By xmsiexx

181K 4.4K 396

Lydia Amora, a popular girl at school getting the attention of everyone. She's smart, she knows what she is d... More

Character Information
Bonus Chapter
Christmas (An Extra Bonus Chapter)


4.4K 106 8
By xmsiexx

Lydia's POV


I am downstairs making breakfast with my father, it's 6:30 am, Rea is still asleep upstairs and I didn't want to wake her, she will be up soon though, she wakes up around 7 am anyway.

"I told her how I felt." I tell my father as I think about what we could all have to eat and he looked at me, "We kissed."

"So what is happening?" He asked and I shrug.

"Well I doubt we are friends, there's something more for sure." I answer and he nods with a smile, "How about bacon, eggs, toast and waffles?"

"That sounds good" He agreed and I gave a thumbs up as I walk over to the fridge to get everything, "How about you go upstairs, I can do breakfast for us all."

It wasn't a question, he was telling me to go upstairs and I look at him.

"Lydia, you want to see her, you don't want to be down here cooking, go see her. I'll have breakfast ready in a few hours." He sighed and I smile and he smiles back before I head up the stairs quietly.

I walk over to my door with her hoodie on, I quietly open up the door and she's still fast asleep so I walk over to the bed and climb inside.

She reaches out for me and I allow her to pull me in, she rests her head on my shoulder as I close my eyes and pull the duvet up to her shoulders.

Rea was asleep for the next 45 minutes. I am not complaining because having her here in my arms is more than I could ask for, so seeing her groan and slowly wake up, I smile.

Her hair was a little messy but I found it cute, her eyes slowly opened and she yawns.

"I'm going back to sleep." She mumbled and I hummed and she did as she said.

And she slept for another hour and I fell asleep also.

"Wake uppp, food is readyyyy!" Rea woke me and I sigh and cover my face with a pillow, "Don't do that, I want to see you."

"Nooo, leave me alone." I laugh and she laughs as she pulled the pillow away from my face before getting the brush and brushing my hair.

"You are beautiful." She whispered as she smiled and looked at me, "But beautiful people need to eat too."

She smiled and hugged me before picking me up and carrying me off the bed. I stand up and roll my eyes at her causing her to laugh at me. We head downstairs and there was the bacon, eggs and waffles set out on the table and the smell it me immediately causing me to smile.

I sit down at the table and Rea sat beside me, greeting my father and commenting on his food and he smiled. He really likes this one.

"How was your sleep?" My father asks Rea and she smiled.

"It was great thank you, how was yours?" She asks and wow she's such a lady.

"Mine was good thank you, Lydia?" He looked over to me and I look up.

"Mine was great also." I smiled and he smiled back at me before we sat our breakfast.

I finish eating, emptying the leftovers into the bin before going to the living room where I sit down and get a blanket, wrapping it around my body. The houses is cold and the fire is switched on so warmth can fill the house but it hasn't been on long enough.

"Is everything okay?" Rea questioned from behind the sofa and I nod, "That's good, thank you for breakfast."

"You're our guest, of course. You are welcome in this home at anytime." I look at her and she smiled, "Would you like to go on a morning walk?"

"I would love to." She answered and I climb off the sofa and we head upstairs.

The two of us enter my room and I walk over to my wardrobe and she goes into her bag.

"You can have some of my clothes if you would like?" I offer and she looks over at me, "What's mine is yours, take anything."

Her smile which spreads across her face caused my stomach to swarm with butterflies and I quickly look away as I get a dark blue hoodie which my grandmother made me, a pair of black wrapped jeans, a thick grey coat and a pair of trainers.

"Pick anything" I smiled and she hummed and picked out some clothes, a hoodie with some jeans and trainers also.

She takes me in by the waist and I laugh as she pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around me.

"I need to get changed." I whisper and she hummed as she kisses my cheek and then my forehead, "Rea, let me go."

"Hmm, we do need to get changed. Alright then." She sighs and I smile and she takes the clothes and heads into the bathroom.

I take my time getting changed, I look at myself in the mirror as I get changed, I am not sure why but I just found myself doing so.

Once I was ready, I get the brush from the drawers and brush my hair so it wouldn't be a mess, I also spray it so it wouldn't go frizz, its a shame that's what happens when it's cold.

After 5 minutes, the bathroom door open as and she is just fixing her hair and laughs randomly. I go inside to brush my teeth and she leaves to give me privacy. I do my business in here and then leave and she is on her phone sitting on my bed.

"Shall we get going then?" I ask and she stands up and nods while putting her phone away.

We head downstairs, I tell my father where we are going and he just tells us to be safe and home by lunch, then we leave the house.

Outside is freezing, it causes me to shudder as we take a route into my favourite forest. My hand brushes against hers and our fingers intertwine and she pulled me closer to her with a small laugh.

"Have you made any paintings yet?" Rea questions and I nod and she looks at me.

"It isn't much I guess, but I did it yesterday before the funeral. It made me happier and cheered me up even for half an hour." I look back at her as we walk through the trees and she was smiling.

"That's good, how are you feeling right now?" She asked me and there was a few moments of silence between us both.

"Better than I was before." I say and she nods as we turn and there was a fallen tree which has been there for years. I take her over to the tree and sit down, she sits beside me and I look at her and she looked back at me.

"You look beautiful." I whisper and her cheeks turn dark and she smiled widely before hooking her fingers beneath my chin and pulled my face closer to hers as the distance between us soon disappeared.

Our lips moved against each others slowly, she kisses me slowly, the moment could last a lifetime and I love it. My tongue runs over her bottom lip and she smiled and parted and my tongue slides into her mouth. She pulls me closer, our bodies pressed against each other, my tongue swirls around with her own.

Her hand moved to my neck, her thumb caressing my cheek as our tongues dance with each others and my face heats up. Her tongue is wet and she pulls me impossibly close to her.

My stomach is filled with butterflies which fly around and my heart is pounding in my chest. Unfortunately, breathing starts to become a problem so we pull away from each other. Her chest rises and falls and mine did the same. I watch her eyes flutter open, the familiar brown colour looking back into mine.

"Woah." She giggles as she looks at me, "You are an amazing kisser, has anyone ever told you?" My face turns bright red and she laughs and I hide my face in the crook of her neck. Her fingers run through my hair and curled strands around her finger causing me to smile against her skin.

We stay like this for a few more minutes until we both caught our breaths and then stood up and she takes my hand in hers and rests her head on my shoulder.

"You know when you said that when love comes to you, you will protect it with everything you have?" I question and she hums as we walk down the path, "Are you going to protect it really?"

"Lydia Amora, if you think that I was lying to you when I said that, you are incorrect. I am going to protect you with everything I have, you are my first choice for everything and anything. If someone talks shit about you, I will sort that out, if someone hurts you then that's on me for not protecting you. But I promise you that no matter what happens, I will always be here to protect you and keep you safe." She looked at me as she spoke and her grip on my hand tightened in a comforting way.

"Now you mean the world to me, and that will never ever change." She smiled and I smile at her before she kissed me. She kissed me softly, she made it short but it made me happy, it made me know that she isn't going to leave. And that I am the one she wants.

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