See You Later ✓

By PurpleTaeGguks

155K 7.5K 1.7K

Two ex lovers meet again ,they love each other just the same as before ,they were each other's halves that co... More

character intro + warnings
1st chapter.
2nd chapter.
3rd chapter.
4th chapter.
5th chapter.
6th chapter.
7th chapter.
8th chapter.
9th chapter.
10th chapter.
11th chapter.
12th chapter.
13th chapter.
14th chapter.
15th chapter.
16th chapter.
17th chapter.
18th chapter.
19th chapter.
20th chapter.
21st chapter.
22nd chapter.
23rd chapter.
24th chapter.
25th chapter.
26th chapter.
27th chapter.
28th chapter.
29th chapter.
30th chapter.
31st chapter.
32nd chapter.
33rd chapter.
34th chapter.
35th chapter.
36th chapter.
37th chapter.
38th chapter.
39th chapter.
40th chapter.
41st chapter.
42nd chapter.
43rd chapter.
44th chapter.
45th chapter.
46th chapter.
47th chapter.
48th chapter.
49th chapter.
50th chapter.
51st chapter.
52nd chapter.
53rd chapter.
54th chapter.
56th chapter.
57th chapter.
58th chapter.
Bonus Chapter.
59th chapter.
60th chapter.

55th chapter.

1.8K 82 18
By PurpleTaeGguks

3rd person POV:

Jungkook and taehyung were resting against each other peacefully after their activities, basking in each other's warmth as the elder's hand rested on his waist, rubbing his tummy occasionally and jungkook had his head in his lover's chest.

"What do you think the baby's gender would be? A girl or a boy?" Taehyung questioned in curiousity, considering the fact they decided not to reveal the gender before the baby is finally here.

"Mmh.. i don't know, it doesn't really matter to me.. we would love the baby same way anyways. But if i have to choose.. maybe a girl? I so badly wanted it to be a girl last time." Jungkook answered in a slow voice, a bit laced with sleepiness.

"It doesn't matter to me too.. though i want to have a boy. I want him to be a father like dad was to me if not better." Taehyung chuckled, suddenly the memory of his father crossing his mind.

"You will definitely be a good father like dad, i know it, hyungie." Jungkook remembers every single good memory taesuk had given the two of them.

Taesuk was such a good father, he always made sure to be there for taehyung since he was his only parent after his and his brother's mother had left the family for some other man.

Though like any typical father would, he never took the sadness or frustration or stress out on his sons, he was always a responsible father for them. Taehyung knew that, and so did jungkook who had witnessed everything infront of his eyes.

"I can only wish. I want to be a good father for our baby." Taehyung said as he snuggled his head into his marked neck. He loved this, this warmth, this silence as he laid there with his only family.

"And you will be, we both will be. I hope I'm not a parent like my parents though." And there are the sudden insecurities that come with being parents for the first time.

"You won't be, you are better than that jungkook. You have always been." Taehyung assured him right away. Jungkook's parents weren't bad, they were okay if not the best ones out there.

They just.. weren't really supportive of most of the things since he was never interested in the business. His father might have even called him a 'disappointment' a few times when he was kicked out of the company and his debut was cancelled and he had given up on all his dreams throughout all those years. And his mother.. well she never appreciated him.

Both of them were more biased towards his older brother who had always been everything their parents had wanted in a child, good in studies since forever, interested in business, interested in sports and their heir of the company. He did feel neglected a lot of times by them.

Though both his father and brother were gone from last 10 years, the memories.. both good and bad just stuck with you and no matter what you can't shake them off.

"I hope so, let's sleep.. yeah?" It was literally midnight they were having this conversation at, ofcourse both of them were sleepy.

"Yeah, let's sleep. I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too, hyung."






But their peaceful slumber was broken when the shrill sound of taehyung's phone's ringtone blared inside the room, making jungkook groan as he covered his ears with another pillow, atleast he tried.

