Double fire🔥

By _queenziraa

32K 3.5K 782

She breathes fire 🔥 He breathes fire🔥 The word 'detest' isn't enough to describe what these two have for... More

//1pt2//: Graduation
//2//:Last day
//3//:Farewell Motherland
//4//:Shopping Spree
//5//:New Year, New Beginning
//6//: New York City
//7//: Invited and Univited guests
//8//: Down the Streets of the City
//9//:Together for good
//10//:Fashion Week
//11//:Home Sweet Home
//12//:First day at home
//15//:Wedding bells
//16//:Refueling Danger and Trouble
//17//:A Night in the comfort of the street
//18//:This love thing
//19//:Sacrifices and Alliance
//22/:Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show
//23//:Preparations and Arrangements
//26//:Supposed couples
//27//: Somewhat Euphoric
//28//:Baba Kaka
//29//:Emotional Turmoil
//30//:Birthday disaster
//31//:Entangled love
//32//: Jannah's birthday lunch
//33//:Violence 2.0
//34//:Verily,each soul shall taste death
//35//: Unleashing the Dragon
//36//: Where they tell their stories
//37//: Where they tell their stories 2
//38//: Forgive and Forget
//40//: Despair
//41//: Beauty in Red
//42//: From him we are and to him we shall return
//43//: Goodbye Sanity
//44//: Numbness
//45//: SA
//46//: J'taime Mie Amour
//47//: Reincarnation
//48//: Revelations of Mysteries
//49//: More Secrets
//50//: Calm before the storm
//51//: Havoc/Mayhem/Massacre
//52//: Non-existent
//53//: Self-Defence
//54//: Unalive
//55//: Adieu
//56//: Princess
//57//: Pure love
//58//: Moving on
//59//: FAROOQ'S POV
//60//: Double Fire

//39//: Fire on Fire

479 57 6
By _queenziraa


Today was Friday so I didn't go to work as usual on Fridays. I spent my morning in the masjid then returned back home immediately after Juma'ah prayer.

I removed the abaya I had on replaced it with a white fitted skirt that put my curves in full flaunt. I tossed my upper undergarment away to Allah knows where because those stuff are really uncomfortable. I put on a Nicholas satin cowl neck black camisole shirt. I didn't bother sheathing my hair nor packing it. I allowed it to flow down my back and chest.

I'm dressed so casually because I knew Farooq wouldn't be back till about nine or so. He never comes back home early. Not that it bothers me though. I myself return after magrib.

I grabbed my sketch tablet and MacBook as I sauntered downstairs to the main living room. Nobody was around today so I was really glad.

I could design the navy blue suit I had been anticipating to create. Want to know my inspiration?

My inspiration was when I had a clear view of my husband's broad chest and shoulders when we clashed yesterday morning in the gym at the backyard. Though we both worked out daily, it was the first time we met there at the same time.

And believe me when I say my jaw dropped when I had a view of his whole body. He was sweating from all angles as he lifted one of the largest weightlifting equipment with a frown donned on his face. At that moment, I didn't care that I was staring too much because I liked what I saw.

And me staring was completely halal.

I pictured how cool it would be for him to model one of my work. We will be the world's latest trend for about a week. The famous model, modelling for his fashion designer wife. That'd be insanely crazy. Not that he agreed on it or anything, he's most likely to decline the offer. But I'll find my way to persuade him.

I tapped on adobe illustrator as I started designing the suit. I wanted it to be different. To stand out of many suits being designed this month. It has to be the best. I rested my back on the couch as I proceeded with sketching on my sketch tablet.


Farooq was having a photo shoot which was supposed to be taken in New York but due to his enormous ego—he made the crew fly all the way to Nigeria just for a forty five minutes photo shoot saying he didn't feel like traveling anytime soon.

He had just recently returned from Thailand.

"Your phone is ringing sir." His Secretary, Mark passed his phone to him but a single glare did the job of making him stay still on his spot.

Farooq hates being disturbed during a shooting session or business meeting. He absolutely despised it. Mark here must have forgotten that though.

"Who is it?"

