By cocoz_books

193K 4.4K 603

Was previously named "Darius" #Book 1 in Alpha Series ≛ He was powerful He was terrifying He was huge He had... More

{Plot 1} •Chapter ♠︎ÒÑÉ
{Plot 1} •Chapter •TWÕ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♣︎ThRÉĒ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♤FØŪr
{Plot 1} •Chapter *Fìvè
{Plot 1} •Chapter ^SSĪX
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♧SËVËÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter◖ĒĪGHT
{Plot 1} •Chapter ※ÑÌNË
{Plot 1} •Chapter ◇TÉÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✥ËLÈVÈÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✧TWËLVË
{Plot 1} •Chapter •THÏRTËËÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ⁑FØRTÉEN
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✠FÌFTÈÉN
{Plot 2}• Chapter øñè
{Plot 2}• Chapter twø
{Plot 2}• Chãptér thréè
{Plot 2}• Chapter fōūr
{Plot 2}• chapter fïvë
{Plot 2}• chaptér six
{Plot 2}• Chapter sévèn
{Plot 2}• chapter éîght
{Plot 2}• chãptèr nïne
{Plot 2}• chàptér tën
(Plot 2)• chàptêr elévēn
{Plot 2}• chàptér twélvê
{Plot 2}• chäptêr thîrtéèn
{Plot 2}• chàptêr fíftéèn
{Plot 3}• CHAPTER I
{Plot 3}• CHAPTER II
{Plot 3}• CHÃPTÉR IV
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTÈR V
{Plot 3}• CHAPTÉR VI
{Plot 3}• CHÀPTÉR IX
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTËR X
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTËR XI
{Plot 3}• CHÀPTER XV
{Plot 3}• CHÃPTÉR XX

{Plot 2}• chäptēr føurtéèn

1.7K 51 9
By cocoz_books


"Is there anything else you need princess?" My new personal maid Helena asked for the umpteenth time today.

Honestly I couldn't count how many times she'd asked that one question. She was one of the three maids Darius assigned to wait on me hands and foot.

"No thank-" I cut myself off with a sneeze, the nasal liquids landing in my napkin that I had fisted in my hands at all times.

"More napkins, got it" she nodded, talking to herself as she walked into the closet.

I groaned, throwing my head back into the piles of pillow that were stacked behind me. Don't get me wrong I loved them, they had so much stuffing and they were so soft. It helped with the head aches I had been getting as a result of my continuous sneezing. Candles were lit everywhere to keep the temperature as low as possible and all the windows were shut, restricting my beautiful view. It wasn't like I could even get to my window seat, before I'd make it two steps a maid would come running in looking like she had just seen my dead body.

They were all so dramatic. I wasn't dying I just had a cold. It had been going on for the past five days now, the pack doctor said it would last for a few more days and we should keep up with the treatments and that meant more pampering, a lot more. The one person I actually wanted to pamper me had been unavailable. I hadn't seen Darius in two days now, I missed him. I would wake up to huge bouquet of flowers at my bed side every morning with a lovely little note in them and a piece of strawberry cake. They brought tears to my eyes and more liquid to my nostrils.

I really wanted to hug him if I could at all see him. Ryker had stopped by yesterday to see how I was doing. I couldn't stop myself from asking about Darius right away and his exact words were "He's been very busy with the upcoming season. But I promise to try lift some work off his shoulders so he can come see you soon"

"Trust me he misses you a lot more than you do him" he added with a chuckle.

I remember my cheeks warming up at the thought. I did miss Darius, I missed his scent, his warmth, the sense of security and love he gave me. I couldn't deny I had fallen hard for the king, my mate. I wanted to tell him how I felt but I didn't know if it was the right time. I wanted to tell him everything- about Lord Odin and about my past and just get it off my chest. The guilt had been eating me up inside and it left no crumbs. I did love him, but was it enough?

I sighed deeply, turning my head to the side to gaze at the new bouquet of dandelions that sat beside my bed yet again. Propping myself on my elbows I pulled out the note from one of the flowers and smiled as I let my eyes wander over the familiar cursive writing.