"Who the fuck is it in the morning?" Taehyung cursed out as he rolled on the bed to the other side to pick up his phone and remove it for charger, not bothering to check who it was since his eyes felt too bothered by the light that was falling inside their room from the window.

"Hello?" Taehyung spoke out as he answered the call but he woke up and sat down right away, his eyes fully open though they stinged because of the sudden light and were still getting used to it but he did as he heard a deep voice speaking from the other side.

"Is that how you greet your older brother, kid?" The voice spoke out, sending a shiver down taehyung's spine.

"Don't call me a kid. What do you want?" Taehyung cut him off rudely through gritted teeth, alarming jungkook right away who yawned while covering his mouth before he got up to sit beside him as well.

"Nothing much. I'm at the airport, and i need someone to pick me up from there." Was all the elder replied in the same mocking tone like he always did.

"And why would I do that? It's fucking 8 in the morning, Rae-woo. I'm not doing all that for you, just call for a cab or something." Taehyung responded right away as well, he looked pissed which jungkook figured was most probably because of the fact their sleep was ruined.

"Because I'm your older brother. And it's hyung for you, brat. What reputation would i have left if i would have to call for a damned cab when my younger brother lives in the city itself. Now c'mon don't be lazy and come pick me up." Rae-woo immediately hung up the call, knowing his younger brother would definitely try to argue with him on it.

"Fucking hell. He just had to ruin my morning like that coming out of nowhere."taehyung could not help but curse as he ran a hand through his hair, rolled his eyes at literally nothing as he removed the blanket from his legs and got up on his feet, picking up the robe that was hung on the side to cover his naked body for once.

And though jungkook had woken up, he was still really sleepy as he didn't really understand what was happening while he tried to open his eyes.. squinting while facing his lover.

"What happened, hyungie?"he asked in a groggy tone that was filled with sleep and just when taehyung realised the pregnant male has woken up he instantly went by his side and immediately the man rested his sleepy head against his shoulder.

"Go back to sleep, sunshine. I urgently need to go somewhere I'll be back in an hour or so, okay?" Taehyung informed the younger right away who was sleeping snuggling into him, hugging him.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked with a pout on his swollen lips with their activities last night and ofcourse because he had just woken up.

Taehyung hesitated for a moment before he answered him truthfully,"Rae-woo is here and he wants me to pick him up from airport right now."

And it was as if a switch turned inside jungkook who immediately woke up right away and as if the sleep flew away from him,"Rae-woo hyung? Our Rae-woo hyung? He's in Korea? I haven't met him in ages." He exclaimed excitedly and taehyung couldn't help but clench his jaw with no emotions at his reaction.

"Don't call him that fucker hyung, bun. And yeah unfortunately he is." Taehyung rolled his eyes with evident annoyance as he got up from there back again and went straight towards the closet to pick out a random tshirt and jeans with little to no efforts in trying to dress up properly.

Jungkook scoffed as he was fully awake now, though he sat there completely naked while looking at his lover getting dressed up without even bothering to shower and just brushed his teeth and just splashed a bit water on his face.

Even though taehyung had thrown on a very random outfit, he still looked really good as he wore some beige loose pants, a green floral shirt and a brown jacket over them before adding on a grey mask.

"I just don't understand why you dislike Rae-woo hyung so much, he's nice." Jungkook chuckled as taehyung declined the call that was making his phone ring again, seeing that it was his brother probably asking him to pick him up again.

"Yeah, nice to you. He better stay away from you or he's catching these hands i don't care if he's 1 year older than me or 10 years older than me." Once taehyung was done wearing his shoes as well he walked towards jungkook as he sat down beside him and pulled his mask down.

"I'll be back in an hour or something after dropping him off at his hotel, okay? Till then you and baby rest and sleep,hm." Taehyung whispered as he joint their lips in a sweet kiss, he could honestly care less about the morning breath as long as he gets to taste those lips.

"We will do that, hyungie. And just being Rae-woo hyung here since we are family anyways, there is no need for a hotel." Jungkook suggested once they pulled away and taehyung leaned down to kiss his bump.