Mark scratched the back of his neck then averted his gaze to the now interesting floor. "The new contractors, sir."

His eyes went from a glare to a blank expression as he changed positions. "When will they be leaving?"

"Two hours time, sir."

Seeing as it will take him about twenty more minutes before he's through, he made the most rational decision at the moment. He urgently wanted to meet with the contractors to discuss on the new construction plan project, regulation research and most of all, the permit.

The land he was planning on making good use of it wasn't even his yet, but he had already started preparing what needs to be done to it.

"Text them my home address. They should meet me there in about an hour time." He ordered before removing the blazer he was wearing replacing it with another one in order for the shooting session to proceed.

Carelessly sprawled on the living room's soft sofa, Sabrina had drifted off to her dreamland a long time ago. She was too occupied with work that stress overpowered her, without her realising it, she fell asleep.

The doorbell went on but there was no reply. It was a Friday so all the maids and indoor workers were absent. When the three male contractors stayed outside for about ten minutes, they figured the house was probably empty. One of them used a hand to push open it as they moseyed into the main living room.

As they made theirselves comfortable on the sofa opposite hers, they noticed a feminine figure sleeping.

"Is this Boss's wife or his sister cause she's too stunning to be a human being!" The first guy exclaimed not so loudly.

"It's his wife. I usually see their pictures on social media. She's also really influential you know." The second guy started, all their eyes were pinned on her.

"Boss must be really lucky to have an angel as his wife."

"That too with the complete package. Have a good look at her big busts, perfectly shaped butt and hips. The way her hair was reaching her mid spine, I doubt she's even Nigerian. She's now slim again, what more could a man ask for?" The first one drooled over the beauty that was sleeping opposite him.

The third guy shone his ugly shaped teeth widely as he pinned his gaze on her. "I have to take a picture of this so I can have a perfect night, tonight." He brought out his Samsung smartphone about to capture it when a punch was landed on his nose as he was gripped by his shirt and pulled up with a fist.

Farooq's eyes illuminated with nothing but fire. He hopes he won't murder the three men in the room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" His eyes pierced into the man's own. He shook his head repeatedly as he already wished he never had a job in the first place than being in the current position he was.

He was about to defend himself when another punch was thrown across his nose again. "Do you want to die? You want to be buried alive, don't you? I'll make your dream come true." He beat the three men to pulp before flinging their disfigured bodies away.

He called security to take them out. At that moment, Sabrina woke up from her nap just to be met with three men whom seemed to have given up on their lives crawling on the floor and Farooq blaring from different angles.

"You're all fired! If you make the mistake of ever coming in physical contact with I and any of my family members, then I promise you penury till the last day you depart from this earth." With that being said, they scurried away.

Her eyes were still halfway shut as she used her small fists to rub her eyes. "What's going on, Jerkilace?"

He walked towards her in dangerous steps before he finally reached where she stood. "Your careless nature and negligence happened!" He snapped clearly pissed.

He hated other men's eyes preying all over his wife's body or appearance. The exposing outfit she was wearing also wasn't helpful. Her absent mindedness was the main cause of all what had happened.

"What did I do?" I rolled my eyes running a hand down her hair.

"You sat down there with your body in full parade while my contractors were present there. Do you have any idea what you just did?" He was raising his voice at her and she hates it.

She hates it when someone's voice becomes louder than hers.

She immediately picked up the black veil she had next to her and draped it over her shoulders to cover her chest. "A blind person could clearly see that I was asleep and was unconscious of my surrounding."

"Why would you even fall asleep here? There are more than four rooms in this house and no you didn't find comfort in any of the beds except this sofa!" He took two steps closer to her, his glare never wavering for a second.

He was taller than her so he had to stare down to be able to look at her face properly. "I was working! I was busy! And yes, I didn't find comfort anywhere but here!" She used her palms to hit his chest repeatedly pushing him farther away from her.

He stood there quiet and didn't utter a single word. He was observing her from head to toe. Well for starters she's obviously angry and furious, the veil she used to cover her chest was useless as he could still see everything she was trying to hide away.