~"The sun has set yet again amica mae, yet my world wouldn't be bright until I see your face. I count the hours I have to work and be without you and it kills me, I'm dead and I need you to come wake me up. Just the mention of your name and watch me rise from the dead. I miss you so much baby, be a good girl for me and I will see you soon"


I pulled the letter to my chest, squeezing my eyes shut and imagining he was here with me. His strong arms around me, holding me so tenderly like I was fragile glass. His protective hands grabbing my hips and trailing sensual strokes up and down my skin. His hot breath against my throat, his nose tickling my cheek.
His spicy scent enveloping my senses and making me dizzy. Dark onyx eyes staring into my soul, leaving me bare and naked.
A shiver flew down my spine, making me snap my eyes open in time for Helena to come out of the closet with an arm full of napkins.

I tried to calm my ragged breaths, taking in deep breaths of air.

I was loosing it.

I gazed at the closed window, inhaling deeply. I missed the outdoors, I hadn't seen any of my ladies since the accident and I missed them. Could I really call it an accident? I couldn't really remember every detail, my memory was pretty foggy but what I could remember was the look on the older mans face when he broke the boat, it haunted me. I didn't accidentally drown, it was planned, orchestrated by someone. But why would the old man have anything against me? What did I do? Was someone else behind this?

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to jug anything from my memory, maybe what happened before I got into the boat but I came out blank. Nothing made sense. My head aches badly so like I had been doing every single time I let it be. I was getting better, I didn't want to make my situation worse by worrying. Maybe it was nothing.
Yeah, nothing.

"If you excuse me princess it's time for your vegetable soup, I'll just go retrieve it from the kitchen quickly. If you need anything-

"Ring the bell, I got it" I cut her off, a sarcastic smile on my face.

She smiled at me genuinely and now I just felt bad. Being cooked up here was driving me crazy. She dipped her head before walking out of my chambers, remembering to leave the door open. I kept my gaze fixed on the door, the gears in my head turning. I needed out, I hadn't seen the light in days. Maybe I could take a walk in the garden or the courtyard. The green room has helped a lot but it's not the same as receiving fresh sunlight and having the rays bounce off your skin.

I bit down on my lip, rethinking. What if it didn't work? What if I got caught and Darius got mad at me? He told me to be good. He won't be mad if I go visit him too, he won't mind because I'll just say I missed him. Gathering the little strength I had I pushed myself to the side of the bed, throwing my legs over to the edge. Planting my feet on the carpet clad floor I pushed myself up, staggering a bit. My legs were definitely asleep, great.
I grumbled, shaking off my legs to wake them up. When I was certain I could make it I began walking to the door slowly, taking little steps forward. The door was within sight, my eyes catching a glimpse of the hallway ground and a triumphant smile played on my face.

Almost there!

I stopped at the door, looking from left to right to see if there were any guards but non were stationed at the moment. Maybe it was their break, they always took 5 mins break and within that time it took another set of guards 2 mins to get to their 7i posts. So I had exactly 120 seconds to get my slow behind down through the back. I took a deep breath and began my slow journey out into the hallway. I used the wall to steady myself, making sure my feet didn't kick each other and bring me flying to the ground.

I made my way to the back exit, making sure to hold steady to the railings as I descended. Coming to the East Wing hallway I stumbled, bracing myself for the fall but it never came. I felt a strong grip on my arms holding me to a body. An unfamiliar scent filled my nostrils. Snapping my eyes open I came face to face with an amused looking Mark Anthony. I pulled away sharply.

"My apologies" I said awkwardly, feeling weird that his hands were still on me.

An amused smile took over his lips, "It's okay your majesty. You look like you've been caught stealing. From the looks of it you aren't supposed to be here, you're still sick" he pointed out, letting go.

"Um.. Yeah I am" I answered, awkwardly fiddling with a lock of my hair.

"I'm sorry about what happened, you almost died" he reminded, looking away into the distance.

"But Darius saved me. Don't worry I'm fine" I tried to smile. "I was going to the garden to get some air, I haven't seen the sun in a while. Please don't tell Darius, he'll get worried for no reason at all. You won't get in trouble either, I'll get back to my chambers before he realises I'm gone. Please" I pleaded.

"I won't snitch on you my princess, but you can't be on your own. I'll accompany you" he said, a friendly smile on his face

"No, you don't need to-"

"I insist, you need someone with you and if I'm not calling Darius then I might as well fill in" he reasons, stepping back and gesturing for me to take his hand. I bit my lower lip, thinking.

Sucking in a breath I slid my hand into his, letting him lead me out into the garden. Immediately the sun hit my skin I felt my pores opening and my natural glow coming back. I let my eyes flutter shut, the cool summer breeze gliding across my skin, cooling me. The songs of the birds rang in my ears, their tales of welsome making a bright smile over take my lips. The smell of trees, pollen and fragrant flowers invaded my nostrils.

