haute monde. || nct jaehyun f...

By anxdyie

10.2K 313 54

kwon bora is in a partner ship with jung jaehyun. both business and bed. [12/15/2020 - ] More

15 - M
20 - M


118 5 2
By anxdyie

1:25 pm – Kang Rehabilitation Center, Busan, South Korea

Johnny felt like he was about to throw up. No, seriously, he was this close to asking Yuta to bring him a bag. The lobby of the rehabilitation center looked so nice, with its chic interiors, and luxurious furniture that he'd feel bad if he puked all over.

When the nurse called him to see his father, his feet glued to the ground. He really didn't want to see him, but he has to. At least for the last time. If he can't do this, then he can't close that chapter in his life.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Yuta's voice broke his internal spiral.

Johnny turned to him and shook his head. "I'll be fine," his voice sounded foreign to his own ears. "Just wait for me here, okay?"


He was glad Yuta didn't push it.

So, following the nurse, his footsteps felt heavy against the marble tiles. She led him through a hallway, and then to a corner, entering the 4th room to the left.

Johnny hesitated stepping in. He can already see his dad's figure, back turned against him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He doesn't know if he can do this.

"Mr. Suh? Your son's here to see you." If had not for the nurse, Johnny wouldn't have snapped out of it and entered.

Suh Youngsun sees his son for the first time in years. It was painful for both of them. Last time they saw each other was during his wife's funeral. Johnny didn't even want to look at him.

"Youngho," Youngsun spoke softly; eyes filled with emotion, mostly shock and hurt. "You're here."

"I didn't want to be." Johnny's voice came out strained. Bitter. "I just didn't want Taeil or Iseul to deal with you."

"Oh." Youngsun had a flash of guilt in his expression.

The nurse excused herself so the father and son could talk.

"So, uh, how's Iseul?"

"I didn't come here to catch up." Johnny shut down any signs of reconciliation from him. He didn't want to. He's cut him off his life. "I'm just here to handle your accommodations, and where you'll stay after. If you need money, fine. I'll send you some—"

"I don't want money, Young—"

"Just stay the hell out of my life from now on." Johnny intoned harshly, not giving his dad a chance to finish.

Youngsun kept his mouth shut, jaw clenching as he stared down at his feet in shame. When he heard those words from his son, he can't help but protest.

"Son—" Youngsun tried again. "Look, I'm sorry, Youngho. I know I've done fucked up things in the past but I—I want to make up for it."

"I don't want you to," Johnny interrupted him again. "I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you've done to our family."


"I have a new family now. People who've helped me stand back on my feet again, and I'm not gonna fuck it up just because I can't face you, or what had happened, and my past. I—" Johnny sucked in a deep breath. "I'm doing this so I can move on from the family I had, and didn't deserve.

"I'm happy with my current family, and I'm also looking forward with my future one with Iseul so—"

"This is the last time you'll ever see me, Dad." Johnny finished up; cheek wet from the tears that escaped his eyes. "Goodbye."

"Okay. I understand." Youngsun was crying as well, but he accepted what he had done. "Goodbye, Youngho."

With that, Youngho walked out of the room, and went back to Yuta, who thankfully made no comment about his swelling eyes and snot running down his cupid's bow. Only offered a cigarette which he gratefully accepted.


1:37pm – Valentino's, Busan, South Korea

"Okay, you said I shouldn't pick mine and Johnny's place," Iseul reasoned as she heard Bora huffed out from across their table. "I didn't know that this was yours and Jaehyun's place! Or his grandma's place, to be specific."

"Whatever, let's just order." Bora groaned out, tired of fighting with Dr. Kang. Well, that's mostly her fault because the fight's one-sided. "I'll have my usual, and what about you?"

"I'll just have their best-selling pasta."


"Of course."

After the two ladies gave out their order, Bora cleared her throat and leaned towards the table. "So, are you gonna expound on..." she gestured vaguely with her hands.

Iseul narrowed her eyes. "I though you said after wine," she wondered.

"I thought you said I need to learn how to talk about difficult stuff without alcohol," Bora retorted.

"Touché." Iseul thought for a moment. Well, she didn't need to dive into the details, right? Just the realization that she had romantic feelings for Johnny, her then fuck buddy during college and medical school. "Well, if you must know, I confessed first."

"Okay, and what made you think that was a good idea?" Bora was bewildered. Who in their right mind would confess first? She knew Dr. Kang was a psychopath.

