Percy Jackson and the Avengers

Por PercyJackson1394

11.3K 194 68

I'm not the greatest at writing, always failing LA. But I couldn't hold back because I am a huge Percy Jackso... Mais



1.3K 10 18
Por PercyJackson1394

Disclaimer short and simple: I don't own any of the characters only the plot. 

Special thanks to: Rick Riordan and Stan Lee

Everyone on the Argo two has a stereotype they fit into. Frank and Hazel are angels, there shy but really kind. Leo puts on a smile and hides his obvious pain, but we all knew. The group would always take turns checking up on Leo because we all knew his tough childhood. Annabeth and Jason were the tough ones, always ready for a fight. I wouldn't really fit into the ready for fight group, I just wanted to save them all. 

Piper she was a different stereotype she was the talker, even though her charm speak never truly worked on me, she always loved to go around and talk to people about their lives. She would try to charm speak me into sharing secrets, but I've grown up since I was 12 around Aphrodite girls. The same charm speak every time, constantly would be "Percy be my boyfriend!" over and over. I don't know what they see in me. I'm as dumb as any jock guy would be.

But there's more to me that meets the eye. If you were told the "great" story's of my heroics by the campfire back at camp you would just see me as a loyal "Hero" but trust me, I'm a lot more then that. 

I been holding on to this crap for so long, its hard to admit it. I know I'm supposed to write things to maybe be able to move on but I'm planning on burning this page before anyone see's it. I truly don't want anyone to worry, I'm fine! I just have unwashed trauma. 


When I was a young kid around two my mom married a guy I nicknamed Smelly Gabe. Cause let me tell you right now, Gabe smelled so bad I had the urge to throw up when ever I was around him. But his smell wasn't the only problem. He was nice the first day I met him, great guy with an attitude problem but I thought if mom was marring him he had to be special. I was right, special in the way of abuse. Okay, abuse is a strong word. Gabe could have been worse, I was just a bad kid. I deserved it. 


It started about a month after my mom married him, he would throw beer bottles at me. Sometimes he would burn my skin just to see how purple he could make it look. One time he tied me to his bed, I won't explain what sick things he did in that awful forsaken place but, I was a kid putting him under a lot of stress. 

I never told my mom, I promised I wouldn't and I mean its not like she would notice any ways. She was always working trying to support me, so when I saw her it was usually late at night. 

During school days I got really good at hiding the pains I had. If I had a sprained ankle you wouldn't notice because I wouldn't limp. I would walk on it like a champ! Have a cut, wear a sweatshirt or I would steal foundation from my mom's room. 


The physical abuse wasn't that bad, but the mental was the hardest. Gabe would simply just point out what was already facts. For example, "Your dumb" or "No one loves you" and eventually I just saw that he was right. That's when it got dark, I started cutting myself at the age of 6. I wanted to punish myself, every F, every school I had to switch out of, every comment Gabe made I would add a mark. 

It would be tiny marks, on my wrists or thighs. I would put on a smile for the entire school acting as a troubled kid who caused chaos for fun. Until I met Grover, I stopped cutting myself just to prove that I could be strong and not some weak kid Gabe wanted me to be. But then Chiron gave up on me, like everyone else. Knowing I didn't belong at Yancy either.

After that I cut myself for every mistake I made being a half-blood. When I was claimed, and realized I was a mistake. When Luke felt the need to betray the gods. Every time a funeral was held for one of my fallen friends I could have saved. I just kept cutting, it had gotten worse with time.

My lowest point I got was when I realized I could heal with water. I could cut myself more and then stop the bleeding using water. Annabeth was mostly unconscious during our time in Tartarus. When she fell asleep I was to far in my depression to stop, so I cut myself purposely making me weaker, and I couldn't protect Annabeth from the Arai. 

-----Time Skip After Giant War--------


Leo died... Leo is gone because of me. I killed Leo. My stupid nose bleed out and Gaia arose and killed Leo. Leo sacrificed his life to kill Gaia, while I sat around and did nothing. I am such a disappointment. I looked over to Nico on the battle field and we made eye contact and I knew. Leo was gone. 