I signed, slowly opening my eyes to meet Marks gaze. He smiled at me, looking on to the beautiful scene as well. "Let's take a walk shall we?"

We started off our walk in silence, me enjoying the view and Mark well.. Doing what ever it is he was doing. We made small talk here and there, most of them being one sided as I answered absentmindedly. I stopped up at the flower beds so I could check on my favorite daisy blooms. Inhaling their scent I smiled, noticing they had been watered this morning.

"They are beautiful" Mark acknowledged from behind me.

I smiled, keeping my gaze fixed on them, "Yes, indeed they are. I actually love gardening them, they were my second favorite kind after roses. I thought since I had neglected them they'd die, but they look healthy" I thought aloud.

"That's because Darius saw to it that your flowers were taken care of while you were unable to cater for them" a familiar soft voice chimed in. I rose from my spot, turning to gaze at Greer as she made her way towards us.

"Greer!" I beamed, making my way towards her. She met me half way and pulled me in for a hug.

"It's been days, I heard you got sick. I'm sorry I didn't come to see you. Darius had been very strict that no one disturb your resting and recovery but I should have tried harder-"

"It's okay" I assured her, pulling back enough to look at her. "I missed you so much"

"And I you. Handling Orchid has been hell without you" she giggled.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" Orchids whine reached our ears and we burst into laughter. She pulled us into a hug, "I missed you so much Audrey"

"And I you. Let us never be apart for so long again" I smiled, looking between the both of them once we pulled away.

A throat cleared brought our attention to the male standing behind us, looking out of place. "Ladies" he bowed, showing respect.

"Lord Anthony" they both chorused, dipping with their gowns bunched in their hands.

"I will leave the princess in your care. I trust you will get her back to her chambers be prepared the king realises she is gone" he bowed dismissively.

Walking up to me there was this glint in his eyes as he stopped right in front of me. He was too close. His eyes penetrated mine in a way that had me diverting my gaze. He inhaled deeply, a crease forming between my brows in discomfort, "It has been an honor my princess. Till we meet again, I hope soon will be the case" he smiled charmingly, taking my hand he placed a kiss on my knuckles. I pulled away sharply, an awkward smile playing on my lips.

He looked stunned for a moment before he regained his composure and sauntered off. I huffed out the air that had built in my cheeks as I turned to face my girls. I missed them so much. "Come on, we have to get Mrs Runaway princess back to her tower before the king finds out she escaped" Orchid winked, making Greer and I burst into hearty giggles, my discomfort far gone.

We made our way back into the castle, following the same route I took back to the West Wing. We passed by weary looking guards whose demeanor was everything but calm. They looked unsettled and uneasy. Most of the maids gave me worry some looks as they scurried passed. I could sense the tension in the air.

"Something's off" I whispered to the two girls beside me.

"It's Darius, we can feel the reign he has on us. He is angry" Greer explained, dropping her head to the ground.

"I feel it too" Orchid added

I watched them wearily. Just then a maid ran passed us and I grabbed her wrist, "Wait"

She stopped, stilling for a moment, "Y-yes my-" she cut herself of staring at me weirdly.

"What's happening?" I asked panicked.

I could see how much she was shaking, "You- the king came to visit you earlier and you weren't in your chambers. Helena, Carla and Hayley couldn't say where you went so h-he lost his temper. He sent the guards to go look for you, h-his eyes turned black. He's very angry my princess so please don't go in there"

Before I could ask any more she had loosened her wrist and fled. I felt a chill settle in my chest and a pit form in my stomach.
I should have stayed back.

A deep ferocious roar shook the palace, crumbling the ground under my feet. The walls shook violently and so did all the pictures on the walls. I lost my balance, falling to my knees. A pang settled in my chest at the sound. I didn't hear the anger that it held, I could only hear the fear, concern and pain hidden in the depths of that roar. The rattling stopped, allowing all the guards and maids spring to their feet and begin to flee once more. I got up, biting down on my lower lip as I thought over what was going through my mind.

I started taking soft steps towards my chambers when a joon my shoulder stopped me, I turned to see Orchid and Greer, worry etched on their faces. "You can't Audrey" Orchid shook her head.

"He's really angry, he might hurt you if you go. Come with us you'll go find him when his wolf has calmed down, right now it's dangerous. Please come with us" Greer pleaded.