He almost chuckled at how angry she is at the moment. She looks really hot when she's furious and of course with her choice of clothing today.

She was like fire. She is fire. Flaming and burning from all directions.

She grabbed her sketch pad and threw it his away as she targeted for his face but he was quick to dodge but it still manage to hit his arm. Oh how she badly wanted to destroy every bit of him.  She didn't care if what she had worked so hard for for two hours was now destroyed.

He kept a blank expression as his eyes bore into hers. He slipped his hands into his pockets as he awaited her next move. The girl was clearly In the mood for destruction.

"Next time don't dress inappropriately and sit here."

She flipped her head backwards. "And so effing what if I do?" She raised a brow moving closer to him. She pushed him again with her palms on his chest.

"Answer me. It's my freaking house! What the hell will you do if I don't listen? It's not like anyone would spare me a glance with my monstrous and heinous sight!" She punched him on the chest this time around. And this time he moved back because it actually hurt a lot. Her hands were as hard as a boxer's hand.

That was when he realised who uttered those words.

It was him.

Monstrous and Heinous sight.

He never would have imagined that she would take it to heart or even get insecure about it. If it was Neelam he had said that to, she would reply him with so much savagery. He had assumed that too with Adila but heck was he wrong.

"Adila..." he started as he attempted to hold her hands when she moved backwards.

"Don't you dare! Leave me alone!" She yelled as she ran outside and headed straight to the basketball court. She dragged the huge box that was filled with basketballs and started bouncing the ball in a particular pattern.

She threw the first ball inside the basket, successfully of course. She kept throwing all the balls inside. She needed to vent out her frustration on something or else she'll lose it.

She shrieks at the sight of someone body shaming others talk more of herself. He didn't say anything particularly about her body but she felt he didn't like the sight.

Maybe it's because she's skinny with no much flesh on her. Neelam had a neat figure with considerable amount of flesh on her. Maybe he likes girls with flesh? Or maybe he just hates her body personally? He was making her feel much more insecure about her body than she formally was.

It reminded her of Kamal.

Those mean words he had uttered to her back in high school. He had pointed out all her scars and made fun of it.

Though she had matured into a beautiful woman and people compliment her on a daily basis, she still wanted to know what Farooq thinks about it. It was like she only needed his answer to be able to believe others.

Just as she shot the last ball into the basket, she caught it immediately it was about to thud to the ground. She started bouncing it, aggressively on the ground. The sound it was producing was very loud.

A hand was placed on her shoulder, almost with the fastest reflexes he had ever seen except in movies, she caught the hand and flipped his entire body over as he fell hard on the wooden floor.

"Shit!" He winced in pain, placing a hand behind his back. The girl was stronger than he assumed because how the heck was she able to carry his whole weight around.

She stared at him blankly with no trance of remorse in her eyes. If only she could beat him black and blue and maybe even get him admitted to a hospital, that might be able to gratify her for a while.

Sabrina turned on her heels about to leave the place when he pulled her veil away causing her to shriek as she turned her body to face him. Seeing as he had taken her off guard, he dragged her body down as she fell on him.

Her heart began beating against it rib cage. She couldn't move. She was totally stuck. His blue greyish orbs deepened into hers, her whole body was on top of his. Her hands were placed on his shoulder as her mammary glands were pressed against his hard chest, he had a clear view of it because of her choice of clothing. His own hands were on each sides of her petite waist.

Their faces were only inches away from colliding.

Any further movement could lead to something dangerous.

Warmth spread inside her as though her flesh was replaced with igniting fire. They felt a rush of adrenaline excitement rush being sent into her body, the feeling of anxiety, tenseness, and jitteriness overpowering her.

Farooq's eyes lingered on her hazel eyes as it never vacillated for a single moment. He admired every single feature of hers. To him, she had no physical flaw and nothing can make him change his mind.

Tightening the grip he had on her waist,his eyes moved to her lips then back to her orbs again.
"Standards on beauty are arbitrary. To step into reverence for your body, you must pardon yourself for all you have done and not done to care for it. You must bless what works and accept and embrace all you perceive to be wrong.