"Yeah no. I love you sunshine, but just no. My fucking hell I'm leaving, he's so annoying." Taehyung's phone that was in his pocket rang again making him spring up instantly in annoyance as jungkook could only laugh at his response and his reaction.

"I love you too, now go and don't start arguing with him at the airport." Jungkook shouted from behind as taehyung left the room but not after waving back at him once.






"What are you doing in Korea?" Taehyung grumbled once he and Rae-woo were situated in the car with the man sitting in the passenger seat while taehyung drove.

"I have an important project in Korea which requires me to be here for 1 week." The man answered as he looked around outside the window. "Seoul has changed so much in the past years." Rae-woo exclaimed while taehyung just huffed in response.

"where do you want me to drop off?" Taehyung questioned in the similar rude tone like he always did with his brother, he really really disliked him.

"Where you live, younger brother. Is that even a question?" Rae-woo sassed back in reply as he turned to face him, the dislike was obviously mutual.

"Where i live? Hell no. I can drop you off at Kim resorts or even my apartment but I'm not going to take you with me." Their father was a CEO of a company and owned a 5 star hotels branch which all were taken care of by his hyung since taehyung was never interested in any kind of business, and though he got his part of fortune he didn't really care much about it since he earned millions by himself but he was a billionaire now because of his father's money in his bank account as well. So that was the Kim resorts he was mentioning about, they were owned by them.

"No. I don't want to have too much attention on myself by going to Kim resorts and c'mon, i am literally properly visiting you after almost 12 years you will make me stay alone after so long?" The man was trying to convince him to take him with himself.

And before taehyung could refuse again, the elder man spoke up,"I'm pretty sure kookie would love having me over." And that was it as taehyung abruptly pulled the car over on the road.

"But i wouldn't. So you better stop this so called 'i am visiting you after so long' and 'i want to spend time with my brother' bullshit, Rae-woo. And do.not. call him kookie. Tell me the real reason you are here for because i know you don't give a flying fuck about spending time with me doesn't matter how long it has been." The man was really testing taehyung's patience who rarely ever gets agitated but this man is the one who's mere sight is enough to make him feel annoyed.

"I'm here for the important project in Korea. I'm opening a new cosmetic branch and i need to lay out a franchise in Seoul as well, i have to finalise some things related to that which require my physical appearance here. And some other business things you wouldn't understand. That's why I'm here for 1 week before i have to go back to newyork back to my work.

That's all. And i would call kookie however i want to, I'm pretty sure he still loves being called that by me. He adores me and I know he wants me there so why not spend some time with him since I'm here already, hm? I don't have any ulterior motives like you think i do." Rae-woo answered him with a smug tone as he said the last thing.

Taehyung's family only consisted of taehyung, his father and his brother Rae-woo for as long as he could remember. And somehow along the line, after taehyung and jungkook had come out to his father as teenagers.. Rae-woo had himself figured out about their relationship at some point. Well he didn't judge them ofcourse, that would be real hypocrite of him when he himself was interested in both men and women. But he was.. real annoying after that.

Taehyung never noticed his touchiness with jungkook before, thinking it was brotherly and so did jungkook but as they grew up together before taehyung eventually moved out with his boyfriend.. he noticed how Rae-woo had actual feelings for his own boyfriend.. he used to think it was just lust at first.. but then he realised there were some romantic feelings as well which couldn't be looked apart.

Jungkook was always oblivious about that though, even till now.. he never noticed that. He had always thought of him as an older brother he never had(he had one but there relationship was nowhere near strong enough)and even though taehyung's dislike towards his brother increased over years after he had shamelessly admitted to him about his feelings for jungkook, And that he doesn't care if he's in a relationship with him, and he kept making advances towards him even though they didn't mean anything since jungkook wasn't aware. The look of annoyance and irritation on taehyung was so worth it.

