Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey

A Siren and a Scotsman

46 0 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

I stood before the mirror in my dressing room, examining my costume closely. I had taken the dress to Paul and he had quickly come up with some accessories to help turn me fully into an ethereal water spirit. A cape of navy silk organza stretched from one wrist across my shoulders to the other, creating a cape that hung behind me. The embroidered golden waves rippled as I walked. Pearls were woven through my hair, more pieces of organza hanging from my tiara and my sapphires glittered at my throat. I took a deep breath, watching the square neckline strain against my breasts that had been lifted as I could manage the corset to get them. "Alright Will, I'm ready."

"I think I'll be the judge of that." Will walked in with a smirk, circling me and looking me up and down. "And what exactly are you supposed to be?"

I jumped as he moved on from mere looking to touching, "A sea nymph."

"You look like you'd be better suited to sitting on a rock and luring sailors in with your song." He chuckled, gently tugging on my cape. "My Siren." I giggled as he came around front, tracing the golden bracelet my cape was attached to. "I do see a few alterations I would like to make."

I brought my other hand up to brush one of the organza strands behind my ear. "Such as?"

"This." He tugged at the neckline of my dress. I sighed, expecting him to ask for it to be raised. It could be, but it would ruin the effect of the necklace. Will tugged harder at it, "It's far too high."

I spluttered, "What?"

"Your necklace doesn't show all the way," He switched to gently tugging my bodice down until my breasts were barely contained by my corset. "There, much better."

I tried not to shiver as he ran a finger along the edge of the gold setting. "Usually you don't particularly care if all of it shows."

"Well, I do now." He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I want everyone to see you for the Siren you are."

"And I want them to see my bonny Scottish lad." I draped my arms around his shoulders, enveloping him in my cape. "Please wear your kilt, for me?"

Will pursed his lips. "You know I'll wear it for you any time, but the party is a bit beyond that."

"Oh Will, I'll do anything." I stepped up, letting my lips ghost over his ear. "Anything, really. Whatever you want, I'll do it."

He groaned, his hands finding my waist. "Ana, please don't tempt me."

"But I'm a Siren, it's my job." I chuckled, pressing my whole body to him. "And I find you so handsome in it, I would want to peel it off you at the end of the night." He sighed, and I pressed again. "I'll even help dress you, and I can assure you that I am far more thorough than Reggie in making sure that you are properly fitted out." I gave my hips a wiggle, feeling him grind against me slightly. "You can wear undergarments with it for the ball, but before I'll want the proper Scottish experience."

He huffed a breath into my hair. "Lass, will ye not give me a moment of peace?"

"Not when you talk like that." I surged forward, kissing him and gently nipping at his lower lip. "You know I can't resist that."

Will chuckled, "And perhaps that's my grand plan, to distract you from what you want."

"That's impossible." I smiled, bringing a hand up trace his cheek. "I'll give you some time to come up with whatever you want me to do in exchange, but please Will," I sunk to my knees, raising my eyebrows at him. "You have your Siren on her knees here, begging."

His eyes were wide, "I can see that, lass."

"And your answer?" I traced my hand up his leg. "If you can think that is."

Will gulped, his hands finding their way to my hair. "I'm quickly losing that ability, but fine. You win, but I will think of something."

"Of course you will," I smiled, letting my fingers play with his fly. "Now, I believe a reward is in order." His breath stuttered as I ghosted my hand over the rapidly forming bulge at the front of his trousers. I could almost feel his heartbeat under his skin as I popped each button, circling my fingers over every bit of flesh that appeared until he was bare. I grinned up at Will, stroking him lightly. "Now, isn't this nice?"

"Fuck." He grumbled, one hand coming down to squeeze mine tighter around him. "Harder, lass."

I pressed a kiss to his head, "Of course, love." Keeping a firm grip I stroked him slowly, making him swell and strain even further. It was always entertaining to see the effect my hand had on him, but my mouth was another story. When I closed my lips around him he cursed and I felt him sway slightly on his feet. While sometimes the taste was somewhat unpleasant, it did make me feel powerful to have him so thoroughly in my thrall.