Don't waste so much time thinking about how much you weigh or appear to be. There is no more mind-numbing, boring, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the fun of living. Be strong enough to tell yourself that you're enough, be courageous enough to believe that you have no physical flaw and that you're perfect just the way you are.

You have to accept your body and face—because you are very alluring, ravishing, stunning —-you're really beautiful, Adila. And you don't need anyone to remind you of that, not even me."

He was this close to admitting that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever set eyes on. If someone as ravishing and gorgeous as Adila gets insecure about her face and body, then what the heck will other girls say?

He felt the way her heartbeat accelerated against his chest as he finished speaking. The way her eyes widened, flickered then diverted back to his. The way her face flushed with only God knows what.

He notices every single thing she does.

For the first time ever in her life, she believed it. She actually believed that she was beautiful and all those people complementing her weren't lying, they were being honest. It only took her hearing it directly from her spouse to be able to trust in it.

The feeling of self satisfaction consumed her.

She released his shoulder about to take a run as she usually does when she doesn't know what to do but he turned them over, now he was on top. She let out a gasp.

Suddenly, the pregnant clouds released it product as rain started dropping down on them. Their clothes were completely drenched and soaked. Slowly, their eyes glued to one another, he picked her up bridal style and sauntered back inside.


Adorned in a black Abaya gown and golden accessories with a sprinkle of makeup, Sabrina arrived at the reception of her husband's gigantic company. Boy was it huge. It was three times the size of hers.

She drew the attention of everyone in the room because of how feline and dangerously gorgeous she appeared to be despite dressing so casually.

That's Sabrina for you. Draws attention with powerful nature.

"I'm here to meet, Farooq Khaleed." She simply said not caring to introduce herself.

"You mean, Mr Farooq Khaleed?" The rude receptionist inquired chewing gum in an unpleasant manner.

"Well your ears work well, don't they?"

"Who are you?" The receptionist darted her eyes at her figure.

"Sabrina." Was all she said as she unlocked her phone moving straight to call log.


"It's really not your business."

"You can't move up if you don't provide vital information about yourself. A complete nobody wants to meet with Thee Boss. Please, leave before I call security."

Sabrina burst into fits of humourless laughter before she replaced it with a frown as she removed her shades making her eyes more visible.

At the sight of her eyes, the receptionist wanted to bury herself alive because of how terrifying and dangerous it seemed. "I'll find my way around then." If she stays there for another second then she's sure the receptionist would be taken out on a stretcher by the ambulance.

Ignoring the security guards and receptionist trailing behind her, that tried there best to stop her, she reached the floor where the CEO's Office was. Opposite it was the large conference room. By the looks of it, an important meeting was occurring at the moment.

"Excuse me, is Farooq Khaleed in there?" Sabrina asked man who seemed to be in his mid thirties. He wasn't that good looking neither was he that bad looking. He was mid.

He stretched his lips upwards seeing the beautiful lady in front of him. "The boss?"

She rolled her eyes throwing her head backwards before putting up a tight lipped smile. "Yes, him."

"He's in there, along with the board members and the the marketing managers. They are-"

She shut him up with her hands. "Yeah, thank you." With that, she walked up to the door of the conference room.

"Woman you can't go in there! Mr Khaleed will skin me alive! Just leave before things gets dirty. He will definitely fire me when he learns that I allowed a crazy woman in his premises." The receptionist fumed flipping her artificial hair backwards. It almost irritated Sabrina.

"Watch me." She twisted the handle and sauntered into the room.

All eyes of the twelve men present inside the room were attracted to her. They all stopped discussing their main agenda as she arrived.

Farooq's eyes almost bolted out of it socket as his eyes landed on his wife. What the hell was she doing here? Or better how did she manage to pass all those guards without being thrown out of the premises?

But again, he knows how mad she is. She can do the unthinkable after all.

Sabrina grinned widely before walking straight ahead and only stopped when she reached him. His eyes were narrowed at hers. She pulled his cheeks not so nicely, he was quick to deepen the glare as he stared at her with shock.