I shook my head, releasing my shoulder "I'll be fine girls, I promise. He won't hurt me" I tried to give them a reassuring smile but they didn't look convinced. Giving them a small nod I turned on my heels and continued down the hallway. Stopping at my ajar door I could see my three maids and the four guards who were stationed outside my chambers on their knees. Darius's tensed figure came into view. His hands were balled into fists and his posture was dominating and oozed power. At times like these I wished the height difference between us wasn't as great as it was.

I took quiet steps into the room, careful to make no noise as to not alert him. But all my efforts went down the drain when I noticed Darius ears perk up and his shoulders slump, he'd heard me. He turned around swiftly, crazed black eyes settling on me and I could see the littlest bit of an onyx hue return.I Iet my eyes wander for a while, it was the first time I'd seen him in days. His gold locks was loose, falling to his shoulders in strays, his stubble had grown out again, creating a six o'clock shadow.
Immediately he lunged for me, big arms wrapped firmly around my waist, pulling my body into his. His head found the crook of my neck, burying itself into my hair.

I inhaled a shaky breath, trying my best to keep my composure as his quick warm breaths hit my hot skin. I gestured for the maids and guards to leave which they wasted no time in doing. Thankfully Darius couldn't seem to care less as he remained in that position. They all scurried off, shutting the door behind them.

The air calmed, my chest slumping and my insides heating up. His hands tightened around me, pulling me impossibly closer. His breaths had evened out, his possessive hands roamed my back, one settling in my hair and the other wrapping firmly around my small frame.

"Darius" I called out breathily.

"Don't say anything. Please just let me hold you" his deep velvet voice came out a lot deeper, effectively shutting me up and making moisture pool between my legs.

I let out a quiet breath, looping my arms around his back and holding him as well. He wanted to hold me so I'd let him.

We stayed there for a while, neither of us saying anything just enjoying each other's presence and in that moment I knew there was nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with him in his arms. It all felt so right .

"Fuck, i thought I'd lost you again baby. I was so scared, you scared me so badly" his arms around me tightened, his words making my insides melt. "You have no idea what it felt like, seeing you in that state, unconscious, barely responding. It was hell, torture. And to the goddess I never want to feel that ever again, like I was loosing myself, my life was slipping away from me. It felt like someone had ripped out my soul, my heart"

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way" I whispered, silent tears slipping down my cheeks. I sniffle, "I shouldn't have left without letting you know. It was inconsiderate of me" I shook my head at myself and my utter foolishness. My heart ached knowing how much pain I'd put him through.

"I almost lost you" the pain in his voice made my eyes sting the more.

I pulled away enough to palm his cheeks. His gaze was casted down, preventing me from getting a good look at him. "Look at me Darius" I spoke firmly, my voice unwavering.

He let me raise his head so his dark eyes we're gazing into mine. "You're not going to loose me. I'm not going anywhere. I belong here, with you, in your arms"

"Promise you'll never leave me, please I can't stand the thought of loosing you" his voice broke, his legs giving out as he dropped on his knees in front of me.

A gasp escaped my lips. It was unnerving, seeing such a mighty wolf, the king and emperor of the wolf world on his knees in front of me. I let my fingers weave though his hair, holding his head to my breasts "I promise, I'll never leave you. Never" I shook my head at the thought.

"I'll be here through it all, okay?" I stuck out my pinkie, falling to my knees as well so I could look at him.

His saddened gaze met mine as they drifted to my pinkie I could see the edges of his lips curve up into a grin as he linked his pinkie with mine, "Promise" he whispered.

In a second his hands had found their way around my waist, pulling me into him. A quick gasp escaped my lips at the sudden contact, blood rushing to my cheeks. He looked down at me, emotions swirling in his golden flaked orbs. His head dipped, his soft lips placing a kiss to the corner of my mine before going to the sensitive part of my throat where he planted a lingering kiss, making me shiver in delight. He trailed his nose along my cheek, his one hand coming to play with a lock of my hair as he inhaled deeply, "I love you" I breathed out, the confession making the air catch in my throat.

This was the moment I could say it back, I could tell him I loved him. I did love him, but I couldn't tell him without letting him know the whole truth first. He deserved that much.

I love you too

Another update as promised!
Hope you like it!
One chapter left for this plot!
Lots of love! Xoxo Co_co ♡

See y'all lovelies soon enough!
Kisses ( ˘ ³˘)♥

!Note; no negative comments only constructive criticism is allowed!!

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