Iseul let out a chuckle. "So, I'd know what he felt for me back then," she said it so simply. "This may come of as a surprise, but Johnny rejected me."

Bora would've choked if she was sipping on her wine right now. "No fucking way." She thought Dr. Kang was lying. Of course, she is.

"He did," Iseul insisted. "I wouldn't blame him. My parents were against our 'unofficial' relationship, what more a serious one? Besides, he wasn't in a good place just partying and—you know how he was."

"He didn't think being in a relationship with me was a good idea."

"Hmm." Bora couldn't comment on that. Well, Johnny was right, you shouldn't jump into a relationship if you're not ready, but... "But he was, like, crazy for you. I know he was. Yuta ranted to me about it."

"Well, I didn't know that..." Dr. Kang uttered, a blush forming on her cheek. "But, you know, when I first started falling in love with Johnny, I didn't realize it.

"I just... I just wanted to be with him all the time. To see him. To spend time with him. Even if he just wanted to watch some lame movie, or take pictures of anything he sets his eyes on. I liked it."

Bora recalled all those times she spent with Jaehyun. Back then, they were in a strict bed & business relationship. She didn't think of actually dating because well, they set their own terms, didn't they?

But then, Jaehyun got stabbed and Bora felt like everything went to shit and the thought of losing him just—it scared her.

"Weren't you scared?" Bora had to ask. What made Dr. Kang so fearless?

"I was," Dr. Kang admitted in a heartbeat. "I was a deadbeat medical student who was on the verge of getting cut off by her parents because I insisted on dating Johnny Suh, the campus bad boy."

"But I was just so done. My parents inflicted fear into me since I was kid, and it let them control me.

"I'm done being controlled. I don't want to be anymore. My mommy issues? Fuck, my mom honestly. I'd cut her out of my life if I have to."

"Bora." Iseul reached out to her hand, squeezing it comfortingly. "Do you know why control freaks are afraid of strong-willed people?"

Bora stared at her to let her continue.

"Because they're fearless. Fear is what makes us easier to control. It's okay to be afraid, but don't let that affect your choices."

She would never admit it, but Bora felt a bit of chills when Dr. Kang finished her speech. For a woman who's had her fair share of bad choices, she sure did get some wisdom out of it.

"You should be a motivational speaker," Bora gulped, retracting her hand. "But thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

Iseul sensed there was something else she wanted to say, and softly urged her. "You know, it's okay to admit you're scared," she advised.

"Fine, I'm scared, okay? Happy?"

"Not to me," the doctor clarified. "To Jaehyun."

Bora furrowed her eyebrows, almost scoffing at how ridiculous that sounded. But then again, there's only one person she wanted to tell everything to. And that's Jung Jaehyun.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "As much as I am grateful for this talk with you Dr. Kang," she started off. "It... gutted me that I turned down Jaehyun's lunch. It was always our thing, and something I looked forward to every day."

Iseul smiled at the confession. "Then, you should probably order an extra take-out," she suggested.


"I'm cutting this lunch short."


Bora watched as Iseul called over the waiter to make their orders a to-go. She even ordered an extra batch so Bora could bring some to her 'boyfriend.' She was motionless that Dr. Kang had to drag her ass to the parking lot.

"I'll drop you off at Moon Corp."

Without any protests, Bora followed after Dr. Kang, holding the take-out food for her and Jaehyun.


"I'm supposed to do a site visit today." Bora suddenly remembered, throwing her head back against the car seat, with a groan.

"I'll do that for you," Iseul offered, focused on driving. "Now, should I drop you off at Jung Enterprise?"

"Mm. I guess Jaehyun's gonna be there." Ever since the Jung Enterprise building has finished its construction, Bora haven't got the chance to visit. It was always Jaehyun hanging around Moon Corp., which made her guilty since it was always him coming to her.

"Call him ahead so you don't get lost," Dr. Kang advised her as they arrived at the Enterprise's valet lobby. "Good luck!"

Bora felt like a preschooler getting dropped off by her mom. If she even had a mom but she didn't so fuck her.

Anyways, she didn't follow Dr. Kang's suggestion and just went inside the Jung building. When she came to the reception to state her purpose of visit—

"Oh, Ms. Kwon. Welcome to Jung Enterprise! Mr. Jung's office is at the 15th floor, you should find him in his office. It's at the end of the floor's hall."