Maybe she's high on ginger ale. That must be it.

A gasp escaped everyone's mouth. Nobody had the courage to even stand five feet away from him but here she was dragging his cheeks. Who is this woman? And why is she still alive?

"I'm so sorry sir, I tried my best to stop this mad woman from entering here—"

"What did you say?" His voice went dead serious and hard.

"This mad woman—"

"Who's the mad woman?"

"Her sir, she barbarically—"

"You're addressing my wife, Mrs Khaleed, as a mad woman?" She almost fainted when he addressed Sabrina as his wife because never in her wildest imagination would she have ever guessed.

The board members knew he was married but they never had a glimpse of her gorgeous self. She was a true definitely the perfect match for their jerk of a boss. The both of them screamed fire combined.

"Yo-your w-wife sir?"

He ignored the receptionist and averted his gaze to Sabrina who had a large smirk on her face with her arms folded across her chest. "Did they lay a finger on you?"

She shook her head, "No but your employee there is really rude."

"Tiffany, your dismissal letter will be sent to you next week. Leave." He said with no emotion at all. It was as though he was so used to firing people when he felt like it that he felt no remorse at all.

"Didn't you hear him, Tiffany? Byee!" Sabrina waved her off as she ducked her head with embarrassment, exiting the room.

"Now, I'm sure you men haven't had breakfast..." She walked up to each and every single one of them,  shutting their MacBooks as she placed them at the center of the table.

They were all rooted to their spots as they analyzed what she was doing. "...I packed a special breakfast package for you all. Come on, off to the cafeteria." She shooed them but they didn't move an inch as their eyes were fixated on their boss who seemed speechless.

She noticed that, "Oh you're scared of him? Don't be, he doesn't bite. Go on, I promise you, your jobs are assured." She was talking off point but did she care? Definitely not. They only moved when he gave them a single nod.

Like scavengers, they all rushed out of the conference room as though they were suffering from famine.

"What do you think you're doing?" He threw the pen he held her way, but she dodged.

"Saving citizens from their wicked leader."

"You know you're crazy, don't you?"

"I know, I am. I'm also, Mrs Khaleed." She put her face directly at his, he almost lost it because he thought of doing something insane at that moment but he controlled himself.

He used his palm to push her petite face away.

"Why are you after my life?" He groaned out in frustration.

"Because your life is boring."

"And how is that my fault?"

"For starters, your tone and eyes scare people away."

He glared at her. "See that right there!" She pointed at his eyes.

"Why are you here?"

She sighed then rested back on one of the chairs. "I was bored so I decided to cook breakfast for some of your staff members. It's been long since I personally cooked as a sadaqah ." She smiled then started playing with her diamond ring.

He gave her a simple nod then continued working.

"Are we gonna just sit here and remain quiet?"

He paused what he was doing then averted his gaze towards her. "Why don't you tell me an interesting story or event that occurred and I'll pretend to listen to you."

She was about to speak when the door was opened.

A man clad in an Alexander Amosu Vanquish II suit. Each garment has nine 18-karat gold and diamond buttons that are hand-stitched with platinum and gold thread. It is one of the most expensive suits ever made and is made of two of the world's rarest materials, vicuna and qivuik, as well as buttons made of 18-karat gold and diamonds.

Sabrina could already tell how wealthy and dangerous the man was. She had already perceived it from afar.

He invited himself to sit directly opposite Farooq. Farooq kept a hard expression that screamed hostility as his jaw stiffened slightly.

"We both know we're not into fake formalities so let's get into business." The man crossed his leg across the other, with a smug look on his face.

"Am I supposed to leave?" Sabrina whispered lowly but the two heard loud and clear.

"Your choice." Farooq shrugged. She opted out on leaving as she sat back down adjusting her abaya.

"You must be Sabrina Adila Khaleed." The man's eyes eye raped her from head to toe despite her being covered. He admired the bundle of energy the lady carried with her. Her impulsiveness was another topic on its own.

"Yeah, so?" She raised a brow refusing to spare him a glance. She was on her favorite social media as usual going through new feeds.

