?"

He paused his spitting abruptly, and then looked at her with an obviously forced calm face. All too casual for someone who was tricked into coating the inside of their mouth with wasabi.

"Of course I would. In a New York heartbeat." Spider-man said quickly, spitting a final time and wiping his mouth off.

"Figured you would."

Spider-man awkwardly stood up, "We should head back," he said with his eyes still watering.

Fubuki stood up too, brushing the dirt off her elegant dress. "Indeed we shall."

"Do this again sometime?" he asked, pulling down his mask. "Just not tricking me into torturing myself," he added.

She smirked. "Maybe, but I did enjoy that last bit."

He gave her a fake smile under the mask. "I'm gonna kick your hot ass for that, I will have my revenge." he said too kindly.

"Ooooh I'm shaking in my boots." she cooed as she gave a fake shiver.


1 Week Later

"Where are you taking me?" She asked. Spider-man had been acting suspicious, avoiding her questions and putting on an air of elusiveness he just couldn't pull off. It was cute to watch him try. She decided to wear her Spider-Blizzard outfit tonight except for her blue mask since she knew that Spider-man would get flustered on her looks alone. Enough to make him shy as always.

He gave her an innocent look. "Just... you'll see."

"Why?" she asked. Spider-man wasn't one to try to get her to go anywhere, but now they were outside of an office building on the manicured lawn. He stopped walking.

"Is this it?" She looked around unimpressed.

Spider-man looked at his phone to check the time then unsheathed his stingers.

Fubuki laughed. "I thought beating you once tonight was enough for you?" she said, taking out her metal retractable claws.

"We agreed that it was a draw," he said easily. They charged at each other and she flipped over him, he ducked away from her heel before it came down on the back of his head.

They both turned around smiling, he was learning all of her nasty tricks and it was annoying.

Then the sprinklers turned on. All of them, and Spider-man started laughing.

"You asshole!" she barked, trying to hide her own smile. "That's why you dragged me out here?"

"Yup." he said, all too pleased with himself.

Fubuki was soaked to the bone immediately, she dropped her shoulders in defeat.

She could tell that Spider-man had a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

"Is this really your revenge for the wasabi trick?" she asked, putting one hand up to keep the mist of water from hitting her face as the sprinkler turned. "How is this revenge?!"

"You are super wet!" Spider-man gloated waiting for his evil to be appreciated.

She groaned. "Wow, you are just pure evil incarnate, but you're wet too," she pointed out.

Spider-man crossed his arms and shrugged. "That's what she said. Simple drops of water don't bother me."

"It doesn't?" she said, raising her eyebrow.


She stomped on the sprinkler head nearest to her then stepped on it so a stream of water would hit him right in the face.

"Hey!" he sputtered, backing away.

"I thought you said water doesn't bother you?" she asked.

Spider-man scowled and sliced the head off a sprinkler near him. Then he stepped on it and caused the stream of water to hit her.

"Are you being serious!?" she yelled, holding up both hands to keep the water from her eyes. "You're going to mess up my hair!"

"You're messing up my revenge!" Spider-man shouted back.

Neither of them were willing to leave their sprinklers, they continued to aim for each other while bobbing and weaving away from the other's fire.

"Stop it!" she yelled. Her hair was so ruined.

"You stop it!" he said, lifting up his mask to spit out some water.

"You started this!"

"I started nothing, you made me eat wasabi!"

"Not my fault you can't handle the spice!"

"You didn't even have the balls to eat yours!"

"Jokes on you asshole, I actually have ovaries!"

"I'm well aware of the female anatomy, Fubuki!"

"Didn't think you were when you skipped out on school one too many times, Web-head! I'm sure you didn't even have enough time to take the sex-ed class!"

"Shut up, blame my complex life, not me! I didn't need to take a class that talked about sex. It was super easy to figure it!"

"Must've stayed on the internet one too many times! What kind of porn sites did you watch to figure it out?!"

"I never did anything like that at all!"

"Damn, are you sure you're still a virgin? Still act like it especially since all we do is cuddle, drink lots of wine, and slow dance!"

"Shut it! Not my fault for my high tolerance! We both pass out drunk on the bed!"

"Some revenge this is, Web-head!"

"Get soaked in despair, Telekinetic witch!"

"What'd you say to me, Spider-freak!"

Their back and forth amusement banter and water fight lasted until the sprinklers automatically shut off but both of were bursting out laughing in the end to the point where they were wheezing and holding their sides.

Fubuki had never had more fun. It was so much fun she almost wasn't angry about being soaking wet in the middle of the night.

"Bob haircut weirdo." Spider-man said as ran for it swinging away in the process.

A tick mark formed at Fubuki's head as she began to web swing after him, "I'm gonna smash your head like a watermelon!"

Making a lot of nicknames and pranks was one thing but insulting or messing up Fubuki's bob cut hair means that you are definitely in for a world of pain.

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