After the bodies were brought to the infirmary, Annabeth came and checked on me. I had gotten stabbed in the side by a spear and lost consciousness for a second but rejoined the battle nonetheless once I woke up. 

I was wrapping my sides when Will came over to help. Annabeth went to check on everyone else, while Will got some Nectar. Will was about to pour some when I stopped him. 

"Save it for someone who needs it Will." 

Will rolled his eyes and continued on, "Percy it's pretty deep, probably needs stitches. Nectar would make it better." 

"No really Will, please. I'll wrap it and then I can stitch it up and pour water on it. I'll be good as new!" I stood up and grabbed a needle and thread from the cabinets. I started stitching while Will watched. 

"Percy.." Will began, instead of answering I just hummed in response. "I don't know if it's from exhaustion or what but your wrist is really blurry." I froze mid stitch, many don't know but I was born with a natural talent for the mist. I brought foundation to camp when I was younger to hide my scars. But once I learned more about the mist from Tyson and his hidden eyes or shall I say eye I really focused on trying to learn how to control it. 

"WILL," I said I little louder then necessary, "wow, man here I am complaining about my stupid side when you have been stuck in here all day clearly exhausted." I finished up my stitching and cut the thread off. Pushing my hands into my pockets, "how about you lay down and take a nap and I will go around and help your siblings out!"

I lightly pushed Will into the bed and he yawned. "Good night Will." I said as I shoved the curtain closed. I then went around and helped the Apollo kids with some other injured campers. No one noticed I had stayed in the infirmary working all night until the same campers I first worked with walked in for their shifts. Clearly upset with my well being they kicked me out. Saying I have to go get rest. How mistaken they were.

I went to my cabin to find it cold and lonely without the constant distraction of the rush of the infirmary I was left with my thoughts. How those thoughts turned dark really soon. I tried going to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw Leo's face screaming at me for killing him. 


I decided not to sleep but instead IM my mom but due to exhaustion I passed out on the way to the fountain. I woke up later to a cold sweat and to me shaking. I needed to cut and I needed water. So I went to the bathroom and thought about how stupid my life was and how useless I was to save Leo. After feeling sorry for myself I decided to shower. 

When I went outside it was just getting dark outside, which means dinner would be ready soon. I headed to the beach to watch the calm waves before going to find Annabeth. I must have been to deep in thought to notice Nico and Will had sat next to me in the sand. They hadn't said anything yet. So I went back to thinking about mom and Paul, and how much of a disappointment I must be for them. 

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by Nico grabbing my arm and squinting at it. My first reaction kicked in and I pulled my arm away. "What, the.." Nico rolled his eyes and looked at Will. Will rolled his eyes, "Seriously? I thought we were going to do this CALMLY!"

Nico looked Will in the eyes, "Well I'm sorry, I have ADHD and couldn't watch him all day. I got impatient." 

"Can someone please explain what is happening right now?" I asked, Nico's and Will's heads went flying in my direction always as if they forgot I was right there. 

Nico began, "Yeah, I kind of totally forgot why were here to begin with." 

Will yelled out in exasperation, "Nico!" 

"What, I have ADHD you can't blame me!"

In the distance you could hear that dinner was ready, I stood up. "Well that was really weird, but I've got to go find Annabeth. So once either of you two have an explanation, let me know! I would love to hear it!" 

I then ran off to find Annabeth and the others to make sure they were okay. That's when it hit me. I've been so selfish these past few, what was it days? I didn't even think to check in to make sure the rest of the seven were okay. What if another one died without me knowing? What if Hazel or Piper were seriously crying because of Leo's death, and I've been sitting in my own self pity this entire time. 

I suddenly felt sick, so I ran and made a detour to my cabin. I ran in and threw up the little food I had in my stomach, but honestly it was mostly blood. I then realized I haven't eaten since we were all on the Argo two before the war. Leo was there and we were all safe, no casualties. This thought made be throw up more. 

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