The Story Of My Life (A One D...

By musicgirl3345

4.6K 67 9

Jessica's summer is about to change her life. How did she meet One Direction? Who does she fall for? Do they... More

Chapter 1 - Freedom!
Chapter 2 - Ouch
Chapter 3 - How could he?
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 -The Kiss
Chapter 6- Jobs
Chapter 7 - Warn you already
Chapter 8 - Girlfriends
Chapter 9- Cheater
Chapter 10 - Party
Chapter 11- New Beginning
Chapter 12 - flirt
Chapter 13 - New Girl
Chapter 14 & 15
Chapter 16, 17, 18 :)
Chapter 19
new story

Chapter 20

106 1 0
By musicgirl3345


Next chapter will be posted next monday! <3

Don't forget to follow us on twitter for updates!


Josh POV

I woke up, making coffee for myself. I saw Clara's picture, then I began to cry. I cried, I thought of what happened, and thought about Clara. I'm going to be honest and tell you that I was falling hard for Clara. I was head over heels for her. I grabbed the picture and threw to the floor. The frame broke in two. The picture just laying under the broken glass. I picked up the picture and ripped it in pieces. I began talking to myself. More like talking to the picture.

"What did I do wrong?" I ripped a piece.

"Where you not happy?" Then another.

" I was falling for you and you give me this bullshit!!" Then another two pieces.

I looked all around my flat, grabbing all the things that reminded me of her and began destroying them. All pictures were ripped and thrown into my fire place. All the things she gave me like that wallet, the cologne, and the teddy bear. I threw them all in the trash bin. Once I was done with all that my phone began to ring.


"Hey Josh, it's Jess. I was wondering if you were free today."

"Ya, actually I am." I said with a smile. It was great to talk to her again.

"Do wanna go watch a movie?"

"How about we have Disney marathon at my flat?"

"Sure meet me at the cafe."

"Sure why?"

"Just come"

I met Jessica at the cafe. Gave Jess a hug. She smelled like sweet pea I liked that. We walked in. Jess bought two cups of coffee.

"Why buy two?"

"I owe you"

"No you don't, it was my treat." We headed back to the my flat. We watched movies, Jessica fell asleep I didn't want to wake her. I carried her into my car and drove to her aunt's flat. Placed her in her bed, I guess I tucked her in. Then left.

??? POV

I was waiting for Jessica at Nandos. She didn't come to work today why? Did she take a personal day? I was roaming downtown and I saw her with Josh. I felt myself boil. I wanted to punch him. Calm down I told myself. I kept my distance, hiding behind the bushes. I saw them hug, click. Yes I took a picture. The picture came out looking like they are kissing. Yes I'm stalking. And yes I know it was wrong. I quickly sent the picture to someone.

Niall POV

Chilling at my flat watching some TV and eating chips. Then my phone beeped. Gosh darn it. My fingers were covered in cheese. Except my middle finger. I unlocked my phone, a unknown number sent me picture. The picture was just a girl and guy. The person probably sent it to the wrong number. When I was going to lock my phone I notice it wasn't just any girl. It was Jessica. Jessica and a guy. I zoomed in and notice it was Josh. The picture showed them kissing. I quickly washed my hands and got into my car and drove to Josh's house.

"Josh open the fucking door!!!" I screamed while banging the door.

Josh came out he looked confused.

"Are you ok Niall?"

I couldn't hold my anger in any longer. I punched him in the face. I couldn't register what just happened. Then a blow hit my face. I held on to my nose, it wasn't bleeding so that's a good thing right?

"What was that for huh Niall? Are you drunk."

His fists were in front of him, he looked like he'll strike any second now.

"You kissed Jessica!! She's mine" I snared. Then I through another punch. Josh was on the ground. I got on top of him, throwing punches. He blocked most of them. Then I ended up getting punches to my face.

"Had enough Niall?!!?!?" My face was throbbing.

"Did you kiss Jessica?" Gosh I was really out of breath.

"No, why?"

"An unknown number sent me a picture of you guys kissing."

I showed him the photo. His face paled.

"I didn't kiss her we just hugged. I can't believe someone was watching us." he faced showed he was horrified. I was horrified. But the fear wasn't going to stop me. I won't stop, won't give up until I win her heart.

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