Jungkook had no clue why taehyung disliked him and taehyung never told him either way. He just said, 'it's a sibling thing' and of course Jungkook didn't pry more than necessary. But the man  was always nice and caring to jungkook, so he still interacted happily with him. Taehyung never told him that he shouldn't or it hurts him or anything like that ever and he knows he's just like a brother to him so he didn't stop that even after years.

"You not having ulterior motives sounds very much like a lie. And i don't want you to make moves on my boyfriend even though i trust him with my whole life." Taehyung jabbed his chest as he emphasised the word 'my' while he seethed at the elder.

"I literally forgot about this for a secondfor a secondthat he's your boyfriend and you two are officially together.

I saw all about the scandals that happened recently." Taehyung and jungkook ofcourse did many live streams recently so yes they had revealed they were officially boyfriend's for now and that news had somehow made it to the national tv because the media was kind of obsessed with them these days. They were the hot topic around.

"You did? Didn't expect you to do that." And you couldn't make time to even ask your brother once about how he's doing. Taehyung wanted to say but ofcourse he couldn't.. and wouldn't.

"There are apparently many fans of yours and kookie in my company And i heard them talking about you two. I honestly had no clue about what exactly happened, though i did catch up on everything just yesterday.

How are you two doing now? Heard you are visiting a therapist these days."Rae-woo questioned once taehyung started the car again and stared driving in a particular direction.

Taehyung could only scoff at his words. Now you care? Or are asking me that just for the sake of it? Again the former idol didn't say it out loud as he simply answered. "It's none of your business Rae-woo. But just to answer your question, I'm doing okay. We are doing okay. No need to show concern about us."

"That's good." The elder brother responded as he had nothing else to say.

"Now I'm taking you to Jeon mansion because jungkook actually wanted to see you. But I'm warning you again, do not try anything with him."






"We are here." Was all taehyung informed the elder once he got out of the car and didn't really bother to get his luggage out, he would send some worker from inside to come and get it.

"I can see that, younger brother." Rae-woo rolled his eyes at the very obvious statement of the younger as they walked instead and the elder man had his hands in his pockets the whole time.

"Sunshine~" the smile was back on the actor's face right when he saw his lover sitting in the living room with the tv on as he held a large bowl in his lap that was filled with different flavors of icecream and a lots of fresh fruits chopped on top of that as he ate them with a spoon, some of it was swiped on the corner of his lips.

He had probably showered already or not according to taehyung as he sat there in just a large hoodie like he mostly does these days since he's in his 6th month and his 3rd trimester has started so his bump is quite a bit heavy now, along with some shorts that weren't even visible as he sat there with his legs crossed on the couch, his feet were covered in fuzzy socks and he was wearing a bunny sports headband that held his long hair back. he had showered already taehyung figured when he saw his hand was slightly damp.

The man looked very much at home and immediately placed the bowl aside as he got up on his feet and immediately waddled towards his boyfriend to hug him a 'welcome back' immediately before he gets back to his kdrama he was watching.

"Hyungie you are back." Jungkook muttered against his chest as taehyung hugged him back and made him look up at him as he wiped the corner of his lip that had icecream and pecked them.

"I just went to the airport, love. But it looks like you were enjoying yourself." Taehyung said as he pointed at his thumb which he later licked away himself.

"Mmh i was. I just got out of the room because i was craving icecream and kyohwa made that for me." Jungkook said with the same bunny smile of his that made his nose scrunch up adorably.

"I'm glad she did, look at that smile of yours. You and baby look so happy just from some icecream." Taehyung tapped his cheek as he smiled back at him, pulling him closer by his waist.

Honestly he had completely forgotten about the fact that he brought Rae-woo back with him and he was just collecting his luggage from the car.

But the realisation came back when the two heard the sound of footsteps behind followed by a very familiar yet unfamiliar chuckle of a specific man.

Right then, a loud gasp was heard as the pregnant male immediately pulled away from taehyung and turned to face the man who just waved his hand at him, his usual smirk forming into a genuine smile before he opened his arms and jungkook literally slammed his body against his as he hugged him tightly.