"I—thank you." Bora couldn't even respond to that. It's as if the receptionist has been rehearsing that line for quite some time.

When she reached the 15th floor, Bora only found the younger Jung, having lunch at their private pantry.

"Oh, Jaehyun-hyung?" he wondered. "I think he's moping somewhere at the 12th floor. He mentioned something about you being unavailable during lunch."

"Has he eaten?" Bora asked.

"I think he got some food from Taeil-hyung? Just a bunch of chinese dumplings his boyfriend gave hyung."

"Oh. Thanks, Sungchan."

"No problem~"

Footsteps feeling heavy, Bora headed straight to the 12th floor, hoping to find Jaehyun there. To her surprise, she found herself stepping into an empty floor of Jung Enterprise. There wasn't an office there, or any people.

Is Jaehyun really moping here?

Walking further into the floor, Bora saw more of the deserted area. She saw a few glass partitions installed, and a few tables and chairs positioned into one big room. When she saw some markings on the wall, she realized what it was.

"Bora?" Jaehyun's voice spoke from behind her. She turned around to see Jaehyun's surprised face. "What—What are you doing here? I thought you were getting lunch with Dr. Kang?"

"She cut it short," Bora answered robotically. "Jaehyun, this floor—"

"Oh." Jaehyun's face collapsed, clearing his throat. "Uh, yeah, maybe we should go back to my office—"

"Kwon Co." it felt like eons since Bora last mentioned the name. She heard her own voice say it so softly. "This place was supposed to be Kwon Co." It was painful to say but it is what it is. Kwon Co. is just a by-gone memory for them now.

Jaehyun laughed lightly, a bit embarrassed. He was rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Guess we didn't get to use this in the end huh," he said remorsefully.

Bora ducked down her head. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm sorry, Jaehyun."

"Hey, what are you sorry for? This is nothing—I shouldn't have—" Jaehyun was surprised to receive a tight hug from Bora. She buried her face into his neck, pulling him close. "Hey, c'mon—" he heard a sniff.

That's exactly why he didn't want her to see this. He knew she was gonna get emotional.

"You do so much for me," Bora choked out. "Why?"

"I love you," Jaehyun easily answered. Even he himself was surprised at how quick he answered that. But he knew what he felt. "I love you, baby."

Jaehyun cupped Bora's face, staring into her tear-swollen eyes. He smiled fondly, guiding Bora's hand over his chest.

"This one beats for you," he professed.

Bora's expression softened, caressing his face. "I'm scared how you make me feel lots of things," she said to him. "I'm scared how you make my heart beat faster than normal, and my usually organized thoughts are disrupted when you're involved."

"I'm so fucking scared of this, Jaehyun. This thing between us, I... it fucking scares me to death."

Jaehyun gave her a gentle stare, listening patiently as she let out her feelings.

"I tend to overthink if I'm good enough for you or do I deserve all these things you do for me," she rambled. Jaehyun was about to answer but she held up a finger. "But dwelling on it isn't productive, and you know I hate that."

"I do, yeah."

"So, right now, I'm gonna promise you that I'll love you as much as I can. And love you without any reservations." Bora confessed.

Jaehyun's fond face morphed into shock and realization. "What?" he thought he was hearing things. "Say that again."

Bora blinked, hands sliding down to hold Jaehyun's. "I'm gonna allow myself to love you, Jaehyun," she says softly.

"You love me?" Jaehyun started grinning. "For real?"

"I don't know if that's considered—" Bora tried to explain but Jaehyun cut her off with a deep kiss. He cupped her face and kissed her again and again; both of them falling into light giggles. "I'll love you as much as I can."

Jaehyun leaned his forehead on Bora's, eyes closed as he savored the moment. "Does this mean I get boyfriend privileges now?" he had to ask.

"I think you have a long list of privileges already, Jung Jaehyun." Bora quirked an eyebrow. "Including me bringing you lunch this time."

"That's going to be the last time because I'm gonna be much more annoying from now on." Jaehyun captured Bora's lips again, and again, until their lunch ran cold, and they blessed the Kwon Co. floor with their partnership.

Author's Note:


felt like i was dragging the plot so AAAAAAAAAA but now ive overcome writer's block so hopefully i can write more chapterssss tell me what u think!!

thank u for reading!! have a nice day / night ~

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