Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)

بواسطة Lolowlfish

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Y/n has newly moved into town (protagonist has entered the chat everybody) but this place doesn't seem to be... المزيد

Settling In
Hell on Earth
Mission Impossible
The Plan
The Game
Two teens at a cheap cafe
Authors note
"Zero Redeemable Qualities"
The Cult (pt 1)
The Cult (pt 2)
"Intermission! Mill about!"
Evening Get Together
What the fuck
The Sound of the Police
The Woods
The dance?(pt 1)(third times a charm)
The Dance? (pt 2)
Chapter 20!! Whooo!!
Purple Fish Dancing
The Cult (pt 3)
The Cult (pt 4)
Flee the Facility
Roy's House😏
I like to read
Maybe you aren't as bad as you were before.
Quick Heist
Chapter 30! Whooo!
W-what's today??
Safe Space
Slumber Party Trope but it probably wont be fun
What should I name this chapter? IDK I'm just the author
I'm Crying
To the resistance!!
Search and Rescue, bitches!
Cool it, Roy.
Chapter 40... Um.. alright...
Clean Up.
Did you think the story was over soon?
I don't appreciate my current emotions...
Helping Roy! (And totally not an excuse to draw him in a bunch of outfits)
The Graveyard
Untitled Part 47
Wake up Roy! We have to hide the body! There are no kids to bully in jail!
I can't believe you just read 50 chapters of this lol
Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?
Gay People.
55 is the loneliest number
My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.
Raising a Rose
A little break
Chapter 60. How the hell???
Another weirdly unexplained time paradox.
The End of an Era
Thank You (A/n)
Hoyl Carp!

What? No Welcome Committee?

239 1 8
بواسطة Lolowlfish

Y/n's POV (Warning: Fighting and violence)

Monday September 5th
RIIIIIING!! I hit snooze on my alarm clock. First day back at school, let's do this. I get up and put on a hoodie and leggings. (can be any color) When I get downstairs I realize that mom has already gone to work and taken Skylar to school. It looks like I will be walking. After eating a bowl of cereal, I grab my backpack and start my walk to school. 

I got to school early so I decided to sit at the picnic table and wait for school to start. I pull one of my T R I N K E T S out of my backpack and start fiddling with it to keep myself busy. My mind wanders to all the places that I can explore in this new town after school today. I remember seeing a candy store on my walk to school. Maybe I will check out their candies later. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the group of boys approaching me. 
A hand hit the table in front of me, startling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see who almost gave me a heart attack. The one who hit the table was leaning forward to inspect me and had a VERY judgmental look on his face. He had fluffy auburn hair and was wearing a baseball cap. There were two other boys with him. One had black hair and a grey beanie and the other had blonde hair and a backwards baseball cap. 
"Umm.. Hi?" I said. 
"Are you new here or something?" Asked the brown haired boy with a smirk.
"Yeah. I am actually." I said in confusion. This was a weird way to greet the new student.
The brown haired boy got off the table to stand between the other two.
"Well then we'd better introduce ourselves. We're the Hatzgang. We basically run this school and you'd better get used to being on OUR turf." 
This dude is giving himself a lot of credit. What is his problem?
"OOooOOoo!! What's this?" He said. Before I could react he snatched my T R I N K E T off the table to inspect it. 
"Hey! Give that back!" I yelled. I tried to grab it back but the boy was too quick and moved it out of my reach. I fell over the table and hit my face on the bench. 
"What is this thing?" The boy said, inspecting my T R I N K E T closer. I reached for it again but the black haired boy grabbed my arm and held it against the table so that I couldn't move. 
Ugh. This sucked. School hasn't even started yet and I am already getting picked on. 
"Is it some kind of weird fidget toy or something?" Said the boy holding my T R I N K E T. He turned around to face me but was still looking at my T R I N K E T. 
"No. It's one of my T R I N K E T S. I collect them." I said as I struggled against the hold my arm was in. Jeez, this kid was stronger than he looked. 
"Hmmmm.. So is this thing, like, one of a kind or something?" Asked the brown haired boy.
"Um.. yeah. I haven't seen any others like it." I figure answering his questions will get me out of this situation sooner. He seems to be the leader of this group. What did he call it? The Hatzgang? What a stupid name. They couldn't come up with anything better?
"Hmmmm.. Interesting." He said in a sly tone. Upon receiving this information he promptly dropped my T R I N K E T on the ground, breaking it. 
"Whoops!" He said. 
"Hey! What gives! That thing was important to me! What is your problem!" I yelled at him.
"Just giving you a quick taste of what could happen to you if you decided to mess with us." He said smugly. What the hell? He is the one messing with me! What is he talking about?
"Hmmm.. While I am quite enjoying this, we need to get to class soon. Let them go Ross." The black haired boy let me go and the group started to walk away. Oh no. They are NOT getting let off that easily. You don't just get to break one of my T R I N K E T S and get away with it. As some T.V. guy once said: "If somebody fucks your fun, set their fun on fire." 
"Hey wait!" I called to them as I quickly approached them. They had just enough time to turn around before I kicked the brown haired boy in the chest, knocking him to the ground. 
"That is for breaking my thing." I said. "I was taught to never let short assholes like you mess with me or ruin my day."
The other boys looked like they were about to grab me but the brown haired boy held his hand up and they stopped. He stood up, looked me straight in the eyes, and without a word, punched me in the gut, knocking me to the ground. Jeez this guy was stronger than he looked. He crossed his arms and the other two snickered. I think he expected me to stay down because I was able to stand up and punch him in the chest. He didn't fall over this time but he did look winded, like I had knocked the air out of him. He glared at me and leapt at me, knocking me over again. I fought him off and pushed him to the ground. Shit! I can't get into a physical fight on my first day of school! I don't even know how to fight that much! He got up and pounced at me again but this time I was able to grab his wrists and hold him back. Though I didn't know how much longer I could do it. For a shortie like him he is surprisingly strong. I kicked him in the chest again to push him back. He made a gesture similar to finger guns and suddenly both of my arms were being held by the other two boys. I tried to fight them off but I couldn't fight off both of them. 
"Hold 'em down." Said Roy in a serious tone. A stark contrast from the cocky smugness that he put on before. He pulled a thick marker out of his pocket. I didn't recognize the brand. It didn't have any writing on it. 
"Gimmee their arm!" He yelled at the blonde boy. He dropped my arm and Roy grabbed it before I could use it. He pushed my sleeve up, revealing the top of my forearm. He wrote something on my arm. It burned for a second and then stopped.
"Remember this the next time you try to pull something like that." I was suddenly dropped to the ground and I winced at the bruises that were definitely forming on my body. I held my  arm tight as they walked away. The blond haired boy looked back at me and I could have sworn he looked apologetic. He quickly turned away to catch up with the other group members. I checked my arm to see what he wrote. One word. Or name I should say. 3 letters written smoothly in decent handwriting.
That arrogant asshole.

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