"Rae-woo hyung! You are actually here! I haven't seen you in so so long." The man was quite tall as fuck.. basically a giant, jungkook was barely upto his chest as he hugged him.

"Ofcourse i am kookie. I had to meet you didn't i? How have you been doing ,sweets? I missed you."  Taehyung could only cross his arms on his chest as he stared with a resting face at the two of them, and chewed the fake gum as he heard the gentle tone his brother used with his boyfriend. It was making his eyes twitch.

"We have been doing amazing, woo hyung!" Jungkook replied with a huge smile as they pulled away from the hug and Rae-woo tapped his chubby cheek once while showing a boxy smile of his own.

"I think i should show you your room, Rae-woo. You two can catch up later, sunshine.. you should also finish your ice cream/fruits, right?" Jungkook was pulled away as taehyung pecked his lips once again, intentionally seeing how his elder brother looked away from them when he did so. He made him Sit back down on the couch again gently and placed the bowl back in his lap and patted his head like he was a kid and jungkook just giggled in response.

"Hyun-min, c'mon follow me." Taehyung called out the worker who had his brother's luggage while he ushered Him to follow him by signalling with his hand as he started walked towards the hallway that had many rooms.

"Woo hyung. You should freshen up okay? We will talk later then. Tell me if you need anything till then." Jungkook waved at him after saying that before he went back to eating his food once Rae-woo replied, "ofcourse i will, sweetheart."

"Stop with the nicknames, it's my boyfriend." Taehyung smacked his arm once they were away from jungkook's sight as he said that in a stern voice through gritted teeth. He looked intimidating but not to Rae-woo ofcourse, the man had an even more intimidating stoic than him, especially with his much bigger physique than taehyung.

"Did i say he's not? C'mon taehyung are you that insecure that just some mere nicknames annoy you?" The man said with a straight face and taehyung clenched his jaw and fist as he has the sudden urge to punch his brother in face.

"It's not a matter of insecurities, i trust my jungkook very much to know that he won't leave me for someone like you. I just don't prefer it that someone who clearly has very much romantic feelings for my boyfriend wouldn't cross his line with him right infront of me." Taehyung rolled his eyes at him as he stopped once he was infront of the door and opened it right away, getting inside the room.

Rae-woo only chuckled in response at his statement,"so would it be okay if i don't do it in front of you but behind your back instead? And where did i cross my line younger brother? I just called him by nicknames? It was him who hugged me, i didn't even touch him even once by myself.

Are you sure kookie wouldn't leave you for someone like me?"

Taehyung puffed out his cheeks in frustration as he turned to face his brother, "you know what, come with me and i will show you the exit. I suddenly don't want you to stare here anymore." He said with a pretend sweet smile.

"But kookie wants me to stay so i literally do not care if you want me to stay here or not." He said with an equally fake sweet smile.

"You are so annoying. If you are staying then let me tell you that I'm very fucking sure that my boyfriend wouldn't leave me for a narcissistic fucker like you.

He wouldn't choose you over me who's child he's carrying right now. So don't worry, I'm not insecure or scared that he will leave me for you. I'm the father of his child and the love of his life after all." Taehyung's voice had turned smug by the time he ended, as he poked the inside of his cheek once he saw the shook expressions on the elder's face as if the color was drained out of his skin.

"What? Wait what? Kookie.. is pregnant? He's a carrier?i didn't know that?" The look of genuine shock on Rae-woo said everything he was thinking and taehyung tried not to laugh at that.

"You don't need to know everything. It doesn't concern you. Now I'll be going back to my boyfriend and my baby, call kyohwa if you need anything." Taehyung rolled his eyes at him once again before he turned his back to him and walked out of the room, purposely spamming the door behind him.


That's it for this chapter.

Took me a long to update but atleast i finally did.

Idk how the chapter was but i hope it wasn't that bad :/

Tell me your thoughts about it.

Till next time...~~

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