Rook {B.B} (3)

By sarah_averagewriter

4.4K 181 19

Life could be peaceful, Tyra had come to learn. Her brother was back in her presence, the man she loved still... More



121 3 0
By sarah_averagewriter

Ye Who Enter Here (3,2)

Up until he saw her fully naked, Bellamy had no idea Tyra had a wide variety of hidden tattoos along her body.

One on her calf, covering it almost with a blocky pattern Bellamy could've sworn he had seen on someone before. Another across her ankle, a thin band of various dots and dashes stacked on each other until it looked like a perfectly crafted ring surrounding it. And Bellamy's personal favourite, the one along her spine, a series of circles with intricate patterns drawn inside them, six in total.

He never asked what they meant though, knowing Tyra he could guess they all had some deep significant meaning to her, and he would rather not push her boundaries with his inquisitiveness. So, he only admired them from afar, dragging his fingers across her naked spine every chance he got in hopes of the meaning of such tattoos suddenly jumping into his mind.

"This is new."

Tyra pushed herself off the mattress, letting the blanket slide off her body while she stretched herself toward the table next to Bellamy's bed, grasping the new addition of a book on it while she pushed herself back.

"Gina got it for me as a present, it's the book my mom read to me when I was a kid." Tyra repositioned herself so her body was pressed against Bellamy's once more, his chin resting over her shoulder as she thumbed the pages.

"'The Iliad'. What is it about?" Bellamy tucked his face between Tyra's shoulder and her neck, peppering small, almost inexistent kisses over her flushed skin while he attempted at simplifying his complex childhood story.

"The Trojan war, mainly about Achilles' wrath and how they all went to war to have this woman named Helen for themselves." Tyra flipped it open, carefully caressing the pages as she turned them.

"'Sing, goddess, of the anger of Achilles, son of Peleus.'," Tyra turned her head slightly, so she could look Bellamy in the eye, brushing his stray curls from over his freckled face. "You were an odd kid."

"Says the one who used to throw knives at her siblings from the age of six." Tyra closed the book once more, setting it beside her head while she stared at the yellowed pages.

"Can I borrow it?"

"Sure. Now, can I ask you a question?" Tyra shrugged, wrapping one of Bellamy's arms over her body as a sudden chill ran over her skin, his other arm pushing the sheets back over them before he let his fingers trail over her lower back.

"What are these? I saw Lincoln has similar scars to these, only not as many." Tyra felt Bellamy's fingertips brush over every small bumpy scars on her lower back, small scars that popped against her otherwise fairly smooth back.

"Kill counters." Bellamy's fingers froze on her back, his searing touch staying still against her skin while he lowered his voice into a whisper.

"How many?"

"I don't know anymore. I lost count a long time ago." Tyra heard the bed creak behind her as she faced the opposing wall to where it was crammed, the warmth of Bellamy's body leaving her.

She knew any sort of killing with any of the sky people was a touchy subject, they didn't share views on how some situations should be handled. And with those thoughts in mind, Tyra believed she had just chased Bellamy off with how many people she had killed throughout her life, all seated into her skin.

Until she felt his lips press onto her scars on her lower back.

"One..," Another kiss. "Two..," Yet another. "Three..."

"You're wasting your time by counting them."

"Any time spent with you isn't a waste." Tyra buried her face in the pillow, trying to hide her increasing grin as Bellamy only kept counting, the counter going higher and higher as he went.

Until Tyra turned over, Bellamy's latest kiss being pressed to her stomach rather than her back before she slid down under the covers where he was, so they were face to face, the cold of the room outside tickling at her feet while she tangled her legs with his own.

Bellamy surged forward as soon as they were face to face, tangling his fingers between the hair hiding behind her ear, pulling their faces together until their lips collided against each other once more, the sheets fluttering over their heads as it blocked their view from each other for the briefest of seconds before either of the two moved, forcing the sheets to adjust to their new positions.

He was the first to pull away, holding a hand above both their heads, so he could hold up the sheets, giving him a full view of Tyra's half lidded sea-like eyes staring right at him.

"Ai hod bilaik bro, Tyra," She blinked twice before bursting into silent laughter, rolling over onto her back, so she could attempt to muffle her amusement while Bellamy's serious face melted into pure confusion.


"You just said you love my brother." Bellamy's face flushed before he too burst into quiet laughter, covering his face with his hands, while he felt Tyra squirming around with laughter of her own next to him.

"I...I don't doubt your brother's a great man, but he's not really my type." Tyra laughed even louder, flipping over to muffle her laughter against the mattress instead, causing Bellamy to also begin laughing louder.

"Who even told you to say that?"

"Octavia... God, I'm going to kill her later," By that point Tyra's laughs had quieted into near silent giggles as she stared at a flushed Bellamy, the red tinting all the way to the tips of his ears where Tyra brushed his increasingly growing hair behind.

"How do you actually say 'I love you' in Trigedasleng then?" Tyra pushed herself closer to Bellamy, his face turning to the side, so their noses brushed together, feeling their warm breaths fan against their respective faces.

"Ai hod yu in." Bellamy brushed his lips over Tyra's, her head inching upwards to trap them, only for him to pull away, tucking the braids she no longer undid to infiltrate the sky people's camp behind her ear.

