I Want be your End Game

By MikeyWifey95

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One High School graduation trip, one trip to the bar, and one simple hook-up. She didn't see it opening up a... More



31 3 0
By MikeyWifey95

It's interesting how the world works, you map out where you want your path to lead you to, just to have it flip all around bringing in unsuspected surprises. You don't know how to process the surprises because you never suspected them to appear on your path. It sucks more when you can't get insight from someone close to you because they'll think you're crazy unless it's something in the normal category. My crisis doesn't follow in the normal category, hooray for me.

I gave my heart to someone who can demolish my life. Heck, more than demolishing, I gave it to someone that can cause me to be killed. One small thing can set a bomb in my life. And I'm probably doing that one thing now. Writing a script based on my love affair. Everyone will believe it's fiction, little do they know it's not.

Ian wasn't joking when he was leaving one of his men to look after me. One of his men has been following me from class to class, standing outside the door like someone is gonna jump out and get me at any second. It's embarrassing. People keep looking at me, whispering and questioning why a giant man wearing sunglasses keeps following me.

I've been trying my best to keep my distance between us, makes me sick just having a strange huge man following me everywhere I go. It doesn't help since I need to work on my script, who knows what this man would do if he finds out about the content I've been writing.

As soon as class dismisses, I grab ahold of Halle's arm and drag her to the closes bathroom. Knowing he will be outside the door waiting for me to exit.

"What the heck, Julia?! Why did you just drag me down the hall?"

I reach into my bag to get my wallet, I open it up and pull out my $50 bill holding it out for her. "I'll give you this $50 if you distract that man who's been following me."

Halle's eyes look between the bill and me, "You want me to distract that hottie who has been following you around for $50? What if he kills me?!"

"He won't kill you." Do I know that for a fact? No, but I doubt he would.

"How do you know?" She crosses her arms.

"Because I just do. So will you please take the deal!" I beg her.

She smirks and takes the $50, "I'll gladly will. Count to twenty and you can exit."

I nod my head watching her exit the bathroom, and I begin counting to twenty. I don't know what she has plan or what's going to go down but all I hope for is that I'm free from this man and that Halle doesn't get harmed. I don't know what I'll do if he hurt Halle in some way, I would be blaming myself probably for the rest of my life.

After twenty seconds go by, I slowly leave the bathroom just to see him and Halle walking side by side with arms linked with his. I have so many questions about how she convinced him to go with her.

Halle is a beautiful girl, with long black hair with golden skin and got extremely lucky to have blue eyes, while I'm stuck living with hazel eyes. I'm assuming her good looks gave her ammunition to help her achieve our goal of getting him away from me.


I spent about an hour and a half working on the layout of my script, using my current freedom to good use. I wasn't concerned about anything happening to me as I enjoy my peace. My anxiety disappeared when I enter the library doors. Part of me was still worried about Halle.

Right when I open the front door to my place, I text Halle asking her if she was alright. It took me a few seconds to realize that I wasn't alone, someone was in my and Skylar's place. I glance out the front window taking note that Skylar's vehicle wasn't in sight.

My heart starts speeding up, taking in all the scenarios of what could take place right now. None of them was me making it out alive. I grab one of the umbrellas to use in self-defense and slowly make my way into the living room, the closer I get the more I can hear the tv playing.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Max shoots up from the couch when he sees me running toward him about to attack him with the umbrella.

"Max, what the hell are you doing here?! I thought you were some serial killer about to take my life away! How did you get into my place?!" I place my hand on my chest waiting for my heart to calm down.

Max mood instantly deflates, he doesn't say a word and tosses me a set of keys while sitting back down on the couch. I examined the keys that landed at my feet, I wasn't prepared to catch them. The sparkly studded keychain gave the answer away. They belong to Skylar and by the way, Max is behaving, I already know she's with Justin.

My heart aches for him, he didn't have to tell me anything since I know how much he loves Skylar. It's crazy how blind she is about his feelings. Does she even care that she's hurting him?

"I'm sorry, Max," I walk over to sit next to him.

"She tossed me her keys so I can give them privacy."

What a way to twist a knife in the person's heart who loves you.

"Is she that blind? How can she not see how much I feel for her?" He turns to face me. "Ever since the day I met her, I treated her the way a guy should treat her. I gave her flowers for her birthdays and valentines day. I bought her something special for Christmas. I was always there to pick her up after lousy dates or heartbreaks. It pisses me off and I can't stand it anymore!" His eyes are watering and I can see how much he's fighting not to burst. "Justin? Fucking Justin? My best friend since 5th grade?!"

I pull him into me, hugging him tightly. Skylar is probably the blindest girl on earth and doesn't deserve to have a Max in her life.

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