"Lass," Will groaned, his voice hoarse. I let him pop out of my mouth, looking up at him. He brushed his fingers through my hair, "On your hands and knees, there's only so long I can resist that short skirt." I bit down the skirt really wasn't that short, reaching my calves, but did as he asked. I could feel the familiar excitement of desire build in me, and I shivered when I felt Will's hands on me. He sighed, "Ach, such a lovely sight."

"You like it then?" I wiggled my rear, spreading my legs a bit. "The dress?"

He snorted. "Of course I like the dress," His hand trailed over my rear, lightly kneading it. "Although I do love this. However, I feel I must take a little bit of revenge for what you're making me do." His hand came down with a smack, although the brief flash of pain faded. "Embarrassing me for your own pleasure, really Ana."

I gasped as his hand came down again, his fingers slipping around to stroke between the front of my legs. "You're just so handsome in it, I can't help myself."

"A greedy Siren," He ran his thumb over me, over and over until he had me panting. "My greedy Siren."

I rocked my hips, pressing myself further into his hand. "Take me Will, you know I'm yours."

He chuckled, "All mine." I felt him guide himself to my entrance, slowly sinking into me with a groan. I moaned as I stretched around him, that ember of desire flaming up inside me. I pushed back against him, feeling him slide all the way in. One of his hands went to my hip, the other to my shoulder. "And here I thought this was my reward."

"Just move." I gasped, feeling him pull back and thrust himself into me. He started slow, drawing moans and curses from me as he refused to move faster. It was only when my head dropped that he used where he was holding me to brace himself as he sped up. Part of it involved pulling me back against him, and I gladly joined in. The friction felt so good, and I didn't even mind the way his fingers were digging into my flesh. Not when it could let him drive himself into me so hard. I almost fell on my face at one point, feeling him strike deep inside me. "Oh God, Will!"

"Agh, Ana." He groaned, the sound of our flesh striking each other so loud in the small room. "I'm so close."

"So am I."

"Fuck, I can't hold it." He groaned, speeding up and I felt myself collapse fully, only my hips still held up as he pummeled into them. I could hardly care though, because the release that was coming over me was so overwhelming that I couldn't even think. The only thing on my mind was the pleasure that sang through me, even my toes arching in delight as I clenched around him. He came while I was still reeling, all but falling onto me. His breath came hard over my shoulder, "God Ana, and I still get to have something more?"

I rolled out from under him, doing my best to straighten the dress so it didn't wrinkle. "I want you in that kilt." Thinking better of it, I reached for the buttons on the side and slipped the dress over my head.

Will, flat on his back on the floor, watched me with a smile. "I can tell." I rolled my eyes, hanging the dress back up and removing my jewelry, making sure that everything was as pristine as it had been when I had donned it. I felt Will's fingers on my corset laces, "Now, why don't we retire to our bed and I can start thinking of all the things I'm going to make you do for making me wear the kilt."

I snorted, unhook the busk and setting it on a dresser. "Well that will be a lovely thing to wake up from a nap to." Will disrobed himself, joining me on the bed in his shirt and trousers. I curled up on my side, enjoying the feeling of his hand on my hip as he pulled me a bit closer to him. I smiled to see him on the pillows across from me, his blue eyes bright and clear. I moved closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Thank you Will, I know it's not easy for you."

"Hmmm," He grinned, bringing his arms around me. "It just means that I'll be getting quite a bribe." He burrowed further into the pillows, and I joined him. I could have waxed lyrical about how much I enjoyed having him home and in our bed after him having been gone, how I could feel the love welling up from my heart, but to be quite honest, it just felt nice to have someone hold me and care about me.

The day of the party I spent it luxuriating, although I had a partner in it. The new bathtub that had been installed was a veritable swimming pool compared to the previous one, plenty big enough to hold Will and I together. I sighed, cuddling a bit closer to him and stretching my legs out. "You were right, taking a bath together is lovely."

He slung an arm around me, his head leaned back and his eyes closed. "Indeed, thank God this got installed quickly."

"I told Peggy to see to it immediately as soon as we got back," I breathed in the heat coming off the water. "Most of it was finished when we got back from Newport, this is just the first chance I've had to share it with you."