"Feisty! I..."

"Harith!" Farooq spoke for the first time as he started feeling uncomfortable with the way he was staring at his wife. He knows the guy too much to be trusted.

"Moving on, I gave your contractors a deadline but they were unable to pay heed to my words. So my daddy's land has been bought."

Keeping the pen he held,he intertwined his fingers. "By who?"

"I bought it. It's all mine." Harith smirked using a hand to push his hair backwards.

With an uninterestedly bored expression, Farooq laid back on his chair. "Is that what you came to tell me?" The man was obviously boring him and he really wasn't interested in seeing his face.

"It's more like a—-I won and you lost—kind of thing. You're used to it by now, aren't you?" Harith chuckled as he rose up to his feet,adjusting his suit.

"I guess I am. You may take your leave."

That being said, he walked out of the room not before winking at Sabrina who was suddenly taken aback. "Did Farooq Khaleed just accept defeat?"

"Have you eaten?" He deviated from the question being brought forth.

"Yes, but who's he? And why did it seem like you hate each other's guts?"

"My supposed competitor. He's been competing with me for years now but I really don't give a flying shit because everyone knows that I don't lose."

"But you just did." She pointed out.

He stood up abruptly, fixing his designer wristwatch. "Your Jaguar's key? She was completely lost but reluctantly tossed the keys towards him.

"Where are you going to and why are you using my Jaguar?"

He didn't answer her. He just shut his MacBook and shut the curtains in the conference room then stood few feet away from the door. "Are you coming or not?" Clumsily, she picked up her purse and followed suit.


They arrived at Maitama within thirty minutes as the location they were heading to was a bit far. Their journey came to an end as they arrived at a new estate sight. It resembled that particular one back in Kaduna but this one seemed more beautiful.

He unlocked the door as they step out of the car, she quietly followed him.

"Did you put what I had asked you to?" He asked a northern man who was dressed in a black shirt and white trousers.

The man gave him a nod and walked away.

"What are we doing here?"

"You said I lost, didn't you?"

"Well you technically did. Now tell me what the heck we're doing here."

As they furthered their struts on the large piece of land, she began to perceive the odor of kerosene. Her nose was that sensitive. "Can you smell that?" She scrunched her nose.

He simply slipped his hands into his pockets then nodded. "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies."

"Are you suddenly a poet or what?"

"Do you know how much this land costs?" She shook her head negatively.

"Exactly twenty million and dollars."

"You're kidding." Her eyes went wide as saucers.

"Do I ever kid with you?" He raised a brow that was when she observed how serious he was.

He held her hands in his then sauntered back to the beginning of the gracious piece of land.

"Farooq Khaleed, doesn't lose." He brought out a lighter from his pocket and lit it.

"Are you going to do what I think you're planning on doing?" She smirked then tighten their hands together. She loved playing with fire. Real one and the mental one. It set her heart on fire which she adores so much.

"Mind joining me?" He gave her another lighter as they both held one each in their hands.

"If you can't have it, nobody can." She didn't realise she said her thought out loud till it slipped out.

"You're not that dumb after all. Ready?" He questioned then she nodded. In five seconds, they threw the lighter on the land as it suddenly set on fire. Every bit of it was burning down into ashes. Destruction after destruction.

"Play by the rules, but be ferocious." He loved the fact that she was there with him. He'd always wanted to do this with someone, he never thought the person would be the Dragon herself.

"I'm the Dragon aren't I?"

"You are Adila, you surely are."

They walked out of the premises hand in hand as they wrecked havoc on the expensive property without feeling an ounce of remorse. As Aliza would always say to her, Be in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. And she did.

Though this was a special case of arson, it did set her soul on fire.



YOO GEES! What's happening? How are we doing?

Feed me in on your comments on the chapter! How was the chapter? What was your favorite part?

Why are Farooq and Sabrina getting along?

Well whatever the reason may be, I love it.

They should continue committing arson because I really enjoy it. Omo but if you go and do it with your bf don't say it's Zira that advised you oh😭😭💀

Lots of love guys.


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