Mend My Heart

By deetronite

314K 24.5K 2.4K

One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
New Book Alert.


7.8K 522 69
By deetronite

Maya’s P.O.V

“When you said we’d be coming to the States for a vacation, I had no idea this is what you had up your sleeve,” I mumbled, completely disgruntled by the current situation.  It hadn’t been long since I’d begun the somewhat long drive to the last place on earth I’d rather go to. My parents’ house.

Theodore chuckled and placed his warm and calloused hand my thigh and rubbed circles on it. “If I had told you that this is the first task on my list, would you have agreed to come at all?” he asked in amusement, and I sealed my lips shut. Probably not. I’d have opted to have gone elsewhere then. “Relax, Maya. I just want to get to know them, since I’m very serious about you. And I need them to know that I’m in your life to stay,” he then added with a grin, and I found my heart fluttering at her sweet words. No matter how much I’d tried to get used to this for the past two years, I just couldn’t get over the fact that this man was deeply in love with me and I loved him just as much.

I never regretted the day I literally dropped everything for the chance just to be with Theodore, or my boss man like I like to call him. Our relationship started over slow, with us trying to fit each other in into our busy schedules. It wasn’t long after I’d moved to the UK that I began my pursuit in achieving a BBA degree, which I attained in only a year. After that, I applied for a job at various companies, landed on at a marketing firm and got bumped up to a manager in under six months. It was crazy!

The support I received from the twins, Ms. Duke and Theodore, of course, it what kept me going. They always gave me the motivation to be a go-getter. Eventually, Theodore asked me to move in with him and I agreed. I remember the day like the back of my hand; Aiden was probably the most excited. Although I had a lot on my plate, I made time to for the kids and often went to the local park, amusement parks and movies during the weekends. They were now both seven, and we had left them at the beach house with Ms. Duke whilst Theodore dragged me off to meet my parents.

I mean, it was only reasonable that they meet but I was dying of nervousness. How could I now? I wasn’t worried about my dad; we were cool now but my mother on the other hand; that woman is so damn unpredictable. I knew that she thought of me as a golddigger for being with the love of my life, and at this point, her antics were just getting old. I was hoping to heaven that she wouldn’t sabotage this otherwise I’d be forced to give her a piece of my mind.

I sighed out loud and switched lanes. Theodore thought that it would better I drive there instead of him but I knew he was just trying to distract me by using his very sleek and expensive Bugatti. And I didn’t mind driving it, and to an extent it was helping with easing my stress. “We can turn back if you want. It’s not too late.”

I shrugged and made a right turn at an intersection. “It’s too late for that. Let’s just get this over with so we can go back home and get this vacation actually started. And you’re cooking tonight,” I said in a calm voice, giving him a long sideways glance.

As usual, he didn’t complain and smiled. He had become so patient and understanding over the years that at times, I didn’t recognise him. I remember when Meredith had tried to pick a fight with me, and he dissolved the issue before it could escalate. She had resigned not too long after that, saying she couldn’t work in such ‘unfavourable conditions’. Nobody stopped her, and that was the last time we heard from her. Ann and Matt were relieved to not have her hovering over them like a helicopter and the atmosphere at the house shifted instantaneously. 

A few minutes later I parked the car on the short driveway of my parents’ house. I unbuckled my belt and exited the car, exhaling out loud and looked up at the gargantuan white house I used to call home. Theodore came in front of me and cupped my face, effectively blocking my view of the house. “Everything is going to be alright, okay my love? I’m right here, and I always will be,” he voiced gently and I nodded my head. He placed a light kiss on my lips, grabbed my hand and together we began to walk towards the steps leading to the front door.

I hesitantly rang the door bell and waited. Suddenly, I felt like the jump suit I was wearing was too tight, or the bust was too revealing. Shit, aren’t my heels too high as well? Shouldn’t I have put on a bit more make up? “Dammit, Maya. I know that look, stop overthinking. You look absolutely fine,” Theodore chuckled and I turned to him with a wary look on my face.

“Are you sure?” I asked timidly. I didn’t want them to think I was trying to show off or anything. Maybe I should have worn a dress instead…

He slid his hand across the small of back. “Positive.” Just as he said those words, the front door opened to reveal my father with an apron over his casual clothes. A look of surprise washed over his slightly wrinkled face.

“Kathrine!” he beamed and moved forward to engulf me in a hug, which I easily reciprocated.

“Hi dad,” I replied just as joyfully, taking in the aroma of grilled meat that was wafting out of the house and off of his clothing. “Hope we aren’t interrupting anything.”

He smiled. “Of course not, darling. It’s a Saturday and your mother and I are having a barbecue just the two of us. You should have told me you were stopping by; I would have bought more food!” he exclaimed, his eyes brimming with glee.

I stepped back and then once again held Theodore’s hand. “Dad, this is Theodore and Theodore this is my dad,” I introduced the both of them. Theodore held his hand out to my dad, who by passed it and went in for a hug instead. He stiffened at the unforeseen gesture but ended up patting my dad’s back awkwardly. I wanted to laugh at his rigid posture; it was cute how weirded out he was.

“And so, I finally meet the man who had stolen my daughter’s heart!” he cajoled after he released Theodore.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Knight,” Theodore said formally, and my dad chuckled.

He squeezed his shoulder. “Nonsense, call me Maddox, son. Why don’t you two come in and make yourselves at home.” With that, we walked further into the foyer, which hit me with a strong sense of nostalgia. My entire childhood flashed before my eyes as I drank in the familiar surrounding and photos, that it made my chest constrict painfully.