"How exactly did you convince Peggy of this? You never told me."

"I told her I needed a larger tub because I wanted to give Rigel a bath every now and then." I giggled remembering the look on her face. "I was talking with a designer within a day or two."

Will snorted. "You know she didn't believe that, she's not dumb."

"Oh, I know." I rolled my eyes, "I hardly care though, all I needed was an excuse for it. Now, have you come up with what you'll be receiving for spending tonight looking handsome?"

He quickly had me on his lap, and I twisted my hands around his shoulders. "Well, I have been thinking on it, and I have come up with something that I've always wanted." I

"I'm about to die of curiosity, darling." I muttered, nibbling slightly on his earlobe. "Tell me."

Will breathed out a curse before continuing. "The next time the Anastasia is back, I want you to come down." Anticipating my interruption, he barreled ahead. "I'll have a few days where I have to be down there working, and I want to come to my cabin and find you there, naked and waiting in my bed."

I started, "Will, the cabins don't lock."

"I know that." He decided to attack my neck, "And won't it be exciting to be laying there, waiting for me but not knowing when I'll arrive?" I had to admit that it was, and the thought of being caught was a special little thrill of its own. The night after we had been caught in the lifeboat had been memorable, but to possibly have one of the other men come in was enough to throw cold water on it.

I straightened up a bit, "Will, imagine if Mr. Keller comes in though."

"He won't," Will gave me a squeeze, "You know it's only stewards that go in the cabins and it's not like I'll tell them to come find you. I don't want someone to see you, I just want you ready and waiting for me." I leaned back into him at that, mollified. "Besides, you do owe me quite a bit."

I let my hand wander over his chest, "The kilt really isn't that bad, you know."

"No, but the claymore is. Why in the world did you borrow that?"

"Because it goes with the costume," I laughed, wriggling in his arms. "And that theater was finished with their production of Macbeth, you should just be glad I found it." Will's reaction when I had come in with the sword wrapped up in a cloth had been hysterical, he had all but thrown it out a window. It had taken a lot of soothing to get him to agree to even hold the thing, and I had spent a good hour telling him how handsome he would be with it.

He had eventually agreed to wear it to come in, but to discard it when the dancing started.

Will grumbled, "I wish you hadn't." But then he cuddled me closer to him, grabbing a bar of soap and running it up and down me. "Although if it leads to more moments like this, then perhaps I can deal with it."

"You know, you don't need to wash everywhere." I mumbled, letting the feeling of his hands on me lull me into a daze. "But if you keep doing it I may just fall asleep."

"And we could stay home." Will chuckled, "Although Liz would be rather put out. What is she going as?"

"Persephone, Goddess of Spring." I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Lot of flowers and a very revealing dress that she's sure James is going to love."

He returned the bar of soap to its place, instead using both hands to hold me tight to him. "She's making him match right, so he'll be Hades?"

"Yes, although she's letting him just wear a dark suit and hold a helmet." I chuckled, remembering the battered old helmet I'd gotten for her at the theater. "So really, you won't have the most outrageous accessory."

Will brought his hand up to my breast, kneading it. "I should be so blessed." I gave a sigh at that, leaning into him and feeling like we could perhaps enjoy ourselves a bit.

"Mr. Murdoch, Mrs. Murdoch?" Louise's voice came through the door, "You'll need to get out if you want to get to the party in a timely manner."

Will cursed, removing his hand and dislodging me from his lap. "We'll be out in a moment, just let us dry off." He stood, reaching down to help me up. "We'll finish that tonight." I giggled, giving him a kiss and accepting the towel he held out. When we were at least dry enough to get our dressing gowns on he opened the door, "Couldn't you have given us a little longer? It's not that late."

"Actually, it is, sir." Louise bustled in, eyeing the still draining tub. "And if I am to dress Mrs. Murdoch's hair properly I will need plenty of time."

Will grumbled, "Always her damn hair."

"But you always love it when it's done." I gave him a kiss on his cheek, "Now, let me make myself pretty for you."