"Ai hod yu in, Tyra."

The words she had never heard from a mouth that wasn't her family's own, and even then, they were scarce words in their language. In any other case, Tyra would've credited those words to be meaningless, just words.

But with the sincerity fully displayed for Tyra to see from Bellamy's eyes, his actions that were granted the tiniest filled with lust, which in her experience only made someone's tongue fall loose with secrets.

That's how she knew what Bellamy spoke was true, he loved her.

"Ai hod yu in, Bellamy." He grinned the boyish smile Tyra had only seen on him a handful of times, almost a sign of relief and happiness, before he ducked his head once more to kiss her once more with a burning passion unlike ever before.

Tyra's entire body tingled with anticipation while Bellamy trailed down her neck, leaving behind effervescent kisses that had her eyes rolling into the back of her head before shutting completely, wanting to experience the situation fully.

But just when his lips brushed against her collarbone, a knock interrupted their matters at hand. Tyra's eyes flew open while Bellamy pushed the covers off their heads' the cold room air immediately making Tyra's nose flush a light pink.

"Who is it?" Knocking again, more desperate and harsher.

"Octavia. Open up, Bellamy." He sighed, uncovering his body while he rushed along the bedside in search of his pants and underwear.

Once he found them, Octavia knocked again, Bellamy quickly jumping inside the clothes while Tyra sat up in his bed, dragging the sheets with her, so they'd cover her exposed torso.

"I'll be right back," Bellamy gave Tyra a mere peck on the forehead before trying to fix his messed up hair by Tyra's hand, Octavia now furiously banging against the door.

"I'm coming!" Finally, Bellamy opened the door, only Tyra couldn't see much between the door opening towards her and Bellamy purposely trying to hide her behind him.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Bellamy shrugged.

"I was doing stuff."

"Right. Is Tyra here?" Octavia didn't wait for an answer, already storming into the room while brushing past Bellamy, even when he attempted to stop her.

Octavia stopped in her tracks as she made it halfway into the room, spotting Tyra with her lips pursued while she held the sheets against her chest, clothes haphazardly scattered across the ground, mostly Tyra's as Bellamy had already partially dressed himself.

"Hello stuff." Tyra scowled at Octavia who was quite obviously attempting not to burst out laughing while Bellamy slowly made his way back into the picture, his cheeks tinted a red so deep it nearly resembled Tyra's hair.

"What happened?" Octavia carefully stepped over the strewn clothes, doing a conscious effort to not touch her brother's bed as she dropped the letter into Tyra's hand.

She held an arm over the sheets against her chest while she flattened the paper against the mattress, reading over the messy nearly illegible scrawls she had seen before a thousand times before, a dedicatory she wasn't expecting.

"Loukas nearly got himself killed trying to get that to you, apparently it's a life or death thing." Tyra let the letter drop on Bellamy's table, bending over to retrieve her clothes from the ground, stuffing them into her free arm while she dragged practically all the sheets with her.

"Thank you, Octavia." She nodded once before scurrying out of the room, muttering something about washing her eyes with bleach because of what she saw before she closed the door behind her.

"I'm sorry but-"

"You need to go." Tyra nodded, finally allowing the sheets to pool at her feet while she began dressing herself piece by piece, significantly more rushed than either of them expected her to be.

"Lexa sent word, she needs me."

"Vacation's over then." Tyra didn't pretend not to notice how Bellamy seemed sad at the prospect of her leaving, but both knew she didn't exactly have much of a choice. Similarly to when he had to leave to scout his sectors, Tyra had to leave to serve her Commander.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, we all got duties to answer to don't we?" Tyra tossed Bellamy his shirt from the ground, following after the path of the piece of clothing before wrapping her arms across his shoulders.

She specifically noticed the relatively small pink marks across his collarbone, possibly what had given away their situation to Octavia in the first place. Tyra didn't even want to think how many of those matching marks she carried around on her own body.

"I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

"I know," For the last time for neither knew how long, Bellamy kissed Tyra, the parting kiss full of sorrow that lasted barely long enough to be called a kiss.

"I love you."

"Love you too." Reluctantly, Tyra let her arms drop by her side, taking quick steps that carried her toward the exit before she considered ditching her responsibilities just for a few more hours under Bellamy's cold sheets.

As per usual, no one batted an eye as she exited, Tyra doing quick work of undressing herself for the third time that day just to return to her usual regalia with her war paint, ready to find Loukas for one last time before leaving for Polis.

"Tyra?" She froze, that voice with that specific pitch wasn't something uncommon, Tyra would recognize her anywhere even after only meeting her once, Gina.

Their eyes locked on to each other as the rover Gina rode in began to slow, Tyra rushing to hide behind some bushes before someone else recognized her inside the rover. She couldn't hear properly what was being mumbled inside, but she did register Gina sending her a wink, holding a finger to her lips.

"Nothing! Just keep going." The rover simply rolled away, taking Gina overtop with it.

Bellamy had apparently been right, she really was a woman they could trust if she had not easily given Tyra's identity away. Maybe Tyra could possibly warm up to yet another sky person.

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