My father and Theodore began to chat as we made our way towards the spacious backyard patio, where I saw my mother sitting by the poolside, sipping on a glass of sauvignon Blanc, her small spectacles perched on her nose as she skimmed over a document in her hand. “Gina, look who decided to visit,” my dad said and then she looked up. I froze in my tracks as her golden-brown eyes met mine. She hadn’t changed much since the last time I saw her almost five years ago…same stress lines on her forehead from winning so many court cases and same poker face.

“Ah, the prodigal child returns,” she sniffed arrogantly, placing her wine glass down. I gnashed my teeth at her cruel comment and my hand balled involuntarily at my side. I had half the mind to turn back now and just run away, but I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t stoop to that level because that was what she wanted.

She stood up and smoothed out her designer floral print sundress before sauntering over to where we were standing. She smirked at me before her eyes landed on Theodore. “And who might this be? The multi-millionaire boyfriend from England?” she mocked with a sinister grin and I almost lunged at her, but Theodore stopped me from doing so as he held me by the waist.

“Relax,” he whispered soothingly in my ear. 

My father clicked his tongue at my mother. “Gina, you should be ashamed of yourself right now. Is it so hard for you to put your damn ego aside and be civil with your daughter?” He demanded in minimised fury, but my mother simply scoffed at this. 

I smiled tightly at her. “You know what dad, it’s fine. I didn’t really expect a warm welcome from the infamous and cold-hearted defence attorney, Gina Knight,” I retorted smugly, and her stupid smirk fell of her face.

“How dare you speak to your mother like that, you insolent child!” she roared sharply, a huge contrast from her feigned composure in the court room. If people really knew just how short tempered and irrational she really was, they wouldn’t want to be associated with her. Some things just never change.

I laughed out loud bitterly and perched my hand on my hip then tilted my head. “Oh, please. You disowned me so technically, you’re not my mother anymore. And yes, this is my multimillionaire boyfriend from England, Theodore Duke. We’ve been together for almost three years, not that it’s any of your business. We stopped by to make some introductions but it seems I’m going to have to cut things short since you seem not to want us here,” I trailed off in a bored tone

My father sighed and then shook his head in dismay. He smiled apologetically at Theodore. “I’m very sorry you had to witness this, son. As you can see here, we’re dealing with two very similar and stubborn women,” he commented in a sad albeit playful tone. 

My mother began to clap her hands sarcastically. “Well done, Theodore on getting yourself entangled with this one. She is bound to drag you down with her sooner than you think. If I were you, I’d back out now before it’s too late,” she warned him and Theodore’s eyes darkened at her unemotional words. 

“Mrs Knight, now that I’ve seen your true colours, I can now understand why Maya did not want to come here at all. I actually had to convince her to introduce me to you, but I guess things didn’t go the way I would have hoped. And just so you know, your daughter is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Do you know that in a short time she has gotten a degree and become a marketing manager back in London? I’ve watched her win the hearts of my children, my mother and a lot more people. Do you know why that is? Because she’s a pure hearted person, and it’s easy to love her. She makes me want to be a better man every day just so that I can deserve her. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to imagine why she wanted to be with me in the first place, and now that I have her…I won’t ever let her go. I want her to be with me for the rest of my life,” he admitted truthfully, making tears spring to my eyes. Butterflies invaded my tummy, and I felt like kissing the life out of him.

He then turned to me and reached his hand into his jeans pocket where he brought out a small box. “Maya, I know that you said you’d want us to take things slow but I’ve never been surer about you…about us. You’re the only woman I will ever want to be with and I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now; will you marry me?” he asked with all sincerity after going down on one knee.

I just stood there with my hand over my mouth, the tears finally escaping my eyes. “Dammit, where is my cell phone, this is something I should be recording?” my dad shrieked unceremoniously and began to fumble in his pocket for it.

I looked at Theodore through tear blurred vision. He looked nervous at my lack of a response. “It seems she’s too stunned to speak,” my mother huffed in annoyance. I ignored her of course, and focused on the wonderful who was awaiting my response.

I nodded my head vehemently. Lord knows how long I’d been waiting for this day, and now it was finally here! He is the love of my life and I would say yes to him a thousand times over if necessary. “Yes, I’ll marry you!” I whisper-sobbed. A megawatt grin slithered onto his impeccable lips and he stood up. He took my left hand in his and deftly slipped the sapphire ring onto my special finger.

I threw my arms around his neck and latched my lips onto his, to which is responded fervently. I was still crying of course, but it was because that’s how happy I was. It felt good to be in his arms right now, but for a totally different reason; we were going to be united as one. My heart is going to burst any second now. 

“Congratulations you two! I’m very happy for you both and wish you nothing but best! I can’t believe my little girl is getting married!” my dad yelled loudly in joy, earning a glare from my mother.

I then wrapped my arms around Theodore’s torso and laid my head on his chest, hearing his raging heartbeat. “I love you so much,” he whispered and then kissed my temple. 

“I love you too, boss man,” I smiled and breathed in his intoxicating scent. This is the only place I’d ever want to be.

This is certainly the best day of my life.


As promised, here is the Epilogue.

The wait wasn't too long since I was dying to upload this!

So, what did you think?

Cute, isn't it?

I wonder if this will be the last time we see Maya and Theodore? Do you want to see more of them?

It's been hella fun guys. Don't miss me too much ❤️🤭🥺.


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