He leaned down, embracing me and whispering. "You look prettiest when you have nothing on." I could feel myself blush, although that quickly faded as Louise directed me in front of my vanity and began drying my hair. Towel after towel was sacrificed on the altar of my vanity, slowly growing taller and taller until Louise declared herself satisfied and whisked them into the arms of a maid.

She began to brush my hair out, "You know I let you and Mr. Murdoch have as long as I could."

"I know," I had closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her pulling gently on my hair. "Although you could have let us have another hour."

"I think not." She smirked, I could hear it in her voice. "Otherwise you'd show up with wet hair tonight."

"I am supposed to be a sea nymph, it would be appropriate."

"I don't think the guests would see it that way," Louise set the brush aside, instead beginning to wind strands around a curling rod that she had left on a bed warming pan that had been requisitioned for her use. "Not after you made all those calls and you and Miss Vanderbilt spent all that time handwriting those invitations." Almost all of the time during Will's most recent trip had been spent with ink stained cramped hands and forced smiles over a seemingly unending amount of tea. I had even gone to visit Sophie in her new house, with Tyler as an escort. He had been quite happy to see Little Freddy and had complimented Sophie on the skill of her trainer.

She had laughed, "Frederich really has the best taste, and I know the little one will love him too." She had stroked her belly at that, beaming down at it. The doctor had confirmed her pregnancy, and she was all smiles about it. "And thank you for the invitation Anastasia, but I'm afraid I must decline."

"I had thought you might," I had smiled, petting Rigel's head in my lap. "But I still wanted to make the offer."

"And that was so kind of you, and if the child wasn't throwing me all out of sorts I would." She had sighed, her face had a decidedly greenish cast to it. "I have been having a hard time sleeping, despite the doctor's recommendation."

"What did he prescribe?"

"Laudanum." Sophie held up a hand at my gasp. "I've refused it, don't worry. Eventually I get so exhausted I simply have to fall asleep."

I had grasped her hand. "Don't ever take that while pregnant, promise me!"

"I promise." She had stood, grimacing. "Although I am afraid I must take a walk now, thank you for coming."

The slight pull of Louise's hands against my scalp brought me back. "I know, I know." I grumbled, submitting to her skilled hands as she expertly twisted the curls into a becoming style that showed the strands of pearls to their best advantage. From there getting the rest of my costume on was quite simple, although the gilded leather sandals were rather scandalous. It wasn't often I went without stockings, but I would have to. Sirens weren't known for their fashionable hose. After adjusting my earrings I looked to Louise, "I'm going to help Mr. Murdoch dress."

She nodded, "Of course, ma'am." I stepped through the bedroom to Will's dressing room, finding him crouched on the floor and slowly pleating his plaid just so. I paused for a moment, admiring him. Even clad in just a shirt, tie and drawers he still had quite the presence as he focused on the tartan, only glancing up after a moment.

"Do you think you can help with the belt?" He stood, coming to lay across the pleats he had made. I nodded, pulling the belt around his waist and draping the front half of his kilt at the same time. It didn't take much to buckle it, and he stood to adjust the way it lay. "Well, I suppose it's not too bad."

"Not bad at all." I murmured, admiring his reflection in the mirror. The kilt really did suit Will, what with the thick stockings he wore and the strip of his legs bare between them and the kilt. Will busied himself with buckling on his sporran, and I brought his waistcoat over. I looked at him as I buttoned it on, "You're enjoying this far too much."

He chuckled, "I am, now the jacket before the sash." I rolled my eyes, coming back with his jacket and helping him into it. Then it was simply draping the sash over one of his shoulders and using a brooch to hold it in place. Will picked up the Glengarry, put it on, looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. "God, I look like I belong in a political cartoon."

I rolled my eyes, "You look like my handsome husband."

"Nice try." He mumbled, "I should just be glad the sword is in the carriage." I took his hand as we made our way down the stairs, and he gave it a squeeze. "You do look beautiful, Ana."

Before we got into the carriage, I stopped reaching up to adjust his tie. "Thank you for doing this Will, it means a lot."

"You'll be doing far much for me later, lass." He grinned, giving my backside a squeeze. "Now, come along my Siren, you've already got one sailor in your thrall. Care to add a few more?"

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